Methods. Consecutive patients were enrolled and followed up prospectively. Microarray data were g... more Methods. Consecutive patients were enrolled and followed up prospectively. Microarray data were generated using Illumina BeadChips. A modular transcriptional repertoire was used as a framework for the analysis.
International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC'06), 2006
Page 1. MPI and non-MPI simulations for epitaxial surface growth Carmen B. Navarrete Centro de Re... more Page 1. MPI and non-MPI simulations for epitaxial surface growth Carmen B. Navarrete Centro de Referencia Linux UAM-IBM Dpto Ingenierıa Informática Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 28049 Madrid, SPAIN, Susana Holgado Dpto. ...
Human vaginal mucosa is the major entry site of sexually transmitted pathogens and thus has long ... more Human vaginal mucosa is the major entry site of sexually transmitted pathogens and thus has long been attractive as a site for mounting mucosal immunity. It is also known as a tolerogenic microenvironment. Here, we demonstrate that immune responses in the vagina are orchestrated by the functional diversity of four major antigen-presenting cell (APC) subsets. Langerhans cells (LCs) and CD14 − lamina propria (LP)-DCs polarize CD4 + and CD8 + T cells toward Th2, whereas CD14 + LP-DCs and macrophages polarize CD4 + T cells toward Th1. Both LCs and CD14 − LP-DCs are potent inducers of Th22. Due to their functional specialties and the different expression levels of pattern-recognition receptors on the APC subsets, microbial products do not bias them to elicit common types of immune responses (Th1 or Th2). To evoke desired types of adaptive immune responses in the human vagina, antigens may need to be targeted to proper APC subsets with right adjuvants.
Complete human TLR3 deficiency and HSE | Guo et al. critical reading of this manuscript. We warml... more Complete human TLR3 deficiency and HSE | Guo et al. critical reading of this manuscript. We warmly thank our patients, their families, and physicians.
ABSTRACT The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling mi... more ABSTRACT The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and a frequency analysis method that uses the whole image. The power spectrum S(q,t) presents a clear q-γ dependence in the region of high frequencies and the interface width of the films follows a tβ behavior. The values obtained for the two exponents (γ=4.1 and β=0.26) agree with the theoretical predictions (γ=4 and β=0.25) for a process controlled by pure surface diffusion in the thickness range studied. The power spectrum at high frequencies is similar for different film thickness describing a phenomenon free from anomalous scaling. We also conclude that dimensional analysis of profiles presents some practical problems in its application. On the other hand, frequency analysis of the whole image allows us to obtain a reliable determination of surface roughness.
Abstract The complexity both of the measurements and of the specimens, when scanning tunnelling m... more Abstract The complexity both of the measurements and of the specimens, when scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) is applied in biology, requires a careful analysis of the data in order to avoid the classification of artifacts as peculiarities of the sample. The potential for determining the structures of biomolecules and their complexes emphasizes the relevance of developing procedures for STM image enhancement. Some software procedures have focused attention on the correction of geometrical distortion arising in STM images. It is ...
The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy ... more The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and a frequency analysis method that uses the whole image. The power spectrum S(q,t) presents a clear q Ϫ␥ dependence in the region of high frequencies and the interface width of the films follows a t  behavior. The values obtained for the two exponents (␥ϭ4.1 and ϭ0.26) agree with the theoretical predictions (␥ϭ4 and ϭ0.25) for a process controlled by pure surface diffusion in the thickness range studied. The power spectrum at high frequencies is similar for different film thickness describing a phenomenon free from anomalous scaling. We also conclude that dimensional analysis of profiles presents some practical problems in its application. On the other hand, frequency analysis of the whole image allows us to obtain a reliable determination of surface roughness. ͓S0163-1829͑99͒00528-7͔
2008 International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2008
In the last years, the computers have increased their capacity of calculus and networks -for the ... more In the last years, the computers have increased their capacity of calculus and networks -for the interconnection of these machines -have been improved until obtaining the actual high rates of data transferring. The programs that nowadays try to take advantage of these new technologies, cannot be written using the traditional techniques of programming, since most of the algorithms were designed for being executed in only one processor, in a nonconcurrent form, instead of being executed concurrently in a set of processors, working and communicating through a network. This work aims to present the ongoing development of a new method to simulate the Ferromagnetic Potts model, taking into account these new technologies.
values obtained for the two exponents (g54.1 and b50.26) agree with the theoretical predictions (... more values obtained for the two exponents (g54.1 and b50.26) agree with the theoretical predictions ( g54 and b50.25) for a process controlled by pure surface diffusion in the thickness range studied. The power spectrum at high frequencies is similar for different film thickness describing a phenomenon free from anomalous scaling. We also conclude that dimensional analysis of profiles presents some
Since the STM gives the vertical dimension of surfaces, it allows us a quantitative evaluation of... more Since the STM gives the vertical dimension of surfaces, it allows us a quantitative evaluation of the surface roughness by analyzing the STM images. This kind of evaluation is of importance in Co-based alloys because the surface roughness is related to magnetic properties in low and medium magnetostriction. This paper presents a study of the surface roughness of Co-based alloys obtaining the fractal dimensionality, the amplitude of the superficial features as well as the mean size of those features and its relation to magnetic properties. 0304-3991/92/$05.00
The behavior of the texture parameters of surfaces imaged by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) ... more The behavior of the texture parameters of surfaces imaged by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) under different control conditions in the feedback loop is shown. The analysis of the main surface texture parameters such as the rms-roughness, the skewness, the kurtosis and the average wavelength obtained from STM images shows that they have a strong dependence on the values of the
An asymmetric transfer function -based on the symmetric one used in optical cases to correct blur... more An asymmetric transfer function -based on the symmetric one used in optical cases to correct blurring and defocusing effects tn systems with circular aperture -is presented here to restore STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) images. A Wien filter is implemented that utilize this transfer function. In the STM case, the defocusing has two different origins depending on the scan direction that produce a set of two fitting parameters. 0039-6028/91/$03.50 C' 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) A4. Pancorbo et al. / New filtering techniques to restore STM images
We show that the control conditions in the feedback loop of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM ... more We show that the control conditions in the feedback loop of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM ) affect the values of the surface texture parameters, including fractal characterization, when they are calculated from STM images of the surface. The main surface texture parameters (such as the r.m.s. roughness, kurtosis, skewness, and average wavelength) show a strong dependence on the conditions used in the feedback loop for imaging. Fractal character changes also with feedback parameters. The quality of the STM images can be measured quantitatively by using some of the surface texture parameters.
The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy... more The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy and analysed by a Fourier transform method. The power spectrum S(q, t) presents a clear q−c dependence in the high-frequency region and tb behaviour of the total interface width of the films. The values obtained for the two exponents, in the range of 300-18 000 Å thickness studied (c=4.1±0.1 and b=0.26±0.02), agree with the theoretical predictions (c=4 and b=0.25) for a pure diffusion-controlled process but not with a re-evaporation process. The power spectrum for high frequencies shows good correlation for different film thicknesses, describing scaling without anomalous behaviour.
The power spectra, Sq; t, of evaporated gold ®lms at room temperature are quantitatively compared... more The power spectra, Sq; t, of evaporated gold ®lms at room temperature are quantitatively compared with the Das Sarma Tamborenea model. The experimental curves ®t the theory. However, the noise parameter, deduced from the ®tting, disagrees with the predicted value. The two-dimensional (2D) experimental height±height correlation functions of scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) images present a hexagonal anisotropy. This fact agrees with the existence of a mound structure in the three-dimensional STM images. In addition the 2D Fourier transform module shows the predicted maxima for a mound model. Ó
Methods. Consecutive patients were enrolled and followed up prospectively. Microarray data were g... more Methods. Consecutive patients were enrolled and followed up prospectively. Microarray data were generated using Illumina BeadChips. A modular transcriptional repertoire was used as a framework for the analysis.
International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC'06), 2006
Page 1. MPI and non-MPI simulations for epitaxial surface growth Carmen B. Navarrete Centro de Re... more Page 1. MPI and non-MPI simulations for epitaxial surface growth Carmen B. Navarrete Centro de Referencia Linux UAM-IBM Dpto Ingenierıa Informática Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 28049 Madrid, SPAIN, Susana Holgado Dpto. ...
Human vaginal mucosa is the major entry site of sexually transmitted pathogens and thus has long ... more Human vaginal mucosa is the major entry site of sexually transmitted pathogens and thus has long been attractive as a site for mounting mucosal immunity. It is also known as a tolerogenic microenvironment. Here, we demonstrate that immune responses in the vagina are orchestrated by the functional diversity of four major antigen-presenting cell (APC) subsets. Langerhans cells (LCs) and CD14 − lamina propria (LP)-DCs polarize CD4 + and CD8 + T cells toward Th2, whereas CD14 + LP-DCs and macrophages polarize CD4 + T cells toward Th1. Both LCs and CD14 − LP-DCs are potent inducers of Th22. Due to their functional specialties and the different expression levels of pattern-recognition receptors on the APC subsets, microbial products do not bias them to elicit common types of immune responses (Th1 or Th2). To evoke desired types of adaptive immune responses in the human vagina, antigens may need to be targeted to proper APC subsets with right adjuvants.
Complete human TLR3 deficiency and HSE | Guo et al. critical reading of this manuscript. We warml... more Complete human TLR3 deficiency and HSE | Guo et al. critical reading of this manuscript. We warmly thank our patients, their families, and physicians.
ABSTRACT The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling mi... more ABSTRACT The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and a frequency analysis method that uses the whole image. The power spectrum S(q,t) presents a clear q-γ dependence in the region of high frequencies and the interface width of the films follows a tβ behavior. The values obtained for the two exponents (γ=4.1 and β=0.26) agree with the theoretical predictions (γ=4 and β=0.25) for a process controlled by pure surface diffusion in the thickness range studied. The power spectrum at high frequencies is similar for different film thickness describing a phenomenon free from anomalous scaling. We also conclude that dimensional analysis of profiles presents some practical problems in its application. On the other hand, frequency analysis of the whole image allows us to obtain a reliable determination of surface roughness.
Abstract The complexity both of the measurements and of the specimens, when scanning tunnelling m... more Abstract The complexity both of the measurements and of the specimens, when scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) is applied in biology, requires a careful analysis of the data in order to avoid the classification of artifacts as peculiarities of the sample. The potential for determining the structures of biomolecules and their complexes emphasizes the relevance of developing procedures for STM image enhancement. Some software procedures have focused attention on the correction of geometrical distortion arising in STM images. It is ...
The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy ... more The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and a frequency analysis method that uses the whole image. The power spectrum S(q,t) presents a clear q Ϫ␥ dependence in the region of high frequencies and the interface width of the films follows a t  behavior. The values obtained for the two exponents (␥ϭ4.1 and ϭ0.26) agree with the theoretical predictions (␥ϭ4 and ϭ0.25) for a process controlled by pure surface diffusion in the thickness range studied. The power spectrum at high frequencies is similar for different film thickness describing a phenomenon free from anomalous scaling. We also conclude that dimensional analysis of profiles presents some practical problems in its application. On the other hand, frequency analysis of the whole image allows us to obtain a reliable determination of surface roughness. ͓S0163-1829͑99͒00528-7͔
2008 International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2008
In the last years, the computers have increased their capacity of calculus and networks -for the ... more In the last years, the computers have increased their capacity of calculus and networks -for the interconnection of these machines -have been improved until obtaining the actual high rates of data transferring. The programs that nowadays try to take advantage of these new technologies, cannot be written using the traditional techniques of programming, since most of the algorithms were designed for being executed in only one processor, in a nonconcurrent form, instead of being executed concurrently in a set of processors, working and communicating through a network. This work aims to present the ongoing development of a new method to simulate the Ferromagnetic Potts model, taking into account these new technologies.
values obtained for the two exponents (g54.1 and b50.26) agree with the theoretical predictions (... more values obtained for the two exponents (g54.1 and b50.26) agree with the theoretical predictions ( g54 and b50.25) for a process controlled by pure surface diffusion in the thickness range studied. The power spectrum at high frequencies is similar for different film thickness describing a phenomenon free from anomalous scaling. We also conclude that dimensional analysis of profiles presents some
Since the STM gives the vertical dimension of surfaces, it allows us a quantitative evaluation of... more Since the STM gives the vertical dimension of surfaces, it allows us a quantitative evaluation of the surface roughness by analyzing the STM images. This kind of evaluation is of importance in Co-based alloys because the surface roughness is related to magnetic properties in low and medium magnetostriction. This paper presents a study of the surface roughness of Co-based alloys obtaining the fractal dimensionality, the amplitude of the superficial features as well as the mean size of those features and its relation to magnetic properties. 0304-3991/92/$05.00
The behavior of the texture parameters of surfaces imaged by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) ... more The behavior of the texture parameters of surfaces imaged by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) under different control conditions in the feedback loop is shown. The analysis of the main surface texture parameters such as the rms-roughness, the skewness, the kurtosis and the average wavelength obtained from STM images shows that they have a strong dependence on the values of the
An asymmetric transfer function -based on the symmetric one used in optical cases to correct blur... more An asymmetric transfer function -based on the symmetric one used in optical cases to correct blurring and defocusing effects tn systems with circular aperture -is presented here to restore STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) images. A Wien filter is implemented that utilize this transfer function. In the STM case, the defocusing has two different origins depending on the scan direction that produce a set of two fitting parameters. 0039-6028/91/$03.50 C' 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) A4. Pancorbo et al. / New filtering techniques to restore STM images
We show that the control conditions in the feedback loop of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM ... more We show that the control conditions in the feedback loop of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM ) affect the values of the surface texture parameters, including fractal characterization, when they are calculated from STM images of the surface. The main surface texture parameters (such as the r.m.s. roughness, kurtosis, skewness, and average wavelength) show a strong dependence on the conditions used in the feedback loop for imaging. Fractal character changes also with feedback parameters. The quality of the STM images can be measured quantitatively by using some of the surface texture parameters.
The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy... more The surface roughness of evaporated gold films has been studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy and analysed by a Fourier transform method. The power spectrum S(q, t) presents a clear q−c dependence in the high-frequency region and tb behaviour of the total interface width of the films. The values obtained for the two exponents, in the range of 300-18 000 Å thickness studied (c=4.1±0.1 and b=0.26±0.02), agree with the theoretical predictions (c=4 and b=0.25) for a pure diffusion-controlled process but not with a re-evaporation process. The power spectrum for high frequencies shows good correlation for different film thicknesses, describing scaling without anomalous behaviour.
The power spectra, Sq; t, of evaporated gold ®lms at room temperature are quantitatively compared... more The power spectra, Sq; t, of evaporated gold ®lms at room temperature are quantitatively compared with the Das Sarma Tamborenea model. The experimental curves ®t the theory. However, the noise parameter, deduced from the ®tting, disagrees with the predicted value. The two-dimensional (2D) experimental height±height correlation functions of scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) images present a hexagonal anisotropy. This fact agrees with the existence of a mound structure in the three-dimensional STM images. In addition the 2D Fourier transform module shows the predicted maxima for a mound model. Ó
Papers by E. Anguiano