From Transformers Wiki
Yukon (also colloquially known as "the Yukon", or Yukon Territory) is a federal territory of Canada on Earth. Yukon sits on the western border of Canada and is directly east of the American state of Alaska, and shares the Alaskan arctic and subarctic weather conditions, i.e. it is extremely cold there. Brrrr.
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Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Jazz drove to the Yukon side of the Alaska-Canada border to find and rescue Hoist. The Mission
Regeneration One
As part of the fightback against Megatron's reign of devastation on Earth, a small group of battlesuited humans and Wreckers travelled to the Yukon to attack Megatron's power base—the crashed Ark. Finding the crashed Autobot ship defended by autoguns, mines and Guardian units, the united resistance force found the fighting hard going. Loose Ends, Part 4 Finally, Circuit Smasher managed to get inside the Ark itself and fry Auntie's circuits, causing all of the defences to shut down.
Shortly afterwards in the vicinity of Carmacks, the time travelling Decepticon Galvatron awoke from where he lay buried beneath the ice. Loose Ends, Part 5
Sunstreaker and Roadbuster were charged with guarding the Ark, but failed to prevent a recovered Starscream from sneaking on board, swiftly followed by Galvatron. Natural Selection, Part One Still rendered mute by Megatron's partial lobotomy, Starscream was unable to answer Galvatron's questions but instead showed him to where Shockwave hung by cables, patched into the Ark's control systems. Natural Selection, Part Two Able to bypass Megatron's security systems simply by being a future version of Megatron, Galvatron observed the Ark's regeneration and told Shockwave to prepare to return to Cybertron. Natural Selection, Part Three Unaware that Shockwave had already decided to betray him Natural Selection, Part Four and had repaired and recruited Starscream, Galvatron took off in the Ark just as Optimus Prime arrived in the Yukon, took late to stop him. Natural Selection, Part Five
Energon comic
The town (if you can call it that, with a recorded population of 47) of Abyss was situated in the Yukon Territory.
Whilst Kicker Jones and Ironhide worked to install Base Unit 1, Hot Shot arrived with Omnicons Arcee, Signal Flare, Skyblast, and Strongarm. The Omnicons were captured by, broke free of, battled, then defeated Snow Cat in Yukon wilderness. Omni-Potent
A recently revived and powered-up Megatron fought Terrorcon leader Scorponok to the latter's death in the Yukon. No Exit
External links
- Yukon at Wikipedia