Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka bridge on Lake Lednica w... more Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka bridge on Lake Lednica were subjected to non-invasive archaeometallurgical investigations. The conducted analyses allowed to determine the methods of their manufacture, as well as the characteristics of materials that were used in their making. Each specimen was a composite product forged from iron alloys of varying properties. Both the sword and the hammer axe were richly decorated with ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The research allowed in most parts to recreate the original appearance of these ornaments.
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, Jun 30, 2020
Niniejszy raport przedstawia wyniki badań prowadzonych przez polsko–gwatemalski zespół archeologó... more Niniejszy raport przedstawia wyniki badań prowadzonych przez polsko–gwatemalski zespół archeologów w jeziorze Petén Itzá w północnej Gwatemali. W sprawozdaniu omówione zostały główne cele projektowe, efekty pracy uzyskane podczas dwóch sezonów badawczych, a także plany na kolejne etapy realizacji studiów. Raport pozwala także na zapoznanie się z charakterem pracy archeologów podwodnych.
Pojezierze Kujawskie is an area where archaeological sites are occasional. Therefore, as a result... more Pojezierze Kujawskie is an area where archaeological sites are occasional. Therefore, as a result of a discovery of a dugout canoe, archaeologists became interested in Kromszewickie lake. Within two seasons of explorations, a dugout canoe discovered by a local diver was traced, ceramic material was collected from the bottom and wooden remains of a construction in the form of piles were documented. The analysis of the material suggests that there was an archeological site or sites dated to the late Middle Ages or the early modern period on the eastern shore of the lake. The relics of the construction located on the underwater shallowing contained archaeological artefacts dated to the 2nd half of 12th-13th century. This situation is unusual for lakes on Pojezierze Kujawskie, where underwater archaeological sites are occasional.
The article presents the results of noninvasive surveys of Lednica lake in the project Kolebka Pi... more The article presents the results of noninvasive surveys of Lednica lake in the project Kolebka Piastów — archeologiczne prospekcje podwodne w rejonie jeziora Lednickiego conducted by the Department of Underwater Archeology in the Institute of Archeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, in cooperation with the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica and the Scientific Association of Polish Archeologists (Warsaw branch) in 2017. The project was financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the following programme: Cultural heritage, priority: protection of archeological monuments. Non-invasive prospections with the use of multibeam probes, sub-bottom seabed sediment profilers and a magnetometer were conducted. Data obtained in the prospections were analyzed, and where the conditions and the assumption of the project allowed, they were verified by a direct underwater prospection.
Advanced noninvasive research carried out as part of “Th e cradle of the Piasts: archaeological u... more Advanced noninvasive research carried out as part of “Th e cradle of the Piasts: archaeological underwater prospections in the area of Lednickie Lake” (“Kolebka Piastów: archeologiczne prospekcje podwodne w rejonie Jeziora Lednickiego”) project, provided a new collection of artefacts and archaeological sites. Th e article describes preliminary research results concerning the bridge crossing between Ledniczka island and the mainland, which was discovered in 2017. It describes all the stages of the project and the context in which the bridge was discovered. It contains a detailed description of the bridge construction and artifacts, highlighting the metal and wooden objects. Additionally it briefl y mentions the oral tradition concerning bridge to Ledniczka. Th e fi rst mentions about potential bridges come from 1876 from M. Sokołowski’s publications. Th e presented construction analysis and initial C14 dating, as well as dendrochronological dating, suggest that there could be two bridge crossings with diff erent chronology in this place.
Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote‐sensing methods is the most reasona... more Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote‐sensing methods is the most reasonable method for investigating submerged archaeological heritage sites, preserving their current condition and maintaining them for future generations. While non‐invasive recognition of heritage sites is one of the main objectives of underwater archaeology, the nearshore environment of the small Polish town of Puck hides one of the biggest medieval harbours in the Baltic Sea. The following research objectives were met in this study: (a) exploration of underwater archaeological heritage harbour in Puck using high‐resolution hydroacoustics, 3‐D shallow seismics and underwater photogrammetry; (b) reconstruction of the submerged Puck medieval port by the combining of hydroacoustics, 3D shallow seismics, underwater photogrammetry and archival documentation; (c) estimation of the rate at which the bottom sediments containing the archaeological objects are being destroyed. The underwater archaeol...
One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non‐invasive research of herit... more One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non‐invasive research of heritage sites in order to enable their further protection for future societies. This study explores, identifies and classifies archaeological objects in a shallow lake using underwater acoustics. We solved the aforementioned challenges by developing an innovative, object‐based, fuzzy‐logic classification of nine archaeological object categories based on multibeam echosounder bathymetry, 13 secondary features of bathymetry and 106 underwater diving prospections. We achieved an 86% correlation with ground‐truth samples, and 49% overall accuracy. The unique and repeatable workflow developed in this study can be applied to other case studies of underwater archaeology around the world.
Lake Lednica, Greater Poland, is one of Poland’s most important and longest-studied underwater ar... more Lake Lednica, Greater Poland, is one of Poland’s most important and longest-studied underwater archaeological sites. The residential centre established on an island was one of the central points in the state of the first Piasts. Previous research located two bridges to the island and discovered the largest collection of early medieval military objects in Central Europe in the lake. In the 2017 season, a third bridge was discovered on Lake Lednica leading to the small island called Ledniczka on which the layers of an early medieval settlement and clear remnants of a motte-type medieval structure are found. Three seasons of research on relics of the crossing suggest that it may have functioned in two periods: in the tenth century and at the turn of the fourteenth century. During the research, a number of military items, pottery, objects made of organic materials and fishing tools were found.
Połów ryb był jednym z powszechnych sposobów pozyskiwania pożywienia
we wczesnym średniowieczu. Z... more Połów ryb był jednym z powszechnych sposobów pozyskiwania pożywienia we wczesnym średniowieczu. Znaczenie tego pokarmu rosło wraz z upowszechnianiem się chrześcijaństwa i wymogiem przestrzegania postów. Stąd także w przypadku mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego rybołówstwo musiało być powszechną i codzienną praktyką zdobywania pożywienia. Dzięki wieloletnim podwodnym badaniom archeologicznym prowadzonym w jeziorze pozyskano zbiór ponad 30 przedmiotów identyfi kowanych jako narzędzia związane z rybołówstwem. Natomiast analiza szczątków kostnych znalezionych podczas badań lądowych dała możliwość rekonstrukcji składu gatunkowego ryb i preferencji kulinarnych mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego we wczesnym średniowieczu. Pozwala to, w oparciu o dane z obydwu obszarów badań, rekonstruować ów ważny fragment życia wczesnośredniowiecznych mieszkańców okolic jeziora Lednica, jakim było rybołówstwo.
Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka
bridge on Lake Lednica w... more Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka bridge on Lake Lednica were subjected to non-invasive archaeometallurgical investigations. Th e conducted analyses allowed to determine the methods of their manufacture, as well as the characteristics of materials that were used in their making. Each specimen was a composite product forged from iron alloys of varying properties. Both the sword and the hammer axe were richly decorated with ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Th e research allowed in most parts to recreate the original appearance of these ornaments.
Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote-sensing methods is
the most reasona... more Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote-sensing methods is the most reasonable method for investigating submerged archaeological heritage sites, preserving their current condition and maintaining them for future generations. While non-invasive recognition of heritage sites is one of the main objectives of underwater archaeology, the nearshore environment of the small Polish town of Puck hides one of the biggest medieval harbours in the Baltic Sea. The following research objectives were met in this study: (a) exploration of underwater archaeological heritage harbour in Puck using high-resolution hydroacoustics, 3-D shallow seismics and underwater photogrammetry; (b) reconstruction of the submerged Puck medieval port by the combining of hydroacoustics, 3D shallow seismics, underwater photogrammetry and archival documentation; (c) estimation of the rate at which the bottom sediments containing the archaeological objects are being destroyed. The underwater archaeological site of Puck harbour was explored using multiple surveying methods, including multibeam echosounder, parametric sub-bottom profiler, underwater photogrammetry, aerial photography and comparison with archival documentation. Very highresolution bathymetry from a multibeam echosounder allowed seabed features such as piles, stones and horizontal structural elements to be identified, along with other archaeological artefacts, boat wrecks and boat-building artefacts. The 3-D shallow seismic datasets allowed us to distinguish, for example, several outcropping structures, a previously unknown buried shipwreck, past excavation trenches, the harbour boundary and a palaeochannel of the Płutnica River. Fusing datasets from multiple sources in the geographic information system (GIS) environment allowed for a combined visualization of the heritage sites, providing a broad archaeological demonstration of the underwater structure. By comparing with archival documentation, we calculated that 43% of biogenic layers containing archaeological objects eroded over 26 years. Our results demonstrated that without any doubt, underwater remote-sensing methods are the most appropriate for exploration and investigation of underwater heritage sites while maintaining their original value.
One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non-invasive research of herit... more One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non-invasive research of heritage sites in order to enable their further protection for future societies. This study explores , identifies and classifies archaeological objects in a shallow lake using underwater acoustics. We solved the aforementioned challenges by developing an innovative, object-based, fuzzy-logic classification of nine archaeological object categories based on multibeam echosounder bathymetry, 13 secondary features of bathymetry and 106 underwater diving prospections. We achieved an 86% correlation with ground-truth samples, and 49% overall accuracy. The unique and repeatable workflow developed in this study can be applied to other case studies of underwater archaeology around the world.
Pojezierze Kujawskie to obszar, na którym sporadycznie występują podwodne
stanowiska archeologicz... more Pojezierze Kujawskie to obszar, na którym sporadycznie występują podwodne stanowiska archeologiczne. Dlatego też odnalezienie łodzi jednopiennej spowodowało zainteresowanie archeologów Jeziorem Kromszewickim. W ciągu dwóch sezonów poszukiwań namierzono odkrytą przez miejscowego nurka łódź jednopienną, zebrano z dna materiał ceramiczny oraz udokumentowano drewniane pozostałości konstrukcji w postaci pali. Analiza materiału pozwala sądzić, że na wschodnim brzegu jeziora znajdowało się stanowisko lub stanowiska archeologiczne datowane na późne średniowiecze i nowożytność. Relikty konstrukcji położone na podwodnym wypłyceniu zawierały materiały archeologiczne datowane na 2. połowę XII i XIII wiek. Sytuacja ta jest nietypowa dla jezior Pojezierza Kujawskiego, w których podwodne stanowiska archeologiczne występują sporadycznie.
Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka bridge on Lake Lednica w... more Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka bridge on Lake Lednica were subjected to non-invasive archaeometallurgical investigations. The conducted analyses allowed to determine the methods of their manufacture, as well as the characteristics of materials that were used in their making. Each specimen was a composite product forged from iron alloys of varying properties. Both the sword and the hammer axe were richly decorated with ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The research allowed in most parts to recreate the original appearance of these ornaments.
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, Jun 30, 2020
Niniejszy raport przedstawia wyniki badań prowadzonych przez polsko–gwatemalski zespół archeologó... more Niniejszy raport przedstawia wyniki badań prowadzonych przez polsko–gwatemalski zespół archeologów w jeziorze Petén Itzá w północnej Gwatemali. W sprawozdaniu omówione zostały główne cele projektowe, efekty pracy uzyskane podczas dwóch sezonów badawczych, a także plany na kolejne etapy realizacji studiów. Raport pozwala także na zapoznanie się z charakterem pracy archeologów podwodnych.
Pojezierze Kujawskie is an area where archaeological sites are occasional. Therefore, as a result... more Pojezierze Kujawskie is an area where archaeological sites are occasional. Therefore, as a result of a discovery of a dugout canoe, archaeologists became interested in Kromszewickie lake. Within two seasons of explorations, a dugout canoe discovered by a local diver was traced, ceramic material was collected from the bottom and wooden remains of a construction in the form of piles were documented. The analysis of the material suggests that there was an archeological site or sites dated to the late Middle Ages or the early modern period on the eastern shore of the lake. The relics of the construction located on the underwater shallowing contained archaeological artefacts dated to the 2nd half of 12th-13th century. This situation is unusual for lakes on Pojezierze Kujawskie, where underwater archaeological sites are occasional.
The article presents the results of noninvasive surveys of Lednica lake in the project Kolebka Pi... more The article presents the results of noninvasive surveys of Lednica lake in the project Kolebka Piastów — archeologiczne prospekcje podwodne w rejonie jeziora Lednickiego conducted by the Department of Underwater Archeology in the Institute of Archeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, in cooperation with the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica and the Scientific Association of Polish Archeologists (Warsaw branch) in 2017. The project was financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the following programme: Cultural heritage, priority: protection of archeological monuments. Non-invasive prospections with the use of multibeam probes, sub-bottom seabed sediment profilers and a magnetometer were conducted. Data obtained in the prospections were analyzed, and where the conditions and the assumption of the project allowed, they were verified by a direct underwater prospection.
Advanced noninvasive research carried out as part of “Th e cradle of the Piasts: archaeological u... more Advanced noninvasive research carried out as part of “Th e cradle of the Piasts: archaeological underwater prospections in the area of Lednickie Lake” (“Kolebka Piastów: archeologiczne prospekcje podwodne w rejonie Jeziora Lednickiego”) project, provided a new collection of artefacts and archaeological sites. Th e article describes preliminary research results concerning the bridge crossing between Ledniczka island and the mainland, which was discovered in 2017. It describes all the stages of the project and the context in which the bridge was discovered. It contains a detailed description of the bridge construction and artifacts, highlighting the metal and wooden objects. Additionally it briefl y mentions the oral tradition concerning bridge to Ledniczka. Th e fi rst mentions about potential bridges come from 1876 from M. Sokołowski’s publications. Th e presented construction analysis and initial C14 dating, as well as dendrochronological dating, suggest that there could be two bridge crossings with diff erent chronology in this place.
Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote‐sensing methods is the most reasona... more Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote‐sensing methods is the most reasonable method for investigating submerged archaeological heritage sites, preserving their current condition and maintaining them for future generations. While non‐invasive recognition of heritage sites is one of the main objectives of underwater archaeology, the nearshore environment of the small Polish town of Puck hides one of the biggest medieval harbours in the Baltic Sea. The following research objectives were met in this study: (a) exploration of underwater archaeological heritage harbour in Puck using high‐resolution hydroacoustics, 3‐D shallow seismics and underwater photogrammetry; (b) reconstruction of the submerged Puck medieval port by the combining of hydroacoustics, 3D shallow seismics, underwater photogrammetry and archival documentation; (c) estimation of the rate at which the bottom sediments containing the archaeological objects are being destroyed. The underwater archaeol...
One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non‐invasive research of herit... more One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non‐invasive research of heritage sites in order to enable their further protection for future societies. This study explores, identifies and classifies archaeological objects in a shallow lake using underwater acoustics. We solved the aforementioned challenges by developing an innovative, object‐based, fuzzy‐logic classification of nine archaeological object categories based on multibeam echosounder bathymetry, 13 secondary features of bathymetry and 106 underwater diving prospections. We achieved an 86% correlation with ground‐truth samples, and 49% overall accuracy. The unique and repeatable workflow developed in this study can be applied to other case studies of underwater archaeology around the world.
Lake Lednica, Greater Poland, is one of Poland’s most important and longest-studied underwater ar... more Lake Lednica, Greater Poland, is one of Poland’s most important and longest-studied underwater archaeological sites. The residential centre established on an island was one of the central points in the state of the first Piasts. Previous research located two bridges to the island and discovered the largest collection of early medieval military objects in Central Europe in the lake. In the 2017 season, a third bridge was discovered on Lake Lednica leading to the small island called Ledniczka on which the layers of an early medieval settlement and clear remnants of a motte-type medieval structure are found. Three seasons of research on relics of the crossing suggest that it may have functioned in two periods: in the tenth century and at the turn of the fourteenth century. During the research, a number of military items, pottery, objects made of organic materials and fishing tools were found.
Połów ryb był jednym z powszechnych sposobów pozyskiwania pożywienia
we wczesnym średniowieczu. Z... more Połów ryb był jednym z powszechnych sposobów pozyskiwania pożywienia we wczesnym średniowieczu. Znaczenie tego pokarmu rosło wraz z upowszechnianiem się chrześcijaństwa i wymogiem przestrzegania postów. Stąd także w przypadku mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego rybołówstwo musiało być powszechną i codzienną praktyką zdobywania pożywienia. Dzięki wieloletnim podwodnym badaniom archeologicznym prowadzonym w jeziorze pozyskano zbiór ponad 30 przedmiotów identyfi kowanych jako narzędzia związane z rybołówstwem. Natomiast analiza szczątków kostnych znalezionych podczas badań lądowych dała możliwość rekonstrukcji składu gatunkowego ryb i preferencji kulinarnych mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego we wczesnym średniowieczu. Pozwala to, w oparciu o dane z obydwu obszarów badań, rekonstruować ów ważny fragment życia wczesnośredniowiecznych mieszkańców okolic jeziora Lednica, jakim było rybołówstwo.
Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka
bridge on Lake Lednica w... more Two early medieval weapons discovered within the relics of the Ledniczka bridge on Lake Lednica were subjected to non-invasive archaeometallurgical investigations. Th e conducted analyses allowed to determine the methods of their manufacture, as well as the characteristics of materials that were used in their making. Each specimen was a composite product forged from iron alloys of varying properties. Both the sword and the hammer axe were richly decorated with ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Th e research allowed in most parts to recreate the original appearance of these ornaments.
Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote-sensing methods is
the most reasona... more Exploration of the marine environment using underwater remote-sensing methods is the most reasonable method for investigating submerged archaeological heritage sites, preserving their current condition and maintaining them for future generations. While non-invasive recognition of heritage sites is one of the main objectives of underwater archaeology, the nearshore environment of the small Polish town of Puck hides one of the biggest medieval harbours in the Baltic Sea. The following research objectives were met in this study: (a) exploration of underwater archaeological heritage harbour in Puck using high-resolution hydroacoustics, 3-D shallow seismics and underwater photogrammetry; (b) reconstruction of the submerged Puck medieval port by the combining of hydroacoustics, 3D shallow seismics, underwater photogrammetry and archival documentation; (c) estimation of the rate at which the bottom sediments containing the archaeological objects are being destroyed. The underwater archaeological site of Puck harbour was explored using multiple surveying methods, including multibeam echosounder, parametric sub-bottom profiler, underwater photogrammetry, aerial photography and comparison with archival documentation. Very highresolution bathymetry from a multibeam echosounder allowed seabed features such as piles, stones and horizontal structural elements to be identified, along with other archaeological artefacts, boat wrecks and boat-building artefacts. The 3-D shallow seismic datasets allowed us to distinguish, for example, several outcropping structures, a previously unknown buried shipwreck, past excavation trenches, the harbour boundary and a palaeochannel of the Płutnica River. Fusing datasets from multiple sources in the geographic information system (GIS) environment allowed for a combined visualization of the heritage sites, providing a broad archaeological demonstration of the underwater structure. By comparing with archival documentation, we calculated that 43% of biogenic layers containing archaeological objects eroded over 26 years. Our results demonstrated that without any doubt, underwater remote-sensing methods are the most appropriate for exploration and investigation of underwater heritage sites while maintaining their original value.
One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non-invasive research of herit... more One of the main challenges of underwater archaeology is to develop non-invasive research of heritage sites in order to enable their further protection for future societies. This study explores , identifies and classifies archaeological objects in a shallow lake using underwater acoustics. We solved the aforementioned challenges by developing an innovative, object-based, fuzzy-logic classification of nine archaeological object categories based on multibeam echosounder bathymetry, 13 secondary features of bathymetry and 106 underwater diving prospections. We achieved an 86% correlation with ground-truth samples, and 49% overall accuracy. The unique and repeatable workflow developed in this study can be applied to other case studies of underwater archaeology around the world.
Pojezierze Kujawskie to obszar, na którym sporadycznie występują podwodne
stanowiska archeologicz... more Pojezierze Kujawskie to obszar, na którym sporadycznie występują podwodne stanowiska archeologiczne. Dlatego też odnalezienie łodzi jednopiennej spowodowało zainteresowanie archeologów Jeziorem Kromszewickim. W ciągu dwóch sezonów poszukiwań namierzono odkrytą przez miejscowego nurka łódź jednopienną, zebrano z dna materiał ceramiczny oraz udokumentowano drewniane pozostałości konstrukcji w postaci pali. Analiza materiału pozwala sądzić, że na wschodnim brzegu jeziora znajdowało się stanowisko lub stanowiska archeologiczne datowane na późne średniowiecze i nowożytność. Relikty konstrukcji położone na podwodnym wypłyceniu zawierały materiały archeologiczne datowane na 2. połowę XII i XIII wiek. Sytuacja ta jest nietypowa dla jezior Pojezierza Kujawskiego, w których podwodne stanowiska archeologiczne występują sporadycznie.
Pranke Piotr (red.): Between East and West : studies on the history of memory, commemoration and reception of Medieval culture, Geschichte im mitteleuropäischen Kontext, vol. 5, 2023, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 262 s., ISBN 978-3-8471-1598-4, 2023
The article is devoted to research on underwater sites of Lake Lednica. The island of Ostrów Ledn... more The article is devoted to research on underwater sites of Lake Lednica. The island of Ostrów Lednicki was a centre of the Early Piast State. The lake area includes four bridges, seven dugout boats and the largest collection of early medieval militaria in Central Europe, and many other trade and everyday items have been discovered. This settlement was above all a central place for the state of the first Piast dynasty, while also being an important centre of trade and interregional contacts.
Archeologia Herditas. Grodziska Warmii i Mazur. Stan wiedzy i perspektywy badawcze 1, 2013
Zespół Zakładu Archeologii Podwodnej Instytutu Archeologii UMK w Toruniu, prowadzący prospekcje n... more Zespół Zakładu Archeologii Podwodnej Instytutu Archeologii UMK w Toruniu, prowadzący prospekcje na wybranych akwenach Pojezierza Iławskiego, w ramach projektu NPRH „Katalog grodzisk Warmii i Mazur”, odkrył oraz zadokumentował na jeziorze Jeziorak pozostałości przeprawy mostowej z drugiej połowy XIII wieku. Wspomniany akwen to drugie co do wielkości jezioro w Polsce z dobrze rozwiniętą linią brzegową oraz licznymi wyspami. Po kwerendzie źródłowej wybrano przesmyk między wyspą Wielka Żuława, a półwyspem Krzywy Róg. Podczas prospekcji warunki podwodne należały do niesprzyjających. Poszukiwania prowadzono metodą korytarzową. Podczas badań odnaleziono relikty przeprawy mostowej datowanej dendrochronologicznie na koniec XIII wieku, oraz liczny materiał zabytkowy o szerokiej chronologii. Wszystkie zabytki znajdowały się na powierzchni osadów dennych lub lekko pod nimi. Były to głównie zabytki ceramiczne ale także metalowe oraz z materiałów organicznych. Most zadokumentowano zmodyfikowaną metodą triangulacji oraz przy użyciu tachimetru.
Podwodne stanowisko archeologiczne w Zatoce Puckiej zostało odkryte w 1977 roku przez warszawskic... more Podwodne stanowisko archeologiczne w Zatoce Puckiej zostało odkryte w 1977 roku przez warszawskich płetwonurków. Od tamtej pory, aż do roku 2019 były tam prowadzone badania archeologiczne. Niniejsza książka jest podsumowaniem ponad 40 lat badań wielu naukowców i ośrodków badawczych. Po zebraniu i przeanalizowaniu wszystkich dostępnych danych wydzielono 5 faz funkcjonowania portu. Faza 0 to pierwszy okres, określany jako przedportowy, rozpoczął się on w epoce brązu, a zakończył ok. VIII wieku n.e. Następna faza I, to pierwszy okres funkcjonowania portu datowany na IX – X wiek. Druga faza funkcjonowania portu w Pucku przypada na drugą połowę XII wieku. Port tej fazy został prawdopodobnie zbudowany na surowym korzeniu, po przyłączeniu Pomorza przez Bolesława Krzywoustego i nadaniu tych ziem rodzie Sobiesławiców. Trzecia faza zabudowań portowych przypada na okres od końca XIII do połowy XIV wieku. W omawianym okresie wielkość konstrukcji portowych znacznie się zmniejsza i skoncentruje się bliżej ujścia Płutnicy. Prawdopodobnie zabudowania tej fazy są pozostałością po stacji rybackiej nazywanej Trzęsawisko nadanej klasztorowi oliwskiemu przez księcia Mściwoja II. Końcówka XIV wieku to rozwój miasta Pucka w obecnym miejscu, a co za tym idzie prawdopodobne przeniesienie głównego portu w nowe miejsce i porzucenie zabudowań u ujścia Płutnicy.
Papers by Mateusz Popek
we wczesnym średniowieczu. Znaczenie tego pokarmu rosło wraz z upowszechnianiem
się chrześcijaństwa i wymogiem przestrzegania postów. Stąd także w przypadku
mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego rybołówstwo musiało być powszechną i codzienną
praktyką zdobywania pożywienia. Dzięki wieloletnim podwodnym badaniom archeologicznym
prowadzonym w jeziorze pozyskano zbiór ponad 30 przedmiotów identyfi
kowanych jako narzędzia związane z rybołówstwem. Natomiast analiza szczątków
kostnych znalezionych podczas badań lądowych dała możliwość rekonstrukcji składu
gatunkowego ryb i preferencji kulinarnych mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego we
wczesnym średniowieczu. Pozwala to, w oparciu o dane z obydwu obszarów badań, rekonstruować
ów ważny fragment życia wczesnośredniowiecznych mieszkańców okolic
jeziora Lednica, jakim było rybołówstwo.
bridge on Lake Lednica were subjected to non-invasive archaeometallurgical investigations.
Th e conducted analyses allowed to determine the methods of their manufacture,
as well as the characteristics of materials that were used in their making. Each
specimen was a composite product forged from iron alloys of varying properties. Both
the sword and the hammer axe were richly decorated with ferrous and non-ferrous
metals. Th e research allowed in most parts to recreate the original appearance of these
the most reasonable method for investigating submerged archaeological heritage
sites, preserving their current condition and maintaining them for future generations.
While non-invasive recognition of heritage sites is one of the main objectives of
underwater archaeology, the nearshore environment of the small Polish town of Puck
hides one of the biggest medieval harbours in the Baltic Sea. The following research
objectives were met in this study: (a) exploration of underwater archaeological heritage
harbour in Puck using high-resolution hydroacoustics, 3-D shallow seismics and underwater
photogrammetry; (b) reconstruction of the submerged Puck medieval port by
the combining of hydroacoustics, 3D shallow seismics, underwater photogrammetry
and archival documentation; (c) estimation of the rate at which the bottom sediments
containing the archaeological objects are being destroyed. The underwater archaeological
site of Puck harbour was explored using multiple surveying methods, including
multibeam echosounder, parametric sub-bottom profiler, underwater photogrammetry,
aerial photography and comparison with archival documentation. Very highresolution
bathymetry from a multibeam echosounder allowed seabed features such
as piles, stones and horizontal structural elements to be identified, along with other
archaeological artefacts, boat wrecks and boat-building artefacts. The 3-D shallow
seismic datasets allowed us to distinguish, for example, several outcropping structures,
a previously unknown buried shipwreck, past excavation trenches, the harbour boundary
and a palaeochannel of the Płutnica River. Fusing datasets from multiple sources in
the geographic information system (GIS) environment allowed for a combined visualization
of the heritage sites, providing a broad archaeological demonstration of the
underwater structure. By comparing with archival documentation, we calculated that
43% of biogenic layers containing archaeological objects eroded over 26 years. Our
results demonstrated that without any doubt, underwater remote-sensing methods
are the most appropriate for exploration and investigation of underwater heritage sites
while maintaining their original value.
stanowiska archeologiczne. Dlatego też odnalezienie łodzi jednopiennej spowodowało
zainteresowanie archeologów Jeziorem Kromszewickim. W ciągu dwóch
sezonów poszukiwań namierzono odkrytą przez miejscowego nurka łódź jednopienną,
zebrano z dna materiał ceramiczny oraz udokumentowano drewniane pozostałości
konstrukcji w postaci pali. Analiza materiału pozwala sądzić, że na wschodnim brzegu
jeziora znajdowało się stanowisko lub stanowiska archeologiczne datowane na późne
średniowiecze i nowożytność. Relikty konstrukcji położone na podwodnym wypłyceniu
zawierały materiały archeologiczne datowane na 2. połowę XII i XIII wiek.
Sytuacja ta jest nietypowa dla jezior Pojezierza Kujawskiego, w których podwodne
stanowiska archeologiczne występują sporadycznie.
we wczesnym średniowieczu. Znaczenie tego pokarmu rosło wraz z upowszechnianiem
się chrześcijaństwa i wymogiem przestrzegania postów. Stąd także w przypadku
mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego rybołówstwo musiało być powszechną i codzienną
praktyką zdobywania pożywienia. Dzięki wieloletnim podwodnym badaniom archeologicznym
prowadzonym w jeziorze pozyskano zbiór ponad 30 przedmiotów identyfi
kowanych jako narzędzia związane z rybołówstwem. Natomiast analiza szczątków
kostnych znalezionych podczas badań lądowych dała możliwość rekonstrukcji składu
gatunkowego ryb i preferencji kulinarnych mieszkańców Ostrowa Lednickiego we
wczesnym średniowieczu. Pozwala to, w oparciu o dane z obydwu obszarów badań, rekonstruować
ów ważny fragment życia wczesnośredniowiecznych mieszkańców okolic
jeziora Lednica, jakim było rybołówstwo.
bridge on Lake Lednica were subjected to non-invasive archaeometallurgical investigations.
Th e conducted analyses allowed to determine the methods of their manufacture,
as well as the characteristics of materials that were used in their making. Each
specimen was a composite product forged from iron alloys of varying properties. Both
the sword and the hammer axe were richly decorated with ferrous and non-ferrous
metals. Th e research allowed in most parts to recreate the original appearance of these
the most reasonable method for investigating submerged archaeological heritage
sites, preserving their current condition and maintaining them for future generations.
While non-invasive recognition of heritage sites is one of the main objectives of
underwater archaeology, the nearshore environment of the small Polish town of Puck
hides one of the biggest medieval harbours in the Baltic Sea. The following research
objectives were met in this study: (a) exploration of underwater archaeological heritage
harbour in Puck using high-resolution hydroacoustics, 3-D shallow seismics and underwater
photogrammetry; (b) reconstruction of the submerged Puck medieval port by
the combining of hydroacoustics, 3D shallow seismics, underwater photogrammetry
and archival documentation; (c) estimation of the rate at which the bottom sediments
containing the archaeological objects are being destroyed. The underwater archaeological
site of Puck harbour was explored using multiple surveying methods, including
multibeam echosounder, parametric sub-bottom profiler, underwater photogrammetry,
aerial photography and comparison with archival documentation. Very highresolution
bathymetry from a multibeam echosounder allowed seabed features such
as piles, stones and horizontal structural elements to be identified, along with other
archaeological artefacts, boat wrecks and boat-building artefacts. The 3-D shallow
seismic datasets allowed us to distinguish, for example, several outcropping structures,
a previously unknown buried shipwreck, past excavation trenches, the harbour boundary
and a palaeochannel of the Płutnica River. Fusing datasets from multiple sources in
the geographic information system (GIS) environment allowed for a combined visualization
of the heritage sites, providing a broad archaeological demonstration of the
underwater structure. By comparing with archival documentation, we calculated that
43% of biogenic layers containing archaeological objects eroded over 26 years. Our
results demonstrated that without any doubt, underwater remote-sensing methods
are the most appropriate for exploration and investigation of underwater heritage sites
while maintaining their original value.
stanowiska archeologiczne. Dlatego też odnalezienie łodzi jednopiennej spowodowało
zainteresowanie archeologów Jeziorem Kromszewickim. W ciągu dwóch
sezonów poszukiwań namierzono odkrytą przez miejscowego nurka łódź jednopienną,
zebrano z dna materiał ceramiczny oraz udokumentowano drewniane pozostałości
konstrukcji w postaci pali. Analiza materiału pozwala sądzić, że na wschodnim brzegu
jeziora znajdowało się stanowisko lub stanowiska archeologiczne datowane na późne
średniowiecze i nowożytność. Relikty konstrukcji położone na podwodnym wypłyceniu
zawierały materiały archeologiczne datowane na 2. połowę XII i XIII wiek.
Sytuacja ta jest nietypowa dla jezior Pojezierza Kujawskiego, w których podwodne
stanowiska archeologiczne występują sporadycznie.