Proceeding ICOPOID 2019 The 2nd International Conference on Politic of Islamic Development, Aug 29, 2019
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin,motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap prestasi... more Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin,motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan yang berjumlah 37 karyawan tetap kemudian teknik penentuan sampel jenuh. Teknik pengumpulan data mengggunakan kuesioner dengan skala pengukuran likert. Hasil analisis regresi bergenda yaitu Y = 4,441 + 0,168X1 + 0,073X2 + 0,182X3 + e yang menjukkan disiplin, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. Sedangan hasil uji (t) atau uji parsial menunjukkan bahwa disiplin berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi karyawan dimana dapat dilihat nilai t hitung = 3,146 > t table 2,034, variabel motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan dimana dapat dilihat nilai t hitung = 2,324 > t tabel 2,034, serta lingkungan kerja juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan dimana dapat dilihat nilai t hitung = 2,311 > t tabel 2,034 .Hasil koefisien determinasi dengan nilai regresi korelasi sebesar 0,864, artinya secara bersama-sama disiplin, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan memiliki kontribusi pada taraf yang erat dan positif. Kemudian koefisien determinasi (R 2) sebesar 0,723 (72,3%). Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa 72,3% variasi variabel terikat yaitu disiplin, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja pada model memiliki kontribusi pada prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 27,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar model. Abstract This study was to determine the effect of discipline, motivation and work environment on employee work performance at PT. PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan. The population in the study is employees at PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan, which numbered 37 permanent employees, then the technique for determining saturated samples. Data collection techniques use questionnaires with Likert measurement scale. The results of the regression analysis are Y = 4,441 + 0,168X1 + 0,073X2 + 0,182X3 + e which indicates discipline, motivation and work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. While the test results (t) or partial tests show that the discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance where it can be seen the value of t count = 3.146> t table 2.034, the motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee work performance where it can be seen t count = 2.324 > t table 2.034, and the work environment also has a positive and significant effect on employee work performance where it can be seen the value of t count = 2.311> t table 2.034. The results of the coefficient of determination with a correlation regression value of 0.864, meaning jointly discipline, motivation and environment work on employee work performance at PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan has a contribution to the level of being close and positive. Then the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.723 (72.3%). So that it can be said that 72.3% of the variation of the dependent variable namely discipline, motivation and work environment on the model has contributed to the work performance of employees at PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan, while the remaining 27.7% is influenced by other variables outside the model.
The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is... more The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is the tax carried by each citizen. The main focus in this research is to know the influence of quality of service, taxation, testing and socialization of taxation of taxpayer compliance. Population and samples are private persons tax at the primary Tax Service office of Binjai. Then the sampling technique is accidental sampling. Where the taxpayer performs the payment transaction can be used as a sample. So the sample in this study was 125 respondents. Data analysis with a tinged linear regression analysis with assisted SPSS program version 22. The results showed that both partial and simultaneous variables of quality of service, taxation sanctions, testing and socialization of taxation were positive and significant for taxpayer compliance. However, variables that have the dominant influence are the variable quality of service, testing and socialization of taxation. Then the result coeffi...
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
This community service activity was carried out on the youth of Harapan Baru Village, Sei Lepan D... more This community service activity was carried out on the youth of Harapan Baru Village, Sei Lepan District, Langkat Regency. This activity is in the form of a workshop or training which is carried out with socialization by providing materials or modules on tips for successful investing, especially at a young age in village youth. So it is hoped that the partners have a good understanding of investing even in the village. Then the targets to be achieved through this service activity are (1) partners know what the first step is to invest, especially in rural areas, (2) partners can classify which investments have a high level of failure risk, (3) partners have awareness the importance of investing even though they are still at a young age.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable telemarketing, personal sell... more The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable telemarketing, personal selling and the image of universities. This research was conducted at a high school in Medan. Data collection using questionnaires with the technique of withdrawing samples as many as 237 respondents through withdrawal by way of snowball sampling. The results showed that telemarketing had a positive effect on college decisions. Personal selling has a positive effect on the decision to choose a lecture. The image of the college has a positive and significant positive effect on the decision to choose a college.
STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan is a private university under the supervision of Regional 1 Education Se... more STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan is a private university under the supervision of Regional 1 Education Service Institution (LL Dikti Wilayah 1). This study aims to determine the Optimization of Student Loyalty through Rewards and Students’ Satisfaction as Intervening Variables . The research approach used in this research is quantitative. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale. The questionnaire is arranged based on indicators of reward, satisfaction and loyalty. The target population in this study are 71 students for the 2017-2018 academic year. The sampling technique uses saturated samples. So that 71 respondents are selected to be the sample. Data analysis uses path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effect of the reward variable on student loyalty through student satisfaction. The results of the research that can be drawn 1) Rewards have a significant effect on student satisfaction at STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan. 2) Reward has no effect on student loyal...
Kepemilikan rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi setiap konsumen yang masih belum memi... more Kepemilikan rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi setiap konsumen yang masih belum memiliki rumah sedangkan bagi yang sudah memiliki kepemilikan rumah melalui program Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) menjadi alasan untuk berinvestasi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk 1) menganalisis pengaruh personal selling terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36, 2) menganalisis pengaruh lokasi terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36, 3) menganalisis pengaruh harga terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36, 4) menganalisis pengaruh personal selling, lokasi dan harga terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu para konsumen yang telah mengikuti program kretit kepemilikan rumah (KPR) pada perumahan Grie Elhaen Sentosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variable personal selling, lokasi dan harga memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan p...
Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis Digital dan Kemandirian Masyarakat Era Society 5.0, 2022
Puji syukur atas rahmat Allah Swt, buku bersama ini bisa berhasil
disusun dan diterbitkan dengan ... more Puji syukur atas rahmat Allah Swt, buku bersama ini bisa berhasil disusun dan diterbitkan dengan baik. Kita mengetahui bahwa sektor ekonomi menjadi salah satu sektor yang sangat penting dalam proses pembangunan dan kemandirian sebuah bangsa. Ekonomi menjadi hal yang sangat menentukan kesejahteraan masyarakat, mengingat ia menjadi roda berjalannya sistem kehidupan. Ekonomi lesu, maka kehidupan masyarakat pun akan lesu dan sebaliknya. Melalui Nubar ini kita berharap ide-ide kreatif seputar ekonomi bisa dijadikan alternatif demi mendesain perekonomian Indonesia lebih baik lagi menuju kemandirian dan kemajuan dengan skala besar di tengah zaman digitalisasi ini. Semoga kehadiran buku ini bisa memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dan bermanfaat bagi semuanya. Amin
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of communication marketing on school princip... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of communication marketing on school principal loyalty through brand trust. The approach in this research was quantitative. The data were obtained through a questionnaire with the Likert scaling technique. The population and sample in this study was 45 principals of high school, vocational and Aliyah private schools in Binjai and Langkat district. The sampling technique was accidental sampling was 45 respondents. The results showed that 1) marketing communication has a significant effect on brand trust. 2) Marketing communication has no effect on principal loyalty. 3) Student brand trust has a significant effect on the principal's loyalty. 4) Marketing communication has a significant effect on principal loyalty through brand trust.
Pendidikan, warisan dan pernikahan dini merupakan suatu fenomena yang saat ini sering di kaji dal... more Pendidikan, warisan dan pernikahan dini merupakan suatu fenomena yang saat ini sering di kaji dalam berbagai kegiatan  seminar, ceramah, di berbagai acara dan sangat menarik untuk di perbincangkan ,Pendidikan begitu sangat penting  karena pendidikan pada saat ini sangat terkait dengan kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi setiap individu. Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan, keterampilan, mempertinggi budi pekerti, memperkuat kepribadian, dan mempertebal semangat kebersamaan agar dapat membangun diri sendiri dan bersama-sama membangun bangsa. Pendidikan terkait dengan kemampuan dalam memandang persoalan ,masalah dapat di selesaikan dengan baik jika kemampuan memahami permasalahan benar, dan dengan pendidkan seyogyanya masalah dapat di analisa dan di temukan solusi , Banyak permasalahan sosial timbul di tengah masyarakat yang di sebabkan kurang baik nya system pendidikan kita seperti keributan karena ketidak fahaman dalam pembagian warisan dan ...
Polytechnic is a university focusing on vocational education. Politeknik Unggul LP3M is to provid... more Polytechnic is a university focusing on vocational education. Politeknik Unggul LP3M is to provide an appropriate vocational education in supporting industrial demand. This study focuses on maximizing students’ loyalty influenced by brand image and trust, where students’ satisfaction is an intervening variable. Path analysis was chosen for this study. As many as 125 people were chosen as respondents, and the technique sampling used purposive random sampling. The study showed that brand image and trust significantly impact students’ loyalty and satisfaction in Politeknik Unggul LP3M. Students’ satisfaction has a crucial role in mediating brand image and brand trust on students’ loyalty.
Perusahaan yang mampu membangun brand awareness dan loyalitas merek kepada para pelanggannya tent... more Perusahaan yang mampu membangun brand awareness dan loyalitas merek kepada para pelanggannya tentunya akan mampu bersaing dengan para kompetitornya. Fokus utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh brand awareness terhadap keputusan pembelian dan 2) untuk menganalisis pengaruh loyalitas merek terhadap keputusan pembelian. Populasi dalam sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa/i SMK Swasta Teladan 1 Sumut. Model penarikan sampel dengan nonprobability sampling dengan pendekatan accidental sampling. Â Hasil implikasi temuan dalam penelitian yaitu kesadaran merek dan loyalitas merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda motor Yaham Matic. Kemudian koefisien detreminasi yaitu 61% variasi variabel terikat yaitu brand awareness dan loyalitas merek mampu menjelaskan keputusan pembelian sedangkan sisa dari kontribusi tersebut dipengaruh oleh factor variabel lain yang tidak masuk dalam kajian penelitian ini.
InternatiJournal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand image and trust on the loyalty of... more This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand image and trust on the loyalty of cosmetics labeled halal users. The problem of this research is the decline in the cosmetic brand image that has halal labeling and the lack of consumer confidence, which causes a decrease in consumer loyalty. Companies also still need to create a barrier to move so that consumers do not switch to competing products. This research was conducted in the city of Medan. The population of this study was 131 people. A sample of 98 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis. The results of the analysis show that brand image and trust have a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of cosmetic users labeled as halal through switching barriers as intervening variables.
The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable
telemarketing, personal sell... more The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable telemarketing, personal selling and the image of universities. This research was conducted at a high school in Medan. Data collection using questionnaires with the technique of withdrawing samples as many as 237 respondents through withdrawal by way of snowball sampling. The results showed that telemarketing had a positive effect on college decisions. Personal selling has a positive effect on the decision to choose a lecture. The image of the college has a positive and significant positive effect on the decision to choose a college.
Leadership role in the commitment and performance of employees in the regional company of Medan, 2020
The regional-owned enterprises are business entities that are all or mostly capital owned by the ... more The regional-owned enterprises are business entities that are all or mostly capital owned by the region. Employee commitment and performance is crucial to the advancement of the Organization. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the influence of transactional and transformational leadership styles against employee commitment and impact on employee performance. This research population is 131 employees. Sample of 98 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that the style of transactional and transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on performance through employee commitment
International Journal of Research and Review, 2020
The main problem in this study is that sales are still fluctuative since the sales targets are st... more The main problem in this study is that sales are still fluctuative since the sales targets are still not be achieved and still not meet the expectation of the management. The brand of CV. Nagasakti Mandiri Elektronik has not yet been fully recognized as distributor of mobile phones OPPO F7 by most customers, this disadvantage condition is also due to impatient attitude of salespeople in serving customers in purchasing OPPO F7 handphones. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brand image and consumers perceptions in purchasing decisions in CV. NagasaktiMandiri Electronics. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of brand image and consumers perception on consumers purchasing decisions. The population in customer research is consumers in the CV. NagasaktiMandiri Electronics is 52 respondents, while the technique which is applied is by using accidental sampling. Then the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. The results of data analysis showed that brand image had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions and consumers' perceptions also had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The results of the coefficient of determination (R2) 0.733 (73.3%). So it can be said that 73.3% of the dependant variable variation, namely Brand Image and Consumers Perception in the model, can explain the Purchase Decision variable in the CV. NagasaktiMandiriElektronik while the 26.7% remaining is influenced by other variables outside the model.
International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 2020
The decision of college perceived by new students is a crucial factor to be known especially for ... more The decision of college perceived by new students is a crucial factor to be known especially for private college leaders. The main objective of this study is to know the factors that influence the college's decision on private college lectures in Medan city. This research approach is the research of causal. Furthermore, the population and samples are the students/I class XII especially high school students, SMK and Madrasah Aliyah. While sampling technique by accidental sampling where sample amounted to 200 students from 30 SMA school, SMK, Madrasah Aliyah in Medan and surrounding areas.The results showed that the 3 factors were formed that influenced the decision to choose a college that is factor 1 consisting of accreditation, campus image, reference group and social media. Factor 2 consisting of facilities and personal selling and factor 3 consisting of relationship marketing.
The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is... more The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is the tax carried by each citizen. The main focus in this research is to know the influence of quality of service, taxation, testing and socialization of taxation of taxpayer compliance. Population and samples are private persons tax at the primary Tax Service office of Binjai. Then the sampling technique is accidental sampling. Where the taxpayer performs the payment transaction can be used as a sample. So the sample in this study was 125 respondents. Data analysis with a tinged linear regression analysis with assisted SPSS program version 22. The results showed that both partial and simultaneous variables of quality of service, taxation sanctions, testing and socialization of taxation were positive and significant for taxpayer compliance. However, variables that have the dominant influence are the variable quality of service, testing and socialization of taxation. Then the result coefficient indicates that the 77.5% variable variation is bound to the quality of service, taxation sanctions, taxpayer knowledge and socialization of taxation on the model can explain the taxpayer compliance variable in the Office Primary Tax service of Binjai while the remaining 22.5% is influenced by other variables outside the model.
One of the companies goals is keeping up its profitability by winning the competition againts its... more One of the companies goals is keeping up its profitability by winning the competition againts its competitors in long terms period. The measurement of satisfaction is absolutely have to do to seeing how job satisfaction be perceived by the employee. The main objection of this research is analyze the impact of reward, working environment, job promotion and supporting facilities towards of the lecturer satisfaction on Politeknik Unggul LP3M. Quantitative method is applied on this research. The population and sample of this research are 52 permanent lecturer of Politeknik Unggul LP3M. The analysis of the data is double lineary regresion by using Eviews 7 application programme. The results shows that all independent variable both partially and simultaneously are positively and significantly affected the level of satisfaction. Independent variabel of this research are reward, working environment, job promotion and supporting facility, those are positively affecting the level of job satisfaction.. and the dominant variabel whose affecting the level of job satisfaction is supporting facilities on Politeknik Unggul LP3M.
Proceeding ICOPOID 2019 The 2nd International Conference on Politic of Islamic Development, Aug 29, 2019
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin,motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap prestasi... more Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin,motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan yang berjumlah 37 karyawan tetap kemudian teknik penentuan sampel jenuh. Teknik pengumpulan data mengggunakan kuesioner dengan skala pengukuran likert. Hasil analisis regresi bergenda yaitu Y = 4,441 + 0,168X1 + 0,073X2 + 0,182X3 + e yang menjukkan disiplin, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. Sedangan hasil uji (t) atau uji parsial menunjukkan bahwa disiplin berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi karyawan dimana dapat dilihat nilai t hitung = 3,146 > t table 2,034, variabel motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan dimana dapat dilihat nilai t hitung = 2,324 > t tabel 2,034, serta lingkungan kerja juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan dimana dapat dilihat nilai t hitung = 2,311 > t tabel 2,034 .Hasil koefisien determinasi dengan nilai regresi korelasi sebesar 0,864, artinya secara bersama-sama disiplin, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan memiliki kontribusi pada taraf yang erat dan positif. Kemudian koefisien determinasi (R 2) sebesar 0,723 (72,3%). Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa 72,3% variasi variabel terikat yaitu disiplin, motivasi dan lingkungan kerja pada model memiliki kontribusi pada prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 27,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar model. Abstract This study was to determine the effect of discipline, motivation and work environment on employee work performance at PT. PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan. The population in the study is employees at PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan, which numbered 37 permanent employees, then the technique for determining saturated samples. Data collection techniques use questionnaires with Likert measurement scale. The results of the regression analysis are Y = 4,441 + 0,168X1 + 0,073X2 + 0,182X3 + e which indicates discipline, motivation and work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. While the test results (t) or partial tests show that the discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance where it can be seen the value of t count = 3.146> t table 2.034, the motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee work performance where it can be seen t count = 2.324 > t table 2.034, and the work environment also has a positive and significant effect on employee work performance where it can be seen the value of t count = 2.311> t table 2.034. The results of the coefficient of determination with a correlation regression value of 0.864, meaning jointly discipline, motivation and environment work on employee work performance at PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan has a contribution to the level of being close and positive. Then the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.723 (72.3%). So that it can be said that 72.3% of the variation of the dependent variable namely discipline, motivation and work environment on the model has contributed to the work performance of employees at PT. Vamrer Jaya Abadi Medan, while the remaining 27.7% is influenced by other variables outside the model.
The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is... more The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is the tax carried by each citizen. The main focus in this research is to know the influence of quality of service, taxation, testing and socialization of taxation of taxpayer compliance. Population and samples are private persons tax at the primary Tax Service office of Binjai. Then the sampling technique is accidental sampling. Where the taxpayer performs the payment transaction can be used as a sample. So the sample in this study was 125 respondents. Data analysis with a tinged linear regression analysis with assisted SPSS program version 22. The results showed that both partial and simultaneous variables of quality of service, taxation sanctions, testing and socialization of taxation were positive and significant for taxpayer compliance. However, variables that have the dominant influence are the variable quality of service, testing and socialization of taxation. Then the result coeffi...
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
This community service activity was carried out on the youth of Harapan Baru Village, Sei Lepan D... more This community service activity was carried out on the youth of Harapan Baru Village, Sei Lepan District, Langkat Regency. This activity is in the form of a workshop or training which is carried out with socialization by providing materials or modules on tips for successful investing, especially at a young age in village youth. So it is hoped that the partners have a good understanding of investing even in the village. Then the targets to be achieved through this service activity are (1) partners know what the first step is to invest, especially in rural areas, (2) partners can classify which investments have a high level of failure risk, (3) partners have awareness the importance of investing even though they are still at a young age.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable telemarketing, personal sell... more The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable telemarketing, personal selling and the image of universities. This research was conducted at a high school in Medan. Data collection using questionnaires with the technique of withdrawing samples as many as 237 respondents through withdrawal by way of snowball sampling. The results showed that telemarketing had a positive effect on college decisions. Personal selling has a positive effect on the decision to choose a lecture. The image of the college has a positive and significant positive effect on the decision to choose a college.
STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan is a private university under the supervision of Regional 1 Education Se... more STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan is a private university under the supervision of Regional 1 Education Service Institution (LL Dikti Wilayah 1). This study aims to determine the Optimization of Student Loyalty through Rewards and Students’ Satisfaction as Intervening Variables . The research approach used in this research is quantitative. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale. The questionnaire is arranged based on indicators of reward, satisfaction and loyalty. The target population in this study are 71 students for the 2017-2018 academic year. The sampling technique uses saturated samples. So that 71 respondents are selected to be the sample. Data analysis uses path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effect of the reward variable on student loyalty through student satisfaction. The results of the research that can be drawn 1) Rewards have a significant effect on student satisfaction at STIE Muhammadiyah Asahan. 2) Reward has no effect on student loyal...
Kepemilikan rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi setiap konsumen yang masih belum memi... more Kepemilikan rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi setiap konsumen yang masih belum memiliki rumah sedangkan bagi yang sudah memiliki kepemilikan rumah melalui program Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) menjadi alasan untuk berinvestasi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk 1) menganalisis pengaruh personal selling terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36, 2) menganalisis pengaruh lokasi terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36, 3) menganalisis pengaruh harga terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36, 4) menganalisis pengaruh personal selling, lokasi dan harga terhadap keputusan mengikuti program kepemilikan rumah tipe 36. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu para konsumen yang telah mengikuti program kretit kepemilikan rumah (KPR) pada perumahan Grie Elhaen Sentosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variable personal selling, lokasi dan harga memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan p...
Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis Digital dan Kemandirian Masyarakat Era Society 5.0, 2022
Puji syukur atas rahmat Allah Swt, buku bersama ini bisa berhasil
disusun dan diterbitkan dengan ... more Puji syukur atas rahmat Allah Swt, buku bersama ini bisa berhasil disusun dan diterbitkan dengan baik. Kita mengetahui bahwa sektor ekonomi menjadi salah satu sektor yang sangat penting dalam proses pembangunan dan kemandirian sebuah bangsa. Ekonomi menjadi hal yang sangat menentukan kesejahteraan masyarakat, mengingat ia menjadi roda berjalannya sistem kehidupan. Ekonomi lesu, maka kehidupan masyarakat pun akan lesu dan sebaliknya. Melalui Nubar ini kita berharap ide-ide kreatif seputar ekonomi bisa dijadikan alternatif demi mendesain perekonomian Indonesia lebih baik lagi menuju kemandirian dan kemajuan dengan skala besar di tengah zaman digitalisasi ini. Semoga kehadiran buku ini bisa memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dan bermanfaat bagi semuanya. Amin
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of communication marketing on school princip... more The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of communication marketing on school principal loyalty through brand trust. The approach in this research was quantitative. The data were obtained through a questionnaire with the Likert scaling technique. The population and sample in this study was 45 principals of high school, vocational and Aliyah private schools in Binjai and Langkat district. The sampling technique was accidental sampling was 45 respondents. The results showed that 1) marketing communication has a significant effect on brand trust. 2) Marketing communication has no effect on principal loyalty. 3) Student brand trust has a significant effect on the principal's loyalty. 4) Marketing communication has a significant effect on principal loyalty through brand trust.
Pendidikan, warisan dan pernikahan dini merupakan suatu fenomena yang saat ini sering di kaji dal... more Pendidikan, warisan dan pernikahan dini merupakan suatu fenomena yang saat ini sering di kaji dalam berbagai kegiatan  seminar, ceramah, di berbagai acara dan sangat menarik untuk di perbincangkan ,Pendidikan begitu sangat penting  karena pendidikan pada saat ini sangat terkait dengan kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi setiap individu. Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan, keterampilan, mempertinggi budi pekerti, memperkuat kepribadian, dan mempertebal semangat kebersamaan agar dapat membangun diri sendiri dan bersama-sama membangun bangsa. Pendidikan terkait dengan kemampuan dalam memandang persoalan ,masalah dapat di selesaikan dengan baik jika kemampuan memahami permasalahan benar, dan dengan pendidkan seyogyanya masalah dapat di analisa dan di temukan solusi , Banyak permasalahan sosial timbul di tengah masyarakat yang di sebabkan kurang baik nya system pendidikan kita seperti keributan karena ketidak fahaman dalam pembagian warisan dan ...
Polytechnic is a university focusing on vocational education. Politeknik Unggul LP3M is to provid... more Polytechnic is a university focusing on vocational education. Politeknik Unggul LP3M is to provide an appropriate vocational education in supporting industrial demand. This study focuses on maximizing students’ loyalty influenced by brand image and trust, where students’ satisfaction is an intervening variable. Path analysis was chosen for this study. As many as 125 people were chosen as respondents, and the technique sampling used purposive random sampling. The study showed that brand image and trust significantly impact students’ loyalty and satisfaction in Politeknik Unggul LP3M. Students’ satisfaction has a crucial role in mediating brand image and brand trust on students’ loyalty.
Perusahaan yang mampu membangun brand awareness dan loyalitas merek kepada para pelanggannya tent... more Perusahaan yang mampu membangun brand awareness dan loyalitas merek kepada para pelanggannya tentunya akan mampu bersaing dengan para kompetitornya. Fokus utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh brand awareness terhadap keputusan pembelian dan 2) untuk menganalisis pengaruh loyalitas merek terhadap keputusan pembelian. Populasi dalam sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa/i SMK Swasta Teladan 1 Sumut. Model penarikan sampel dengan nonprobability sampling dengan pendekatan accidental sampling. Â Hasil implikasi temuan dalam penelitian yaitu kesadaran merek dan loyalitas merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda motor Yaham Matic. Kemudian koefisien detreminasi yaitu 61% variasi variabel terikat yaitu brand awareness dan loyalitas merek mampu menjelaskan keputusan pembelian sedangkan sisa dari kontribusi tersebut dipengaruh oleh factor variabel lain yang tidak masuk dalam kajian penelitian ini.
InternatiJournal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand image and trust on the loyalty of... more This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand image and trust on the loyalty of cosmetics labeled halal users. The problem of this research is the decline in the cosmetic brand image that has halal labeling and the lack of consumer confidence, which causes a decrease in consumer loyalty. Companies also still need to create a barrier to move so that consumers do not switch to competing products. This research was conducted in the city of Medan. The population of this study was 131 people. A sample of 98 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis. The results of the analysis show that brand image and trust have a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of cosmetic users labeled as halal through switching barriers as intervening variables.
The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable
telemarketing, personal sell... more The main focus in this study is to analyze the influence of variable telemarketing, personal selling and the image of universities. This research was conducted at a high school in Medan. Data collection using questionnaires with the technique of withdrawing samples as many as 237 respondents through withdrawal by way of snowball sampling. The results showed that telemarketing had a positive effect on college decisions. Personal selling has a positive effect on the decision to choose a lecture. The image of the college has a positive and significant positive effect on the decision to choose a college.
Leadership role in the commitment and performance of employees in the regional company of Medan, 2020
The regional-owned enterprises are business entities that are all or mostly capital owned by the ... more The regional-owned enterprises are business entities that are all or mostly capital owned by the region. Employee commitment and performance is crucial to the advancement of the Organization. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the influence of transactional and transformational leadership styles against employee commitment and impact on employee performance. This research population is 131 employees. Sample of 98 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that the style of transactional and transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on performance through employee commitment
International Journal of Research and Review, 2020
The main problem in this study is that sales are still fluctuative since the sales targets are st... more The main problem in this study is that sales are still fluctuative since the sales targets are still not be achieved and still not meet the expectation of the management. The brand of CV. Nagasakti Mandiri Elektronik has not yet been fully recognized as distributor of mobile phones OPPO F7 by most customers, this disadvantage condition is also due to impatient attitude of salespeople in serving customers in purchasing OPPO F7 handphones. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brand image and consumers perceptions in purchasing decisions in CV. NagasaktiMandiri Electronics. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of brand image and consumers perception on consumers purchasing decisions. The population in customer research is consumers in the CV. NagasaktiMandiri Electronics is 52 respondents, while the technique which is applied is by using accidental sampling. Then the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression. The results of data analysis showed that brand image had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions and consumers' perceptions also had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The results of the coefficient of determination (R2) 0.733 (73.3%). So it can be said that 73.3% of the dependant variable variation, namely Brand Image and Consumers Perception in the model, can explain the Purchase Decision variable in the CV. NagasaktiMandiriElektronik while the 26.7% remaining is influenced by other variables outside the model.
International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 2020
The decision of college perceived by new students is a crucial factor to be known especially for ... more The decision of college perceived by new students is a crucial factor to be known especially for private college leaders. The main objective of this study is to know the factors that influence the college's decision on private college lectures in Medan city. This research approach is the research of causal. Furthermore, the population and samples are the students/I class XII especially high school students, SMK and Madrasah Aliyah. While sampling technique by accidental sampling where sample amounted to 200 students from 30 SMA school, SMK, Madrasah Aliyah in Medan and surrounding areas.The results showed that the 3 factors were formed that influenced the decision to choose a college that is factor 1 consisting of accreditation, campus image, reference group and social media. Factor 2 consisting of facilities and personal selling and factor 3 consisting of relationship marketing.
The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is... more The development of a state is not detached from state acceptance. The recipient of the country is the tax carried by each citizen. The main focus in this research is to know the influence of quality of service, taxation, testing and socialization of taxation of taxpayer compliance. Population and samples are private persons tax at the primary Tax Service office of Binjai. Then the sampling technique is accidental sampling. Where the taxpayer performs the payment transaction can be used as a sample. So the sample in this study was 125 respondents. Data analysis with a tinged linear regression analysis with assisted SPSS program version 22. The results showed that both partial and simultaneous variables of quality of service, taxation sanctions, testing and socialization of taxation were positive and significant for taxpayer compliance. However, variables that have the dominant influence are the variable quality of service, testing and socialization of taxation. Then the result coefficient indicates that the 77.5% variable variation is bound to the quality of service, taxation sanctions, taxpayer knowledge and socialization of taxation on the model can explain the taxpayer compliance variable in the Office Primary Tax service of Binjai while the remaining 22.5% is influenced by other variables outside the model.
One of the companies goals is keeping up its profitability by winning the competition againts its... more One of the companies goals is keeping up its profitability by winning the competition againts its competitors in long terms period. The measurement of satisfaction is absolutely have to do to seeing how job satisfaction be perceived by the employee. The main objection of this research is analyze the impact of reward, working environment, job promotion and supporting facilities towards of the lecturer satisfaction on Politeknik Unggul LP3M. Quantitative method is applied on this research. The population and sample of this research are 52 permanent lecturer of Politeknik Unggul LP3M. The analysis of the data is double lineary regresion by using Eviews 7 application programme. The results shows that all independent variable both partially and simultaneously are positively and significantly affected the level of satisfaction. Independent variabel of this research are reward, working environment, job promotion and supporting facility, those are positively affecting the level of job satisfaction.. and the dominant variabel whose affecting the level of job satisfaction is supporting facilities on Politeknik Unggul LP3M.
Kajian bidang ekonomi perfokus pada kelangkaan pada sumber daya
dala pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen... more Kajian bidang ekonomi perfokus pada kelangkaan pada sumber daya dala pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen (Amalia, 2010). Masalah ekonomi merupakan masalah yang sangat penting untuk dikaji secara berkelanjutan. Mengupayakan segala pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan banyak orang dengan keterbatasan sumber daya yang dimiliki baik oleh Negara atau perusahaaan perlu dilakukan. Sehingga teori ekonomi dikenal dengan analisis perilaku manusia.
Bisnis modern adalah bisnis yang saat ini sedang
berkembang dengan realita yang amat komplek. Sek... more Bisnis modern adalah bisnis yang saat ini sedang berkembang dengan realita yang amat komplek. Sekarang ini masyarakat lebih banyak memilih untuk berbisnis dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan yang lainnya. Buku ini adalah sebuah uraian provokatif yang memaksa kita berfikir ulang apakah selama ini manajemen proyek sudah kita lakukan dengan benar. Buku Manajemen & Bisnis Modern terdiri dari 20 bab yang didalamnya berisi mengenai penjelasan kegiatan bisnis dan sasaran pembelajaran. Penulis juga menyadari bahwa buku ini jauh dari sempurna, karena itu penulis sangat berterima kasih bila ada kritik dan saran untuk perbaikan pada edisi berikutnya
Tujuan utama penulisan buku ajar ini yaitu bermula dari keluhan para mahasiswa yang sedang melaku... more Tujuan utama penulisan buku ajar ini yaitu bermula dari keluhan para mahasiswa yang sedang melakukan penelitian khususnya bidang SDM. Selama ini banyak buku ajar khususnya berkaitan MSDM sulit untuk mendapatkan teori yang aplikatif dalam mendukung penyusunan Skrpsi maupun Tugas Akhir. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil kumpulan bahan ajar penulis serta teori-teori pendukung yang praktis dalam membantu para mahasiswa. Dimana dalam buku ini terdiri 11 bab yang berisi definisi, arti penting, faktor yang mempengaruhi hingga indikator suatu teori. Penulis berharap dengan terbitnya buku ajar ini dapat membantu khususnya para peneliti dalam memperkaya kajian suatu teori. Akhirnya seperti ungkapan tiada gading yang tak retak. Maka penulis menyadari bahwa masih banyak kiranya kekurangan dalam buku ajar ini.
Perbankan merupakan wadah para pelaku bisnis untuk dapat mengoptimalkan sumber pembiayaan dalam p... more Perbankan merupakan wadah para pelaku bisnis untuk dapat mengoptimalkan sumber pembiayaan dalam pengembangan unit bisnis. Mempelajari perbankan dan masalah yang sering terjadi akan resiko yang ditimbulkan sangat penting. Perubahan ini menyebabkan para pelaku usaha usaha harus jeli dalam melihat peluang yang ada. Buku ini berisi materi ajar tentang pengenalan dasar dunia perbankan. Dimana materi .terdii dari 14 Bab yang terdiri dari Uang, Bank, Sumber Dana Bank, Pendanaan Bank, Suku Bunga Jasa Bank, Bank Indonesia, Bank Syariah, Pasar Modal, Valuta Asing, Dana Pensiun, Kartu Kredit, Lembaga Keuangan Internasional, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Kemudian disetiap bab buku ini menyajikan studi kasus contoh masalah yang terkait dengan masalah keuangan dan perbankan. Sehingga diharapkan mampu membantu para pembaca dalam memahami masalah keuangan dan perbankan.
Rasa kepuasan seorang pelanggan akan mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu. Sangat penting bagi... more Rasa kepuasan seorang pelanggan akan mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu. Sangat penting bagi pelaku bisnis mampu memaksimalkan rasa kepuasan melalui strategi pemasaran yang paling tepat sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada. Strategi pemasaran merupakan bahan kajian yang menarik untuk dipelajari oleh setiap orang. Mengingat pada dasarnya setiap orang secara tidak langsung melakukan kegiatan pemasaran. Buku ini merupakan intisari awal dari strategi pemasaran, dimana dalam buku ini hanya membahas lima pokok bahasan yang terdiri dari ruang lingkup manajemen strategi, strategi kepuasan pelanggan, strategi produk, strategi branding dan strategi pasar. Sehingga diharapkan mampu membantu bagi para pembaca yang ingin mengetahui secara dasar konsep strategi pemasaran.
Mata kuliah ini berkenaan dengan bagaimana memahami peran penting dasar manajemen pemasaran dalam... more Mata kuliah ini berkenaan dengan bagaimana memahami peran penting dasar manajemen pemasaran dalam dunia bisnis baik bergerak pada produk atau jasa dan mengomunikasikan bauran pemasaran dalam menghadapi persaingan dengan kompetitor serta mengembangkan profitabilitas perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.
Papers by nasib nasib
disusun dan diterbitkan dengan baik. Kita mengetahui bahwa sektor
ekonomi menjadi salah satu sektor yang sangat penting dalam proses
pembangunan dan kemandirian sebuah bangsa. Ekonomi menjadi hal
yang sangat menentukan kesejahteraan masyarakat, mengingat ia menjadi
roda berjalannya sistem kehidupan. Ekonomi lesu, maka kehidupan
masyarakat pun akan lesu dan sebaliknya.
Melalui Nubar ini kita berharap ide-ide kreatif seputar ekonomi bisa
dijadikan alternatif demi mendesain perekonomian Indonesia lebih baik
lagi menuju kemandirian dan kemajuan dengan skala besar di tengah
zaman digitalisasi ini. Semoga kehadiran buku ini bisa memberikan
kontribusi yang nyata dan bermanfaat bagi semuanya. Amin
telemarketing, personal selling and the image of universities. This
research was conducted at a high school in Medan. Data
collection using questionnaires with the technique of withdrawing
samples as many as 237 respondents through withdrawal by way
of snowball sampling. The results showed that telemarketing had a
positive effect on college decisions. Personal selling has a positive
effect on the decision to choose a lecture. The image of the college
has a positive and significant positive effect on the decision to
choose a college.
Employee commitment and performance is crucial to the advancement of the Organization. The purpose of this
research is to know and analyze the influence of transactional and transformational leadership styles against
employee commitment and impact on employee performance. This research population is 131 employees. Sample
of 98 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that the style of transactional and
transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on performance through employee commitment
disusun dan diterbitkan dengan baik. Kita mengetahui bahwa sektor
ekonomi menjadi salah satu sektor yang sangat penting dalam proses
pembangunan dan kemandirian sebuah bangsa. Ekonomi menjadi hal
yang sangat menentukan kesejahteraan masyarakat, mengingat ia menjadi
roda berjalannya sistem kehidupan. Ekonomi lesu, maka kehidupan
masyarakat pun akan lesu dan sebaliknya.
Melalui Nubar ini kita berharap ide-ide kreatif seputar ekonomi bisa
dijadikan alternatif demi mendesain perekonomian Indonesia lebih baik
lagi menuju kemandirian dan kemajuan dengan skala besar di tengah
zaman digitalisasi ini. Semoga kehadiran buku ini bisa memberikan
kontribusi yang nyata dan bermanfaat bagi semuanya. Amin
telemarketing, personal selling and the image of universities. This
research was conducted at a high school in Medan. Data
collection using questionnaires with the technique of withdrawing
samples as many as 237 respondents through withdrawal by way
of snowball sampling. The results showed that telemarketing had a
positive effect on college decisions. Personal selling has a positive
effect on the decision to choose a lecture. The image of the college
has a positive and significant positive effect on the decision to
choose a college.
Employee commitment and performance is crucial to the advancement of the Organization. The purpose of this
research is to know and analyze the influence of transactional and transformational leadership styles against
employee commitment and impact on employee performance. This research population is 131 employees. Sample
of 98 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that the style of transactional and
transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on performance through employee commitment
dala pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen (Amalia, 2010). Masalah ekonomi
merupakan masalah yang sangat penting untuk dikaji secara berkelanjutan. Mengupayakan segala pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan banyak orang dengan keterbatasan sumber daya yang dimiliki baik oleh Negara atau perusahaaan perlu dilakukan. Sehingga teori ekonomi dikenal dengan analisis perilaku manusia.
berkembang dengan realita yang amat komplek. Sekarang ini
masyarakat lebih banyak memilih untuk berbisnis dibandingkan
dengan pekerjaan yang lainnya. Buku ini adalah sebuah uraian
provokatif yang memaksa kita berfikir ulang apakah selama ini
manajemen proyek sudah kita lakukan dengan benar. Buku
Manajemen & Bisnis Modern terdiri dari 20 bab yang didalamnya
berisi mengenai penjelasan kegiatan bisnis dan sasaran
pembelajaran. Penulis juga menyadari bahwa buku ini jauh dari
sempurna, karena itu penulis sangat berterima kasih bila ada
kritik dan saran untuk perbaikan pada edisi berikutnya