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Leader-1 (GoBots)

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The name or term "Leader-1" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Leader-1 (disambiguation).
Leader-1 is the Guardian leader from the GoBots continuity family.

Leader-1 is a GoBot, the leader of the heroic Guardians. Once he was a High Protector of Gobotron with Cy-Kill and Zeemon, but now he and his once-comrade Cy-Kill wage an unending conflict of bizarre schemes from their homeworld to Earth and Quartex, transforming from robot into a F-15 Eagle. Despite this, he still always finds time for that whacky scamp Scooter and his human chums!

I think that Optimus fellow is biting your style, Leader-1.

Everything about him raises my ire. Just look at him! The arrogance, the self-righteousness. His body language tells you everything you need to know about him.Cy-Kill, Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/21



Renegade Rhetoric

How Cy-Kill sees Leader-1.

To hear Cy-Kill tell it, Leader-1 is a smug, cloying, everybody-get-along jackboot who forces every round peg into a square hole out of goodness. Well, C.S. Lewis had a line about how "omnipotent moral busybodies" are worse than brutish tyranny as they reduce us to infants! Cy-Kill's having none of that! Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/18

Cy-Kill admitted that he can see why Leader-1 was made a High Protector, as the bot is almost as good at fighting as he is. He'll grudgingly admit some admiration for the Guardian's tenacity. Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/14

Leader-1 has had many adventures as the Guardians' leader. Among ones that specifically involved him, he was trapped in a computer simulation of a post-war world that was designed to make him reveal UNECOM secrets; Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/17 teamed up with Cy-Kill to escape the clutches of an ancient supercomputer that forced them into gladiator battles; Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/17 single-handedly fighting his way through Renegade forces after they stole a moon he was on; Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/21 and playing the lead role in a production of Kafka's The Metamorphosis, competing against the Renegades' Pirates of Penzance. Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/19

During Cy-Kill's extended absence, during which he was scheming in Axiom Nexus, Leader-1 pressed his advantage. Renegade operations all over the galaxy were rolled up. During what was to be the final assault on Rogue Star, Cy-Kill returned with nearly a dozen new troops, turning the tide of battle. Though injured, Leader-1 was able to cover the Guardian withdrawal and trick Cy-Kill into disabling his own most powerful weapon, Monsterous. Renegade Rhetoric (2), 2015/11/10


He could fight the Renegades but Nickelback is beyond even him

Small Foot had made the trip to Gobotolis solely because of Leader-1: his words inspired her to join the war effort in the hope of protecting him. High Noon

Many years later, Leader-1 conferred with Cy-Kill and the doctor about the danger their dimension was in. He reluctantly agreed to reactivate the Dimensional Interfacer to send a team of explorers into the multiverse in order to uncover the cause of the Cataclysm (coincidentally, Small Foot was one of them). Withered Hope

A mysterious figure known as the Beast Sage arrived in Leader-1's reality and helped his people forestall the Cataclysm's effects for a time, but even his efforts did not last indefinitely. Leader-1, Cy-Kill, and Zeemon gathered their people to openly reveal the renewed peril. With contact with their scout parties terminated by some sort of dimensional shift, Leader-1 declared it too dangerous to send more through the Dimensional Interfacer. Despite Cy-Kill's objections, their best option now was to wait and hope their explorers found a solution. Sunrise

In a vision, Small Foot was distraught to see Leader-1 falling to a malicious darkness. High Noon

Brain Problem Situation

Leader-1 was the leader of the GoBots when six strange visitors, the Spy Changers of Primax 085.0 Eta, arrived in Gargent 087.0 Kappa and were attacked by the Guardians, who mistakenly presumed them to be Renegades. Later, the Spy Changer Prowl made contact with Leader-1 to explain the truth of the situation, and a secret Spy Changer-Guardian alliance was forged. After Hoist destroyed the Renegade bases which were threatening the Spy Changers' homeworld, the Autobots and Guardians worked together to drive off the Renegades. Optimus Prime and Leader-1 shook hands as a symbol of the transdimensional friendship, and the Spy Changers returned to their home reality. Brain Problem Situation

Echoes and Fragments

In a strange amalgam universe created by Gong and Sideways, Leader-1 battled Megatron for the fate of Guardian City in 2005. Tri-Trak intervened in their duel, allowing Megatron to get the drop on Leader-1 and fatally wound him. With no way to contact the Last Engineer, Leader-1 died shortly afterwards, but not without passing the Guardian Matrix to Major Mo. Echoes and Fragments

Go-Bots comic

Leader-1 was a Go-Bot created for the US military as a smart metal asset. Leader-1 and Cy-Kill were produced at the same time, with their earliest programming including throwing a basketball to each other. Leader-1 was later partnered with ace pilot Nick Burns. Along with Beaky and Condor, they were entrusted with a top secret hostage rescue mission. Despite the loss of Beaky, Leader-1 was able to get into the installation, wiping out most of the guards with his hand-mounted machine guns and locating the hostages, who were then freed by Nick. Afterwards they travelled to the Go-Bot Command Center at the Pentagon, where they were briefed about the growing activities of a group of Renegade Go-Bots in the desert near Route 66. On investigation, Leader-1 picked up a caravan of the Renegades but was jumped by Cop-Tur as they went in to attack. Leader-1 knocked the Renegade out with a missile and then began strafing Cy-Kill, who slipped into a canyon. The pair converted to robot mode and engaged in combat, during which Nick was injured. Cy-Kill then criticized Leader-1 for being a mere tool of the humans, who he felt were unworthy of commanding the superior Go-Bots. Leader-1 listened but ultimately disagreed. However, he had been surrounded by the other Renegades and Tank was able to take Leader-1's military knowledge—including nuclear codes. The battered Leader-1 was captured as the Renegades set off to conquer Earth, with Cy-Kill inspiring a huge Go-Bot uprising. Go-Bots #1

While Cy-Kill's Renegades began their initial assaults he ordered Pocket and Crossword to crush Leader-1 at a scrapyard. However, he recovered midway through his execution, escaping and crushing the pair of Renegades instead, despite their pleas for mercy. He then joined the USAF fighters against the Renegades, engaging Fitor in battle. Leader-1 then became a rallying point for the GoBots still loyal to humanity. He then fought Cy-Kill one-on-one again, though his motivation had already shifted to becoming King of the Go-Bots. During the vicious fight, he was shot down, had his face mask knocked off and half of his head stripped away by his opponent's bladed wheels but ultimately triumphed by riding Cy-Kill into a wall. Both groups of Go-Bots urged him for guidance. Go-Bots #2


Leader-1 eventually set himself up as a monarch on board the Command Center. More concerned with his own standing, he appeared to have made little attempt to protect the humans as they became primitive and Gobotron was built, even forcing Scooter to murder the human freedom fighter A.J. Foster when she began to oppose his plans, leading Turbo to leave his service before the same could be done to him. Leader-1's regime was held in place in a brutal fashion, with his subjects put through reprogramming and even dematerialization to keep his troops docile. He became mainly concerned with his struggles with Cy-Kill and the threat of Zod. Many, many years passed until the human crew of Spay-C encountered Leader-1, whose Go-Bots helped save them from Zod, only to then throw them in the Command Center's brig. With Major Domo as his advisor, he reacted angrily when emissaries of the Trade Federation complained that Zod still had not been defeated, and mentioned that Leader-1 might have a rival to his crown in the form of the nomadic Road Ranger. He then interrogated Spay-C and became furious when the new arrival mentioned Earth. That night, he was visited by Eno, the Dark Angel, who gave him a vision of the Lazer Lance, a weapon that could defeat Zod which was buried on Gobotron. The visitation led him to reverse his plans to dematerialize Spay-C, believing his arrival to have been a good omen. However, Cy-Kill led the Renegades against the Command Center, having trained Zod to follow him. Leader-1 ordered the Command Center to take off, with the Renegades' Thruster in pursuit. Along with Heat Seeker, Royal-T, Path Finder and Spay-C, he fought off the Renegades while Tic Toc calculated a jump to hyperspeed getting back on-board just before the Command Center made the jump and headed towards the center of Gobotron—which was, in fact, Earth. Go-Bots #3


There, he received another vision, this time from the Go-Bot god Courageous, urging him to find the Lazer Lance. He made an uneasy alliance with Turbo and the brain-damaged Scooter to locate the weapon, and the journey bought them into contact with the Go-Lems and Braxis's army of Vamps. Ultimately, they found both the Lazer Lance and Courageous, which split into armor suits for the Go-Bots. However, when Leader-1 prepared to confront Zod. the Lazer Lance was snatched off him and broken in half by Cy-Kill. The intervention of the Go-Lems dropped Zod and Cy-Kill into a canyon, which Cop-Tur took as a signal to challenge Leader-1 to single combat. Leader-1 battered him before gathering up the halves of the Lazer Lance to see if Zod could still be destroyed. He led a small team including Turbo, Scooter, Spay-C and Screw Head; together they were finally able to destroy Zod. Leader-1 was injured in the process, and while they had been fighting Zod, Cy-Kill had taken control of the Command Center. He used it to fire on the Guardians, riddling Leader-1 with bullets. The dying Go-Bot was then visited again by Eno and a vision of Nick as he died and was buried in Courageous' torso section. Go-Bots #4

After his death, Major Domo disclosed many of his secrets to Turbo and Road Ranger, who took command of the Go-Bots and finally decided to free Earth from GoBotron. Road Ranger and Bug Bite later recovered his remains, complete with the skeleton of Nick, planning to merge them with what was left of Cy-Kill to create a new, better Go-Bot. Go-Bots #5


Gobots cartoon leader-1.jpeg

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