From Transformers Wiki
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Characters with no confirmed universal origin
simplified JG1 timeline
- Sunstorm
- Cloud OG
- G1 (4mya)
- BW past (3mya)
- Cloud BW (The Probe)
- BW Diorama Story (after Possession)
- BWM past
- Pretender Gaiden
- Micromaster (1980s)
- G1 present (1985)
- Black Megatron
- Fight! manga
- Scramble City (1985+)
- Full Throttle Scramble Power
- Star Gate (1995+)
- G1 GoBots?
- Car Robots (2000)
- Super Spy Changers (2002)
- Binaltech (2003)
- Legends Nightbird?
- Robotmasters (2004–2005)
- Legends Wreckers/Sky-Byte/Jetfire (2004)
- 15 Go! Go! (2005–2007)
- Binaltech Asterisk (2005)
- Rodimus Wars
- Movie (2005)
- Kiss Players (2006–2007)
- Music Label Soundwave (2007)
- 2010 (2010)
- MP-9B
- Story of Super Robot Lifeforms
- Great Transformer War #1-2
- Macrocosmic Seekers (Christmas 2010)
- Controverse
- Great Transformer War #3
- Headmasters (2011)
- Headmasters manga
- Legends Zamojin? (2014?)
- Masterforce
- Cloud MF (Save Cancer)
- Grand Galvatron (2021)
- Legends Microtransformer
- Victory (2025)
- Hero Set (2025)
- Zone
- Battlestars
- Badlands (2034)
- Operation Combination/United EX (2035)
- Nucleon Quest Convoy
- Metrowars
- Train Wars
- G-2
- Galvatron II
- Laser Ultra Magnus
- Hybrid Style Convoy Black Version
- MP-1B
- MP-3G
- Legends Megatron
- Legends Ultra Magnus
- Legends Sprung (2030s)
- Unite Warriors Offshot
- BW future (~2300)
- BWM future
- BW Reborn
- Cloud BS (after Assassination Plot)
- Prime Leo Prime
Starscream ghost stories
- 1. Movie (2005)
- 2. MP-3G (2035+)
- 3?. Battle of the Star Gate (1995+)
- Possession (3mya)
- Henkei! Henkei!
- Kiss Players (2006)
- Starscream's Ghost (2010)
- MP-9B (2010)
- Story of Super Robot Lifeforms (2010)
- 10. Ghost in the Machine (2010)
- 11. Grand Galvatron (2021)
- 12. Hero Set
Loanwords with alternate spellings
- Tail (テール, テイル)
- Claw, crow (クロウ, クロー)
- Prowl (プロール, プラウル)
- Saber (セーバー, セイバー) (see also Dutch "Sabel" サーベル, French "Sabre" サーブル)
- Brawl (ブロウル, ブロール)
- Shadow (シャドー, シャドウ)
- Energy (エナジー) (see also German "Energie" エネルギー)
- Blast (ブレスト [likely misspelling], ブラスト)
- Fire (ファイア, ファイアー, ファイヤ, ファイヤー)
- The (ザ, ジ [varies depending on next sound])
- Pirate (パイレート, パイレーツ)
- Nut (ナット, ナッツ)
- Thor (トール [German pronunciation], ソール [Norse pronunciation], ソー, ソア [English pronunciation])
Marvel disambig
Deathbringer (Marvel) (Deathbringer (IDW))Centurion (Marvel) (Centurion (IDW))- Flame (Marvel) (Flame (Motorvator)
- Guardian (Marvel)
- Jose (Marvel) (Jose (cartoon))
- Rick (Marvel) (Rick (thief))
- Jim (Marvel)
IDW disambig
Romanization "corrections"
- Deszaras → Deathsaurus
- Dial → Dile
- Guiltaur → Gilthor
- Jarugar → Jallguar
- Ratorata → Latolata
- Riker → Raikuru
- Scylla → Skyulle
- Trizer → Toraizer
- Violen Jiger → Violengiguar
Comic-original characters w/o Hasbro/Takara copyright
- Baby Dinoforce
- Battle Dog
- Circuit Breaker
- Dalton
- Dynamo (indicia claim #74-80)
- Esmeral
- G.B. Blackrock (indicia claim #74-80)
- Gilthor (?)
- Jenny
- Kane
- Kenji
- Lyzack
- Makoto
- Patty Minakaze (?)
- Rapture (indicia claim #74-80)
- Solon Kitakaze
- Takara
- Thunderpunch (indicia claim #74-80)