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EnglishThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused great economic damages and made it challenging to identif... more EnglishThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused great economic damages and made it challenging to identify the vulnerable groups amid this global public health crisis. It is especially true in China, where the market-oriented reform has led to the rise of “migrant workers” whose rights are poorly protected. Largely improved during the years, China’s social security system are still characterized by double narrowness: narrow coverage and narrow services provided. Numerous measures adopted by the Chinese government during the fight against the Covid-19 have been limited to the enforcement of the current legal framework and marginal amelioration of existing social assistance systems. In this context, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the precarious conditions of a large number of Chinese workers, and called for further reform to construct a modern universal social welfare system, not only adapted to the dual labor market structure, but also adjusted to suit a new labor landscape after the Covi...
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2020
ABSTRACT This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects ... more ABSTRACT This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects on Chinese M&As in OECD countries. Difference-in-differences as well as difference-in-difference-in-differences statistical techniques are employed to calculate to what extent ‘Made in China 2025’ has shaped both sector composition and location choice of Chinese M&As in the OECD, and to estimate effects and limits of national policies on cross-border M&As. Based on statistical results we can argue that ‘Made in China 2025’ has induced a new ‘troika’ model, of which the significance is moderated by firm-specific characteristics, such as ownership structure, and the firm’s home country embeddedness level. However, while we observe location diversification of Chinese M&As in the OECD at the aggregate level, hosting countries’ FDI screening mechanisms have no significant impact on containing China’s M&As that target more sensitive sectors.
Yue Lin. État, administration locale et initiatives populaires : l’institutionnalisation d’une pr... more Yue Lin. État, administration locale et initiatives populaires : l’institutionnalisation d’une pratique dans le district d’Yiwu (Zhejiang). In: Études chinoises, n°29, 2010. Numéro spécial sur le pouvoir politique. pp. 271-288
The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US ... more The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US markets. Using the OECD International Trade by Commodity Statistics covering the period 2002-2012, we undertake both relative-market-share analysis and constant-market-share analysis. Through comparison of market share changes at both macro and micro levels, we find that on the one hand China 's total negative impact on Mexican manufactured exports has been greatly reduced since 2007; on the other hand, China is increasingly aligned with Mexico in terms of its competitive position over the US market, consolidating its competitiveness in high and medium-to-high technology products and gaining market share in the US market, mainly at the expense of the most advanced economies. This changing pattern suggests the intensification of competition between Mexico and China, but also a potential for cooperation, with the enhancement of bilateral intraindustry trade as a result of different technology choices and specialization paths.
Selon la base de données en ligne de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le dévelo... more Selon la base de données en ligne de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) 2 , les importations de marchandises africaines en direction de la Chine ont été multipliées par trente de 1995 à 2009, passant de 1 423 à 43 330 millions dollars. Les exportations de marchandises chinoises vers le continent africain ont crû moins rapidement et ont été multipliée par vingt, passant de 2 459 à 47 642 millions dollars. L'Afrique ne représentant malgré cet essor considérable que 4,3 % des importations et 4,7% des exportations chinoises de marchandises en 2009 3. Étant donné le rôle d'entrepôt joué par Hong-Kong, les flux commerciaux entre Chine et Afrique risquent d'être sous-estimés. Mais si nous attribuons à la Chine toutes les importations et exportations de marchandises enregistrées entre Hong-Kong et l'Afrique, l'importance de cette dernière n'est que très légèrement majorée et n'augmente que de 0,26 % pour les importations et de 0,17 % pour les exportations. Les transferts de marchandises par Hong-Kong n'introduisent donc pas de distorsion importante. Par commodité statistique, on n'utilisera cependant que les données concernant la Chine continentale et l'Afrique. La Chine semble jouer un rôle de plus en plus important en proportion en Afrique. Elle est devenue le second marché pour les produits africains en 2009 avec 11,3 % des exportations africaines (derrière les États-Unis à 16,6 %) et son premier fournisseur devant la France à partir de 2007 (respectivement 11,5 % et 7,9 % en 2009). Même si le volume de ses échanges avec l'Afrique a triplé de 1995 à 2009, l'Union européenne a beaucoup perdu de son importance relative ; elle reste néanmoins en tant que bloc le principal marché de l'Afrique (35,5 %) et son principal fournisseur (36,4 %). Il n'y a donc rien de surprenant à qu'il y ait un débat à l'extérieur de la Chine sur l'impact de son activité sur le développement de l'Afrique et sa lutte pour atteindre les Objectifs du millénaire. Pour certains, la présence de la Chine en Afrique ouvre une coopération Sud-Sud, c'est-à-dire une alternative positive. Pour d'autres, comme Ian Taylor, cette présence est carrément néfaste : « L'expansion de la Chine sur le continent africain ne contribue certainement pas à la promotion de la paix, de la prospérité et de la démocratie sur le continent. Même si nombre de ses instigateurs
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2020
This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects on Chines... more This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects on Chinese M&As in OECD countries. Difference-in-differences as well as difference-in-difference-in-differences statistical techniques are employed to calculate to what extent ‘Made in China 2025’ has shaped both sector composition and location choice of Chinese M&As in the OECD, and to estimate effects and limits of national policies on cross-border M&As. Based on statistical results we can argue that ‘Made in China 2025’ has induced a new ‘troika’ model, of which the significance is moderated by firm-specific characteristics, such as ownership structure, and the firm’s home country embeddedness level. However, while we observe location diversification of Chinese M&As in the OECD at the aggregate level, hosting countries’ FDI screening mechanisms have no significant impact on containing China’s M&As that target more sensitive sectors.
The launch of the " 16+1 " Cooperation Framework in 2012 enhanced economic relations between Chin... more The launch of the " 16+1 " Cooperation Framework in 2012 enhanced economic relations between China and CEE countries, which already had craved for China's financial support to recover from the recession during 2008-2009 crisis. After six years of a high political and economic engagement, to what extent China has materialized its influence in the region? This paper compiles data from various sources and tries to update our understanding of China's current presence and potential impacts in the CEE region through three economic interconnection channels as pronounced in the " One Road, One Belt " initiative, namely trade, investment, and infrastructure. Through the horizontal comparison with EU's more advanced 15 members' engagement in the region, China's envisioned economic " highway " is currently composed of three parallel tracks, where EU-CEE tradition and China's innovative approach interact in different ways. The influence of preexistent EU-CEE economic pattern varies among three economic pillars, with the trade being the least touched, the finance of infrastructure projects being the most conflicting and the ODI pattern being the best example of mutual impacts. From the perspective of interest stocks of China in CEE, China's economic exchange with the most important economies in the region falls into EU framework, which suggests that the state's potential and its economic structure are the basic reason of the strength of bilateral economic relation. However, from the perspective of interest flows, China's importance has been significantly increased in smaller states, which, on the one hand, will generate more tangible impetus to economic growth in periphery CEE countries, thus leveling regional discrepancy; on the other hand, will challenge once EU dominated institutional arrangement. Under this context, CEE has turned out to be the strategic region where China and EU would compete and cooperate with each other according to the efficiency of their relative economic diplomacy to define the most beneficial policies that are tailored better to the interests of CEE countries.
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2018
Considering the short-term and long-term global financial crisis effects on industrial and trade ... more Considering the short-term and long-term global financial crisis effects on industrial and trade policies implemented in China, Argentina, and Brazil, this article empirically analyzes China’s impact on trade integration and manufacturing competitiveness between Argentina and Brazil during the post-crisis period. Under a trilateral trade framework, this paper conducts both standard and modified Constant Market Share analyses, using trade data disaggregated at HS 6-digit level between the 2009–2014 period provided by BACI database. The quantitative estimation of relative gains and losses of Argentina and Brazil facing China’s evolving import demand and export supply provides evidence for three main findings. First, it shows the persistence of China’s asymmetric trade pattern with Argentina and Brazil, but a decline in China’s weight in explaining the decreasing bilateral trade intensity between Argentina and Brazil; second, the divergent export performance between Argentina and Brazil to China, mainly attributed to the competitiveness shift in the soybean sector; and finally the enlargement of a competitiveness gap between Mercosur countries and China in the upstream of manufacturing supply chain.
Revista de Occidente, no. 414, 2015, pp. 78-92., Nov 2015
En las últimas tres décadas China ha logrado el crecimiento económico más fascinante del mundo. E... more En las últimas tres décadas China ha logrado el crecimiento económico más fascinante del mundo. En 1980, el producto interior bruto (PIB) de China sólo suponía el 1,7 por ciento del PIB mundial, pero en 2014 ya era dos veces más grande que el de Japón, representando el 12,2 por ciento del producto interior bruto mundial. Más importante aún, en la actualidad, dado el
China & World Economy, vol.23, no.4, pp. 104-124., 2015
The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US ... more The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US markets. Using the OECD International Trade by Commodity Statistics covering the period 2002–2012, we undertake both relative-market-share analysis and constant-market-share analysis. Through comparison of market share changes at both macro and micro levels, we find that on the one hand China ’s total negative impact on Mexican manufactured exports has been greatly reduced since 2007; on the other hand, China is increasingly aligned with Mexico in terms of its competitive position over the US market, consolidating its competitiveness in high and medium-to-high technology products and gaining market share in the US market, mainly at the expense of the most advanced
economies. This changing pattern suggests the intensification of competition between Mexico and China, but also a potential for cooperation, with the enhancement of bilateral intraindustry trade as a result of different technology choices and specialization paths.
China Economic Review, vol.34, pp. 274-292., Jul 2015
China's ODI in Latin America and the Caribbean is entering into the second phase with diversifica... more China's ODI in Latin America and the Caribbean is entering into the second phase with diversification of economic actors and industries of investment. This paper extracts the approved projects by Chinese Ministry of Commerce from its online database between 2003-2012, and fits a random effect negative binomial regression model. Our statistical estimates on the one hand confirm some of the previous findings on the disparity between Chinese public and private investors in their ODI motivations and perception of risks, on the other hand find that host country institutions are not purely ownership specific, but also contingent on industries and activities in which firms tend to invest. The direction of institutional effect is not consistent across sectors and firm types. The revealed complexity of China's ODI in Latin America and the Caribbean suggests a multi-level framework in further research, which treats Chinese transnational firms as endogenously heterogeneous beyond the dichotomous categorisation according to corporate ownership.
La inversión extranjera directa (IED) es una fuerza impulsora de la globalización y un motor impo... more La inversión extranjera directa (IED) es una fuerza impulsora de la globalización y un motor importante del crecimiento económico. La IED no solo puede aportar capital a una economía, sino que también puede contribuir a la modernización industrial por la transferencia de las tecnologías y los conocimientos, y puede crear los empleos. Por lo tanto, los países en desarrollo, así como los países desarrollados, tratan de atraer la IED. En este contexto, la estadística de IED es importante para facilitar el establecimiento de las regulaciones y las estrategias sobre la utilización de la IED. Sin embargo, los diferentes países tienen distintos marcos reguladores de la IED y siguen diferentes métodos de la recopilación de los datos sobre la IED. La inconsistencia, la incompatibilidad y la pobre calidad de las estadísticas de IED impiden el análisis empírico y comparable de la IED desde y hacia los países en desarrollo.
Private enterprises are considered as one of the major factors of China's economic success. Howev... more Private enterprises are considered as one of the major factors of China's economic success. However, any research to trace its development during the reform era would encounter the puzzle composed of multiple terms and concepts related to its definition. This article focuses on two essential concepts, "ownership" and "property rights", used to define private enterprises in China's political and legal discourses.
EnglishThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused great economic damages and made it challenging to identif... more EnglishThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused great economic damages and made it challenging to identify the vulnerable groups amid this global public health crisis. It is especially true in China, where the market-oriented reform has led to the rise of “migrant workers” whose rights are poorly protected. Largely improved during the years, China’s social security system are still characterized by double narrowness: narrow coverage and narrow services provided. Numerous measures adopted by the Chinese government during the fight against the Covid-19 have been limited to the enforcement of the current legal framework and marginal amelioration of existing social assistance systems. In this context, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the precarious conditions of a large number of Chinese workers, and called for further reform to construct a modern universal social welfare system, not only adapted to the dual labor market structure, but also adjusted to suit a new labor landscape after the Covi...
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2020
ABSTRACT This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects ... more ABSTRACT This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects on Chinese M&As in OECD countries. Difference-in-differences as well as difference-in-difference-in-differences statistical techniques are employed to calculate to what extent ‘Made in China 2025’ has shaped both sector composition and location choice of Chinese M&As in the OECD, and to estimate effects and limits of national policies on cross-border M&As. Based on statistical results we can argue that ‘Made in China 2025’ has induced a new ‘troika’ model, of which the significance is moderated by firm-specific characteristics, such as ownership structure, and the firm’s home country embeddedness level. However, while we observe location diversification of Chinese M&As in the OECD at the aggregate level, hosting countries’ FDI screening mechanisms have no significant impact on containing China’s M&As that target more sensitive sectors.
Yue Lin. État, administration locale et initiatives populaires : l’institutionnalisation d’une pr... more Yue Lin. État, administration locale et initiatives populaires : l’institutionnalisation d’une pratique dans le district d’Yiwu (Zhejiang). In: Études chinoises, n°29, 2010. Numéro spécial sur le pouvoir politique. pp. 271-288
The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US ... more The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US markets. Using the OECD International Trade by Commodity Statistics covering the period 2002-2012, we undertake both relative-market-share analysis and constant-market-share analysis. Through comparison of market share changes at both macro and micro levels, we find that on the one hand China 's total negative impact on Mexican manufactured exports has been greatly reduced since 2007; on the other hand, China is increasingly aligned with Mexico in terms of its competitive position over the US market, consolidating its competitiveness in high and medium-to-high technology products and gaining market share in the US market, mainly at the expense of the most advanced economies. This changing pattern suggests the intensification of competition between Mexico and China, but also a potential for cooperation, with the enhancement of bilateral intraindustry trade as a result of different technology choices and specialization paths.
Selon la base de données en ligne de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le dévelo... more Selon la base de données en ligne de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) 2 , les importations de marchandises africaines en direction de la Chine ont été multipliées par trente de 1995 à 2009, passant de 1 423 à 43 330 millions dollars. Les exportations de marchandises chinoises vers le continent africain ont crû moins rapidement et ont été multipliée par vingt, passant de 2 459 à 47 642 millions dollars. L'Afrique ne représentant malgré cet essor considérable que 4,3 % des importations et 4,7% des exportations chinoises de marchandises en 2009 3. Étant donné le rôle d'entrepôt joué par Hong-Kong, les flux commerciaux entre Chine et Afrique risquent d'être sous-estimés. Mais si nous attribuons à la Chine toutes les importations et exportations de marchandises enregistrées entre Hong-Kong et l'Afrique, l'importance de cette dernière n'est que très légèrement majorée et n'augmente que de 0,26 % pour les importations et de 0,17 % pour les exportations. Les transferts de marchandises par Hong-Kong n'introduisent donc pas de distorsion importante. Par commodité statistique, on n'utilisera cependant que les données concernant la Chine continentale et l'Afrique. La Chine semble jouer un rôle de plus en plus important en proportion en Afrique. Elle est devenue le second marché pour les produits africains en 2009 avec 11,3 % des exportations africaines (derrière les États-Unis à 16,6 %) et son premier fournisseur devant la France à partir de 2007 (respectivement 11,5 % et 7,9 % en 2009). Même si le volume de ses échanges avec l'Afrique a triplé de 1995 à 2009, l'Union européenne a beaucoup perdu de son importance relative ; elle reste néanmoins en tant que bloc le principal marché de l'Afrique (35,5 %) et son principal fournisseur (36,4 %). Il n'y a donc rien de surprenant à qu'il y ait un débat à l'extérieur de la Chine sur l'impact de son activité sur le développement de l'Afrique et sa lutte pour atteindre les Objectifs du millénaire. Pour certains, la présence de la Chine en Afrique ouvre une coopération Sud-Sud, c'est-à-dire une alternative positive. Pour d'autres, comme Ian Taylor, cette présence est carrément néfaste : « L'expansion de la Chine sur le continent africain ne contribue certainement pas à la promotion de la paix, de la prospérité et de la démocratie sur le continent. Même si nombre de ses instigateurs
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2020
This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects on Chines... more This article focuses on the highly debated ‘Made in China 2025’ program and its effects on Chinese M&As in OECD countries. Difference-in-differences as well as difference-in-difference-in-differences statistical techniques are employed to calculate to what extent ‘Made in China 2025’ has shaped both sector composition and location choice of Chinese M&As in the OECD, and to estimate effects and limits of national policies on cross-border M&As. Based on statistical results we can argue that ‘Made in China 2025’ has induced a new ‘troika’ model, of which the significance is moderated by firm-specific characteristics, such as ownership structure, and the firm’s home country embeddedness level. However, while we observe location diversification of Chinese M&As in the OECD at the aggregate level, hosting countries’ FDI screening mechanisms have no significant impact on containing China’s M&As that target more sensitive sectors.
The launch of the " 16+1 " Cooperation Framework in 2012 enhanced economic relations between Chin... more The launch of the " 16+1 " Cooperation Framework in 2012 enhanced economic relations between China and CEE countries, which already had craved for China's financial support to recover from the recession during 2008-2009 crisis. After six years of a high political and economic engagement, to what extent China has materialized its influence in the region? This paper compiles data from various sources and tries to update our understanding of China's current presence and potential impacts in the CEE region through three economic interconnection channels as pronounced in the " One Road, One Belt " initiative, namely trade, investment, and infrastructure. Through the horizontal comparison with EU's more advanced 15 members' engagement in the region, China's envisioned economic " highway " is currently composed of three parallel tracks, where EU-CEE tradition and China's innovative approach interact in different ways. The influence of preexistent EU-CEE economic pattern varies among three economic pillars, with the trade being the least touched, the finance of infrastructure projects being the most conflicting and the ODI pattern being the best example of mutual impacts. From the perspective of interest stocks of China in CEE, China's economic exchange with the most important economies in the region falls into EU framework, which suggests that the state's potential and its economic structure are the basic reason of the strength of bilateral economic relation. However, from the perspective of interest flows, China's importance has been significantly increased in smaller states, which, on the one hand, will generate more tangible impetus to economic growth in periphery CEE countries, thus leveling regional discrepancy; on the other hand, will challenge once EU dominated institutional arrangement. Under this context, CEE has turned out to be the strategic region where China and EU would compete and cooperate with each other according to the efficiency of their relative economic diplomacy to define the most beneficial policies that are tailored better to the interests of CEE countries.
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2018
Considering the short-term and long-term global financial crisis effects on industrial and trade ... more Considering the short-term and long-term global financial crisis effects on industrial and trade policies implemented in China, Argentina, and Brazil, this article empirically analyzes China’s impact on trade integration and manufacturing competitiveness between Argentina and Brazil during the post-crisis period. Under a trilateral trade framework, this paper conducts both standard and modified Constant Market Share analyses, using trade data disaggregated at HS 6-digit level between the 2009–2014 period provided by BACI database. The quantitative estimation of relative gains and losses of Argentina and Brazil facing China’s evolving import demand and export supply provides evidence for three main findings. First, it shows the persistence of China’s asymmetric trade pattern with Argentina and Brazil, but a decline in China’s weight in explaining the decreasing bilateral trade intensity between Argentina and Brazil; second, the divergent export performance between Argentina and Brazil to China, mainly attributed to the competitiveness shift in the soybean sector; and finally the enlargement of a competitiveness gap between Mercosur countries and China in the upstream of manufacturing supply chain.
Revista de Occidente, no. 414, 2015, pp. 78-92., Nov 2015
En las últimas tres décadas China ha logrado el crecimiento económico más fascinante del mundo. E... more En las últimas tres décadas China ha logrado el crecimiento económico más fascinante del mundo. En 1980, el producto interior bruto (PIB) de China sólo suponía el 1,7 por ciento del PIB mundial, pero en 2014 ya era dos veces más grande que el de Japón, representando el 12,2 por ciento del producto interior bruto mundial. Más importante aún, en la actualidad, dado el
China & World Economy, vol.23, no.4, pp. 104-124., 2015
The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US ... more The present paper expands on the understanding of the competition between China and Mexico in US markets. Using the OECD International Trade by Commodity Statistics covering the period 2002–2012, we undertake both relative-market-share analysis and constant-market-share analysis. Through comparison of market share changes at both macro and micro levels, we find that on the one hand China ’s total negative impact on Mexican manufactured exports has been greatly reduced since 2007; on the other hand, China is increasingly aligned with Mexico in terms of its competitive position over the US market, consolidating its competitiveness in high and medium-to-high technology products and gaining market share in the US market, mainly at the expense of the most advanced
economies. This changing pattern suggests the intensification of competition between Mexico and China, but also a potential for cooperation, with the enhancement of bilateral intraindustry trade as a result of different technology choices and specialization paths.
China Economic Review, vol.34, pp. 274-292., Jul 2015
China's ODI in Latin America and the Caribbean is entering into the second phase with diversifica... more China's ODI in Latin America and the Caribbean is entering into the second phase with diversification of economic actors and industries of investment. This paper extracts the approved projects by Chinese Ministry of Commerce from its online database between 2003-2012, and fits a random effect negative binomial regression model. Our statistical estimates on the one hand confirm some of the previous findings on the disparity between Chinese public and private investors in their ODI motivations and perception of risks, on the other hand find that host country institutions are not purely ownership specific, but also contingent on industries and activities in which firms tend to invest. The direction of institutional effect is not consistent across sectors and firm types. The revealed complexity of China's ODI in Latin America and the Caribbean suggests a multi-level framework in further research, which treats Chinese transnational firms as endogenously heterogeneous beyond the dichotomous categorisation according to corporate ownership.
La inversión extranjera directa (IED) es una fuerza impulsora de la globalización y un motor impo... more La inversión extranjera directa (IED) es una fuerza impulsora de la globalización y un motor importante del crecimiento económico. La IED no solo puede aportar capital a una economía, sino que también puede contribuir a la modernización industrial por la transferencia de las tecnologías y los conocimientos, y puede crear los empleos. Por lo tanto, los países en desarrollo, así como los países desarrollados, tratan de atraer la IED. En este contexto, la estadística de IED es importante para facilitar el establecimiento de las regulaciones y las estrategias sobre la utilización de la IED. Sin embargo, los diferentes países tienen distintos marcos reguladores de la IED y siguen diferentes métodos de la recopilación de los datos sobre la IED. La inconsistencia, la incompatibilidad y la pobre calidad de las estadísticas de IED impiden el análisis empírico y comparable de la IED desde y hacia los países en desarrollo.
Private enterprises are considered as one of the major factors of China's economic success. Howev... more Private enterprises are considered as one of the major factors of China's economic success. However, any research to trace its development during the reform era would encounter the puzzle composed of multiple terms and concepts related to its definition. This article focuses on two essential concepts, "ownership" and "property rights", used to define private enterprises in China's political and legal discourses.
Papers by Lin Yue
economies. This changing pattern suggests the intensification of competition between Mexico and China, but also a potential for cooperation, with the enhancement of bilateral intraindustry trade as a result of different technology choices and specialization paths.
economies. This changing pattern suggests the intensification of competition between Mexico and China, but also a potential for cooperation, with the enhancement of bilateral intraindustry trade as a result of different technology choices and specialization paths.