From Transformers Wiki
Cybertonium is a green, crystalline element found only on Cybertron and is used in construction of Transformer bodies on that planet. Such Transformer bodies use Cybertonium in a manner which depletes it over time, requiring it to be replaced. As the element dwindles within a Transformer's system, its deficiency causes minor malfunctions, such as an inability to fully transform or control one's actions, but if the depletion proceeds past a critical level, it can lead to death. Cybertonium is mined from a pit deep in the planet.
While seemingly vital to most Transformers, those with bodies created on other worlds do not require the element.
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Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
After fleeing from a battle with the Dinobots, the Decepticons began to suffer minor malfunctions which they attributed to bad Energon. Attacking a power station to refuel, the Decepticons were confronted by the Autobots, but the battle devolved into a stalemate as both sides began to suffer from increasing malfunctions.
As their conditions worsened, Perceptor concluded that both sides were being affected by Cybertonium depletion. Having also learned the real problem, Megatron contacted Shockwave and had him prepare a shipment to be sent over the space bridge. Both factions sent groups of Transformers created on Earth and thus fully functional, the Dinobots and the Constructicons, to retrieve the shipment. Both groups fought and ended up destroying the Cybertonium, with the Dinobots ending up on Cybertron and refusing to assist those on Earth. With the Autobots fading fast, Spike and Carly, over the objections of Optimus Prime, traveled across the space bridge to get some more Cybertonium. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1
Arriving on the homeworld of the Transformers, the human pair avoided Shockwave but damaged the computer controlling the space bridge and prevented even the Decepticons from receiving more of the vital element. Searching Wheeljack's lab, Spike and Carly ran into Swoop, who explained that the Dinobots had been captured and reprogrammed to work in the Cybertonium Pit. When the humans and Swoop attempted to rescue their friends, they were captured in turn and forced to work in the pit as well. After Carly re-reprogrammed the other Dinobots, the group was able to escape back across the now-repaired space bridge with enough Cybertonium to save their fellow Autobots. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2
Transformers 2010 story pages
The Quintesson creation, Gilthor, was built from the same Cybertonium alloys as Optimus Prime, making him just as resilient as the Autobot Supreme Commander. A Mysterious Decepticon Soldier Appears. He is the Colossal Cannon Soldier Gilthor!
The Headmasters cartoon
During the Headmasters conflict, Vector Sigma developed an alloy called Cybertonuron that was many times stronger than Cybertonium. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1
G-2 story pages and pack-in manga
Upon his defeat at the hands of Megatron, the spirits of the fallen Autobot commanders residing within the Matrix activated the Reconfiguration Matrix and resurrected Optimus Prime as Battle Convoy. Part of his upgraded form was the Cybertonium Sword, which was powerful enough to chop Megatron's fusion cannon right off his arm. Birth of the New Supreme Commander Battle Convoy!
Beast Wars: Uprising
At least some part of the memory chips that comprised the Cybertronian brain were made of Cybertonium. Trigger Warnings
When a troop of Waruders arrived in pre-modern Axiom Nexus, they secretly constructed a hive underground and spent the next 20,000 years feeding on TransTech Cybertron's cybertonium undisturbed. In the present day, they came into conflict when criminals and law enforcers alike stumbled upon the hive's activities, which had shut down the planetary network. Ultimately, C-81 was able to defuse the situation by negotiating for the Waruders to leave for an abandoned alternate Cybertron where they could feed undisturbed. Cybertron's Most Wanted
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Grimlock's physical construction incorporated cybertonium circuitry. Technorganic Secrets
- The introduction of Cybertonium throws a spanner in the works for determining the origins of the newer second-season characters such as Perceptor, Blaster, Blitzwing, etc. Previously, it could be assumed they had simply arrived from Cybertron or some other planet, but the fact that their Cybertonium deteriorates in exact sync with the earlier characters suggests that they were also aboard the Ark and went through the same four-million-year slumber as the 1984 characters. Why we didn't see any of them for the first year is therefore a bit of a mystery within the context of the stories.
- Likewise, it adds to the controversy surrounding the origin of the Constructicons. The fact the group can function and even form Devastator would seem to imply they were created on Earth, as seen in "Heavy Metal War", yet later in season two, "The Secret of Omega Supreme" states they were originally from Cybertron. If the Constructicons were merely rebuilt on Earth, why can't other Transformers be rebuilt in similar fashion so as not to require Cybertonium?
- The Japanese interpretation of Cybertonium is rather different from how it was presented in Western fiction. In Japan, it is treated as an incredibly strong, resilient alloy, with the claim even being made that Optimus Prime was built from it, hence his inherent toughness. "Desertion of the Dinobots", however, treats Cybertonium simply as an element needed for Transformers to function, not as any incredibly powerful metal.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Cybertonium (セイバートニウム seibātoniumu)