Alexander   Virginia, United States
always trust no one, except for the guy telling you not to trust others
you can trust that guy because he's telling you
two paths unfold before your eyes, roll for wisdom

i diagnose you with pluto brain (inverse of galaxy brain!!)
i played highlander in five regions at once, beware.
fortune to those whom dare

[6:10 AM]
yeah that sounds confusing as ♥♥♥♥

Imagine some d&d esque quest and there's just a moderately threatening place known as
"The point of some return"
Do you dare?
Nobody knows what lies beyond it
Some things enter, some things leave and become.... european.....

other things vaguely about myself
top 0.001% owl city listener of 2020
top 0.05% owl city listener of 2021
i'm cursed to only be able to speak and type in monotone essays

this one is an unfinished giga doc on regional highlander differences, might touch up or resume sometime, lost interest in maintaining it as a whole and it's more of a time capsule for myself. note that metagames and my thoughts have changed especialy in aus and na, that being said I still strongly stand by my distaste for the social side of na.
Currently Offline
If you are looking below this point, you failed the wisdom save.
Artwork Showcase
Artwork Showcase
the morbillion dollar log
5 2
i kinda play comp again sometimes, will update periodically probs
4.14/3200, 3.1 cm (1.2 in)/360 on every class.


S19 Iron: Masochistic Meetup, Spy/Leader, 4-4
S20 Steel: Its Hip to be Square, Sub, 4-4
S21 Steel: Pythagorean Meetup, Spy/Leader, 4-4
S22 Steel: PANomonium, Spy, 3-5
S29: Home Depot eSports, Multiclass, 5-5

S1 Amateur: Sifety, Spy/Leader, 9-1 Second Place
S3 Advanced: Home Depot eSports, Pyro, 2-5
S4 Advanced: 1 Korean 9 Keyboards, Pyro/Coleader, 7-3 Third Place
S5 Advanced: Night Crew, Pyro, 3-6
S7 Advanced: Home Depot eSports, Pyro, 4-4
S8 Challenger: Desperado Crush Mambo Combo, Soldier/Coleader, 8-4; second place
S11 Invite: Two Pastas and a Side Salad, Soldier, 0-7
S12 Advanced: China National TF2 Team, Pyro/Soldier, 3-4
S13 Advanced- China National TF2 Team, Soldier, 3-4
S17 Main- Mr. Warabi Corporation, Spy Weeks 1-3/Soldier rest of the season, 8-7; first place
S18 Advanced- Mr. Warabi Corporation, Soldier, 4-5, fourth place

I honestly forget but I played for Home Depot EU iterations on Pyro and Spy for a bit whenever that was a thing (sometime between s17-s21 I think?)
ETF2L S23 Div 3: Magnificent Bastards, Heavy, 6-4
ETF2L S24 Mid: Europe All Stars, Soldier, 5-5
UGC S34: Platinum, Middies in Paris vol 2, Soldier, 3-4
ETF2L S25 Mid: Nameless Team, Soldier, 3-3, team died week 4.
UGC S36: Silver: Div? Soldier/Pyro/Demo/Spy depending on the week, 10-0 first place.
UGC S37: Platinum: Div? Soldier, 2-6

South America
LBTF S6 Principal: Barebones, Heavy/Demo, 2-5

RSL S8 Prem: Always salt your pasta while boiling it, Heavy, 0-7
RSL S9 Prem: Pool Water Drinkers, Soldier, 2-8
RSL S10 Prem: League of Legumes, Heavy, 2-8
RSL S11 Preseason: Prem demo for Fellowship of the ping
OzFortress Season 2 Main: Pyro/spy for GO TO JAIL, 9-7; third place

UGC S33 Platinum: Meow.BLACK, Soldier, 2-8

Misc Highlander
RGL Region Wars Div 2: Team Deep South, Spy, 4-1 Second Place
RGL Exp Cup #1 Div 3: Twenty-One Cent Communications, Spy, 2-1 Second Place
RGL Exp Cup #2 Advanced: Markers and the E-Boys, Pyro, 1-2
RGL Exp Cup #3 Advanced-2: Rareform, Soldier, 3-1 Second Place
RGL Exp Cup #4 Invite-2: Goose Lagoon, 2-1 Second Place
RGL Exp Cup #5- Advanced 1: I Have Hired This Bird, 0-6


S5 Amateur: New (a)woo Order, Spy, 7-0 First Place
S6 Main: *Dabs on HL Mains*, Demo, 1-4
S7 Advanced: Blackjack and Hookers White, Flex, 5-2 Second Place
S8 Advanced: Purple Air Pods +1, Soldier/Flex, 3-4
S9 Div 1: The Senate, Soldier/Flex; 3-4
S4 EU Invite: Lure Intelligence Time, Flex, 0-7

Prolander Cups
One Day Cup #3 Div 4: Lob Laws Slob Lobs, 4-1 First Place
One Day Cup #4 Div 2: Sigafoo's Saiyans, 1-3
One Day Cup #5 Div 1: Cliffside PL, 5-0 First Place
One Day Cup #6 Div 1: Cliffside PL, 2-3
Eu One Day Cup #2 Div 2: Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweek, 1-3


Localhost Philedalphia Open- Top Ramen eSports, Pocket soldier while dressed in a Riddler Suit, 2-5 |16th place

S28 Steel:, Roamer, 3-5
S29 Silver: Blink 182, Roamer, 2-6
S30 Steel: J4MMERS R3BORN, Roamer, 4-4

S31 Open: w3rldw1de rUn d0wn, Roamer, 7-9

S1 Intermediate: The Enemies Lack Lemons, Roamer, 5-11
S2 Intermediate: Purple Air Pods, Roamer, 14-5 Third Place
S3 Main: Has Anyone Seen Naknak?, Roamer, 9-8

S1 Main: Kegateam, Flex, 2-3
S2 Main: Eat Sleep Fortnite Repeateded, Flex, 11-3 Third Place
Cup #1 Div 1: Team Europe, Flex, 2-4, ( Funny pyro vs froyo [])


S15 Steel: Spymid, Soldier, 6-3
S16 Silver: Fellas 2.0, Soldier, 5-3
S19 Silver: Bald KSI, Soldier, 6-5

Misc Stuff

Knightcomp, I forget the details
Ready Steady Pan S5, Playoffs ( Almost 100 kills [])
The two RGL fresh meat prolander cups, I forget the details
2007 7s: Auto-Alien, Flex/Leader, 4-0 First Place
Pass Time Federation- EU High: Gentlemercs Union, Pyro/Flex, 2-1
other things i've forgotten
GTO day of defeat source team, rocket main for one tournament
Recent Activity
31 hrs on record
last played on Mar 3
12.3 hrs on record
last played on Mar 2
11,143 hrs on record
last played on Feb 21
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+ rep silly little guy
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i love bliztank!!
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Hi, yeah I'm doing better now but just haven't had the motivation to create content recently. I plan on resuming content at some point in the future. I appreciate you asking