Beast With Wings
From Transformers Wiki
- The Beast With Wings is a starship from the Wings Universe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Beast With Wings is the biggest and sturdiest ship in the Elite Guard's fleet. As such it's perfect for Thunderclash's Alpha Team, known as they are for crashing ships on a regular basis.
Its crew includes:
- Thunderclash (commander)
- Flak
- Landshark (pilot)
- Kup (communications)
Wings Universe
Among the hazards the Beast With Wings braved was a Turquilian asteroid shower, which it came through suffering only scratches. It was because of this durability that Magnum assigned it to Thundercrash's team. The team was called to Space Port Bravo to pick the ship up. The Coming Storm: Part 2 The team were later flying it back to Elite Guard HQ when they discovered they'd just missed out on Bruticus's massacre of most of their comrades. The Coming Storm: Part 6