Researcher in the field of social change and development, fisherman entrepreneurship, coastal community, marginal community, poverty, qualitative studies, sociology economy, and other related studies.
In ensuring an effective implementation and maximum impact of regional development projects and p... more In ensuring an effective implementation and maximum impact of regional development projects and programmes, the element of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) should also be considered. East Coast Economic Region (ECER) is one of five regional economic corridors established in Malaysia to facilitate the socioeconomic transformation of this region towards becoming a high-income nation by 2025. East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC) was established in 2008 as a statutory body under the East Coast Economic Region Development Council Act (Act 688) to drive the implementation of ECER Master Plan. ECERDC also came out with a list of CSFs that serves as a guidance to achieve all the expected goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of ownership at all levels, creation of ECER Development Council, complementation among ECER states, complementation of ECER towards other regional developments, and private and public sector partnerships in the implemen...
Women and business are a unique phenomenon that can only be observed in the East Coast state of P... more Women and business are a unique phenomenon that can only be observed in the East Coast state of Peninsular Malaysia. The involvement of women entrepreneurs in the batik and songket-based textile industry in the East Coast outweighs the involvement of male entrepreneurs. It is interesting to highlight that only women entrepreneur in Kelantan and Terengganu engaged more actively in market activities than women entrepreneurs in other states. Women entrepreneurs in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia share the same entrepreneurial culture where entrepreneurship activities in two states in the East Coast have been held for a long time. This article aims to analyze the level of involvement of women entrepreneurs in the textile industry on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Quantitative design methods based on descriptive analysis and structured interviews were used in this study conducted on 102 respondents in the states of Kelantan and Terengganu in the East Coast of Peninsular Mal...
Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengaja... more Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Gaya pembelajaran ini ditafsirkan sebagai gaya yang memerlukan sokongan atau bantuan dalam meransang murid menjana idea dan memproses maklumat. Manakala gaya pembelajaran FieldIndependent (FI) pula adalah gaya pembelajaran yang lebih bebas bagi murid untuk meneroka dan memproses maklumat. Murid-murid dengan gaya pembelajaran ini tidak sewenang-wenangnya menerima apa yang dinyatakan oleh guru. Kajian inimembincangkan secara ringkas berkaitan gaya pembelajaran murid iaitu FD dan Field Independent (FI). Kajian kualitatif ini juga meneliti keperluan identifying, planning activities and evaluating effectiveness bagi gaya pembelajaran FD dan FI terhadap murid berkeperluan khas. Dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat memberikan gambaran awal kepada pengkaji seterusnya untuk menjalankan kajian lanjutan.
International Journal of Business and Society, 2021
The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairl... more The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairly visible in Malaysia. However, a study by the World Bank discovered that married women in Malaysia in fact have the lowest participation in the workforce. In addressing this problem, the Malaysian East Coast Economic Region (ECER) policy has come up with various socio-economic programmes to overcome this challenge. This study aims to analyse the impacts of the human capital development initiatives on women in the rural ECER states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, andthe district ofMersingin Johor. This study uses the quantitative method by administering a set of questionnaires to 147 women respondents across the ECER states. It also uses the qualitative approach involving in-depth interviewswith ten key informants and a sessionof Focused-Group Discussion. It also included direct observation, as well as literary research. The outcome of this study finds improvement in the women’s occupat...
The participation of women in entrepreneurship plays a significant role in economic development e... more The participation of women in entrepreneurship plays a significant role in economic development especially in reducing unemployment, increasing production and consumption, achieving gender equality, social and cultural reforms. One of the dominant areas for women is batik and songket entrepreneurs who are synonymous with women on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Studies have identified three key elements that contribute to the development of this craft entrepreneur, viz. attitude, business inheritance and religious value culture. Qualitative design methods based on case studies and in-depth interviews were used in this study on 12 informants in the state of Kelantan and Terengganu in Malaysia. The findings show that there are three main factors that cause the formation of women handicraft entrepreneurs, namely attitude, family heritage and religious values. Hence, all the factors that make up a female handicraft entrepreneur in Malaysia are discussed in this article. The findi...
Abstrak Integrasi pengurusan bencana alam ke dalam pembangunan pelancongan lestari kini menjadi s... more Abstrak Integrasi pengurusan bencana alam ke dalam pembangunan pelancongan lestari kini menjadi satu keperluan yang mendesak khususnya dalam mendepani fenomena bencana alam. Sungguh pun begitu, Malaysia masih kurang inklusif dalam mempraktikkan integrasi tersebut walaupun destinasi pelancongan Malaysia turut sama dilanda bencana. Oleh itu, kajian ini bermatlamat untuk mengenal pasti situasi yang dialami pelancongan Malaysia mendepani bencana alam dengan melihat kejadian gempa bumi Ranau, Sabah sebagai kes kajian. Maka, pendekatan kemudahterancaman terhadap bencana alam diadaptasi bagi memandu kerangka kajian ini. Untuk metodologi, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui kaedah temu bual mendalam terhadap wakil agensi terlibat dan sokongan data sekunder. Analisis tematik pula digunakan sebagai kaedah untuk menganalisis data kajian. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan kurangnya integrasi pengurusan bencana alam dalam pelancongan Ranau menerusi isu dan cabaran yang dialami mereka...
Globalisasi dalam industri perikanan telah memberi kesan kepada pendapatan negara, pendapatan nel... more Globalisasi dalam industri perikanan telah memberi kesan kepada pendapatan negara, pendapatan nelayan dan interaksi sosial di Malaysia khususnya di Wilayah ECER. Makalah ini mempunyai dua tujuan, pertama membincangkan perkembangan industri perikanan di wilayah ECER; kedua, meneliti kesan perkembangan industri perikanan dan kaitannya dengan titik peralihan nelayan laut dalam. Kajian menggabungkan data primer dan data sekunder untuk mendapatkan hasil kajian. Kajian dilakukan menerusi pendekatan kualitatif dengan menemu bual 17 orang informan yang terdiri daripada juragan laut dalam. Informan dipilih menerusi pensampelan bertujuan dan pensampelan bola salji. Kajian dilakukan di wilayah ECER (East Coast Economic Region) yang melibatkan empat buah negeri iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Johor Timur. Hasil temu bual ditranskripsikan dalam bentuk data verbatim iaitu sedutan kata daripada informan. Data verbatim dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik yang melibatkan proses pengekodan...
Artikel ini memfokuskan perkembangan juragan yang memimpin kapal di laut dalam. Suatu perubahan t... more Artikel ini memfokuskan perkembangan juragan yang memimpin kapal di laut dalam. Suatu perubahan telah berlaku kepada juragan laut dalam, yang mana sebahagian daripada mereka mempunyai ciri-ciri keusahawanan dan memainkan peranan sebagai seorang usahawan. Sebahagian daripada mereka bukan lagi juragan kapal tetapi berubah menjadi usahawan perikanan. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan mengenal pasti ciri-ciri keusahawanan dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh juragan dalam industri perikanan. Kajian dijalankan di Wilayah East Coast Economic Region (ECER) yang melibatkan empat buah negeri di Malaysia iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Johor Timur. Kaedah temu bual mendalam terhadap 17 orang informan iaitu lima di Kelantan, tiga di Terengganu, enam di Pahang dan tiga di Endau-Mersing. Mereka dipilih melalui pensampelan bertujuan dan pensampelan bola salji. Hasil temu bual ditranskripsikan ke dalam bentuk verbatim dan dianalisis menggunakan kaedah tematik. Hasil kajian mendapati juragan laut da...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Kemiskinan digital adalah kekurangan barangan dan perkhidmatan berasaskan ICT. Keperluan ICT tela... more Kemiskinan digital adalah kekurangan barangan dan perkhidmatan berasaskan ICT. Keperluan ICT telah menjadi asas kepada kehidupan oleh pelajar khususnya dalam tempoh mendepani cabaran Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) pada era Covid-19. Pelaksanaan PdP telah bertukar kepada mod dalam talian menambahkan lagi jurang digital dalam kalangan pelajar untuk mendapatkan akses yang baik. Kemiskinan digital ini meliputi akses Internet, pengetahuan, fizikal, ekonomi dan sosial. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor kemiskinan digital dalam kalangan pelajar Universiti Malaysia Terengganu terhadap prestasi belajar. Kajian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berasaskan soal selidik kepada 100 orang responden pelajar tahun 3 sesi 2019/2020 dari dua aliran bidang pengajian yang berbeza iaitu pelajar sains sosial dan pelajar sains tulen. Penemuan penting yang perlu digarisutamakan adalah suasana pembelajaran pelajar mempengaruhi prestasi belajar mereka. Majoriti pelajar dari dua al...
Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengaja... more Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Gaya pembelajaran ini ditafsirkan sebagai gaya yang memerlukan sokongan atau bantuan dalam meransang murid menjana idea dan memproses maklumat. Manakala gaya pembelajaran FieldIndependent (FI) pula adalah gaya pembelajaran yang lebih bebas bagi murid untuk meneroka dan memproses maklumat. Murid-murid dengan gaya pembelajaran ini tidak sewenang-wenangnya menerima apa yang dinyatakan oleh guru. Kajian inimembincangkan secara ringkas berkaitan gaya pembelajaran murid iaitu FD dan Field Independent (FI). Kajian kualitatif ini juga meneliti keperluan identifying, planning activities and evaluating effectiveness bagi gaya pembelajaran FD dan FI terhadap murid berkeperluan khas. Dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat memberikan gambaran awal kepada pengkaji seterusnya untuk menjalankan kajian lanjutan.
International Journal of Business and Society, 2020
The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairl... more The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairly visible in Malaysia. However, a study by the World Bank discovered that married women in Malaysia in fact have the lowest participation in the workforce. In addressing this problem, the Malaysian East Coast Economic Region (ECER) policy has come up with various socioeconomic programmes to overcome this challenge. This study aims to analyse the impacts of the human capital development initiatives on women in the rural ECER states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and the district of Mersing in Johor. This study uses the quantitative method by administering a set of questionnaires to 147 women respondents across the ECER states. It also uses the qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews with ten key informants and a session of Focused-Group Discussion. It also included direct observation, as well as literary research. The outcome of this study finds improvement in the women's occupational involvement and their income. This study also discovers that rural women are naturally empowered by the programme.
This article focuses on the development of the skipper who led the deep-sea vessel. Changes occur... more This article focuses on the development of the skipper who led the deep-sea vessel. Changes occurred to the deep-sea skipper, in which some of them possess entrepreneurial characteristics and act as an entrepreneur. Some of them turn out to be fishery entrepreneurs. The study was conducted in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) which involved four states in Malaysia, namely, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and East Johor. A total of 17 informants were interviewed, five in Kelantan, three in Terengganu, six in Pahang and three in Endau-Mersing, in which, they were selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The interviews were transcribed into verbatim and analyzed using thematic approach. The findings confirm that the deep-sea skippers are no longer a skipper but they have transformed to become a fishery entrepreneur. Their transformation from deep-sea skipper to entrepreneurs or known as skipper-entrepreneur is a significant development in the fishery industry. They possess entrepreneurial characteristics of human capital, social capital and economic capital, in which, all of these capitals are important for an entrepreneur in managing and organizing fishery organizations. It involves seizing opportunities, risks-taking, high production processes, high capital and social networking. The evolution form solely a skipper to take part in organization and market makes them a multi-function entrepreneur. The development of the skipper-entrepreneur can further increase the national fish production, thus contribute to ensuring national food security.
Globalization in the fishery industry has affected the country’s income, fishermen’s income and s... more Globalization in the fishery industry has affected the country’s income, fishermen’s income and social interaction in Malaysia, especially in the ECER Region. This paper has two objectives, first discussing the development of the fishery industry in the ECER region; Secondly, examine the impression of industrial fisheries development and its relation to the transitional point of the deep-sea fishermen. The study combines primary data and secondary data to get results studies. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach by interviewing 17 informants consisting of deep-sea skipper. Informants are selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The study was conducted in ECER (East Coast Economic Region) which involved four states namely Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and East Johor. The results of the interview are transcribed in the form of verbatim words which are the words of informants. The verbatim data were analysed using thematic analysis involving the coding process, the categorization and finally the theme output to answer the questionnaire. The analysis of the study found that the development of the fisheries industry affected the transitional process that occurred to deep-sea fishermen. The transition shows that deep-sea fishermen can accept changes in industry fisheries. In fact, the fishery transition process itself affects the social, economic, physical and policy aspects of the fisheries industry. An important discovery is some deep-sea skipper, have become fishery entrepreneurs known as ‘juragan-pengusaha’ (skipper-entrepreneur). Recognition of skipper as entrepreneurs indirectly impacts strategic policies in the fisheries industry in relation to the national food security assurance.
Asian Journal of Environment, History and Heritage, 2019
The integration of natural disaster management with sustainable tourism development is an essence... more The integration of natural disaster management with sustainable tourism development is an essence preparatory tool in facing the natural disaster events. However, Malaysia is lack of implementation towards the integration although the natural disaster events are inescapable including tourism destinations in Malaysia. Thus, this study aimed to identify the real situation of natural disasters events faced by Malaysia’s tourism as Ranau, Sabah earthquake event as the case study. Vulnerability approach towards natural disasters is adopted to drive the research framework. Methodologically, this study using the qualitative approach through in-depth interview to gain the information from the stakeholders (Ranau’s tourism agencies), supported with secondary data. While, thematic analysis is used as data analysis method. Overall, results show the absence of natural disaster management integration in Ranau’s tourism development which translated into the issues and challenges encountered by respondents during earthquake attacks. Eventually, disrupting the core of Ranau’s tourism sustainability. Significantly, natural disaster management needs to be strengthen by involving full participation from all stakeholders especially tourism community and thegovernment (local authority) as it is implying the fundamental structures that catalyze the effectiveness of the sustainable tourism development in Malaysia especially to endure the natural disasters.
Keywords: Sustainable tourism, disasters management, earthquake, issues and challenges, tourism Malaysia.
'Juragan' (skipper) is an important player in the fishing industry whose principal role is to com... more 'Juragan' (skipper) is an important player in the fishing industry whose principal role is to command a fishing vessel. They lead the fishing crew and determine the catchment area. During the process of their involvement in the fishing industry, a transformation has occurred with regard to their role whereby some skippers are not merely captains of a fishing vessel but they
In ensuring an effective implementation and maximum impact of regional development projects and p... more In ensuring an effective implementation and maximum impact of regional development projects and programmes, the element of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) should also be considered. East Coast Economic Region (ECER) is one of five regional economic corridors established in Malaysia to facilitate the socioeconomic transformation of this region towards becoming a high-income nation by 2025. East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC) was established in 2008 as a statutory body under the East Coast Economic Region Development Council Act (Act 688) to drive the implementation of ECER Master Plan. ECERDC also came out with a list of CSFs that serves as a guidance to achieve all the expected goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of ownership at all levels, creation of ECER Development Council, complementation among ECER states, complementation of ECER towards other regional developments, and private and public sector partnerships in the implemen...
Women and business are a unique phenomenon that can only be observed in the East Coast state of P... more Women and business are a unique phenomenon that can only be observed in the East Coast state of Peninsular Malaysia. The involvement of women entrepreneurs in the batik and songket-based textile industry in the East Coast outweighs the involvement of male entrepreneurs. It is interesting to highlight that only women entrepreneur in Kelantan and Terengganu engaged more actively in market activities than women entrepreneurs in other states. Women entrepreneurs in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia share the same entrepreneurial culture where entrepreneurship activities in two states in the East Coast have been held for a long time. This article aims to analyze the level of involvement of women entrepreneurs in the textile industry on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Quantitative design methods based on descriptive analysis and structured interviews were used in this study conducted on 102 respondents in the states of Kelantan and Terengganu in the East Coast of Peninsular Mal...
Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengaja... more Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Gaya pembelajaran ini ditafsirkan sebagai gaya yang memerlukan sokongan atau bantuan dalam meransang murid menjana idea dan memproses maklumat. Manakala gaya pembelajaran FieldIndependent (FI) pula adalah gaya pembelajaran yang lebih bebas bagi murid untuk meneroka dan memproses maklumat. Murid-murid dengan gaya pembelajaran ini tidak sewenang-wenangnya menerima apa yang dinyatakan oleh guru. Kajian inimembincangkan secara ringkas berkaitan gaya pembelajaran murid iaitu FD dan Field Independent (FI). Kajian kualitatif ini juga meneliti keperluan identifying, planning activities and evaluating effectiveness bagi gaya pembelajaran FD dan FI terhadap murid berkeperluan khas. Dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat memberikan gambaran awal kepada pengkaji seterusnya untuk menjalankan kajian lanjutan.
International Journal of Business and Society, 2021
The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairl... more The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairly visible in Malaysia. However, a study by the World Bank discovered that married women in Malaysia in fact have the lowest participation in the workforce. In addressing this problem, the Malaysian East Coast Economic Region (ECER) policy has come up with various socio-economic programmes to overcome this challenge. This study aims to analyse the impacts of the human capital development initiatives on women in the rural ECER states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, andthe district ofMersingin Johor. This study uses the quantitative method by administering a set of questionnaires to 147 women respondents across the ECER states. It also uses the qualitative approach involving in-depth interviewswith ten key informants and a sessionof Focused-Group Discussion. It also included direct observation, as well as literary research. The outcome of this study finds improvement in the women’s occupat...
The participation of women in entrepreneurship plays a significant role in economic development e... more The participation of women in entrepreneurship plays a significant role in economic development especially in reducing unemployment, increasing production and consumption, achieving gender equality, social and cultural reforms. One of the dominant areas for women is batik and songket entrepreneurs who are synonymous with women on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Studies have identified three key elements that contribute to the development of this craft entrepreneur, viz. attitude, business inheritance and religious value culture. Qualitative design methods based on case studies and in-depth interviews were used in this study on 12 informants in the state of Kelantan and Terengganu in Malaysia. The findings show that there are three main factors that cause the formation of women handicraft entrepreneurs, namely attitude, family heritage and religious values. Hence, all the factors that make up a female handicraft entrepreneur in Malaysia are discussed in this article. The findi...
Abstrak Integrasi pengurusan bencana alam ke dalam pembangunan pelancongan lestari kini menjadi s... more Abstrak Integrasi pengurusan bencana alam ke dalam pembangunan pelancongan lestari kini menjadi satu keperluan yang mendesak khususnya dalam mendepani fenomena bencana alam. Sungguh pun begitu, Malaysia masih kurang inklusif dalam mempraktikkan integrasi tersebut walaupun destinasi pelancongan Malaysia turut sama dilanda bencana. Oleh itu, kajian ini bermatlamat untuk mengenal pasti situasi yang dialami pelancongan Malaysia mendepani bencana alam dengan melihat kejadian gempa bumi Ranau, Sabah sebagai kes kajian. Maka, pendekatan kemudahterancaman terhadap bencana alam diadaptasi bagi memandu kerangka kajian ini. Untuk metodologi, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui kaedah temu bual mendalam terhadap wakil agensi terlibat dan sokongan data sekunder. Analisis tematik pula digunakan sebagai kaedah untuk menganalisis data kajian. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan kurangnya integrasi pengurusan bencana alam dalam pelancongan Ranau menerusi isu dan cabaran yang dialami mereka...
Globalisasi dalam industri perikanan telah memberi kesan kepada pendapatan negara, pendapatan nel... more Globalisasi dalam industri perikanan telah memberi kesan kepada pendapatan negara, pendapatan nelayan dan interaksi sosial di Malaysia khususnya di Wilayah ECER. Makalah ini mempunyai dua tujuan, pertama membincangkan perkembangan industri perikanan di wilayah ECER; kedua, meneliti kesan perkembangan industri perikanan dan kaitannya dengan titik peralihan nelayan laut dalam. Kajian menggabungkan data primer dan data sekunder untuk mendapatkan hasil kajian. Kajian dilakukan menerusi pendekatan kualitatif dengan menemu bual 17 orang informan yang terdiri daripada juragan laut dalam. Informan dipilih menerusi pensampelan bertujuan dan pensampelan bola salji. Kajian dilakukan di wilayah ECER (East Coast Economic Region) yang melibatkan empat buah negeri iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Johor Timur. Hasil temu bual ditranskripsikan dalam bentuk data verbatim iaitu sedutan kata daripada informan. Data verbatim dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik yang melibatkan proses pengekodan...
Artikel ini memfokuskan perkembangan juragan yang memimpin kapal di laut dalam. Suatu perubahan t... more Artikel ini memfokuskan perkembangan juragan yang memimpin kapal di laut dalam. Suatu perubahan telah berlaku kepada juragan laut dalam, yang mana sebahagian daripada mereka mempunyai ciri-ciri keusahawanan dan memainkan peranan sebagai seorang usahawan. Sebahagian daripada mereka bukan lagi juragan kapal tetapi berubah menjadi usahawan perikanan. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan mengenal pasti ciri-ciri keusahawanan dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh juragan dalam industri perikanan. Kajian dijalankan di Wilayah East Coast Economic Region (ECER) yang melibatkan empat buah negeri di Malaysia iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Johor Timur. Kaedah temu bual mendalam terhadap 17 orang informan iaitu lima di Kelantan, tiga di Terengganu, enam di Pahang dan tiga di Endau-Mersing. Mereka dipilih melalui pensampelan bertujuan dan pensampelan bola salji. Hasil temu bual ditranskripsikan ke dalam bentuk verbatim dan dianalisis menggunakan kaedah tematik. Hasil kajian mendapati juragan laut da...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Kemiskinan digital adalah kekurangan barangan dan perkhidmatan berasaskan ICT. Keperluan ICT tela... more Kemiskinan digital adalah kekurangan barangan dan perkhidmatan berasaskan ICT. Keperluan ICT telah menjadi asas kepada kehidupan oleh pelajar khususnya dalam tempoh mendepani cabaran Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) pada era Covid-19. Pelaksanaan PdP telah bertukar kepada mod dalam talian menambahkan lagi jurang digital dalam kalangan pelajar untuk mendapatkan akses yang baik. Kemiskinan digital ini meliputi akses Internet, pengetahuan, fizikal, ekonomi dan sosial. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor kemiskinan digital dalam kalangan pelajar Universiti Malaysia Terengganu terhadap prestasi belajar. Kajian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berasaskan soal selidik kepada 100 orang responden pelajar tahun 3 sesi 2019/2020 dari dua aliran bidang pengajian yang berbeza iaitu pelajar sains sosial dan pelajar sains tulen. Penemuan penting yang perlu digarisutamakan adalah suasana pembelajaran pelajar mempengaruhi prestasi belajar mereka. Majoriti pelajar dari dua al...
Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengaja... more Field Dependent (FD) adalah antara gaya pembelajaran yang sering kita jumpa ketika proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Gaya pembelajaran ini ditafsirkan sebagai gaya yang memerlukan sokongan atau bantuan dalam meransang murid menjana idea dan memproses maklumat. Manakala gaya pembelajaran FieldIndependent (FI) pula adalah gaya pembelajaran yang lebih bebas bagi murid untuk meneroka dan memproses maklumat. Murid-murid dengan gaya pembelajaran ini tidak sewenang-wenangnya menerima apa yang dinyatakan oleh guru. Kajian inimembincangkan secara ringkas berkaitan gaya pembelajaran murid iaitu FD dan Field Independent (FI). Kajian kualitatif ini juga meneliti keperluan identifying, planning activities and evaluating effectiveness bagi gaya pembelajaran FD dan FI terhadap murid berkeperluan khas. Dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat memberikan gambaran awal kepada pengkaji seterusnya untuk menjalankan kajian lanjutan.
International Journal of Business and Society, 2020
The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairl... more The contribution and roles of women in the well-being of the family and nation building are fairly visible in Malaysia. However, a study by the World Bank discovered that married women in Malaysia in fact have the lowest participation in the workforce. In addressing this problem, the Malaysian East Coast Economic Region (ECER) policy has come up with various socioeconomic programmes to overcome this challenge. This study aims to analyse the impacts of the human capital development initiatives on women in the rural ECER states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and the district of Mersing in Johor. This study uses the quantitative method by administering a set of questionnaires to 147 women respondents across the ECER states. It also uses the qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews with ten key informants and a session of Focused-Group Discussion. It also included direct observation, as well as literary research. The outcome of this study finds improvement in the women's occupational involvement and their income. This study also discovers that rural women are naturally empowered by the programme.
This article focuses on the development of the skipper who led the deep-sea vessel. Changes occur... more This article focuses on the development of the skipper who led the deep-sea vessel. Changes occurred to the deep-sea skipper, in which some of them possess entrepreneurial characteristics and act as an entrepreneur. Some of them turn out to be fishery entrepreneurs. The study was conducted in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) which involved four states in Malaysia, namely, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and East Johor. A total of 17 informants were interviewed, five in Kelantan, three in Terengganu, six in Pahang and three in Endau-Mersing, in which, they were selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The interviews were transcribed into verbatim and analyzed using thematic approach. The findings confirm that the deep-sea skippers are no longer a skipper but they have transformed to become a fishery entrepreneur. Their transformation from deep-sea skipper to entrepreneurs or known as skipper-entrepreneur is a significant development in the fishery industry. They possess entrepreneurial characteristics of human capital, social capital and economic capital, in which, all of these capitals are important for an entrepreneur in managing and organizing fishery organizations. It involves seizing opportunities, risks-taking, high production processes, high capital and social networking. The evolution form solely a skipper to take part in organization and market makes them a multi-function entrepreneur. The development of the skipper-entrepreneur can further increase the national fish production, thus contribute to ensuring national food security.
Globalization in the fishery industry has affected the country’s income, fishermen’s income and s... more Globalization in the fishery industry has affected the country’s income, fishermen’s income and social interaction in Malaysia, especially in the ECER Region. This paper has two objectives, first discussing the development of the fishery industry in the ECER region; Secondly, examine the impression of industrial fisheries development and its relation to the transitional point of the deep-sea fishermen. The study combines primary data and secondary data to get results studies. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach by interviewing 17 informants consisting of deep-sea skipper. Informants are selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The study was conducted in ECER (East Coast Economic Region) which involved four states namely Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and East Johor. The results of the interview are transcribed in the form of verbatim words which are the words of informants. The verbatim data were analysed using thematic analysis involving the coding process, the categorization and finally the theme output to answer the questionnaire. The analysis of the study found that the development of the fisheries industry affected the transitional process that occurred to deep-sea fishermen. The transition shows that deep-sea fishermen can accept changes in industry fisheries. In fact, the fishery transition process itself affects the social, economic, physical and policy aspects of the fisheries industry. An important discovery is some deep-sea skipper, have become fishery entrepreneurs known as ‘juragan-pengusaha’ (skipper-entrepreneur). Recognition of skipper as entrepreneurs indirectly impacts strategic policies in the fisheries industry in relation to the national food security assurance.
Asian Journal of Environment, History and Heritage, 2019
The integration of natural disaster management with sustainable tourism development is an essence... more The integration of natural disaster management with sustainable tourism development is an essence preparatory tool in facing the natural disaster events. However, Malaysia is lack of implementation towards the integration although the natural disaster events are inescapable including tourism destinations in Malaysia. Thus, this study aimed to identify the real situation of natural disasters events faced by Malaysia’s tourism as Ranau, Sabah earthquake event as the case study. Vulnerability approach towards natural disasters is adopted to drive the research framework. Methodologically, this study using the qualitative approach through in-depth interview to gain the information from the stakeholders (Ranau’s tourism agencies), supported with secondary data. While, thematic analysis is used as data analysis method. Overall, results show the absence of natural disaster management integration in Ranau’s tourism development which translated into the issues and challenges encountered by respondents during earthquake attacks. Eventually, disrupting the core of Ranau’s tourism sustainability. Significantly, natural disaster management needs to be strengthen by involving full participation from all stakeholders especially tourism community and thegovernment (local authority) as it is implying the fundamental structures that catalyze the effectiveness of the sustainable tourism development in Malaysia especially to endure the natural disasters.
Keywords: Sustainable tourism, disasters management, earthquake, issues and challenges, tourism Malaysia.
'Juragan' (skipper) is an important player in the fishing industry whose principal role is to com... more 'Juragan' (skipper) is an important player in the fishing industry whose principal role is to command a fishing vessel. They lead the fishing crew and determine the catchment area. During the process of their involvement in the fishing industry, a transformation has occurred with regard to their role whereby some skippers are not merely captains of a fishing vessel but they
development of the fishery industry in the ECER region; Secondly, examine the impression of industrial fisheries development and its relation to the transitional point of the deep-sea fishermen. The study combines primary data and secondary data to get results studies. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach by interviewing 17 informants consisting of deep-sea skipper. Informants are selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The study was conducted in ECER (East Coast Economic Region) which involved four
states namely Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and East Johor. The results of the interview are transcribed in the form of verbatim words which are the words of informants. The verbatim data were analysed using
thematic analysis involving the coding process, the categorization and finally the theme output to answer the questionnaire. The analysis of the study found that the development of the fisheries industry affected the
transitional process that occurred to deep-sea fishermen. The transition shows that deep-sea fishermen can accept changes in industry fisheries. In fact, the fishery transition process itself affects the social, economic,
physical and policy aspects of the fisheries industry. An important discovery is some deep-sea skipper, have become fishery entrepreneurs known as ‘juragan-pengusaha’ (skipper-entrepreneur). Recognition of skipper as entrepreneurs indirectly impacts strategic policies in the fisheries industry in relation to the national food security assurance.
Keyword: Fisherman transitional; fishing industry; globalisation; deep-sea fisherman; skipper
Keywords: Sustainable tourism, disasters management, earthquake, issues and challenges, tourism Malaysia.
development of the fishery industry in the ECER region; Secondly, examine the impression of industrial fisheries development and its relation to the transitional point of the deep-sea fishermen. The study combines primary data and secondary data to get results studies. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach by interviewing 17 informants consisting of deep-sea skipper. Informants are selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The study was conducted in ECER (East Coast Economic Region) which involved four
states namely Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and East Johor. The results of the interview are transcribed in the form of verbatim words which are the words of informants. The verbatim data were analysed using
thematic analysis involving the coding process, the categorization and finally the theme output to answer the questionnaire. The analysis of the study found that the development of the fisheries industry affected the
transitional process that occurred to deep-sea fishermen. The transition shows that deep-sea fishermen can accept changes in industry fisheries. In fact, the fishery transition process itself affects the social, economic,
physical and policy aspects of the fisheries industry. An important discovery is some deep-sea skipper, have become fishery entrepreneurs known as ‘juragan-pengusaha’ (skipper-entrepreneur). Recognition of skipper as entrepreneurs indirectly impacts strategic policies in the fisheries industry in relation to the national food security assurance.
Keyword: Fisherman transitional; fishing industry; globalisation; deep-sea fisherman; skipper
Keywords: Sustainable tourism, disasters management, earthquake, issues and challenges, tourism Malaysia.