HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 10, 2020
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Les technologies de l’information (TIC) disponibles dans les organisations peuvent être utilisées... more Les technologies de l’information (TIC) disponibles dans les organisations peuvent être utilisées pour créer des solutions innovantes d’une manière rapide, efficace et économique. Malgré la nécessité de mieux comprendre les modalités permettant d’utiliser les TIC dans les organisations pour favoriser l’innovation, la littérature sur l’innovation numérique/digitale se concentre principalement sur l’étude de la mise en œuvre de TIC existantes dans de nouveaux contextes ou sur la conception et le développement de nouvelles technologies de l’information. Cet article enrichit ces travaux de recherche en étudiant un mécanisme créatif alternatif mobilisant les technologies digitales existantes pour l’innovation. En ancrant nos arguments dans la littérature sur l’usage efficace des SI et « l’affordance de la technologie », nous conceptualisons les caractéristiques des agents d’innovation et l’affordance actualisée de l’innovation basée sur l’utilisation des TIC, comme les deux principaux fa...
The ability to share EHR's (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally an... more The ability to share EHR's (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally and externally within healthcare organizations has been accepted as a method to improve the quality and delivery of care but has also raised important questions related to legal and privacy issues. This paper aims to explore the critical factors that impact knowledge sharing in the French healthcare sector. Our main research focus is to answer the question of how to improve Knowledge sharing in the healthcare sector? An exploratory qualitative study was handled to investigate EHR's underlying Knowledge sharing in French hospitals. Three major issues were identified, namely the need for: a common healthcare terminology, the interoperability among healthcare information systems and the patient's informed consents before sharing his sensitive data. To fill this business gap, this paper proposes an ontological framework that extends the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Te...
Prior research on global virtual teams (GVTs) identifies ‘cultural discontinuity' as a salien... more Prior research on global virtual teams (GVTs) identifies ‘cultural discontinuity' as a salient boundary that needs to be bridged for better performance. Grounding the study in organizational discontinuity theory (ODT), we propose cultural intelligence (CQ) as one of the modalities through which cultural discontinuities in GVTs could possibly be bridged. Situating the discussion, in transactional model of stress and coping (TMSC), we develop a CQ nomological network describing the inter-relationships and mechanisms through which different CQ dimensions influence GVT performance. Further, leveraging compensatory adaptation theory (CAT) we hypothesize the significant role of structural adaptation (role str ucture adaptation), in addition to behavioral adaptation (CQ behavior), in the proposed CQ framework for the GVT context. The theorized model is tested via data collected through a two-wave survey design comprising 128 GVT members in 32 teams. Study provides support to the extend...
The digital transformation is still a protean concept, whose acceptances differ between practitio... more The digital transformation is still a protean concept, whose acceptances differ between practitioners and researchers. After a systematic literature review to clarify the definition and imensions of this topic, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study to better understand the stakes and impacts of the digital transformation of businesses. Our first results show that digitalization represents strategic, organizational and cultural stakes for the company and requires the commitment and involvement of Top management. This paper is a research in progress; others interviews are planned in order to better understand the process of transformation.
L'usage des technologies digitales en support a la transformation digitale permet aux organis... more L'usage des technologies digitales en support a la transformation digitale permet aux organisations d'ameliorer leurs performances strategique et operationnelle, mais recele egalement des risques de securite, de surdimensionnement ou de perte de controle entre autres. Si le management de ces risques est essentiel pour favoriser le succes de la transformation digitale d'une entreprise, aucune recherche ne propose un cadre integrateur permettant de les gerer. Cette etude apporte une reponse preliminaire a ce gap en proposant une caracterisation des risques d'usage des technologies digitales, qui constitue une etape fondamentale pour concevoir un modele de management de ces risques. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes appuyes sur une revue de litterature approfondie et une etude empirique menee suivant une approche Delphi aupres de cinq experts en transformation digitale. Nos resultats permettent de caracteriser les risques selon leurs natures en trois classes globales, mais...
To date, healthcare organizations need well-established knowledge to support care quality. Manage... more To date, healthcare organizations need well-established knowledge to support care quality. Managers invest in motivating medical staff and associated healthcare stakeholders to share their respective knowledge. Additionally, they invest in advanced technology to facilitate sharing process. However, these efforts essentially raise classification and privacy concerns. Technology configuration that does not meet management process requirements may lead to managerial difficulties. In fact, information classification in healthcare systems should respect privacy, yet still be accessible. Using qualitative research, our paper proposes a novel ontological model that extends the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) with privacy dimension to enhance access to sensitive patient’s data.
The ability to share EHR’s (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally and ex... more The ability to share EHR’s (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally and externally within healthcare organizations has been accepted as a method to improve the quality and delivery of care. It has also raised important questions related to legal and privacy issues. This paper aims to explore the critical factors that impact knowledge sharing in the French healthcare sector. A qualitative exploratory design was used to study EHRs underlying Knowledge sharing in French hospitals. Three major issues were identified, namely the need for: a common healthcare terminology, interoperability among healthcare information systems and patient's informed consents before sharing his/her sensitive data. This paper proposes a conceptual model to explain the factors that impact knowledge sharing in the French healthcare system.
Digital market has never been so unstable due to more and more demanding users and new disruptive... more Digital market has never been so unstable due to more and more demanding users and new disruptive competitors. CEOs from most of industries investigate digitalization opportunities. Through a Systematic Literature Review, we found that digital transformation is more than just a technological shift. According to this study, these transformations have had an impact on the business models, the operational processes and the end-users experience. Considering the richness of this topic, we had proposed a research agenda of digital transformation in a managerial perspective.
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021
Cross-collaboration processes are decentralized by nature and their centralized monitoring can tr... more Cross-collaboration processes are decentralized by nature and their centralized monitoring can trigger mistrust. Nevertheless, a decentralized monitoring facility such as a blockchain-based and Internet-of-Things-aware (IoT-aware) business process management system can reduce this pitfall. However, concerns related to usability, privacy, and performance, hamper the wide adoption of these systems. To better understand the challenges at stake, this paper reviews the use of blockchain and IoT devices in cross-collaboration processes. This survey sheds some light on standard uses such as model engineering or permissioned blockchains which help adopt cross-collaboration business process management systems. Moreover, with respect to process design, two schools of thought coexist, addressing both constrained and loosely processes. Furthermore, a focus on data-centric processes appears to get some momentum, as many industries go digital. Finally, this survey underlines the need to orient future research towards a more flexible, scalable, and data-aware blockchain-based business process management system.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), 2017
Data Modeling (DM) is an important area in the Information System (IS) learning. In particular, i... more Data Modeling (DM) is an important area in the Information System (IS) learning. In particular, in the IS analysis phase business analysts need to provide a comprehensive notation to avoid misunderstanding between software engineers and customer. Teaching DM is a challenging task, mainly because it lays great emphasis on theory. It remains often abstract, not consensual and complex to implement in real setting. In order to better motivate learners, this paper aims to assess the integration of Serious Games (SGs) in the DM learning. Previous researches on learning with SGs has mainly been focused on other areas of the IS domain, such as Business Process Management (BPM). In an attempt to fill this gap, this paper presents an exploratory experiment on the usage of the SG innov8, carried out within a business school's master students. This SG initially designed for learning BPM, has been the subject of a gamification experiment in order to design a data model. The feedback from the students and teachers were quite positive.
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020
Despite the rising potential of the Digital Intelligence (DI) emerging concept for practitioners,... more Despite the rising potential of the Digital Intelligence (DI) emerging concept for practitioners, only a few research studies have considered its contribution to the enterprise digital transformation. Due to its novelty, the scope, application domains, and main research themes of DI are still unclear to date. Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we analyzed relevant academic literature and tentatively identified major research areas to facilitate the understanding and study of DI in the digital transformation era. The results have shown that DI is at an early stage of research and investigation. To fill the gap between theory and practice, we have proposed a research agenda of DI with several perspectives.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, 2011
Trends like globalization and increased product and service complexity have pushed organizations ... more Trends like globalization and increased product and service complexity have pushed organizations to use more distributed, cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, virtual teams. In this context, the quality of collaboration directly affects the quality of an organization's outcomes and performance. This paper reports on the first field application of a Collaboration Maturity Model (Col-MM) through an automotive industry field study. This model was empirically developed during a series of Focus Group meetings with professional collaboration experts to maximize its relevance and practical applicability. Col-MM is intended to be sufficiently generic to be applied to any type of collaboration and useable to assess the collaboration maturity of a given team holistically through self-assessments performed by practitioners. The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to apply and evaluate the use of the Col-MM in practice. The results should be of interest to academic researchers and information systems practitioners interested in collaboration maturity assessment. The research contributes to the collaboration performance and (IT) project management literature, theory and practice through a detailed case study that develops artefacts that provide evidence of proof of value and proof of use in the field.
Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2017
Organizations increasingly rely on technology-supported teams to solve problems creatively or des... more Organizations increasingly rely on technology-supported teams to solve problems creatively or design new products and services. To support such efforts, an extensive body of research on creativity has been developed. However, most research to date focuses on individual creativity, rather than on team creativity. This paper introduces the Team Creativity Model (TCM) to understand the antecedents of team creativity. TCM posits that both individual creativity and shared mental models (SSMs) contribute to team creativity. SMMs act as a mediator between knowledge sharing and team creativity. Antecedents to individual creativity include an individual's propensity to be creative and individual knowledge. Individual knowledge also is an antecedent to knowledge sharing, as are an individual's propensity to share knowledge and trust within the team. In an exploratory study at a telecom company, a team of design experts participating in four creative sessions provided initial support for the TCM constructs and their relationships. The findings suggest that further exploratory and empirical research on TCM is justified. Implications for research and practice are presented.
Collaborative work became an importantstake for productivity, performance andinnovation for compa... more Collaborative work became an importantstake for productivity, performance andinnovation for companies. They bet more andmore on communities of practice to supportcollaboration, sharing and creation of knowledge.The goal of this paper is to analyze the possiblecontribution of the Collaboration Engineering inthe working of these communities, by taking asexample, the Open Source communities.
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014
Social media technology has enabled virtual collaborative environments such that people can activ... more Social media technology has enabled virtual collaborative environments such that people can actively interact, share knowledge, coordinate activities, solve problems and co-create value. Organizations have begun to leverage approaches and technologies to involve numerous people from outside their boundaries to perform organizational tasks. Crowdsourcing is a collaboration model enabled by people-centric web technologies to solve individual, organizational, and societal problems using a dynamically formed crowd of people who respond to an open call for participation. Despite the success and popularity of this phenomenon, there appears to be a lack of guidance on how to organize the ideation processes in crowdsourcing. To address this need, we propose a Crowdsourcing Ideation Maturity Assessment Model (CIMAM). The CIMAM is intended to be sufficiently generic to be applied to different types of crowdsourcing initiatives/projects. It can be used by external assessors or by crowdsourcing organizers themselves for self-assessments. CIMAM was developed through a literature review and built on the constructs of Pedersen et al. [22] model. This paper contributes to research by examining the various factors influencing crowd engagement and productivity.
Serious Games (SGs) are video or computer games designed for training or educational purposes. Th... more Serious Games (SGs) are video or computer games designed for training or educational purposes. Thanks to the wide variety of opportunities they provide, e.g. interactivity, immersion, simulation, etc., they have become universally embraced in both academic and nonacademic fields alike. However, the selection of the most suitable SG with regard to a given learning goal seems to be less well addressed in the literature. This paper tries to bridge this research gap by building a new Characterizing and Assessing Serious Games Grid (CASGG). The research was based on a design science method. The CASGG was built during a series of meetings (i.e. working group with professionals (education experts), brainstorming with students and teachers) and pilot tests with students. Subsequently, it was tested in the higher education field with 41 graduate students to assess their learning performance according to leaning goals using a specific SG. The tested SG was StarBank the Game and the learning goal was to understand the principal mechanisms of banking. The findings revealed no difference in terms of learning performance between students who have used the SG and those who have followed the theoretical course. With reference to learning satisfaction, the first category of students expressed much more enthusiasm and motivation for learning. Using the SG was for them more enjoyable and engaging. The game play succeeded in capturing their attention, challenging their curiosity and enhancing their interest in the theoretical knowledge. Moreover, owing to this research the design science approach proved most suitable for the building and application of the CASGG by demonstrating its practical feasibility and use. Regarding the context of SGs, the CASGG is actually not only an empirical elaboration of an SG assessment instrument, but also a starting point for further research in this area.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 10, 2020
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Les technologies de l’information (TIC) disponibles dans les organisations peuvent être utilisées... more Les technologies de l’information (TIC) disponibles dans les organisations peuvent être utilisées pour créer des solutions innovantes d’une manière rapide, efficace et économique. Malgré la nécessité de mieux comprendre les modalités permettant d’utiliser les TIC dans les organisations pour favoriser l’innovation, la littérature sur l’innovation numérique/digitale se concentre principalement sur l’étude de la mise en œuvre de TIC existantes dans de nouveaux contextes ou sur la conception et le développement de nouvelles technologies de l’information. Cet article enrichit ces travaux de recherche en étudiant un mécanisme créatif alternatif mobilisant les technologies digitales existantes pour l’innovation. En ancrant nos arguments dans la littérature sur l’usage efficace des SI et « l’affordance de la technologie », nous conceptualisons les caractéristiques des agents d’innovation et l’affordance actualisée de l’innovation basée sur l’utilisation des TIC, comme les deux principaux fa...
The ability to share EHR's (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally an... more The ability to share EHR's (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally and externally within healthcare organizations has been accepted as a method to improve the quality and delivery of care but has also raised important questions related to legal and privacy issues. This paper aims to explore the critical factors that impact knowledge sharing in the French healthcare sector. Our main research focus is to answer the question of how to improve Knowledge sharing in the healthcare sector? An exploratory qualitative study was handled to investigate EHR's underlying Knowledge sharing in French hospitals. Three major issues were identified, namely the need for: a common healthcare terminology, the interoperability among healthcare information systems and the patient's informed consents before sharing his sensitive data. To fill this business gap, this paper proposes an ontological framework that extends the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Te...
Prior research on global virtual teams (GVTs) identifies ‘cultural discontinuity' as a salien... more Prior research on global virtual teams (GVTs) identifies ‘cultural discontinuity' as a salient boundary that needs to be bridged for better performance. Grounding the study in organizational discontinuity theory (ODT), we propose cultural intelligence (CQ) as one of the modalities through which cultural discontinuities in GVTs could possibly be bridged. Situating the discussion, in transactional model of stress and coping (TMSC), we develop a CQ nomological network describing the inter-relationships and mechanisms through which different CQ dimensions influence GVT performance. Further, leveraging compensatory adaptation theory (CAT) we hypothesize the significant role of structural adaptation (role str ucture adaptation), in addition to behavioral adaptation (CQ behavior), in the proposed CQ framework for the GVT context. The theorized model is tested via data collected through a two-wave survey design comprising 128 GVT members in 32 teams. Study provides support to the extend...
The digital transformation is still a protean concept, whose acceptances differ between practitio... more The digital transformation is still a protean concept, whose acceptances differ between practitioners and researchers. After a systematic literature review to clarify the definition and imensions of this topic, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study to better understand the stakes and impacts of the digital transformation of businesses. Our first results show that digitalization represents strategic, organizational and cultural stakes for the company and requires the commitment and involvement of Top management. This paper is a research in progress; others interviews are planned in order to better understand the process of transformation.
L'usage des technologies digitales en support a la transformation digitale permet aux organis... more L'usage des technologies digitales en support a la transformation digitale permet aux organisations d'ameliorer leurs performances strategique et operationnelle, mais recele egalement des risques de securite, de surdimensionnement ou de perte de controle entre autres. Si le management de ces risques est essentiel pour favoriser le succes de la transformation digitale d'une entreprise, aucune recherche ne propose un cadre integrateur permettant de les gerer. Cette etude apporte une reponse preliminaire a ce gap en proposant une caracterisation des risques d'usage des technologies digitales, qui constitue une etape fondamentale pour concevoir un modele de management de ces risques. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes appuyes sur une revue de litterature approfondie et une etude empirique menee suivant une approche Delphi aupres de cinq experts en transformation digitale. Nos resultats permettent de caracteriser les risques selon leurs natures en trois classes globales, mais...
To date, healthcare organizations need well-established knowledge to support care quality. Manage... more To date, healthcare organizations need well-established knowledge to support care quality. Managers invest in motivating medical staff and associated healthcare stakeholders to share their respective knowledge. Additionally, they invest in advanced technology to facilitate sharing process. However, these efforts essentially raise classification and privacy concerns. Technology configuration that does not meet management process requirements may lead to managerial difficulties. In fact, information classification in healthcare systems should respect privacy, yet still be accessible. Using qualitative research, our paper proposes a novel ontological model that extends the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) with privacy dimension to enhance access to sensitive patient’s data.
The ability to share EHR’s (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally and ex... more The ability to share EHR’s (Electronic Health Record) underlying knowledge both internally and externally within healthcare organizations has been accepted as a method to improve the quality and delivery of care. It has also raised important questions related to legal and privacy issues. This paper aims to explore the critical factors that impact knowledge sharing in the French healthcare sector. A qualitative exploratory design was used to study EHRs underlying Knowledge sharing in French hospitals. Three major issues were identified, namely the need for: a common healthcare terminology, interoperability among healthcare information systems and patient's informed consents before sharing his/her sensitive data. This paper proposes a conceptual model to explain the factors that impact knowledge sharing in the French healthcare system.
Digital market has never been so unstable due to more and more demanding users and new disruptive... more Digital market has never been so unstable due to more and more demanding users and new disruptive competitors. CEOs from most of industries investigate digitalization opportunities. Through a Systematic Literature Review, we found that digital transformation is more than just a technological shift. According to this study, these transformations have had an impact on the business models, the operational processes and the end-users experience. Considering the richness of this topic, we had proposed a research agenda of digital transformation in a managerial perspective.
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021
Cross-collaboration processes are decentralized by nature and their centralized monitoring can tr... more Cross-collaboration processes are decentralized by nature and their centralized monitoring can trigger mistrust. Nevertheless, a decentralized monitoring facility such as a blockchain-based and Internet-of-Things-aware (IoT-aware) business process management system can reduce this pitfall. However, concerns related to usability, privacy, and performance, hamper the wide adoption of these systems. To better understand the challenges at stake, this paper reviews the use of blockchain and IoT devices in cross-collaboration processes. This survey sheds some light on standard uses such as model engineering or permissioned blockchains which help adopt cross-collaboration business process management systems. Moreover, with respect to process design, two schools of thought coexist, addressing both constrained and loosely processes. Furthermore, a focus on data-centric processes appears to get some momentum, as many industries go digital. Finally, this survey underlines the need to orient future research towards a more flexible, scalable, and data-aware blockchain-based business process management system.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017), 2017
Data Modeling (DM) is an important area in the Information System (IS) learning. In particular, i... more Data Modeling (DM) is an important area in the Information System (IS) learning. In particular, in the IS analysis phase business analysts need to provide a comprehensive notation to avoid misunderstanding between software engineers and customer. Teaching DM is a challenging task, mainly because it lays great emphasis on theory. It remains often abstract, not consensual and complex to implement in real setting. In order to better motivate learners, this paper aims to assess the integration of Serious Games (SGs) in the DM learning. Previous researches on learning with SGs has mainly been focused on other areas of the IS domain, such as Business Process Management (BPM). In an attempt to fill this gap, this paper presents an exploratory experiment on the usage of the SG innov8, carried out within a business school's master students. This SG initially designed for learning BPM, has been the subject of a gamification experiment in order to design a data model. The feedback from the students and teachers were quite positive.
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020
Despite the rising potential of the Digital Intelligence (DI) emerging concept for practitioners,... more Despite the rising potential of the Digital Intelligence (DI) emerging concept for practitioners, only a few research studies have considered its contribution to the enterprise digital transformation. Due to its novelty, the scope, application domains, and main research themes of DI are still unclear to date. Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we analyzed relevant academic literature and tentatively identified major research areas to facilitate the understanding and study of DI in the digital transformation era. The results have shown that DI is at an early stage of research and investigation. To fill the gap between theory and practice, we have proposed a research agenda of DI with several perspectives.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, 2011
Trends like globalization and increased product and service complexity have pushed organizations ... more Trends like globalization and increased product and service complexity have pushed organizations to use more distributed, cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, virtual teams. In this context, the quality of collaboration directly affects the quality of an organization's outcomes and performance. This paper reports on the first field application of a Collaboration Maturity Model (Col-MM) through an automotive industry field study. This model was empirically developed during a series of Focus Group meetings with professional collaboration experts to maximize its relevance and practical applicability. Col-MM is intended to be sufficiently generic to be applied to any type of collaboration and useable to assess the collaboration maturity of a given team holistically through self-assessments performed by practitioners. The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to apply and evaluate the use of the Col-MM in practice. The results should be of interest to academic researchers and information systems practitioners interested in collaboration maturity assessment. The research contributes to the collaboration performance and (IT) project management literature, theory and practice through a detailed case study that develops artefacts that provide evidence of proof of value and proof of use in the field.
Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2017
Organizations increasingly rely on technology-supported teams to solve problems creatively or des... more Organizations increasingly rely on technology-supported teams to solve problems creatively or design new products and services. To support such efforts, an extensive body of research on creativity has been developed. However, most research to date focuses on individual creativity, rather than on team creativity. This paper introduces the Team Creativity Model (TCM) to understand the antecedents of team creativity. TCM posits that both individual creativity and shared mental models (SSMs) contribute to team creativity. SMMs act as a mediator between knowledge sharing and team creativity. Antecedents to individual creativity include an individual's propensity to be creative and individual knowledge. Individual knowledge also is an antecedent to knowledge sharing, as are an individual's propensity to share knowledge and trust within the team. In an exploratory study at a telecom company, a team of design experts participating in four creative sessions provided initial support for the TCM constructs and their relationships. The findings suggest that further exploratory and empirical research on TCM is justified. Implications for research and practice are presented.
Collaborative work became an importantstake for productivity, performance andinnovation for compa... more Collaborative work became an importantstake for productivity, performance andinnovation for companies. They bet more andmore on communities of practice to supportcollaboration, sharing and creation of knowledge.The goal of this paper is to analyze the possiblecontribution of the Collaboration Engineering inthe working of these communities, by taking asexample, the Open Source communities.
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014
Social media technology has enabled virtual collaborative environments such that people can activ... more Social media technology has enabled virtual collaborative environments such that people can actively interact, share knowledge, coordinate activities, solve problems and co-create value. Organizations have begun to leverage approaches and technologies to involve numerous people from outside their boundaries to perform organizational tasks. Crowdsourcing is a collaboration model enabled by people-centric web technologies to solve individual, organizational, and societal problems using a dynamically formed crowd of people who respond to an open call for participation. Despite the success and popularity of this phenomenon, there appears to be a lack of guidance on how to organize the ideation processes in crowdsourcing. To address this need, we propose a Crowdsourcing Ideation Maturity Assessment Model (CIMAM). The CIMAM is intended to be sufficiently generic to be applied to different types of crowdsourcing initiatives/projects. It can be used by external assessors or by crowdsourcing organizers themselves for self-assessments. CIMAM was developed through a literature review and built on the constructs of Pedersen et al. [22] model. This paper contributes to research by examining the various factors influencing crowd engagement and productivity.
Serious Games (SGs) are video or computer games designed for training or educational purposes. Th... more Serious Games (SGs) are video or computer games designed for training or educational purposes. Thanks to the wide variety of opportunities they provide, e.g. interactivity, immersion, simulation, etc., they have become universally embraced in both academic and nonacademic fields alike. However, the selection of the most suitable SG with regard to a given learning goal seems to be less well addressed in the literature. This paper tries to bridge this research gap by building a new Characterizing and Assessing Serious Games Grid (CASGG). The research was based on a design science method. The CASGG was built during a series of meetings (i.e. working group with professionals (education experts), brainstorming with students and teachers) and pilot tests with students. Subsequently, it was tested in the higher education field with 41 graduate students to assess their learning performance according to leaning goals using a specific SG. The tested SG was StarBank the Game and the learning goal was to understand the principal mechanisms of banking. The findings revealed no difference in terms of learning performance between students who have used the SG and those who have followed the theoretical course. With reference to learning satisfaction, the first category of students expressed much more enthusiasm and motivation for learning. Using the SG was for them more enjoyable and engaging. The game play succeeded in capturing their attention, challenging their curiosity and enhancing their interest in the theoretical knowledge. Moreover, owing to this research the design science approach proved most suitable for the building and application of the CASGG by demonstrating its practical feasibility and use. Regarding the context of SGs, the CASGG is actually not only an empirical elaboration of an SG assessment instrument, but also a starting point for further research in this area.
Papers by Imed Boughzala