Papers by Sonia Medina Gordo
Periferias: desde los márgenes de la arqueología, 2023
The study of the material past through current digital methods and tools is not only highlighting... more The study of the material past through current digital methods and tools is not only highlighting the challenges of handling them correctly, but also how this context is influencing research in Archaeology, and especially the data produced within this discipline. In this paper, we introduce this topic discussing various issues, such as the information digitisation, the relevance of free and open-source software, the responsibility of data opening, and the perception of data for knowledge acquisition.
Periferias: desde los márgenes de la arqueología, 2023
Una de las principales novedades en el estudio de los procesos de estructuración del espacio en l... more Una de las principales novedades en el estudio de los procesos de estructuración del espacio en la alta Edad Media ha sido la incorporación del registro material al análisis de problemas históricos que hasta hace no mucho se estudiaban sobre la base fundamental del texto escrito. Esta transformación tan necesaria de los paradigmas de la investigación, sin embargo, también ha puesto de relieve la difícil relación que existe entre ambos registros. El artículo atiende a esta problemática partiendo del marco metodológico que nos ofrece el modelado de datos para la reconciliación de fuentes, y presentando los resultados preliminares de nuestra investigación en curso cuyo objetivo principal es, precisamente, dicha integración de las fuentes y del conocimiento que de ellas se deriva.
Cuadernos de Arqueología de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022
Los estudios relativos al poblamiento de los asentamientos rurales altomedievales parten, cada ve... more Los estudios relativos al poblamiento de los asentamientos rurales altomedievales parten, cada vez con mayor frecuencia, de un análisis que contempla un repertorio de fuentes escritas y materiales de naturaleza diversa que requiere de entornos interdisciplinares de trabajo. No obstante, la necesaria interdisciplinariedad precisa de una reflexión de carácter epistemológico acerca de cómo gestionar y procesar la información para evitar, en la medida de lo posible, la generación de discursos paralelos en función de las fuentes utilizadas. Esta realidad se agrava en contextos donde la escasez de fuentes es acusada y las existentes sólo reflejan una realidad muy parcial y fragmentada del territorio. Los espacios de montaña son representativos de este fenómeno y, entre ellos, el Alto Arlanza (Burgos). Este territorio, emblemático por sus necrópolis rupestres, acoge un considerable número de yacimientos excepcionales para el estudio de la formación de estructuras sociales y organizativas durante la tardoantigüedad, y las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento de Revenga desde 2014 son una buena muestra de ello. Nuestro estudio reflexiona sobre los procesos de gestión de la información y plantea algunas estrategias metodológicas para abordar la gestión de las fuentes, la integración de fuentes de naturaleza diversa y su posible (re)interpretación.
This short paper aims at introducing some labelling concepts developed and used by the authors. I... more This short paper aims at introducing some labelling concepts developed and used by the authors. Indeed, developing a conceptual framework for interdisciplinary research in history is a much-needed strategy in order to ensure that historians use all vestiges from the past regardless their origin or support for the construction of historical discourse. Fixing the semantics of historical knowledge is the first unavoidable step to build a new scenario in which NLP tasks enable more efficient data gathering and exploitation.
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2021
This paper aims at introducing and discussing the data modelling and labelling methods for interd... more This paper aims at introducing and discussing the data modelling and labelling methods for interdisciplinary and digital research in History developed and used by the authors. Our approach suggests the development of a conceptual framework for interdisciplinary research in history as a much-needed strategy to ensure that historians use all vestiges from the past regardless of their origin or support for the construction of historical discourse. By labelling Units of Topography and Actors in a wide range of historical sources and exploiting the obtained data, we use the Monastery of Sant Genís de Rocafort (Martorell, Spain) as a lab example of our method. This should lead researchers to the development of an integrated historical discourse maximizing the potential of interdisciplinary and fair research and minimizing the risks of bias.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hybrid Intelligence for Natural Language Processing Tasks HI4NLP (co-located at ECAI-2020) Santiago de Compostela, August 29, 2020
1 This short paper aims at introducing some labelling concepts developed and used by the authors.... more 1 This short paper aims at introducing some labelling concepts developed and used by the authors. Indeed, developing a conceptual framework for interdisciplinary research in history is a much-needed strategy in order to ensure that historians use all vestiges from the past regardless their origin or support for the construction of historical discourse. Fixing the semantics of historical knowledge is the first unavoidable step to build a new scenario in which NLP tasks enable more efficient data gathering and exploitation.
Conference Presentations and Posters by Sonia Medina Gordo
Big Historical Data Conference, 2023
Knowledge generation requires careful reflection on how we manage information. This is true in ma... more Knowledge generation requires careful reflection on how we manage information. This is true in many past-constructing disciplines, given the interpretative nature of data we work with. In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the value in investing time to unravel the complexity of our datasets. This data engagement not only allows us to actively participate in the data lifecycle but also ensures its applicability in other contexts. Similarly, scholars are becoming more aware of the inefficiency of studies that handle large quantities of data without ensuring their qualitative richness. In this regard, the availability of new evidence should help us to challenge or extend the observations generated on certain facts, instead of contributing to information overload. As a result, these practices of data introspection are emphasizing the importance of considering factors such as the speed of data gathering alongside the volume of information required for study development.
This contribution aims at reflecting on these issues through our experience managing written evidence from the early medieval period. Among other things, these vestiges are relevant because they allow us to define the logic of production and reproduction of a place through the human agency of this period. The volume of information available to address this reality has led us to implement management strategies that guarantee both the traceability of the process and data quality preservation. To do so, we build on the potential offered by FileMaker Pro DBMS and its functionality for script-based data manipulation. Simultaneously, we rely on a conceptual model through which we identify and define data. The combination of both elements has allowed us to develop a semi-automated labelling process for the units extracted, aiming to strike a balance between the amount of data we can work with and the speed of its retrieval.
28th EAA Annual Meeting - Digital Humanities and Medieval Archaeology: Re-Integrating Isolated, Fragmented and Overlooked Archaeological Evidence, 2022
Either Big or Smart, HSS studies are dealing with digitalized data more and more frequently. This... more Either Big or Smart, HSS studies are dealing with digitalized data more and more frequently. This tendency leads scholars to the construction of information systems or digital repositories capable of managing datasets more properly. The issue is that these organisational information schemes often suffer from a lack of interoperability and stay isolated from other data collections. Technically, this sort of insular management framework occurs when the dataset is gathered as means of meeting the particular needs of someone’s study, whilst it fails to exchange its information with others adequately. From a conceptual perspective, problems arise once our data model cannot go beyond the expertise domain nor employ the same concepts in other contexts.
In Medieval and Postmedieval contexts, this panorama is more noticeable, as the use of a heterogeneity of sources is very common in our day-to-day research. In our contribution, we aim at introducing a procedure that nourishes from analogous tools and projects, such as the cultural heritage management tool HORAI, or the integrated information system GREYWARE for pottery studies. Our approach does not only make use of archaeological working procedures, but also enhances them by extending and enabling abstract equivalences of its main concept: the Unit of Stratigraphy. In this poster, we will bring together various digital repositories as examples, emphasizing the integrated use of past vestiges.
XIII Congress of AIEMC3 , 2021
Papers & Book Chapters by Sonia Medina Gordo
Periferias: desde los márgenes de la arqueología, 2023
The study of the material past through current digital methods and tools is not only highlighting... more The study of the material past through current digital methods and tools is not only highlighting the challenges of handling them correctly, but also how this context is influencing research in Archaeology, and especially the data produced within this discipline. In this paper, we introduce this topic discussing various issues, such as the information digitisation, the relevance of free and open-source software, the responsibility of data opening, and the perception of data for knowledge acquisition.
Papers by Sonia Medina Gordo
Conference Presentations and Posters by Sonia Medina Gordo
This contribution aims at reflecting on these issues through our experience managing written evidence from the early medieval period. Among other things, these vestiges are relevant because they allow us to define the logic of production and reproduction of a place through the human agency of this period. The volume of information available to address this reality has led us to implement management strategies that guarantee both the traceability of the process and data quality preservation. To do so, we build on the potential offered by FileMaker Pro DBMS and its functionality for script-based data manipulation. Simultaneously, we rely on a conceptual model through which we identify and define data. The combination of both elements has allowed us to develop a semi-automated labelling process for the units extracted, aiming to strike a balance between the amount of data we can work with and the speed of its retrieval.
In Medieval and Postmedieval contexts, this panorama is more noticeable, as the use of a heterogeneity of sources is very common in our day-to-day research. In our contribution, we aim at introducing a procedure that nourishes from analogous tools and projects, such as the cultural heritage management tool HORAI, or the integrated information system GREYWARE for pottery studies. Our approach does not only make use of archaeological working procedures, but also enhances them by extending and enabling abstract equivalences of its main concept: the Unit of Stratigraphy. In this poster, we will bring together various digital repositories as examples, emphasizing the integrated use of past vestiges.
Papers & Book Chapters by Sonia Medina Gordo
This contribution aims at reflecting on these issues through our experience managing written evidence from the early medieval period. Among other things, these vestiges are relevant because they allow us to define the logic of production and reproduction of a place through the human agency of this period. The volume of information available to address this reality has led us to implement management strategies that guarantee both the traceability of the process and data quality preservation. To do so, we build on the potential offered by FileMaker Pro DBMS and its functionality for script-based data manipulation. Simultaneously, we rely on a conceptual model through which we identify and define data. The combination of both elements has allowed us to develop a semi-automated labelling process for the units extracted, aiming to strike a balance between the amount of data we can work with and the speed of its retrieval.
In Medieval and Postmedieval contexts, this panorama is more noticeable, as the use of a heterogeneity of sources is very common in our day-to-day research. In our contribution, we aim at introducing a procedure that nourishes from analogous tools and projects, such as the cultural heritage management tool HORAI, or the integrated information system GREYWARE for pottery studies. Our approach does not only make use of archaeological working procedures, but also enhances them by extending and enabling abstract equivalences of its main concept: the Unit of Stratigraphy. In this poster, we will bring together various digital repositories as examples, emphasizing the integrated use of past vestiges.