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- Eggleo is a Maximal Egg Beast from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
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Eggleo (エッグレオ Eggureo) is a strange little critter with a bizarre altmode and among the oldest known Maximals. Despite his small size, he exudes bravery and excels in quick combat.
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Ask Vector Prime
Eggleo was a sleeper agent of Unicron, inserted into Maximal society. Like all the Egg Beasts, his alternate forms bore many similarities to Unicron's own structure. Unicron would reuse his design for the Sparkbot Angela. Ask Vector Prime, 29/9/2015
Beast Wars
- Eggleo (Egg Beast, 1998)
- ID number: EC-1
- Known designers: Masaki Maruyama (original tooling)
- A late (and low-run) addition to the Takara Beast Wars line, Eggleo transforms from a mechanical sphere (ostensibly an "egg" mode) into a lion. He is cast in translucent yellow plastic except for a handful of chromed and die-cast parts. He has a non-removable keychain attached to his robot mode back (well, you can remove it if you bend the metal attaching ring).
- All of the Eggbots demand a higher price tag on the secondary market than one would expect at first, thanks to their late and relatively limited release.
- This mold is a retooling of the 1988 Takara Mashin Hero Wataru "Jaleon" toy, giving him a new loop for his attached keychain. The Wataru toy was itself a retool of the Micro Change "MC-15 Metal Leo" toy, which also had a base and two additional mane-guns excluded from all later iterations of the mold.
- This mold was also used to make Dark Eggleo and Kiss Players Angela.
- A use of the Eggleo mold was initially planned to act as "Unicron's subordinate's subordinate" (ユニクロン手下の手下).[1] This is perhaps why the Egg Beasts, as well as their later mold-mates the Sparkbots, were used as servants of Unicron in later fiction.