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The mammoth is a furry elephantine animal native to Earth. They are adapted to cold climates, which has led to their death as the planet transitioned away from the Ice Age.
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Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
Thanks to the Decepticons plundering Dinobot Island's resources, time distortions brought barbarians riding mammoths to the modern age, where they ruined a library. Dinobot Island, Part 1 They were corralled up by the Autobots and sent back to their proper time along with their riders. Dinobot Island, Part 2
Beast Wars Neo cartoon
Big Convoy had a mammoth alternate mode. Big Convoy, Move Out
Beast Wars Neo comic
A planet in the 7th Cosmos had native mammoths. An Angolmois Capsule fell on the planet, and there granted sapience and speech to a mammoth, who would call himself Big. The Capsule later further evolved Big into a Transformer, Big Convoy. The Beast Wars "Neo" Begin!!! After sacrificing his life to stop Unicron, Big Convoy's spark was "recycled" by Heinrad's organization and resurrected as a normal mammoth. He was put on a planet similar to his homeworld. Return to Zero
2005 IDW continuity
Shockwave, after arriving on Earth to witness the results of his Regenesis project, witnessed a herd of mammoths dying as the planet became warmer. The mammoth was selected as a prospective alternate mode for one of the Dynobots, but Grimlock refused to use mammalian forms. Spotlight: Shockwave
Shattered Glass
After crash-landing on a prehistoric Earth, Ultra Magnus adopted a mammoth as his alternate mode to protect himself from ambient energon radiation. Shattered Time
External links
- Mammoth at Wikipedia