Keep It Organic!


Commenting is welcome, it's not a taboo any more.

I was scrolling through my Instagram page today and came across an influencer discussing Muslim women’s rights. Naturally, this topic tends to trigger not just male misogynists but also women who hold deeply ingrained patriarchal mindsets. And, unsurprisingly, the comments section was buzzing with activity. It was almost like a full-blown argument going on, and interestingly, the influencer herself was replying to many of the comments.

Now, whether or not you agree with the opinions, that is real engagement. It was raw, unfiltered, and a little chaotic—but genuine. People were invested in the conversation. In fact, the influencer even pointed out to one nasty commenter that by interacting with her post repeatedly, they were actually boosting the algorithm in her favor, and she welcomed them to keep coming back (although she, the influencer, probably didn’t want that person to keep tainting her discussions about rights). I mean, she was being a bit aggressive in her content—I didn’t agree with everything she said. But that’s what engagement looks like—whether it’s civil or ugly, it’s real.

I asked ChatGPT about this trend and why people like to comment this much:

The shift towards comments reflects a more open and inclusive approach to communication. It suggests that expressing opinions, providing feedback, or engaging in discussions is no longer seen as a taboo but rather as an opportunity for growth and exchange of ideas. When commenting is encouraged, it fosters dialogue, understanding, and collaboration, allowing diverse perspectives to be shared in a respectful and constructive manner. It's a positive step toward breaking down barriers and embracing a culture of openness.

Okay, it doesn’t know much! It always has to stay positive about everything. Lol.

So, am I in favor or against commenting? Well, neither—if it's forced. It should come from a genuine desire to comment. I’m explicitly against long comments that are only written to catch the eye of curators. Although, I admit, when curating, I'm sometimes tempted to upvote those with longer content. But honestly, two lines can be enough if you get straight to the point.

Of course, sometimes you need to explain, and the comment naturally becomes longer, especially when developers are discussing their ideas. These discussions are golden by the way—you won’t find insights like these anywhere else on the internet. I often feel uneasy thinking about how much valuable information gets lost and can't be Googled or surfaced, as @o1eh mentioned in one of his posts.

Anyway, if I write a piece of art, there's no need to dissect everything just for the sake of leaving a lengthy comment. A few heartfelt words can be more impactful. You’ve got to learn this art from @weisser-rabe. She hits the bullseye with her short, crisp comments almost every single time!

So, what's the suggestion in all of this? Keep the engagement authentic! As one of my very good friends and mentors, @event-horizon, implied in one of her comments: keep it organic!

There are several Steemians whom I admire for their style of engagement. Whether lengthy or concise, short or elaborate, they know how to keep the interaction genuine.

P.S. This post is not directed at any specific individual or group. It’s simply my two cents in the growing conversation about the importance of commenting awareness. Do you have something to add to this?

I used a translator for this post. I originally wrote it in a mix of English and Urdu and then translated it into English.


First of all, any comment is a feedback form.
What kind of feedback do you want to receive?
What exactly do you want to get feedback on?
In what form do you want to receive it?

There will be as many answers to these three questions as there are people. But the most important thing is sincerity :)
Then the comment will be "alive".

прежде всего любой комментарий является формой обратной связи.
Какую обратную связь вы хотите получить?
На что именно вы хотите получить обратную связь?
В какой форме вы хотите её получить?

Сколько людей, столько и вариантов ответов будет на эти три вопроса. Но ведь самое главное, это искренность :)
Тогда и комментарий будет "живым".

Some things are simply well said and require not more than a quick "I like what you did, well done!"

Other things? They inspire deep dives on topics and I'm definitely guilty of leaving dissertation length comments sometimes!

But I'm totally with you on commenting being genuine, above all... something Steemit had a huge issue with in the early days; people leaving a storm of comments that were little more than "nice post, please follow me and upvote my posts."

And yes, many were just that blunt about it.

Comments are also a valuable tool for writers in the sense that a lot of comments will tell us that we're doing it right, moving people to take action and engage... rather than just pass by!

I'm definitely guilty of leaving dissertation length comments sometimes!

Oh please don't be! I will love your lengthy comment on any given day...

Everyone has their own style. Even I find it difficult to express certain things concisely. It's not really about the length of the text; it’s more about balancing the length with the message. And you, sir, are a master of this technique.

Please keep entertaining us with your posts and comments:))

Hit all the nails on the head ;-)) Why should I comment if I'm not interested in the topic or the person behind a post? And if I am interested - what role does the length of my reaction play...? It could all be so simple: let's just pretend we're having a conversation ;-))

See, What did I say ;)))

It could all be so simple: let's just pretend we're having a conversation ;-))

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