Scale in Transformers is screwed up beyond belief. That said, most cinematic series within Transformers have official scale charts for creators to work with. Artistic license and animation errors are frequent in Transformers media, but the following are examples of intended scale for characters within the franchise.
Generation 1 continuity family
The Transformers cartoon
Japanese animation scale references
More Japanese animation scale references
Japanese chart for Masterpiece toys
Autobot scale chart for The Transformers: The Movie
Chart of planets seen in The Movie relative to Earth
Season 3 scale for Rodimus, Predaking, Trypticon and Metroplex
Seasons 1 & 2 scales published in The Ark
The Headmasters cartoon
Silhouettes of Headmasters and combiners
Comparison of Fortress Maximus, Metroplex, Raiden, Chromedome, Wheelie and Daniel from October 1987's Issue of TV Magazine
Scale chart from The Ark II
Super-God Masterforce cartoon
Production scale chart (#1)
Production scale chart (#2)
Scale chart for the Pretenders and Seacons
Scale chart for the Pretenders and their human forms
Scale chart from The Complete Ark
Victory cartoon
Star Saber and Victory Leo scale
Scale chart from The Ark II
Beast Wars cartoon
Preliminary scale from DVD
Beast Machines cartoon
Beast Wars II cartoon
Beast Wars Neo cartoon
Scale chart from show bible
Scale chart from the DVD boxset
Maximal beast mode scale chart.
(NOTE: unfinalized models, scale may not be final)
Robots in Disguise (2001)
Unicron Trilogy continuity family
Armada cartoon
Energon cartoon
A much larger, black and white version of the the Decepticon scale chart
Cybertron cartoon
Live-action film series
Transformers film
Preliminary scale for film Autobots
CGI model scale chart from magazine
Group scale chart from the film’s DVD
Comparison between Optimus scale options
Optimus chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Ironhide chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Ratchet chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Jazz chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Bumblebee chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Bumblebee chart from behind the scenes video
Diagram of Bee’s dimensions
Megatron chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Starscream chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Blackout chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Barricade chart from the Official Strategy Guide
Revenge of the Fallen film
Concept art for Depthcharge
Autobot scale chart from the film's DVD
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final)
Decepticon scale chart from the film's DVD
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final)
Scale for Devastator and Constructicons
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final)
Dark of the Moon film
Main cast scale chart from behind the scenes videos
Shockwave and Driller chart with “reduced scale”
Concept art for the Driller
Vehicle scale for Optimus, Megatron, and Sentinel
Age of Extinction film
Scale chart from 30th Anniversary Expo
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final)
Scale chart from early in the film’s production
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final)
Scale chart comparing Dinobots and Autobots
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final
Early version of the Dinobots’ robot form scale
(NOTE: uses concept art, scale may not be final)
Comparison of Grimlock and his beast form
Comparison of Slug and his beast form
Comparison of Scorn and his beast form
Early concept art for Scorn
Comparison of Strafe and his beast form
Scale comparison of Junkheap variants
The Last Knight film
Bumblebee film
Chart comparing Shatter to the transmitting tower
Rise of the Beasts film
Scale chart from ParamountPlus' Instagram
(NOTE: May not be accurate)
TakaraTomy's scale chart (NOTE: There may have been some differences in compared to Movie)
Concept art for Scorponok
Concept art for the Scorponok combiner
Concept art for the Maximal ship
Animated continuity family
Animated cartoon
Dinobot scale references for season 1
Blackarachnia scale references for season 1
Decepticon scale references for season 3
Scale chart from Transformers Animated: How to Draw
Scale chart page published in The AllSpark Almanac II
Aligned continuity family
War for Cybertron video games
Optimus Prime and Bumblebee scale within the game
Omega Supreme next to Optimus Prime and Bumblebee within the game
Trypticon and Omega Supreme to scale within the game
Character model size comparison for Bumblebee, Omega Supreme and Trypticon
Character model comparisons
Fall of Cybertron video games
"Epic height" scale chart from Activision
Beast Hunters Predacons
Trypticon and Dinobots scale
Scale chart from Egmont Transformers magazine
Transformers One
Concept art for Orion/Optimus
Concept art for Orion/Optimus
Concept art for D-16/Megatron
Concept art for Sentinel and alternate form
Concept art for Alpha Trion and alternate form
Alternate form scale chart from concept art
Cogless Miner scale chart from concept art
High Guard scale chart from concept art