Iniţiat sub forma unei practici de specialitate cu studenţii specializării Planificare teritorial... more Iniţiat sub forma unei practici de specialitate cu studenţii specializării Planificare teritorială, din cadrul Facultăţii de Geografie a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, prezentul volum a văzut lumina tiparului ca rezultat al proiectelor elaborate. Arealele de studiu alese s-au calat pe spaţiul regional al Ţării Haţegului, fiecare areal răspunzând unei provocări actuale, fie ea demografică, socio-economică sau environmentală. Cele 5 studii realizate sunt axate pe subiecte ce vizează amenajarea ariilor carstice (Fundătura Ponorului) sau a spaţiilor rurale depopulate (Goteşti) şi valorificarea turistică a patrimoniului cultural (Cetatea Haţegului, Valea râului Alb şi sectorul de cale ferată Băuţar-Subcetate). Cartea se adresează mediului academic, dar şi actorilor locali din domeniul planificării teritoriale.
In recent years, the ongoing rapid urbanization increases the vulnerability of cities to the impa... more In recent years, the ongoing rapid urbanization increases the vulnerability of cities to the impacts of climate change and threatens the existence of environmental assets. Therefore, the sustainable development of urban areas has become a real challenge for local governments. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations (UN) is also an instrument that holds governments accountable to achieve the targets set within its framework. The purpose of this study is to analyze the condition and determine the progress towards achieving SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) in the case of Cluj Metropolitan Area, Romania. Official statistical sources gave the base to our calculation and analysis, that were selected in terms of their availability and integrity on the level of local authorities situated in the study area. The results indicate that the CMA made a trifling progress in implementing both of the analyzed SDGs.
In the event of any crisis, such as, in this case, the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges arise, r... more In the event of any crisis, such as, in this case, the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges arise, ranging from social and environmental phenomena to economic issues. One of the most affected economic sectors was the cultural one, especially independent artists, whose financial stability is usually inconsistent. The aim of this article was to test the immediate reactions of the cultural sector, both public and private, to the pandemic shock and, implicitly, to the restrictions imposed during the state of emergency in Romania (27 February–14 May 2020). By using grounded theory, 36 public documents of cultural stakeholders were coded and analyzed. All documents were identified in the Romanian online environment during the state of emergency. Based on the identified interrelationships, it was found that the independent contractors, self-employed workers in the creative-cultural sector, whether or not associated with NGOs or employees of public institutions, need financial and community su...
In the last two decades, it has been an increasing interest in using city promotion as a tool for... more In the last two decades, it has been an increasing interest in using city promotion as a tool for creating city image in order to keep up with the competition for attracting investment to the cities. Therefore, the city promotion became a significant instrument and the increasing use of it has meaningful effects on regeneration. In the case of Manchester as a city region there is still a question of territorial governance coherency which does play an important role in the construction of city brand and identity which could be promoted in the competition with other cities from UK, Europe or the world. Therefore, the aim of this study is to research about and examines those methods and attitudes which influence the process of city promotion and to explore the extent these contribute to the regeneration of Manchester as a city region.
Annak ellenére, hogy a településmarketing vagy városmarketing egy aránylag új kutatási téma a tud... more Annak ellenére, hogy a településmarketing vagy városmarketing egy aránylag új kutatási téma a tudományos világban, éveken át alkalmazták helyek, városok vagy akár nemzetek promotálására és fejlesztésére. A városmarketing az 1980-as évektől kezdődően került előtérbe, amikor a gyáripar hanyatlását követően új gazdasági tevékenységek jelentek meg, módosultak a városfejlesztés lehetőségei és a települések adottságai a versenyképesség mozgatóerejévé váltak. Ennek következtében a városmarketing nagyobb jelentőséget kapott és jelenleg már fontos részét képezi a városfejlesztési politikáknak és városmenedzsmentnek. De hogyan is történik a városmarketing a gyakorlatban? A folyamat jól észlelhető, főleg a volt ipari városok esetében, ahol gyakori törekvések irányulnak az elvesztett, hagyományos ipari tevékenységek okozta hátrányok megoldására, befektetések vonzása és a turizmus fejlesztése által. Egy klasszikus példa erre a folyamatra az Egyesült Királyság egyik legnagyobb városa, Manchester....
Virgil Madgearu Review of Economic Studies and Research
Over the last three decades partnership development among various groups has been increasingly en... more Over the last three decades partnership development among various groups has been increasingly encouraged as means to stimulate development in rural areas. Nevertheless, despite the support given to partnerships between organizations, critics question their effectiveness and the economic endeavours to stimulate local development are contested. Consequently, our study seeks to investigate what are the economic and organizational conditions that influence consideration when joining a local partnership but also the main constraints and individual motivation to develop cooperative behaviour. The analysis shows that while there is openness in creating or developing joint ventures, the availability of financial resources, lack of strategic planning, lack of communication and trust are factors that can have significant influence on the effectiveness of the partnership and consequently on its contribution to the local development.
From an ethical perspective, the biggest difficulty for planners is to take the best approach in ... more From an ethical perspective, the biggest difficulty for planners is to take the best approach in responding to the decision makers and in acting in the public interest because it always becomes subject of pressures arising with the governmental change, on the one hand, and the societal change on the other hand. Even though many debates arise regarding its existence, for planners, as well as for the planning profession, the public interest has always been legitimizing principles as a norm of practice (Alexander, 2002). The paper critically analyses the planning activity in relation to the public interest and highlights the importance of reciprocity between the two. In order to analyse this issue, the article starts with the presentation of different perspectives regarding the public interest, touching upon its conceptual meaning which is followed by a historical review of its origins and transformation. The third section presents its contextual meaning, its representatives, and the c...
Metropolitan areas became the breeding ground for economic, political, and cultural concentration... more Metropolitan areas became the breeding ground for economic, political, and cultural concentration as well as for creativity and innovation. Therefore, sustainability within the urban dimension plays a crucial role in the overall success to attain the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and their targets under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015. Nevertheless, for cities, regions, or countries to monitor and measure their progress, there is a need for harmonized and reliable indicators. Consequently, the current study addresses sustainability on a local level by measuring the extent to which a Romanian metropolitan area achieves the SDGs agreed to in 2015 by the 193-member states of the United Nations. The paper analyses 16 out of the 17 SD (Sustainable Development) goals as the goal titled “Life below water” was not applicable. Relying on mainly quantitative data, we used the method of normalization and aggregation based on the arithmetic mean, which helped us to ca...
Iniţiat sub forma unei practici de specialitate cu studenţii specializării Planificare teritorial... more Iniţiat sub forma unei practici de specialitate cu studenţii specializării Planificare teritorială, din cadrul Facultăţii de Geografie a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, prezentul volum a văzut lumina tiparului ca rezultat al proiectelor elaborate. Arealele de studiu alese s-au calat pe spaţiul regional al Ţării Haţegului, fiecare areal răspunzând unei provocări actuale, fie ea demografică, socio-economică sau environmentală. Cele 5 studii realizate sunt axate pe subiecte ce vizează amenajarea ariilor carstice (Fundătura Ponorului) sau a spaţiilor rurale depopulate (Goteşti) şi valorificarea turistică a patrimoniului cultural (Cetatea Haţegului, Valea râului Alb şi sectorul de cale ferată Băuţar-Subcetate). Cartea se adresează mediului academic, dar şi actorilor locali din domeniul planificării teritoriale.
In recent years, the ongoing rapid urbanization increases the vulnerability of cities to the impa... more In recent years, the ongoing rapid urbanization increases the vulnerability of cities to the impacts of climate change and threatens the existence of environmental assets. Therefore, the sustainable development of urban areas has become a real challenge for local governments. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations (UN) is also an instrument that holds governments accountable to achieve the targets set within its framework. The purpose of this study is to analyze the condition and determine the progress towards achieving SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) in the case of Cluj Metropolitan Area, Romania. Official statistical sources gave the base to our calculation and analysis, that were selected in terms of their availability and integrity on the level of local authorities situated in the study area. The results indicate that the CMA made a trifling progress in implementing both of the analyzed SDGs.
In the event of any crisis, such as, in this case, the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges arise, r... more In the event of any crisis, such as, in this case, the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges arise, ranging from social and environmental phenomena to economic issues. One of the most affected economic sectors was the cultural one, especially independent artists, whose financial stability is usually inconsistent. The aim of this article was to test the immediate reactions of the cultural sector, both public and private, to the pandemic shock and, implicitly, to the restrictions imposed during the state of emergency in Romania (27 February–14 May 2020). By using grounded theory, 36 public documents of cultural stakeholders were coded and analyzed. All documents were identified in the Romanian online environment during the state of emergency. Based on the identified interrelationships, it was found that the independent contractors, self-employed workers in the creative-cultural sector, whether or not associated with NGOs or employees of public institutions, need financial and community su...
In the last two decades, it has been an increasing interest in using city promotion as a tool for... more In the last two decades, it has been an increasing interest in using city promotion as a tool for creating city image in order to keep up with the competition for attracting investment to the cities. Therefore, the city promotion became a significant instrument and the increasing use of it has meaningful effects on regeneration. In the case of Manchester as a city region there is still a question of territorial governance coherency which does play an important role in the construction of city brand and identity which could be promoted in the competition with other cities from UK, Europe or the world. Therefore, the aim of this study is to research about and examines those methods and attitudes which influence the process of city promotion and to explore the extent these contribute to the regeneration of Manchester as a city region.
Annak ellenére, hogy a településmarketing vagy városmarketing egy aránylag új kutatási téma a tud... more Annak ellenére, hogy a településmarketing vagy városmarketing egy aránylag új kutatási téma a tudományos világban, éveken át alkalmazták helyek, városok vagy akár nemzetek promotálására és fejlesztésére. A városmarketing az 1980-as évektől kezdődően került előtérbe, amikor a gyáripar hanyatlását követően új gazdasági tevékenységek jelentek meg, módosultak a városfejlesztés lehetőségei és a települések adottságai a versenyképesség mozgatóerejévé váltak. Ennek következtében a városmarketing nagyobb jelentőséget kapott és jelenleg már fontos részét képezi a városfejlesztési politikáknak és városmenedzsmentnek. De hogyan is történik a városmarketing a gyakorlatban? A folyamat jól észlelhető, főleg a volt ipari városok esetében, ahol gyakori törekvések irányulnak az elvesztett, hagyományos ipari tevékenységek okozta hátrányok megoldására, befektetések vonzása és a turizmus fejlesztése által. Egy klasszikus példa erre a folyamatra az Egyesült Királyság egyik legnagyobb városa, Manchester....
Virgil Madgearu Review of Economic Studies and Research
Over the last three decades partnership development among various groups has been increasingly en... more Over the last three decades partnership development among various groups has been increasingly encouraged as means to stimulate development in rural areas. Nevertheless, despite the support given to partnerships between organizations, critics question their effectiveness and the economic endeavours to stimulate local development are contested. Consequently, our study seeks to investigate what are the economic and organizational conditions that influence consideration when joining a local partnership but also the main constraints and individual motivation to develop cooperative behaviour. The analysis shows that while there is openness in creating or developing joint ventures, the availability of financial resources, lack of strategic planning, lack of communication and trust are factors that can have significant influence on the effectiveness of the partnership and consequently on its contribution to the local development.
From an ethical perspective, the biggest difficulty for planners is to take the best approach in ... more From an ethical perspective, the biggest difficulty for planners is to take the best approach in responding to the decision makers and in acting in the public interest because it always becomes subject of pressures arising with the governmental change, on the one hand, and the societal change on the other hand. Even though many debates arise regarding its existence, for planners, as well as for the planning profession, the public interest has always been legitimizing principles as a norm of practice (Alexander, 2002). The paper critically analyses the planning activity in relation to the public interest and highlights the importance of reciprocity between the two. In order to analyse this issue, the article starts with the presentation of different perspectives regarding the public interest, touching upon its conceptual meaning which is followed by a historical review of its origins and transformation. The third section presents its contextual meaning, its representatives, and the c...
Metropolitan areas became the breeding ground for economic, political, and cultural concentration... more Metropolitan areas became the breeding ground for economic, political, and cultural concentration as well as for creativity and innovation. Therefore, sustainability within the urban dimension plays a crucial role in the overall success to attain the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and their targets under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015. Nevertheless, for cities, regions, or countries to monitor and measure their progress, there is a need for harmonized and reliable indicators. Consequently, the current study addresses sustainability on a local level by measuring the extent to which a Romanian metropolitan area achieves the SDGs agreed to in 2015 by the 193-member states of the United Nations. The paper analyses 16 out of the 17 SD (Sustainable Development) goals as the goal titled “Life below water” was not applicable. Relying on mainly quantitative data, we used the method of normalization and aggregation based on the arithmetic mean, which helped us to ca...
Books by Júlia A . Nagy
Papers by Júlia A . Nagy