
Extreme heat, flooding, wildfires, and other climate hazards threaten human health, sense of place, ecosystems, infrastructure, and industries in the Northwest. Impacts across sectors will have cascading effects on livelihoods and well-being, with Tribes and other frontline communities facing disproportionate risks. Adaptation actions that prioritize social equity and utilize local and Indigenous Knowledge can support regional resilience.

    Key Points:

  • Frontline communities are overburdened, and prioritizing social equity advances regional resilience.
  • Ecosystems are transitioning in response to extreme events and human activity.
  • Impacts to regional economies have cascading effects on livelihoods and well-being.
  • Infrastructure systems are stressed by climate change but can enable mitigation and adaptation.
  • Climate change amplifies health inequities.
  • Climate change affects heritage and sense of place.

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Banner Image Credit

Mt. Rainier National Park. Photo by Tony Varela Photography, via Flickr. Used via a Creative Commons license, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Last modified
19 April 2024 - 11:35am