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- Trannis is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Trannis is a Decepticon warlord whose job is to do lots of stuff but be forgotten about when a more famous one shows up.
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Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
A young Trannis seized control of the Decepticon army after Megatron's crew became lost on Earth. He conquered most of Cybertron, but the Autobots held their fortified capital of Iacon for hundreds of thousands of years until Trannis decided it wasn't worth taking, so he razed it instead. At that point, all of the Council of Autobot Elders except Emirate Xaaron surrendered to him. Trannis immediately had them killed. Emirate Xaaron escaped to form an underground resistance.
Trannis eventually became complacent in his rule and fell out of favor among some of the Decepticons. The Decepticon high command made plans to get rid of him, but the Wreckers beat them to the punch when they assassinated him. The Autobots were pretty sure this would be a good thing.
Then he was succeeded by Straxus. Cybertron: The Middle Years!
In Primax 207.0 Epsilon and related timelines, Trannis rose and fell much closer to the present day than his counterparts on worlds like Primax 509.28 Epsilon. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/05
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
The "early Decepticon leader" engaged on a campaign of conquest with his soldiers. Towards the end of the Second Cybertronian War, he was chased by some Autobot. The Decepticon leader used his lightning whip to knock his attacker off his motorcycle, but then that motorcycle crashed into his and made him fall off too. Before he even got up, Sentinel Prime jumped in and kicked the snot out of him. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4
Wings Universe
Trannis used to lead the early Decepticons and its ASD-324-ddd-3e3c1 model Decepticon hordes before Sentinel Prime thumped him. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/05 He resurfaced as the warlord of a Decepticon faction in the early days of the Great War. Under constant threat by the Cybertron Elite Guard, he and the other Warlords banded together to form a war council. In one meeting, they reviewed footage of some of Megatron's men being wiped out by the Elite Guard. Trannis didn't much care, because they were Megatron's men, but Straxus and Shockwave pointed out that the Elite Guard didn't care which faction those Decepticons belonged to. The Warlords began to cooperate. This didn't last long—Deathsaurus sent Falcon along to the next meeting with a bomb that killed Trannis and the other Warlords in attendance. A Team Effort
Beast Wars: Uprising
A tactical genius in their heyday, Preditron noted that the Maximals and Predacons would do well to learn from the Trannises in wartime. The Predacon Manifesto
Presumably the Trannis Fork River was named in honor of them. Derailment
- Trannis's name was the inspiration for that of an abandoned OTFCC 2004-exclusive redeco of 2001 Robots in Disguise Rail Racer which would have been named "Dominus Trannis". Beast Wars: Uprising pays lip-service to this idea by describing Trannis as "tactical geniuses."
- The early Decepticon leader's model also turns up among the Junkions manipulated by the Quintessons in "The Big Broadcast of 2006". The model then has a more Junkionish deco and is likely someone entirely different.
- According to ABN in Recordicons #9, Vector Prime "always lies about Five Faces of Darkness". If true, this would mean that the guy from Five Faces isn't necessarily Trannis; we're keeping this page as-is because there's no objective evidence either way, and at least this way "Early Decepticon leader" gets a name and prose-guy Trannis gets an actual picture.
- Trannis is seen wielding two red rifles, dubbed quagma rifles by Ask Vector Prime.