Tyrest Accord
From Transformers Wiki
The Tyrest Accord is an agreement between the Autobots and the Decepticons; it originally governed the control of Transformer technology, forbidding it from passing into the hands of alien species, but eventually evolved into full-blown military law. Roving freelance officers such as Ultra Magnus track down violators of the Accord, bringing them back to the High Justice counsel of their respective faction.
It may be related to the Code of Interplanetary Conflict, and was drafted by Chief Justice Tyrest.
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2005 IDW continuity
The Tyrest Accord was brokered early in the war as a result of Tyrest's attempts at organizing peace talks between Optimus Prime and Megatron. While the peace talks failed, the Accord–which, among other things, banned the export of Cybertronian technology to other races–was a success and led to Tyrest being declared Chief Justice. House of Ambus Article Three prevented the provision of material Cybertronian technology to alien species and Cybertronians providing services to organic races. Shining Armor #2
The Tyrest Accord was detailed in an appendix of the Autobot Code. Paragraph four of subsection 80 of section 19, or 19 (80) 4, was added to the Accord in anticipation of "thought warfare", a type of warfare that never came to be. How Ratchet Got His Hands Back
Ultra Magnus was personally tasked by Tyrest with apprehending violators of the Accord, be they 'bot or 'con. He brought in Swindle, but ultimately let him go in exchange for information on one of the Accord's worst violators, Scorponok. Spotlight: Ultra Magnus In the mid-19th century, Ultra Magnus tried to arrest Stardrive for unknowingly violating Article Three. Shining Armor #2 After Bumblebee decided to use a torch to help some Xetaxxians cope with the freezing cold temperatures of their planet, Ultra Magnus brought up the Tyrest Accord to point that Bumblebee was not leaving the torch behind. For her part Sata was impressed by its existence. After the Dire Wraiths attacked, Magnus told Bumblebee and Sata to head towards the energon synthesizer while he held the Wraiths off, quipping that he had other articles of the Accord to quote to them. Shining Armor #3
As is his wont, Magnus cited the Accord as he attacked and apprehended Arcee at the Stellar Cartography Archive, Spotlight: Arcee and again when he confronted Bumblebee's Autobot squad on Earth after Optimus Prime's resignation and surrender to the humans. New Arrivals, Old Encounters
According to Kup, Prowl had an encyclopedic knowledge of the Tyrest Accord, to the point that he could recite the exact passages of a crime to its perpetrator. Apparently, this drove one criminal to commit suicide after two and a half days of listening to Prowl's application of the Accord to his crimes. Bullets
Some parts of the Tyrest Accord could be seen as "ambiguous" on the matter of unnecessary cruelty. The Wreckers liked deliberately misreading those parts. Zero Point
At some point after his disappearance, Tyrest constructed Legislators to help enforce the Accord. If the law was broken in their presence, the Legislators would respond with overwhelming (and often lethal) force against the responsible party.
Tyrest possessed a Repository that contained the text of the Tyrest Accord in full. With it, the Chief Justice could edit the Accord at will, adding new sections or rewriting old ones in response to changing situations. One such addition was Section 90, Subsection 16, or preemptive execution. 90 (16) gave Tyrest the power to kill anyone who intended to take action against him. The Divided Self
Disappointed in Ultra Magnus, Tyrest relieved him of his position as enforcer of the Tyrest Accord and installed Star Saber in his place. The Divided Self Following the defeat of Tyrest and Star Saber, however, Magnus himself passed the title onto Fortress Maximus instead. The Sound of Breaking Glass
When Optimus Prime discovered that the Earth Defense Command was reverse-engineering Cybertronian technology to produce anti-Transformer weapons, he told the President of the United States that such weaponry was a violation of the Tyrest Accord, and could lead to consequences if Earth did not join the Council of Worlds. To Walk Among the Chosen This came up at a Council meeting when Prime asked permission to give tech to the Junkions. Starscream virulently rejected the idea of either Earth or the Junkions getting it, pointing out that under the new, post-war state of Cybertron, keeping their tech away from aliens was about protecting the Transformers from aliens rather than the traditional vice versa. Any such sharing would be considered treason. Behind My Bleeding Back
When Earth was poised to join the Council of Worlds, the increasingly disillusioned Slide pointed out the EDC guns were a violation of Article Three but that if Earth joined the Council, then Article Three became null and void, which in her mind was why Optimus's interest in the weapons had drastically declined in the past few months. Primeless, Part 1
Animated cartoon
The Tyrest Accord was the agreement which ended the Great War. It granted the Decepticons amnesty for their actions during the war, in exchange for their acceptance of exile from Cybertron. The AllSpark Almanac II
- The Tyrest Accord, first mentioned by name in Spotlight: Ultra Magnus, remained rather ill-defined for many years, although most characters appeared to both know and respect it. Simply put, its creator Simon Furman, who had named it after the city-state Tyrest which Ultra Magnus had once visited in an old story Furman had written for the Marvel UK continuity, treated it as a backdrop for a grandiose title Ultra Magnus could wield which subsequent writers simply ran with. Who or what "Tyrest" was in relation to the accord wasn't addressed in-story for years, until Last Stand of the Wreckers established the existence of a character named Tyrest, although his exact relationship to the Tyrest Accord remained the source of speculation for several more years until the More than Meets the Eye five-parter "Remain in Light" finally filled in most of the details.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Tyrest Kyōtei (ティレスト協定 Tiresuto Kyōtei), Tyrest Gōi (タイレスト合意 Tairesuto Gōi)
- Swedish: Tyrestavtalet ("Tyrest Accord")