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Results are presented of enrolling HIV+ active-injection drug users (IDUs) into a peer-driven intervention (PDI) to improve their adherence to medical care. Using respondent-driven sampling (RDS), which evolved out of the PDI model, the... more
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      StigmaHIV/AIDSMedication AdherenceHarm Reduction
The dopaminergic system is implicated in depressive disorders and research has also shown that dopamine constricts lexical/semantic networks by reducing spreading activation. Hence, depression, which is linked to reductions of dopamine,... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesDrugs And AddictionStigma
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      Medical SociologyStigmaSexualityGender
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      SociologySociology Of DevianceSociology of Mental Health & IllnessSociology of Health and Illness
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is known to be associated with disruption in semantic networks. Previous studies examining changes in spreading activation in AD have used a lexical decision task paradigm. We have used a paradigm based on average... more
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      SemanticsReaction TimeClinical SciencesAged
BackgroundWhile studies have suggested that depression and HIV-related stigma may impede access to care, a growing body of literature also suggests that access to HIV care itself may help to decrease internalized HIV-related stigma and... more
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      NursingKenyaAdolescentMultivariate Analysis
The Southeastern U.S. Collaborative Center of Excellence in the Elimination of Disparities Legacy Grant Program provides funding to increase community-based organizations' capacity to implement evidence-based breast and cervical cancer... more
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      Program EvaluationEvidence Based MedicineCapacity BuildingCommunity Capacity
Risky sexual behavior among African-American youth increases risks for sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy. This article describes a community-academic partnership to assess The 2 HYPE Abstinence Club, a program... more
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      Program EvaluationStress ManagementCommunity HealthRisk Taking
The Southeastern U.S. Collaborative Center of Excellence in the Elimination of Disparities Legacy Grant Program provides funding to increase community-based organizations' capacity to implement evidence-based breast and cervical cancer... more
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      Program EvaluationEvidence Based MedicineCapacity BuildingCommunity Capacity
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      Social TheorySocial PsychologyGender StudiesSociology of Mental Health & Illness
Center for Epidemiological Studies (CES) Depression Scale results for surveys of homeless, community-wide and selected distressed samples are compared. Nearly four times the percentage of homeless fit the criterion for clinical caseness... more
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      DepressionUnited StatesAmericanAlabama
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      Health CareGeneral Internal MedicineMultivariate AnalysisGeneral
The topic of euthanasia has been a matter of public debate for several decades. Although empirical research should inform policy, scale measurement is lacking. After analyzing shortcomings of previous work, we offer a systematically... more
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      PsychologyPsychometricsOMEGAUnited States
This article examines racial differences in attitudes toward euthanasia. Many researchers assert distrust of medicine as a substantive explanation for less favorable attitudes toward euthanasia among African Americans, although... more
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      PsychologyEuthanasiaRacial differences
A Weberian lifestyles approach is employed to examine differences in quality of life among the homeless. Using a systematic random sample of 161 homeless people in a mid-sized, Southern metropolitan area, the study focuses on the impact... more
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      SociologyQuality of life
i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was funded by grants from the Office of Development, City of Birmingham (James Fenstermaker, Director) and Jefferson County's Office of Planning and Community Development (Dr. Frederick L. Hamilton). We... more
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The association between exposure to violence and symptoms of mental health problems among 161 homeless adults in a mid-sized Southern metropolitan area was examined. Results indicated a significant relationship between witnessing violence... more
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      PsychologyViolenceAmericanMental Disorders
We use a life course approach to guide an investigation of relationships and health at the nexus of race and gender. We consider childhood as a sensitive period in the life course, during which significant adversity may launch chains of... more
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      PsychologyViolencePovertySocial Class
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      AdolescentMinority GroupsYoung AdultData Collection