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Misha Miramond

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Misha Miramond is a human from the Energon portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
You can call me whatever you want, baby.

Misha Miramond is a brilliant young researcher specializing in possible applications of the potent resource known as energon. However, she is troubled by the fact that her research is used by her fellow human scientists and their Autobot allies to construct weapons.

She is in a relationship with Kicker Jones, son of Dr. Brian Jones, the foremost expert on energon. Her research often has her living a long way away from Kicker, which causes some strain on their relationship at times.

She is sometimes known as Mika. And then Misha again. And then Micha. And then Misha again the week after that.

Her deceased parents are Pierre and Olie Miramond.



Cartoon continuity

Energon cartoon

Voice actor: Ellen Kennedy (English), Yukiko Tagami (Japanese), Zara Zimmerman (Swedish), Naiké Fauveau (French), Melanie Henríquez (Spanish - Latin America), Marta Sáinz (Spanish - Spain), Beata Jankowska-Tzimas (Polish), Pauliina Virta (Finnish), Perla Liberatori (Italian)
Plot points derived exclusively from the Super Link version of the Energon cartoon are in italics.
That Kicker is such a mean doody-head.

Misha Miramond had a strong relationship with her parents as a child, but they both died when she was young. Each One Fights... After that, she turned to Doctor Brian Jones as a mentor, and somewhat of a surrogate father figure. She grew very close to his son, Kicker, who was her own age.

When the Alpha Quintesson and Scorponok unleashed their attacks upon the Energon mining facilities of Earth, Misha was stationed at the research center in Plains City. Although Optimus Prime ordered an evacuation of the human personnel at the different mining colonies for their own protection, Misha remained behind with a research crew at Desert City. Energon Stars This strongly concerned her friend Kicker, who wished she had evacuated with the others. Hot Shot was transferred to command the garrison stationed at Desert City in anticipation of an attack, and Misha confided in him about Kicker, and wished he wouldn't worry so about her. Later, she and another scientist were trapped when the Terrorcon forces stormed through the mines and defeated the Autobot defenders. Kicker and the Autobots from Ocean City staged a daring rescue where Kicker, Strongarm and Ironhide fought their way through the mines to rescue Misha and the scientist, while Optimus Prime kept the treacherous Tidal Wave busy. Scorpinok

Misha considered Doctor Jones to be a mentor to her, and embraced his beliefs that energon should only be used for peaceful purposes. As a result, she was very reluctant to begin using energon to power the gun embankments the Autobots were installing at all research stations to defend against Terrorcon attack. Still, she did her duty and manned the controls in defense of the energon mining operations. Megatron Resurrected Misha later arrived at Ocean City for the conference where Doctor Jones proposed his energon towers plan. She consoled Kicker after he felt he let the Autobots down during a mission, and reminded him that even Optimus Prime had been a rookie at one point. Battle of the Asteroid Belt As Doctor Jones returned full-time to Ocean City and Earth, Misha did her best to stay out of the drama between Kicker and his father. Energon Tower

Sometime later, Misha and Kicker spent the day together at Jungle City going out to their favorite spot as kids, the Mayan temple steps. As they were catching up, however, Kicker detected Terrorcons making their way towards the energon mines. Misha was evacuated with the rest of the civilians before the battle began, but first she asked Optimus to try and spare the Mayan ruins in the conflict, because they were very special to her and Kicker. Optimus did his best, but Jungle City fell under siege by both Megatron and Alpha Q's Terrorcon forces, and the entire installation needed to be sacrificed. Misha sadly told Optimus that she understood when she heard of the sacrifice, because in the end lives were more important than memories. Crisis in Jungle City

When Kicker confronted Demolishor and the Terrorcons on the moon, Misha watched him from Earth, confident that Kicker knew what he was doing. After he returned to Ocean City, they talked about his strange conversation with the creature known as Alpha Q. Kicker Beware! After Megatron launched a series of artificial comets at Earth, Misha and Kicker rushed to Desert City to get the last of the energon towers online, bringing up a planetary force grid that shielded the Earth completely from attack. Energon Grid With the energon grid active and Earth safe for the moment, the Autobots began preparing for further missions out in space to prevent the rise of Unicron. Misha noticed how troubled Kicker was by this, and asked Ironhide to look after him. Rodimus Friend or Foe?

Scientists make great office ladies!

Later, Misha was made a member of Optimus Prime's unit, and was given a skin-tight yellow spacesuit of her own (which left her hair flowing free down her back, even in the airless vacuum of space, which didn't seem to have any ill effect), similar to Kicker's. Within the unit she acted as an energon systems specialist for the Miranda II. Go for Unicron! Her secondary function aboard the crew searching for Unicron appeared to be routinely calling Kicker on his self-important angst and martyr complex. The Miranda II stopped by an icy planet which Kicker sensed was plentiful in energon. Unfortunately, the ship was caught between two pillars of ice, forcing the crew to split into two groups; one staying behind to take care of the ship, the other scouting the landscape for energon. Once the ship was freed, Misha piloted it towards the away team, who had since come under fire from the Decepticons. Though they were forced to leave the energon behind in enemy hands, the Miranda II's crew all made it off the planet safely. The Return of Demolishor

As the Autobots approached Unicron, Misha maintained their energon defenses in combat situations for the first time. She released a stockpile of raw energon ore into space, letting Kicker and Inferno attract and destroy an attacking squadron of Divebomb drones. A Tale of Two Heros She later monitored the energon field emitters as Optimus sent the Miranda II on a daredevil run through the insides of Unicron. When Kicker tried to go off on his own to rescue the missing Ironhide, however, Misha showed herself to be just as stubborn as he was by following him out into space. They were confronted by Rodimus, who brought the human duo to meet Alpha Q. Battle Stations Misha watched the debate between Kicker and Alpha Q inside Unicron's head, as Kicker tried to convince Alpha Q to step up and do the right thing for his planet and for the Autobots. Although it initially appeared as if Kicker failed, as they were departing Misha and Kicker realized Alpha Q heard them, and was moving Unicron's head to enter the fight on their side. Alpha Q: Identity While Kicker and Misha waited for Unicron's head to reach Cybertron, they went "off-roading" on the surface inside Ironhide, although Misha didn't appreciate the ride as much as Kicker. Shockblast: Rampage


When Unicron started going nuts in the middle of the peace talks, Optimus made a point of getting Misha to safety aboard the Miranda II. When he tried to take her all the way back to Cybertron, however, Misha insisted she remain behind to keep watch over Kicker. Survival Instincts Aboard Unicron's head, Misha made an attempt to reach out to Alpha Q. He had withdrawn into himself after helping end Unicron's rampage, and Kicker was getting angry at the silent treatment. Alpha Q tried to deter Misha with Insecticons, but she ignored his attempts to scare her and approached the creature directly. Misha calmly empathized with Alpha Q's loneliness, and convinced him they were all doing the same thing...fighting for their planets. Each One Fights... Misha also helped mediate another dispute between Kicker and his father, convincing the boy to swallow his pride and ask for help, getting the energon Cybertron needed for its defense from Earth. Unicron Unleashed

Misha and Kicker continued to coordinate from the Miranda II while Optimus and the Autobots fought their way inside Megatron's Unicron. They helped to direct the supply of energon from Earth directly to Alpha Q, giving him the energy he needed to claim Unicron's power and revive his planets. Open Fire! Alpha Q's now positively charged head of Unicron was in danger of eruption so close to Megatron's negatively charged body, and so Kicker and Misha tried to coax Alpha Q into fleeing. Alpha Q sensed Scorponok was in trouble, however, and delayed long enough for the two charged portions of Unicron to explode off of each other, tearing a hole through space. As most of their comrades fell through the rift, either accidentally or in search of Megatron, Kicker and Misha vowed to follow them through to the other side. Ripped Up Space They traveled through the rift in the Miranda II, and eventually emerged from the other side. Team Optimus Prime Misha and the crew rendezvoused with Optimus Prime and his allies when they made it through, and found a new solar system populated by Alpha Q's new energon-enriched planets. Protection

Misha brought the Miranda II to Jungle Planet, one of the many new worlds Alpha Q was vitalizing through the energon sun. It had a purified, Earth-like atmosphere and was very nearly a paradise. Imprisoned Inferno Unfortunately, the Decepticons soon located the world and began bombarding the Autobots from space. Misha coordinated some of the response efforts from aboard the Miranda II. Jungle Planet She and Kicker shared a moment at sunset once the energon tower from Cybertron was set up to defend Jungle Planet. Bulkhead In Dr. Jones' absence, Misha set up the energon grid between Jungle, Rock, Blizzard, and Ocean Planets, securing Alpha Q's new worlds against Decepticon incursions. Farewell Inferno

The people of Confetti City are really enthusiast about the Autobot Grand Prix.

Misha located the new Planet Q on scanners when Alpha Q began feeding vast amounts of energon into it to recreate his world. The Autobots were dispatched to prevent the Decepticons from gathering the energon growing there. Return! Our Scorponok

Misha tried to comfort Kicker once he began twitching after receiving a message from his father on Cybertron. Paying her efforts little mind, Kicker ran off with Jetfire to watch the Autobot Grand Prix, leaving Misha behind. Irritated at having been kept out of the loop about the upcoming race, Misha and Arcee entered late (with Misha in disguise) and won it while front runners Hot Shot and Ironhide were preoccupied with their manly manliness. Crash Course

Misha operated aboard the Miranda II with Kicker and Arcee during the big confrontation with Unicron. Omega Supreme They brought the energon grid on line in a vain attempt to prevent Unicron from reclaiming his head from Alpha Q's Energon Orb. Alpha Q sent them to a new world he had cultivated, Grass Planet, which he had designed specifically to represent the fields Kicker and Misha remembered playing in as children. It was his final gift to them before Megatron and Unicron tore through the Energon Orb. A Heroic Battle

Returning to the battleground with Unicron, Misha and the Miranda II waited outside of Unicron while Kicker recovered Alpha Q's body from within. The Power of Unicron Kicker and Misha lay Alpha Q to rest on Grass Planet, burying him underneath a simple headstone before returning to the fight. Optimus Supreme Aboard the Miranda II, Arcee and Misha coordinated the Omnicons on Alpha Q's remaining worlds. They brought together the energon towers for an offensive strike against Unicron. Along with the power of Primus, and the teamwork of the Optimus Supreme combination, Unicron was ultimately destroyed, his essence scattered throughout space. Unicron Perishes

With the Energon Orb gone, Alpha Q's planets no longer had a sun to urge on their development. When Megatron and the Decepticons returned to strike at Cybertron, Misha and Roadblock remained behind on Ocean Planet to look after the worlds. Ambition Without a life-giving sun, Alpha Q's planets began to wilt and die out. Misha was investigating the deterioration of Grass Planet when Roadblock called her back to Ocean Planet. The Decepticon controlled Cybertron was exiting the warp gate with the intent of destroying the remaining planets. Formidable

As Galvatron infused himself with Super Energon and achieved gigantic size, he launched himself out into space. The Autobots initially believed he was going after Alpha Q's planets, but Misha's calculations indicated he was heading somewhere else entirely. Destructive Power

A fragment of Unicron's essence still existed in space. It was what called to Galvatron, and Kicker sensed it too. While Optimus kept Galvatron busy in epic battle on Jungle Planet, Kicker prepared to go after Unicron on his own. Misha called in from Ocean Planet and begged him not to be so reckless anymore. Kicker was kind but firm, and told Misha this was something he had to do, no matter what. Spark

Once Galvatron reached the orb of Unicron's essence and merged with it, Primus sent out a massive ball of Super Energon which consumed Galvatron and Unicron. It also served as a new sun for Alpha Q's planets. Misha and Sally went out onto the deck at Ocean Planet to bask in the sunlight as it revitalized their worlds. The Sun

Legends comic

Misha was one of the many women brought to the Legends World by Tigatron using the ultra-drill in an attempt to get women who liked him better than Springer. It did not work out, as all of the women brought over eventually swooned over Springer. Bonus Edition Vol. 19

Kre-O online comic


Misha was inside Autobot City during its inauguration. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!

Precursor World

A humanoid resembling Misha lived on the Yellow Planet. She was present when Scylla stole the Yellow Matrix. God Neptune comic 1


  • As referred to above, early in the Energon cartoon's run, Misha was frequently called Mika, with both names being used interchangeably (and sometimes both within the same episode), until the series eventually settled upon 'Misha'.
  • When Misha is referred to as 'Mika', the voice actors also often switch between two different pronunciations of the name—'My-kuh' and 'Mee-ka'. For ease of reference, the second pronunciation is rendered separately as 'Meeka' in the episode synopses.
  • While wearing her space suit Misha's hair flows beautifully in the wind...In the vacuum of space where there is no wind
  • Also, if her hair can escape the space suit, so can air; shouldn't that kill her?

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Misha (ミーシャ Mīsha)
  • French: Mika
  • Polish: Mika
  • Spanish: Maika (America), Mischa (Spain)
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