From Transformers Wiki
- Volt is an Autobot Laser Rod from the Generation 2 portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
A high-speed soldier, Volt is dedicated to eradicating the Decepticon threat. His system is turbocharged with enough energy that he can relentlessly pursue his opponents long after other Autobots need to rest and recharge. Volt will also throw himself into danger, confronting even the most powerful of opponents on his own without regard for the consequences. Needless to say, this tends to get him into trouble, often more than he can handle. Volt isn't foolish, though—he's merely single-minded. If he needs to rescue a comrade or defeat an enemy, he gets right to work doing it. Not his fault if the details get in the way, and besides... he's usually skilled enough to get away with it.
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Marvel Generation 2 comic
Volt was one of several new warriors designed by Bludgeon and his team during their rather brief eternal exile in space. He was brought to life by the Creation Matrix after Megatron... inherited Bludgeon's plan to steal the Matrix from Optimus Prime. He joined his fellow Laser Rods and the Rotor Force in attacking the moon Tykos and acquiring the rheanimum for the Decepticons. New Dawn
Later, Volt joined Megatron and the Decepticons in allying themselves with the Autobots against the second generation Cybertronians. Escalation! Volt and Electro used the energies of their swords to attack the airborne Cybertronians, noting with surprise that the attacking jets comprised two independent robots. Total War!
Volt's silhouette was visible among the allied Autobots and Decepticons defending themselves against the onslaught of the Swarm on Earth. A Rage in Heaven!
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
G-2 pack-in manga and story pages
After the Cybertron Alliance failed, and Megatron returned to villainy, Volt rose up at Optimus Prime's side to defend justice. G-2 Part 3 Volt joined his partner Electro in an early battle against Megatron and the Decepticon Laser Rods. They weren't faring too well until Optimus Prime showed up and blasted Megatron with his "Matrix Saturn" attack. G-2 #1 Megatron rose from the smoke unscathed, snatching Electro hostage with one hand. G-2 #2 Volt immediately rushed to his partner's rescue and stabbed Megatron in the back, causing him to drop his hostage. G-2 #4
Volt and Electro then found themselves on the run from a very angry Megatron. Megatron ordered Jolt to follow them and find the location of Optimus Prime. Jolt then chased them down and took them out with a powered-up jump-kick. G-2 #5
Later, Volt managed to trail Sizzle and chase him into a cave. Unfortunately, Sizzle's stealth technology rendered him invisible in darkness, permitting the Decepticon to sneak up behind his opponent. G-2 #6
Volt eventually reconvened with Optimus Prime at their secret staging ground, but was unaware that he had been followed by Skyjack. Skyjack bombarded them with missiles, then gleefully flew away to report their location to Megatron. G-2 #8
After that, Volt took to chasing a seemingly injured and low-flying Space Case. Volt thought he was corralling Space Case into the side of a cliff, only to have Space Case turn upward at the last moment, fly a loop and nail him in the back with an attack. Yes, Volt was outsmarted by Space Case. G-2 #8
Volt, Electro, and Road Rocket then found themselves encircled by the Decepticon Laser Rods and Cyberjets. Volt and Electro were determined to stick close together, but Road Rocket defiantly broke ranks and kicked up a smokescreen. He then proceeded to attack the Decepticon horde violently all by himself, much to Volt's shock and horror. G-2 #11
Volt and Electro eventually managed to bust Hooligan's wing, forcing him to make a break for it on foot. Hooligan found back-up from Road Pig, who transformed to motorcycle mode and flung himself directly at the pursuing Autobots. G-2 #12
Following a grand battle, Volt was able to best both Jolt and Sizzle, but the fight cost him most of his energy. In a generous mood, Megatron offered him a place among the Decepticons. Volt refused just as soon as his rescue arrived in the form of Strafe. Strafe insulted him for being a "quitter" and encouraged him not to run away. Volt found himself both loving and hating Strafe at that very moment. G-2 #15
Finally, Megatron led the Decepticons into an all-out assault on the Autobot base. Optimus Prime narrowly managed to defeat Megatron in one-on-one combat, forcing all the Decepticons to flee into deep space. Volt and Electro then helped their wounded leader to his feet and carried him off for repairs. G-2 Part 6
Legends comic
At some point, Volt was embroiled in a battle around Metroplex. Bonus Edition Metroplex Later, he was on Cybertron when Violengiguar attacked using the possessed bodies of the Powered Masters. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2
G-2 Comic BomBom manga
Following the defeat of Megatron and the Decepticon Cyberjets, Volt arrived on Earth to help the very, very injured Electro back to base for repairs. The New Battle!!
Universe comic
Volt was one of several Transformers from all eras and all realities across the multiverse suggested by Alpha Trion for Optimus Primal to recruit into his Children of Primus. Primal decided to pluck Rhinox and Depth Charge back from death instead. Homecoming
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Electro and Volt were briefly seen on Cybertron with the Brainmasters, after the fall of Shockwave's united government. Atonement
Wings Universe
Volt was part of the "second generation" of Transformers created in Cyberfactories on Earth, and when this originally unaligned generation diverged into Autobots and Decepticons like their ancestors, he joined the Autobots. He participated in the battle over the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland where, as the resident energy experts, he and Electro were given orders to shut down the facility's energy fields. They infiltrated the building but ran into the Decepticons Sizzle and Jolt, forcing Volt to keep them at bay whilst Electro took care of the mission. During the battle, the four of them were suddenly enveloped in leaked forestonite gas, which presumably gave all of them Laser Rod energy-sword powers (though it was only confirmed in Electro's case). Generation 2: Redux
By 2984, Volt had joined the Cybertronian Knights. In that year, he and Electro were standing in Knight headquarters when Apelinq and Flare-Up returned to base in response to Ginrai's recall. Hoist the Flag
Generation 2
- Volt (Laser Rod, 1994)
- Takara name: Autovolt
- Takara ID number: TRF-4
- Accessories: sword
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Released in the second year of Generation 2, Laser Rod Volt transforms into a vintage Ford Coupe hot rod with flame detailing. Pressing a button on his hood causes a red LED to light up, making his clear plastic engine glow red. In robot mode, this LED can be moved around at the end of a wire, and can plug into the bottom of either of his fists, allowing his light saber to be similarly illuminated. His saber stores under his vehicle mode back end, with the handle sticking out to simulate a rear bumper and tailpipe.
- Also like other Laser Rods, he has a number of different hinges in his limbs and a rubber band "o-ring" waist similar to those of G.I. Joe figures, giving him an unusually large amount of articulation for the time, heralding the era of "Super Posable!" Transformers. Unfortunately, like G.I. Joe figures, this "o-ring" is prone to dry-rot and breaking... and Volt has the extra danger of his transformation twisting that ring 180 degrees, which could hasten it breaking.

- Volt appears to have been given last-minute changes before his toy was released, namely, his torso went from being the car's hood to being the car's roof. This change happened late enough that his boxart, instruction art, cross-sell picture and comic appearances all still showed him sporting the hood-chest.
- A crossword in The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual indicates that Volt and Electro are brothers.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Autovolt (オートボルト Ōtoboruto)