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Questo studio si propone di analizzare alcune recenti dinamiche della geopolitica dell'energia, focalizzando la trattazione degli argomenti sul contesto e sulle fattispecie che compongono il quadro di costituzione del partenariato... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyChina Going GlobalChina Overseas Investments
China’s trade relations with Africa have displayed a striking dynamism in the past decade. The spatial distribution of these trade flows is highly uneven: Chinese imports are mainly sourced from a few resource-rich nations, while Chinese... more
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      International MigrationChina and Africachina in AfricaGlobalization, Migration : Chinese in Africa and African in China, Sociology of Networks
A Short viewpoint on FOCAC and China Africa Relations
published in IDSA's Africa Trends Volume 4, Issue 4, October-December 2015.
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      Chinese foreign policyChina Overseas InvestmentsChina studiesChina and Africa
China's relations with the African continent continues to be misrepresented within the Western (North American and European) academe. This is due, in part, to the methodological and epistemological assumptions underpinning many research... more
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      Human GeographyInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesPostcolonial Studies
"Authors: Adam Horálek and Pavel Ptáček "The book contains eight chapters in four major fields (each field contains two chapters) - environment, demography and population, economy, and geopolitics. As an introduction, the short outline... more
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      GeographyEthnic StudiesDemographyChinese Studies
The paper delves into the activities and progress of the forum on China-Africa cooperation, which serves as the vein through which cooperation on the basis of mutual benefits flourishes. From the library instrument used, findings show... more
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      Social SciencesAfricaChina and AfricaCooperation
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    • China and Africa
Bu yazı özellikle 2000'li yıllardan itibaren ekonomik bileşenlerin lokomotif görevi görmesiyle  ivme kazanan Çin-Cezayir ilişkilerini incelemektedir.
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      International RelationsMiddle East & North AfricaChinaChina and Africa
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      Development EconomicsInternational DevelopmentInternational Political EconomyEconomic Development
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      International RelationsInternational Economic RelationsChina and AfricaChina's foreign policy
China’s economic growth has increased demand for agricultural goods. At the same time, prices are volatile and can lead to social instability. This has led the Chinese government to launch a series of measures to secure foreign supplies.... more
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      AgribusinessAgricultureChinaChina Going Global
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      Migration StudiesTanzaniaChina and AfricaAnthropology of ethics and morality
The Continental version of the New Scientist, the New African, publishes this month of March, 2015 a whole issue on China to Africa relations. The historical part revolves around the October 2014 Addis Ababa world meetup on the Oceanic... more
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      African HistoryChinese history (History)Horn of AfricaChina and Africa
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      Visual AnthropologyAnthropology of ChinaChina and AfricaHip-Hop Studies
Amid growing interest in China’s role in financing and building infrastructure in Africa, there is still little research on how Chinese-financed infrastructures are negotiated and realised at the city and metropolitan scale. We compare... more
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      Human GeographyUrbanization in Developing AreasEthiopian StudiesInfrastructure Planning
本文的研究对象是在非中国移民的组织化生活。我们认为在中非关系中,不仅有来自中国国家层面的交流(国企、外交团体、援助工程等)、非国家层面的交流(永久性移民、往来于中非之间的商人、学生),还有一种被以往研究忽视的交流:多数在非洲有单位的华人,或是自己经营的商人,都是某些华人社团的成员。这些社团形成了一种结社的空间,存在于国家与非国家的交集之间,这其中包括了独立创办且历史悠久的传统社团、商会,也包括了由中国国企和政府资助成立的社团(在这种情况下可以被认为是政府组织的非政府组织GON... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)ZambiaChina and AfricaOverseas Chinese
O atual panorama urbano-regional em Cabo Verde é caracterizado por um cenário em que, num total de 22 concelhos e 10 ilhas, metade da população se concentra na ilha de Santiago e cerca de 25% no Concelho da Praia e mais de metade da... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban And Regional PlanningChina and AfricaCape Verde
Chinese national oil companies have long been seen as rampantly overpaying for overseas assets. This has serious implications for the sustainability of the Chinese SOE model. This paper examines in detail how the prices paid for overseas... more
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      Natural ResourcesEnergy SecurityChinaChina Overseas Investments
Over the past decade or so, Afropolitanism has become a hotly contested term within literary studies, celebrated for its capacity to articulate an experience of transnational mobility and success in the West as well as criticized for how... more
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      African StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesFrancophone Literature
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      SociologyHuman GeographyAfrican StudiesEconomics
The visual arts can play a significant role in pushing against dominant “China-Africa” narratives that are more often than not driven by Big Men and serve the interests of those in power. In this essay I consider various strategies that... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPopular CultureContemporary Art
Review of Ming Wan, The China Model and Global Political Economy: Comparison, Impact, and Interaction, Routledge, 2014 and Lin Chun, China and Global Capitalism: Reflections on Marxism, History, and Contemporary Politics, Palgrave... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesMarxismChinese Studies
This book intends to make sense of how Chinese leaders perceive China’s rise in the world through the eyes of China’s international relations (IR) scholars. Drawing on a unique, four-year opinion survey of these scholars at the annual... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryChinese StudiesInternational Trade
This paper discusses the challenges faced by Chinese merchants when engaging in retail activities in Botswana. The theory of a middleman minority will be used as a theoretical perspective to assess both the challenges and the strategies... more
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      Minority StudiesMigration StudiesChina and AfricaBotswana
This book analyses the factors that influence environmental management in the CNPC when operating outside of China, in the outer margins of the world oil system, specifically in Chad, a Least Developed Country. Within a sector marked by... more
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    • China and Africa
Recent years have seen the development of a vast array of regulatory frameworks, codes of conduct and other regimes aiming at regulating international trade in so-called ‘conflict minerals’, mostly originating from the Democratic Republic... more
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      European Union-Africa relationsChina and AfricaConflict MineralsDue Diligence
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      Art HistoryArtTransnationalismContemporary Art
4月2日星期囚,大约早上5:30分,索马里青年党(Al Shabab,简称青年党)武装组织荷枪实弹的一队枪手,进人肯尼亚东北部的加里萨(Garissa)大学校园,射杀了正在宿舍睡觉的学生并捉拿人质。目击者称,武装分子特别针对基督教徒学生。在抢手被肯尼亚安全部队击毙后,长达15小时的人质危机终于结束。加里萨袭击事件造成至少147人死亡,79人受伤。
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      TerrorismChinaChina Going GlobalChina Overseas Investments
As Chinese investments on the African continent have grown, many African non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have expressed concern over the negative side effects of China’s expansion on the continent on labor rights, local production,... more
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      International RelationsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Chinese foreign policyChina and Africa
Le recours à la puissance douce de la part de la Chine représente un des aspects les plus remarquables de la stratégie de Pékin à l’étranger, et notamment en Afrique. Dans l’objectif d’améliorer son image en Afrique et à l’international... more
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      China and AfricaChinese Soft Power
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      China and AfricaChina-Africa relationschina in AfricaChina and development in Africa
Scholars and the international media often allude to a putative “African view” of Africa–China links, constructed from anecdotal evidence. Using random sample and university-based surveys, we elaborate the first empirically based study of... more
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    • China and Africa
The year 2020 marked sixty years of Ghana-China relations. After Guinea, Ghana was the second country, south of the Sahara, to enter into formal diplomatic relations with China. Ghana's relations with China have therefore earned the... more
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      African StudiesAfricaCritical Race TheoryInternational Political Economy
This study’s goal is to determine whether China is using a new form of neo-colonization on African countries, and if so, how China is doing this. The study encompasses politics, economics, and sociocultural aspects of Zambian life and how... more
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      China and AfricaImpacts of China's Current Involvement in AfricaChina-Africa relationschina in Africa
Article published in the special issue: 'At home in Asia? Place-making, belonging and citizenship in the Asian Century' of the international Journal of Cultural Studies (2015). FULL VERSION can be found at:... more
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Paper presented at the Workshop "De-Provincializing Soft Power: A Global-Historical Approach, 1990-2015",  Columbia Global Center, Beijing, June 16, 2016
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      China and AfricaChina's foreign policyDomestic and External Factors Influencig China's Foreign PolicyChina Soft Power
Since the launch of CCTV Africa in 2012, many academics from various disciplines have taken an interest in the role and impact of the Chinese state-run media outlet. Building on this scholarship, this paper develops a fresh approach to... more
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      JournalismMedia AnthropologyKenyaChina and Africa
Through the lens of China in Africa, this paper explores the transformations in the relationship between the Internet and the state. China’s economic success, impressive growth of Internet users and relative stability have quietly... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaInternet StudiesStrategic Communication
China is often regarded as the next super power that would take over the world leading position from the United States in the future. The China-Africa relations from 2000 is marked by increasing and overwhelming penetration by China into... more
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      EmpireChina and AfricaImperialismState capitalism
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      International TradeAfricaChinaChina and Africa
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    • China and Africa
This paper examines ethnic Chinese garment production and Zulu women workers in Newcastle, South Africa - a former border town between white South Africa and the black KwaZulu homeland. The established scholarship, while providing useful... more
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      Gender HistoryMigrationFamilyChina and Africa
The paper argues that Zambian political parties have ascribed convenient identities to China to satisfy their quest for, and in some cases retention of, political office. Ruling parties realise the ideological and economic importance of... more
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      International RelationsChina and AfricaChina-Africa relationschina in Africa
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      ChinaChina studiesContemporary ChinaChina and Africa
The paper reviews the recent development of the Chinese social credit system. It challenges some of the easy, and now common, suppositions about the development of an Orwellian scoring nightmare. It chiefly brings attention to the denial... more
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      African StudiesEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment Studies
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyChina and AfricaBRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
Stakeholders’ concern about how energy activities pollute the environment has increased. Despite how popular the concept of environmental sustainability has become in developing countries, environmental pollution control measures have... more
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      Comparative LawComparative PoliticsEnvironmental LawHuman Rights Law
Abstract:-China‟s „One Belt One Road‟Initiativehas been billed as it‟s most ambitious project ever in trying to shape and influence behavior in the international system in line with her growing stature. At the same time, growing... more
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      China and AfricaChina's soft powerOne Belt One Road
This article seeks to explain why the confrontation between the "Build Back Better World" [B3W] versus the "Belt and Road Initiative" [BRI] might well place Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as the case for many other developing... more
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      ChinaChina studiesChina and AfricaHistory of China
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      International EconomicsEnergy EconomicsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism