Transformers: Prime (cartoon)/home video
From Transformers Wiki
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United States
Shout! Factory has released Transformers: Prime on DVD and Blu-ray.
- Hub promotional DVD
- Contains "Masters & Students", "Con Job" and "Deus ex Machina", as well as an episode of Family Game Night.
- Contains episodes from "Darkmount, NV" to "Rebellion" cut into a feature-length film. Runs for 88 Minutes.
Shout! Factory
- Transformers Prime — Darkness Rising (December 6, 2011)
- Contains the first five episodes cut into a feature-length film. Runs for 106 minutes.
- Contains all 26 episodes, plus bonus material and the graphic novel. Runs for over 600 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — Season One DVD set (March 6, 2012)
- Contains all 26 episodes and bonus material. Runs for over 600 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — One Shall Stand (July 31, 2012)
- Contains episodes from "One Shall Fall" to "Orion Pax, Part 3" cut into a feature-length film. Runs for 148 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — Season Two DVD set (November 20, 2012)
- Contains all 26 episodes, Peter Cullen's panel with Larry King and new interviews. Runs for over 600 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — Season Two Blu-ray set (November 27, 2012)
- Contains all 26 episodes, Peter Cullen's panel with Larry King and new interviews. Runs for over 600 minutes.
- Contains Predacons Rising movie, A Look Behind The Scenes of Predacons Rising. Runs for 66 minutes.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Predacons Rising DVD (October 8, 2013)
- Contains Predacons Rising movie, A Look Behind The Scenes of Predacons Rising. Runs for 66 minutes.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season Three DVD set (December 3, 2013)
- Contains all 13 episodes. Contains audio commentary, the 2013 San Diego Comic Con panel, and an extended scene from "Deadlock". Runs for over 300 minutes.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season Three Blu-ray set (December 3, 2013)
- Contains all 13 episodes. Runs for over 300 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — Ultimate Bumblebee DVD (February 25, 2014)
- Compilation featuring Bumblebee-centric episodes "Masters & Students", "Operation Bumblebee" parts 1 and 2, and "Deadlock". Runs for 88 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — Ultimate Autobots DVD (September 23, 2014)
- Compilation containing "Scrapheap", "Predatory", "Metal Attraction", "Stronger, Faster" and "Legacy". Runs for 110 minutes.
- Transformers Prime: Ultimate Decepticons DVD (September 8, 2015)
- Single disc containing "Masters & Students", "Con Job", "Crossfire", "Prey" and "Thirst". Runs for 110 minutes.
- Transformers Prime: Ultimate Rivals DVD (September 12, 2017)
- Single disc containing "Convoy", "Metal Attraction", "Nemesis Prime", "Tunnel Vision" and "The Human Factor". Runs for 110 minutes.
Pack-in disc
- Entertainment pack' and Cyberverse commander"
- The entertainment pack contains a DVD of "Masters & Students".
EDEL released the first two seasons of the series on DVD and Blu-ray in Germany under their sub-label EDEL:kids, and the discs include the German dub and the original English audio track. Primal Screen took over for the third season, and their discs include the Dutch, German and French dubs as well as the original English audio track.
- Transformers Prime — Folge 1: Die dunkle Macht erhebt sich (April 6, 2012)
- Contains all five parts of "Die dunkle Macht erhebt sicht"
- Transformers Prime — Folge 2: Meister und Schüler (April 6, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Meister und Schüler", "Invasion der Scraplets", "Der Maulwurf" and "Konvoi".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 3: Nur dieses eine Mal (August 10, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Die Energon Erntekugel", "Nur dieses eine Mal", "Die Trophäenjägerin" and "Die Cybonische Pest".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 4: Die vierte Dimension (August 10, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Außer Kontrolle", "Die vierte Dimension", "Operation Breakdown" and "Der Hinterhalt".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 5: Metallische Anziehung (November 9, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Metallische Anziehung", "Unter der Erde", "Rache" and "Bulkhead, das Superhirn".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 6: Die Prophezeiung" (November 9, 2012)
- Contains the episodes "Gegen die Vorschrift", "Die Prophezeiung", "Die Prophezeiung erfüllt sich, Teil 1", Teil 2 and Teil 3.
- Transformers Prime — Staffel 1 - Das Bündnis (November 9, 2012)
- Contains all episodes from the first season and is available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
- Transformers Prime — Folge 7: Orion Pax (April 26, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Orion Pax, Teil 1", Teil 2 and Teil 3 as well as "Operation Bumblebee, Teil 1" and Teil 2.
- Transformers Prime — Folge 8: Der falsche Prime (April 26, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Das wandelnde Pulverfass", "Das Insecticon", "Der falsche Prime" and "Agent Fowler im Verhör".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 9: Angriff auf Megatron (July 19, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Angriff auf Megatron", "Das fliegende Gehirn", "Im Untergrund von New York" and "Allianzen in der Antarktis".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 10: Bulkheads Mission (July 19, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Der Resonanz-Blaster", "Bulkheads Mission", "Der Rachefeldzug" and "Schatten der Vergangenheit".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 11: Die Omega-Schlüssel (November 9, 2013)
- Contains the episodes "Der neue Rekrut", "Der menschliche Faktor", "Megatrons dunkelste Stunde" and "Die Omega-Schlüssel".
- Transformers Prime — Folge 12: Die Entscheidung (May 23, 2014)
- Contains the episodes "Harte Schule", "Innere Angelegenheiten", "In Starscreams Kopf", "Regeneration" and "Die Entscheidung".
Primal Screen
- Contains the first seven episodes of the season: "Darkmount, Nevada", "Zerstreut in alle Winde", "Beute", "Rebellion", "Project Predacon", "Befehlskette" and "Plus Eins".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Staffel 3 Teil 2: Auf zur Rettung (July 29, 2015)
- Contains the final six episodes of the season: "Durst", "Evolution", "Minus Eins", "Überzeugungskraft", "Synthese" and "Stillstand".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Predacons Rising (October 16, 2015)
- Contains Predacons Rising movie.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Die komplette Staffel 3 (November 26, 2015)
- Contains all episodes from the third season.
Australia and New Zealand
Madman Entertainment released Transformers: Prime on DVD and Blu-ray.
- Transformers Prime — Volume 1: Darkness Rising (June 20, 2012)
- Contains the first five episodes.
- Transformers Prime — Season One Blu-ray collection (July 18, 2012)
- Contains all 26 episodes, plus bonus material. Runs for over 600 minutes.
- Transformers Prime — Volume 2: Unfamiliar Enemies (August 1, 2012)
- Contains the episodes from "Masters & Students" to "Deus ex Machina".
- Transformers Prime — Volume 3: Alien Threat (September 12, 2012)
- Contains the episodes from "Speed Metal" to "Shadowzone".
- Transformers Prime — Volume 4: Strength in Numbers (October 3, 2012)
- Contains the episodes from "Operation: Breakdown" to "Partners".
- Transformers Prime — Volume 5: One Shall Fall, One Shall Rise (November 7, 2012)
- Contains the episodes from "T.M.I." to "One Shall Rise, Part 3".
- Transformers Prime — Season One DVD collection (June 19, 2013)
- Contains all 26 episodes.
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Volume 1: Orion Pax (June 19, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Orion Pax, Part 1" to "Operation Bumblebee, Part 2".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Volume 2: Battle for Supremacy (August 7, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Loose Cannons" to "Armada".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Volume 3: Weapons of Choice (November 6, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Flying Mind" to "Toxicity".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Volume 4: Unclear Objectives (February 5, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Hurt" to "Legacy".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Volume 5: Advance on Cybertron" (May 8, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Alpha/Omega" to "Darkest Hour".
- Transformers Prime — Season Two DVD collection (June 4, 2014)
- Contains all 26 episodes.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season 3 Volume 1: Battle for Darkmount (June 4, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Darkmount, NV" to "Rebellion".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season 3 Volume 2: Race for Salvation (August 6, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Project Predacon" to "Thirst".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season 3 Volume 3: Omega Lock (October 8, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Evolution" to "Deadlock".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Predacons Rising (November 12, 2014)
- Contains the Predacons Rising movie.
- Features "Operation Bumblebee" parts 1 and 2, "Tunnel Vision" and "Triangulation".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season Three DVD collection (June 10, 2015)
- Contains all 13 episodes.
- Transformers Prime — Season Two Blu-ray collection (October 14, 2015)
- Contains all 26 episodes, plus bonus material. Runs for over 500 minutes.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season Three Blu-ray collection (February 3, 2016)
- Contains all 13 episodes, plus the Predacons Rising movie.
- .
Avex Trax released the first two seasons of the show in Japan on DVD. The discs contain only Japanese audio.
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 1 (August 31, 2012) AVBA-49818
- Contains the episodes "Perfect Transformation! Enter the Transformers" and "Dark Transformation!? Dark Energon".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 2 (August 31, 2012) AVBA-49819
- Contains the episodes "Rescue Transformation! Fowler in Crisis" and "Infiltration Transformation! Battleship Nemesis".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 3 (August 31, 2012) AVBA-49820
- Contains the episodes "Explosive Transformation! Spacebridge Battle" and "Aerial Transformation! Skyquake".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 4 (September 28, 2012) AVBA-49844
- Contains the episodes "Freezing Transformation!? Terror of the Minicons" and "Secret Sword Transformation! Introducing Wheeljack".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 5 (September 28, 2012) AVBA-49845
- Contains the episodes "Reckless Transformation! Protect the Dingus!" and "All-Out Assault Transformation! The Pair of Assassins".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 6 (October 26, 2012) AVBA-49907
- Contains the episodes "Acceleration Transformation! Speed Match!" and "Mystery Insect Transformation! Forest of the Spider Woman!".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 7 (October 26, 2012) AVBA-49908
- Contains the episodes "Phantom Transformation! Mind-Diving" and "Counterattack Transformation! The Resurrection of Megatron!".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 8 (November 30, 2012) AVBA-49959
- Contains the episodes "Phantom Transformation! Skyquake Returns" and "Surgical Transformation!? Imprison the Soldier of Destruction".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 9 (November 30, 2012) AVBA-49960
- Contains the episodes "Strategy Transformation! Unravel the Sinister Thread!" and "Adhesive Transformation!? Magnetic Tag Match".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 10 (December 28, 2012) AVBA-49982
- Contains the episodes "Exploration Transformation! Escape from the Underground" and "Duel Transformation! Quell Cliffjumper's Regrets".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 11 (December 28, 2012) AVBA-49983
- Contains the episodes "Friendship Transformation! My Bulkhead" and "Forbidden Transformation!? Ratchet's Strongest Legend?".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 12 (January 25, 2013) AVBA-62018
- Contains the episodes "One-Shot Transformation! Optimus Prime VS Megatron" and "Giant God Transformation! The Advance of Gaia Unicron".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 13 (January 25, 2013) AVBA-62019
- Contains the episodes "Rivals Transformation! Birth of the Strongest Combination" and "Sealed Transformation! The Mystery of Orion Pax".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 14 (February 22, 2013) AVBA-62171
- Contains the episodes "Forgotten Transformation! Optimus Has Become a Decepticon" and "Hopeful Transformation! Aim for Planet Cybertron".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 15 (February 22, 2013) AVBA-62172
- Contains the episodes "Activated Transformation! The Key to Vector Sigma" and "Unable to Transform!? SOS Bumblebee".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 16 (March 29, 2013) AVBA-62264
- Contains the episodes "Brave Transformation! The Surgeon's Decision" and "Explosive Sword Transformation! Wheeljack and Dreadwing".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 17 (March 29, 2013) AVBA-62265
- Contains the episodes "Turbulent Transformation! Insect Battle" and "Clashing Transformation! The Dark Commander Appears".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 18 (April 26, 2013) AVBA-62306
- Contains the episodes "Mission Transformation! Fowler's Investigation Files" and "Infinite Transformation! Multiplying Enemies".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 19 (April 26, 2013) AVBA-62307
- Contains the episodes "Thunder God Transformation! Rebellion of the Battleship Nemesis" and "Recovery Transformation! Battle in the Metropolis Underground".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 20 (May 31, 2013) AVBA-62376
- Contains the episodes "Freezing Transformation! Obtain the Invincible Body!" and "Sonic Transformation! Ratchet's Recipe".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 21 (May 31, 2013) AVBA-62377
- Contains the episodes "Toxic Flame Transformation! Hardshell, King of the Insects" and "Revenge Transformation! The Brave Chase".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 22 (June 28, 2013) AVBA-62452
- Contains the episodes "Reminiscent Transformation! Arcee's Past" and "New Star Transformation! Enter Smokescreen!".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 23 (June 28, 2013) AVBA-62453
- Contains the episodes "Manmade Transformation! The Warrior of Destruction is Back" and "Flash Transformation! Unleashed! The Legendary Sword".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 24 (July 26, 2013) AVBA-62481
- Contains the episodes "Prophetic Transformation! A Message from Beyond Time" and "Combustible Transformation! Struggle over the Omega Key".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 25 (July 26, 2013) AVBA-62482
- Contains the episodes "Sky Dance Transformation! The Suicidal Skydive" and "Blackest Transformation! The Shadow of Treachery".
- Transformers Prime — Vol. 26 (July 26, 2013) AVBA-62483
- Contains the episodes "Resurrection Transformation! The Reviving of Planet Cybertron" and "Ultimate Transformation! Fight! Transformers".
United Kingdom
Universal Pictures UK released the first season of the show in the United Kingdom on DVD. For the second and third seasons, Primal Screen took over as distributor, and began a practice of releasing 'Limited Edition' versions packed in with bonus merchandise.
Universal Pictures UK
- Transformers Prime — Season One: Darkness Rising (October 22, 2012)
- Contains the five-part mini-series.
- Transformers Prime — Season One: Dangerous Ground (February 18, 2013)
- Contains episodes 6-10: "Masters & Students" through "Deus ex Machina".
- Transformers Prime — Season One: Decepticons Unleashed (June 24, 2013)
- Contains episodes 11-15: "Speed Metal" through "Shadowzone".
- Transformers Prime — Season One: Unlikely Alliances (September 2, 2013)
- Contains episodes 16-20: "Operation: Breakdown" through "Partners".
- Transformers Prime — Season One: One Shall Stand (June 9, 2014)
- Contains episodes 21-26: "T.M.I". through "One Shall Rise, Part 3".
- Transformers Prime — Season One (May 18, 2015)
- Contains episodes 1-26: "Darkness Rising, Part 1" through "One Shall Rise, Part 3".
- Transformers Prime — Darkness Rising (September 14, 2015)
- Re-release with new cover.
- Transformers Prime — Dangerous Ground (September 14, 2015)
- Re-release with new cover.
- Transformers Prime — Decepticons Unleashed (September 14, 2015)
- Re-release with new cover.
- Transformers Prime — Unlikely Alliances (September 14, 2015)
- Re-release with new cover.
- Transformers Prime — One Shall Stand (September 14, 2015)
- Re-release with new cover.
Primal Screen
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 1: Orion Pax (July 7, 2014)
- Contains episodes 27-33: "Orion Pax, Part 1" through "Crossfire".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 1: Orion Pax - Limited Edition (July 7, 2014)
- Contains DVD as above, plus a packet of Topps Age of Extinction trading cards and a "Transforming Figure Collection Part 2" blind-bag.
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 2: Nemesis Prime (October 13, 2014)
- Contains episodes 34-39: "Nemesis Prime" through "Triangulation".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 2: Nemesis Prime - Limited Edition (October 13, 2014)
- Contains DVD as above, plus "Megatron Returns" book.
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 3: Toxicity (November 3, 2014)
- Contains episodes 40-46: "Triage" through "Legacy".
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 3: Toxicity - Limited Edition (November 3, 2014)
- Contains DVD as above, plus "Megatron Returns" book.
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 2: Nemesis Prime / Season 2 Vol. 3: Toxicity - Collector's Box (December 1, 2014)
- Contains DVDs as above, plus one 2014 Transformers "Classic Legion" figure.
- Transformers Prime — Season 2 Vol. 4: Darkest Hour (January 19, 2015)
- Contains episodes 47-52: "Alpha/Omega" through "Darkest Hour".
- Transformers Prime — The Complete Season 2 (March 23, 2015)
- Contains episodes 27-52: "Orion Pax, Part 1" through "Darkest Hour".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season 3 Volume 1: Battle for Darkmount (April 27, 2015)
- Contains episodes 53-59: "Darkmount, NV" through "Plus One".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Season 3 Volume 2: Race for Salvation (June 1, 2015)
- Contains episodes 60-65: "Thirst" through "Deadlock".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Predacons Rising (September 14, 2015)
- Contains the Predacons Rising TV film. Initial run is boxed with a Series 2 Tiny Titans figure.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — The Complete Season 3 (November 9, 2015)
- Contains episodes 53-65, "Darkmount, NV" through "Deadlock", plus Predacons Rising.
Universal Pictures France released the first season of the show in France on DVD, and the discs include the Italian, Dutch, French and Spanish dubs as well as the original English audio track. For the second and third seasons, Primal Screen took over as distributor.
Universal Pictures France
- Transformers Prime — Saison 1 Vol. 1: Le retour des Decepticons (November 6, 2012)
- Contains the first five episodes of "Darkness Rising".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 1 Vol. 2: Terrain miné (November 6, 2012)
- Contains the episodes from "Masters & Students" to "Deus ex Machina".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 1 Vol. 3: L'attaque des Decepticons (March 5, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Speed Metal" to "Shadowzone".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 1 Vol. 4: Une alliance inattendue (March 5, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Operation: Breakdown" to "Partners".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 1 Vol. 5: Un seul vaincra (July 1, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "T.M.I". to "One Shall Rise, Part 3".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 1: L'intégrale (July 1, 2014)
- All five volumes containing the first season collected into one set.
Primal Screen
- Transformers Prime — Saison 2 Vol. 1: Orion Pax (July 15, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Orion Pax, Part 1" to "Crossfire".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 2 Vol. 2: Nemesis Prime (July 15, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Nemesis Prime" to "Triangulation".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 2 Vol. 3: La course aux reliques (November 4, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Triage" to "Legacy".
- Transformers Prime — Saison 2 Vol. 4: Bataille épique (November 4, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Alpha/Omega" to "Darkest Hour".
- Transformers Prime — Intégrale Saison 2 (February 17, 2015)
- Contains all episodes from the second season.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Saison 3 Volume 1: Le règne de Mégatron (March 17, 2015)
- Contains episodes from "Darkmount, NV" to "Plus One".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Saison 3 Volume 2: L'ultime affrontement (June 16, 2015)
- Contains episodes from "Thirst" to "Deadlock".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Intégrale Saison 3 (October 2, 2015)
- Contains all episodes from the third season plus the Prédacons Rising movie.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Predacons Rising (October 6, 2015)
- Contains the Predacons Rising movie.
Universal Pictures IT released the first season of the show in Italy on DVD, and the discs include the Italian, Dutch, French and Spanish dubs as well as the original English audio track. Primal Screen released the second and third seasons of the show in Italy on DVD, and the discs include the Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian dubs as well as the original English audio track.
Universal Pictures IT
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 1 Vol. 1: La rimonta delle tenebre (November 21, 2012)
- Contains all five parts of "La rimonta delle tenebre".
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 1 Vol. 2: Terre Pericolose (November 21, 2012)
- Contains the episodes from "Maestri e allievi" to "Deus ex Machina".
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 1 Vol. 3: La furia dei Decepticons (March 20, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Gare su strada" to "Zona d'ombra".
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 1 Vol. 4: Improbabili alleanze (March 20, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Operazione Breakdown" to "Compagni".
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 1 Vol. 5: One Shall Stand (October 2, 2013)
- Contains the episodes from "Troppe chiacchiere!" to "Il risveglio - Terza parte".
Primal Screen
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 2 Vol. 1: Orion Pax (August 4, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Orion Pax, Parte 1" to "Fuoco Incrociato".
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 2 Vol. 2: Nemesis Prime (November 20, 2014)
- Contains the episodes from "Nemesis Prime" to "Triangolazione".
- Transformers Prime — Collector's Box (December 4, 2014)
- Contains the two DVDs above, plus a Wave 1 Legion Class figure from the 2014 toyline.
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 2 Vol. 3: Il Tox-En (January 28, 2015)
- Transformers Prime — Stagione 2 Vol. 4: L'ora più buia (February 26, 2015)
- Contains the episodes from "Alpha-Omega" to "L'ora più buia".
- Transformers Prime — La Seconda Stagione Completa (May 28, 2015)
- Contains all episodes from the second season.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Stagione 3 Vol. 1: La battaglia per Darkmount (July 2, 2015)
- Contains the episodes from "Darkmount, Nevada" to "Uno in più".
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Stagione 3 Vol. 2: Corsa per la salvezza (October 15, 2015)
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — Predacons Rising (October 15, 2015)
- Contains the Predacons Rising movie.
- Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters — L'Intera Stagione 3 (December 10, 2015)
- Contains all episodes from the third season plus the Predacons Rising movie.
Northern Europe
Universal Studios released the show on DVD in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland via their Universal's Little Stars kids' label. The releases feature audio in English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish.
- Transformers Prime — Season 1 Vol 1: Darkness Rising (January 8, 2013 in Denmark/January 9, 2013 in other countries)
- Contains the first five episodes.
- Transformers Prime — Season 1 Vol 2: Dangerous Ground (January 8, 2013 in Denmark/January 9, 2013 in other countries)
- Contains episodes 6-10: "Masters & Students" through "Deus ex Machina".
- Transformers Prime — Season 1 Vol 3: Decepticons Unleashed (August 21, 2013)
- Contains episodes 11-15: "Speed Metal" through'"Shadowzone".
- Transformers Prime — Season 1 Vol 4: Unlikely Alliances (August 21, 2013)
- Contains episodes 16-20: "Operation: Breakdown" through "Partners".
- Transformers Prime — Season 1 Vol 5: One Shall Stand (August 21, 2013)
- Contains episodes 21-26: "T.M.I". through "One Shall Rise, Part 3".
- Transformers Prime — Season One (November 6, 2013)
- A box-set containing Volumes 1-5.