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Recordicons issue 14

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Publisher Fun Publications
Published in Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #47
First published October/November 2012
Script David Willis
Art David Willis
Continuity Shattered Glass

Ravage finds that even in alternate universes, texting while driving is a bad idea.



Ravage is blogging while driving his ATV, unconcerned with the dangers of the rocky slopes. Suddenly, he crashes, ripping his arm off. Taken to Glit for repairs, the cantankerous Decepticon medic advises him against texting while driving. Wanting a second opinion, Ravage goes to the positive-universe Glit, only for the drunk and surprisingly friendly Decepticon medic to tell him the same thing, much to Ravage's displeasure.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Transformers references

  • Ravage's ATV is based off the ATV that came in the Kre-O "Decepticon Ambush" set, packed with 3 Vehicon Kreons and a Cliffjumper Kreon.
  • Shattered Glass Glit is repurposed from Collector's Edition Howlback, another redeco of Ravage. See real-world references below for more.
  • Classics Glit originally comes from the Kiss Players toyline; he's depicted as drunk and fond of karaoke, as seen in the Kiss Players radio drama.

Real-world references

  • Shattered Glass Glit's personality and face are based on Dr. Perry Cox from Scrubs. He calls Ravage by female names, as Cox would do to series protagonist J.D.

External links

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