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Autobase is a term used by the Autobots for their home base of operations. Wherever it's located or even if there's already an Autobase, they'll call it Autobase.

The Autobots are somewhat unimaginative.



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Autobase marvel uk 246.jpg

Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots were sent along in the Ark to destroy the giant meteors that threatened Cybertron's existence. The launch site they left from was the Autobase.

Vorns later, while many of the Autobots and Decepticon lay deactivated in Mount St. Hilary, Perceptor and Lord Straxus led their respective forces in the ongoing war on Cybertron. Perceptor and his team of Autobots, including Blaster, fought from the Autobase. The Smelting Pool! Another more well-staffed Autobase existed in Iacon's ruins and would be the HQ for Emirate Xaaron and affiliated rebels. Target: 2006

The Iacon Autobase was briefly relocated to Kalis by 1988. City of Fear! A massive explosion and zombie invasion later, Legion of the Lost! they relocated right back. Yesterday's Heroes!

During the time of Unicron, Galvatron took Hook, Line, and Sinker and attacked the Autobase. The entire place burned under Galvatron's wrath, and Emirate Xaaron was made to flee, at the insistence of his fellow Autobots, through the catacombs, under the Autobase's floors, in pursuit of Primus' face. Surrender!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.

The Earthforce Autobot Earthbase is occasionally called Autobase. Assassins

Marvel UK future timelines
Autobases MarvelUK184.jpg

In the 2007 of one timeline, there was access from the sewers below directly into the Autobase. Rodimus Prime used subtle markings on the sewer walls (large bright red letter As) to lure Death's Head there while the peacekeeping agent was chasing him. Headhunt Later, we see the surface-level structure of the Autobase, which is a golden mushroom shape, and rather battle-scarred. The Legacy of Unicron! Space Pirates!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

During the war against the Cybertronian Empire in the mid-90s, Autobase was located on an asteroid. The Power and the Glory It was later relocated to the Nevada basin and became the site of the final battle. Swarm Its location meant Jhiaxus vaporised San Francisco; thanks a slagging lot, Autobots. Dark Shadows!

Fleetway Generation 2 comic

Autobase war zone.jpg

Autobase appears to be on the moon. War Without End


After returning to Earth to hunt the returned Megatron, the Autobots used Autobase Prima. Games of Deception

Transformers '84

After the Ark was lost in space, Ultra Magnus oversaw what was left of the Autobot army from the Autobase. Secrets & Lies #3

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

The Decagon is alternatively known as Autobase. Iacon's More Than Meets The Eye entry

Atonement Autobase.jpg

After the disappearance of Optimus Prime and Megatron, the Autobase was built under Virtue's Forum. It held a war room with monitors watching all the other five factions, a repair bay where Ratchet could work his magic, and a prison level which the Autobots used to imprison Blitzwing. The entrance to the Autobase was guarded by laser-guided auto-turrets, which would only allow entrance once it confirmed that those entering held Autobot energy signatures. War Within: The Dark Ages

As the Border Wars came to an end and Iacon, or at least its High Council Pavilions, was rebuilt, Autobase became obsolete. It may have been destroyed, or remodeled into Iacon Command during the Age of Internment. War Within: The Age of Wrath

Once Shockwave and the other Decepticons had been removed from Iacon, the Autobots set up a new Autobase there. Generation One

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Unicron Trilogy

Dreamwave Armada comic

Armada 9 Autobase Earth exterior.jpg

When the war with the Decepticons started, the Autobots moved from the Loop to an underground base they dubbed Autobase: Cybertron and which they equipped with a space bridge portal. One million years later, Autobase's scanners picked up a Mini-Con homing beacon from Earth, Armada #3 so Optimus Prime led a small team to the other planet in search for the Mini-Cons. On Earth, they fought the Decepticons who had also received the signal. After a tough battle, the Autobots made a deal with the Mini-Cons to help them look for their missing comrades. To this end, they built a new Autobase, Autobase: Earth, in Lincoln for them and the Mini-Cons to live in for the time being. Armada #5

The young alliance was put to the test immediately. The Mini-Cons obtained footage that proved the Air Defense Team had been captured by the Decepticons, but when they showed it to Optimus Prime back at Autobase, he rejected their plan to save them, stating it was too dangerous. Armada #6 He and the other Autobots saw the error in their assessment when Megatron, enhanced by the power of a quadruple Powerlinx, attacked Lincoln and nearly had Autobase's roof collapse on top of them. Armada #7

Armada 8 Autobase Earth Mini-Con domain.jpg

Despite that the Mini-Cons had been right and their disobedience had saved the Autobots from certain doom, Optimus Prime was not pleased with the Mini-Cons' initiative and reprimanded Sparkplug, as representative of the Mini-Cons, about it. The Mini-Cons, of course, did not take this well. When they suddenly left the Autobase not much later, naturally the Autobots's first guess was that they were taking a time-out. This wasn't the case, however, as an alien object had hypnotized the Mini-Cons and intended to take the Mini-Cons off of Earth. The Autobots arrived too late to stop the abduction, Armada #8 but the mark left behind by the perpetrators left no doubt about their identity and thus where the Mini-Cons (and Rad) had been taken. The Autobots returned to Autobase, initially to sit around for either the Decepticons or the Mini-Con abductors on the Moon to make a move. When Alexis and Carlos inquired about the passive behavior, Optimus explained that the only way they could save the Mini-Cons and Rad was that they'd get materials from Cybertron. However, if they'd use the space bridge, that would create a signal the Decepticons could pick up and use to find the location of Autobase: Cybertron. Carlos and Alexis had little understanding for that logic and demanded that the Autobots take action themselves, to which they obliged. Hot Shot and Red Alert went to the Decepticon base at Silver Ridge Armada #9 to assure the Decepticons wouldn't keep any space bridge data their scanners would pick up, allowing Optimus Prime to travel to Autobase: Cybertron unseen.

Armada 10 Autobase Cybertron.jpg

At Autobase: Cybertron, Optimus Prime was greeted by Jetfire, acting commander of the Cybertron-stationed Autobot forces. Because resources were scarce, Optimus could only be given one transport gunship to carry out the rescue mission on his own. He returned with the ship to Autobase: Earth, Armada #10 where he hooked up Carlos and Alexis to the Simulcrum system, so that they could join him on the mission without having to leave the safety of Autobase. Armada #11

Some time after Rad and the Mini-Cons had been rescued and everyone had gotten back to base safely, Autobase was contacted by Smokescreen and Scavenger, who had recently come to Earth per space bridge. They reported about a doomsday weapon the Decepticons had been building. Optimus Prime was ready to put all of Autobase's resources into stopping whatever the Decepticons were up to, but Sparkplug reminded him that there were still Mini-Cons missing and that if the Autobots wouldn't come to their aid, there was a significant chance the Mini-Cons currently allied with the Autobots would leave. Optimus acknowledged this concern and personally informed the Mini-Cons of the upcoming rescue mission. Fire & Ice

Though the rescue mission was a success, odd things happened thereafter. Optimus Prime disappeared in Alaska, while another, dead Optimus Prime appeared inside Autobase: Earth. Contact was made with Jetfire at Autobase: Cybertron to ask if he had seen "their" Optimus Prime and what to make of all this. The two stations agreed to keep searching, which resulted in the discovery of a Mini-Con from another dimension: Over-Run. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 Over-Run was brought back to base, where he explained that Optimus Prime was stuck in another dimension and that he could retrieve him with his null-reality pods. The problems were that the Decepticons had confiscated the pods and that the dimension Optimus Prime was stuck in still had to be identified. The Mini-Cons volunteered to infiltrate the Silver Ridge base to retrieve the pods, while the Autobots and some Mini-Cons would stay at Autobase and scan realities looking for Optimus.

At Autobase: Cybertron, a disturbance in local dimensional space stemming from overuse of the space bridge nexus at Decepticon Command Headquarters attracted the attention of Jetfire's group, and they set out to discover what was wrong. Meanwhile, Megatron's group attacked Autobase: Earth shortly after the Mini-Cons left. Megatron knew Prime was gone, but was surprised by the inefficient way the Autobots defended their base. Before he could get answers, his troops were taken out by a dimension hopper looking for and intending to kill Megatron. Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4 Megatron and Galvatron's subsequent struggle destroyed nearly all of the already heavily damaged Autobase, but missed the part where the Space Team manned the computers searching for Optimus. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4 The End

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Panini Armada comic

Autobase: Cybertron was presumably the main Autobot base on Cybertron after the loss of Autobot Command HQ. It was commanded by Jetfire after Optimus Prime traveled to Earth to protect the Mini-Cons from Megatron's tyranny. Between Two Worlds! Prime's initial plan was to send the Mini-Cons from Earth to Autobase: Cybertron via space bridge, putting the base on full alert in hopes that the Autobots could keep the Mini-Cons safe there. No Way Back! After their space bridge was destroyed, Prime and his troops took up residence in Autobase: Earth, located somewhere underground. From the Earth base, he contacted Jetfire on Cybertron to ask for help in chasing Megatron off the Moon. Between Two Worlds! When Megatron attempted to nuke Autobase: Earth from orbit, the Autobots repaired their space bridge above ground and used it to teleport the missiles back at the Decepticons. Earthshaker

Titan Revenge of the Fallen comic

Optimus had established an underground, secret Autobase, for carrying out operations he didn't want NEST to know about. Shadow War



The Autobase exists and is bordered by Tyrest and the Decagon. A lengthy bridge links it to Kalis, and this is where Optimus Prime begins his adventure. Risk


The Autobase is one of the red zones on the board. The same holds true for the Decagon.
  • Transformers Monopoly (2007)
The Autobase replaces Baltic in this version of the game. The Decagon substitutes for Mediterranean.
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