The creep behavior of rocks has been broadly researched because of its extensive application in g... more The creep behavior of rocks has been broadly researched because of its extensive application in geomechanics. Since the time-dependent stability of underground constructions is a critical aspect of geotechnical engineering, a comprehensive understanding of the creep behavior of rocks plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of such structures. Various factors, including stress level, temperature, rock damage, water content, rock anisotropy, etc., can influence rocks' creep characteristics. One of the main topics in the creep analysis of rocks is the constitutive models, which can be categorized into empirical, component, and mechanism-based models. In this research, the previously proposed creep models were reviewed, and their main characteristics were discussed. The effectiveness of the models in simulating the accelerated phase of rock creep was evaluated by comparing their performance with the creep test results of different types of rocks. The application of rock's creep analysis in different engineering projects and adopting appropriate creep properties for rock mass were also examined. The primary limitation associated with empirical and classical component models lies in their challenges when it comes to modeling the tertiary phase of rock creep. The mechanism-based models have demonstrated success in effectively simulating the complete creep phases; nevertheless, additional validation is crucial to establish their broader applicability. However, further investigation is still required to develop creep models specific to rock mass. In this paper, we attempted to review and discuss the most recent studies in creep analysis of rocks that can be used by researchers conducting creep analysis in geomechanics. Highlights • Creep constitutive models for rocks were reviewed, and their main characteristics were discussed. • The applications of creep analysis in geomechanics were explained, and some engineering projects were mentioned. • The back analysis techniques using long-time measured monitoring data were successfully used for finding rock mass creep parameters.
The significance of creep behavior in soft rocks is crucial in rock engineering, particularly whe... more The significance of creep behavior in soft rocks is crucial in rock engineering, particularly when ensuring the time-dependent stability of underground structures. This study proposed a new nonlinear creep constitutive model to represent the soft rock’s creep behavior subjected to uniaxial and triaxial stress conditions. The Burger model was modified by substituting the traditional Newton dashpot with the fractional derivative Abel dashpot, and a viscoplastic body was introduced in series with the improved Burgers model to simulate the accelerating phase of rock creep. The model's efficacy was confirmed by fitting the parameters using creep test data from different soft rocks. The isochronous stress-strain curve approach was employed to calculate the long-term strength of rocks, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate how the model parameters affect creep deformation. The high agreement between the predicted outcomes and the actual creep experimental data for salt, ...
Rocks deformed at low confining pressure are brittle, which means that after peak stress, the str... more Rocks deformed at low confining pressure are brittle, which means that after peak stress, the strength declines to a residual value established by sliding friction. The stress drop is the variation between peak and residual values. But no tension reduction takes place at high confining pressure. A proposed definition of the brittle-ductile transition is the transition pressure at which no loss in strength takes place. However, studies that consider information about the brittle-ductile transition, the criterion's range of applicability, how to determine mi, and how confining pressures affect mi's values are scarce. This paper aims to investigate the link between brittle-ductile transition stress, uniaxial compressive strength and Hoek–Brown material constant (mi) for different kinds of rock. It is essential to accurately determine the brittle-ductile transition stress to derive reliable values for mi. To achieve this purpose, a large amount of data from the literature was ch...
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2021
The mechanical properties of frozen rocks vary significantly from the properties of the same lith... more The mechanical properties of frozen rocks vary significantly from the properties of the same lithology under ambient temperature. The goal of this paper is to investigate these changes in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks due to saturation and freezing. Besides, the attention was paid on discovering new correlations between the mechanical characteristics. To fulfill these objectives, 36 uniaxial compressive strength tests, 36 Brazilian splitting tests, and 48 point load tests were carried out. The samples were tested in air dry, water saturated, and frozen (− 20 °C) conditions. The measured physical and mechanical parameters were analyzed by using regression analyses. It was found that the average uniaxial compressive strength of frozen samples (21.93 MPa) is 86.4% more than saturated ones (11.76 MPa) but 25.9% less than dry specimens (29.62 MPa). Additionally, high correlations were established between uniaxial compressive strength and IS(50) under air-dry, saturated,...
Urban development and rapid extension of cities have been accompanied by a considerable growth in... more Urban development and rapid extension of cities have been accompanied by a considerable growth in mechanized shield tunnelling. Commonly precast concrete segments are used as tunnel lining which comprises relatively considerable part of tunnelling cost. The optimum design of lining needs to an accurate evaluation of loads acting on the lining. In this paper, the effects of ground stratification, surface buildings specifications and tunnel depth on lining loads were studied. For this purpose a 3D finite element model was used employing the ABAQUS software (Ver. 6.11). The geometry of tunnel, lining segments, injection grout and the surrounding soil properties were adopted from the under construction Tabriz urban railway line 2 project. The results show that the studied parameters have considerable effects on lining loads. For mentioned case study, surface buildings with 5 and more story have a considerable effect on lining loads, especially for shallow tunnels. The geometry of surface buildings influences the internal forces of the tunnel lining and increase of buildings width and length increases the lining loads. The building width is the most important parameter and with increase of that the influence of other parameters increases. Also by comparison of obtained results in this study with results of 2D analysis, reliability of 2D models was investigated. The comparisons show that 3D analysis is superior to 2D analysis, particularly in the cases of surface buildings presence. The difference between results increases with decrease of building length and increase of tunnel depth and building weight.
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2022
The time-dependent stability of tunnels is an important and challenging topic, mainly when the tu... more The time-dependent stability of tunnels is an important and challenging topic, mainly when the tunnel is excavated in incompetent and weak rocks. The creep property of rock is one of the crucial mechanical properties of weak rock and the main factor affecting the long-term stability of rock masses. Also, water as an important environmental factor influences both the short-term and long-term behavior of rocks and is one of the causes of geotechnical engineering disasters, such as tunnel collapse, slope sliding, surface subsidence, etc. In this research, the effects of rock’s creep behavior and underground water on the long-term stability of the Shibli tunnels were analyzed. Geological maps and reports of Shibli tunnels show a highly jointed condition in the surrounding rocks which have been crushed by two orogenic stages. The Burger-creep visco-plastic model was used to simulate the tunnel host rock creep behavior. The model's parameters were adopted based on the displacement-bas...
Weak rock mass behavior is an important and challenging consideration during construction and uti... more Weak rock mass behavior is an important and challenging consideration during construction and utilization of a tunnel. Tunnel surrounding ground deformation in weak rocks causes to gradual development of loading on the support system and threats the opening stability. In this research, time-dependent behavior of Shibli twin tunnels was investigated using laboratory testing, monitoring data, and finite difference numerical simulation approaches. The host rock of Shibli tunnels are mainly composed of gray to black Shale, Marl and calcareous Shale. Geological maps and reports demonstrate a heavily jointed condition in the host rock through two orogenic phases. The experiment was organized in following order to understand the behavior of the rock mass around the tunnels. At first, triaxial creep test were conducted on intact rock specimens. Then, the time-dependent behavior of the tunnel host rock was numerically simulated considering Burger-creep visco-plastic model (CVISC). Finally, displacement based direct back analysis using univariate optimization algorithm was applied. Also, the properties of the CVISC model and initial stress ratio were estimated. Numerical modeling was verified by its comparison with tunnel displacement monitoring results. The creep behavior of the rock mass was predicted during tunnel service life based on back analysis results. Results show that thrust force, bending moment, and the resulting axial stresses will gradually increase at the spring line of the final lining. After 55 years of tunnel utilization the compressive strengths of lining concrete will not be stable against the induced-stresses by thrust force and bending moment, thus the tunnel inspection and rehabilitation are recommended.
The creep behavior of rocks has been broadly researched because of its extensive application in g... more The creep behavior of rocks has been broadly researched because of its extensive application in geomechanics. Since the time-dependent stability of underground constructions is a critical aspect of geotechnical engineering, a comprehensive understanding of the creep behavior of rocks plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of such structures. Various factors, including stress level, temperature, rock damage, water content, rock anisotropy, etc., can influence rocks' creep characteristics. One of the main topics in the creep analysis of rocks is the constitutive models, which can be categorized into empirical, component, and mechanism-based models. In this research, the previously proposed creep models were reviewed, and their main characteristics were discussed. The effectiveness of the models in simulating the accelerated phase of rock creep was evaluated by comparing their performance with the creep test results of different types of rocks. The application of rock's creep analysis in different engineering projects and adopting appropriate creep properties for rock mass were also examined. The primary limitation associated with empirical and classical component models lies in their challenges when it comes to modeling the tertiary phase of rock creep. The mechanism-based models have demonstrated success in effectively simulating the complete creep phases; nevertheless, additional validation is crucial to establish their broader applicability. However, further investigation is still required to develop creep models specific to rock mass. In this paper, we attempted to review and discuss the most recent studies in creep analysis of rocks that can be used by researchers conducting creep analysis in geomechanics. Highlights • Creep constitutive models for rocks were reviewed, and their main characteristics were discussed. • The applications of creep analysis in geomechanics were explained, and some engineering projects were mentioned. • The back analysis techniques using long-time measured monitoring data were successfully used for finding rock mass creep parameters.
The significance of creep behavior in soft rocks is crucial in rock engineering, particularly whe... more The significance of creep behavior in soft rocks is crucial in rock engineering, particularly when ensuring the time-dependent stability of underground structures. This study proposed a new nonlinear creep constitutive model to represent the soft rock’s creep behavior subjected to uniaxial and triaxial stress conditions. The Burger model was modified by substituting the traditional Newton dashpot with the fractional derivative Abel dashpot, and a viscoplastic body was introduced in series with the improved Burgers model to simulate the accelerating phase of rock creep. The model's efficacy was confirmed by fitting the parameters using creep test data from different soft rocks. The isochronous stress-strain curve approach was employed to calculate the long-term strength of rocks, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate how the model parameters affect creep deformation. The high agreement between the predicted outcomes and the actual creep experimental data for salt, ...
Rocks deformed at low confining pressure are brittle, which means that after peak stress, the str... more Rocks deformed at low confining pressure are brittle, which means that after peak stress, the strength declines to a residual value established by sliding friction. The stress drop is the variation between peak and residual values. But no tension reduction takes place at high confining pressure. A proposed definition of the brittle-ductile transition is the transition pressure at which no loss in strength takes place. However, studies that consider information about the brittle-ductile transition, the criterion's range of applicability, how to determine mi, and how confining pressures affect mi's values are scarce. This paper aims to investigate the link between brittle-ductile transition stress, uniaxial compressive strength and Hoek–Brown material constant (mi) for different kinds of rock. It is essential to accurately determine the brittle-ductile transition stress to derive reliable values for mi. To achieve this purpose, a large amount of data from the literature was ch...
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2021
The mechanical properties of frozen rocks vary significantly from the properties of the same lith... more The mechanical properties of frozen rocks vary significantly from the properties of the same lithology under ambient temperature. The goal of this paper is to investigate these changes in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks due to saturation and freezing. Besides, the attention was paid on discovering new correlations between the mechanical characteristics. To fulfill these objectives, 36 uniaxial compressive strength tests, 36 Brazilian splitting tests, and 48 point load tests were carried out. The samples were tested in air dry, water saturated, and frozen (− 20 °C) conditions. The measured physical and mechanical parameters were analyzed by using regression analyses. It was found that the average uniaxial compressive strength of frozen samples (21.93 MPa) is 86.4% more than saturated ones (11.76 MPa) but 25.9% less than dry specimens (29.62 MPa). Additionally, high correlations were established between uniaxial compressive strength and IS(50) under air-dry, saturated,...
Urban development and rapid extension of cities have been accompanied by a considerable growth in... more Urban development and rapid extension of cities have been accompanied by a considerable growth in mechanized shield tunnelling. Commonly precast concrete segments are used as tunnel lining which comprises relatively considerable part of tunnelling cost. The optimum design of lining needs to an accurate evaluation of loads acting on the lining. In this paper, the effects of ground stratification, surface buildings specifications and tunnel depth on lining loads were studied. For this purpose a 3D finite element model was used employing the ABAQUS software (Ver. 6.11). The geometry of tunnel, lining segments, injection grout and the surrounding soil properties were adopted from the under construction Tabriz urban railway line 2 project. The results show that the studied parameters have considerable effects on lining loads. For mentioned case study, surface buildings with 5 and more story have a considerable effect on lining loads, especially for shallow tunnels. The geometry of surface buildings influences the internal forces of the tunnel lining and increase of buildings width and length increases the lining loads. The building width is the most important parameter and with increase of that the influence of other parameters increases. Also by comparison of obtained results in this study with results of 2D analysis, reliability of 2D models was investigated. The comparisons show that 3D analysis is superior to 2D analysis, particularly in the cases of surface buildings presence. The difference between results increases with decrease of building length and increase of tunnel depth and building weight.
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2022
The time-dependent stability of tunnels is an important and challenging topic, mainly when the tu... more The time-dependent stability of tunnels is an important and challenging topic, mainly when the tunnel is excavated in incompetent and weak rocks. The creep property of rock is one of the crucial mechanical properties of weak rock and the main factor affecting the long-term stability of rock masses. Also, water as an important environmental factor influences both the short-term and long-term behavior of rocks and is one of the causes of geotechnical engineering disasters, such as tunnel collapse, slope sliding, surface subsidence, etc. In this research, the effects of rock’s creep behavior and underground water on the long-term stability of the Shibli tunnels were analyzed. Geological maps and reports of Shibli tunnels show a highly jointed condition in the surrounding rocks which have been crushed by two orogenic stages. The Burger-creep visco-plastic model was used to simulate the tunnel host rock creep behavior. The model's parameters were adopted based on the displacement-bas...
Weak rock mass behavior is an important and challenging consideration during construction and uti... more Weak rock mass behavior is an important and challenging consideration during construction and utilization of a tunnel. Tunnel surrounding ground deformation in weak rocks causes to gradual development of loading on the support system and threats the opening stability. In this research, time-dependent behavior of Shibli twin tunnels was investigated using laboratory testing, monitoring data, and finite difference numerical simulation approaches. The host rock of Shibli tunnels are mainly composed of gray to black Shale, Marl and calcareous Shale. Geological maps and reports demonstrate a heavily jointed condition in the host rock through two orogenic phases. The experiment was organized in following order to understand the behavior of the rock mass around the tunnels. At first, triaxial creep test were conducted on intact rock specimens. Then, the time-dependent behavior of the tunnel host rock was numerically simulated considering Burger-creep visco-plastic model (CVISC). Finally, displacement based direct back analysis using univariate optimization algorithm was applied. Also, the properties of the CVISC model and initial stress ratio were estimated. Numerical modeling was verified by its comparison with tunnel displacement monitoring results. The creep behavior of the rock mass was predicted during tunnel service life based on back analysis results. Results show that thrust force, bending moment, and the resulting axial stresses will gradually increase at the spring line of the final lining. After 55 years of tunnel utilization the compressive strengths of lining concrete will not be stable against the induced-stresses by thrust force and bending moment, thus the tunnel inspection and rehabilitation are recommended.
Papers by Abolfazl Tarifard