Papers by Suteu Stefan
Educația din perspectiva valorilor, 2018
THE CONCEPT OF "MIRROR IMAGE" AND TRANSMISSION OF RELIGIOUS VALUES IN FAMILY EDUCATION. THE HEROG... more THE CONCEPT OF "MIRROR IMAGE" AND TRANSMISSION OF RELIGIOUS VALUES IN FAMILY EDUCATION. THE HEROGLIFIC HISTORY (1705) AND THE BIBLE. Terms such as "image", "religion", "value", "family", "education","hieroglyph", "history" and "Bible" are so impregnated with meanings (as possible worlds), that my title should be simplified. And for all that... In Introduction I have to elucidate two concepts: "Mirror Image" and "Value", specifying that the description of magical objects belongs to extrabiblical texts, and the supernatural objects to the biblical texts. The present article aims to analyze a magical practice from Dimitrie Cantemir's work Hieroglyphic History (1705) versus a supernatural practice from Bible and transmission of religious values in the relationship between parents and children, between teachers and students.
Hello World, 2018
În anul 2017 revista de cultură a "orașului-comoară"-Kluswar / Kolosvar / Cluj-Tribuna a împlinit... more În anul 2017 revista de cultură a "orașului-comoară"-Kluswar / Kolosvar / Cluj-Tribuna a împlinit frumoasa vârstă de 60 de ani. Depășind cu bine perioada decembristă, apoi evenimentele marcate de mineriade și de farsele Caritas-ului sau elucubrațiile Daciei-Felix, revista și-a păstrat alături de alte publicații românești, rolul de efor al limbii literare și culturii noastre. Sextil Pușcariu afirma că limba literară "se încheagă încet de generații întregi de scriitori". A fost și meritul Tribunei. Timp de șase decenii, gazeta a constituit în agora transilvăneană o tribună de la înălțimea căreia au pledat în favoarea spiritualității românești poeți, prozatori, istorici, literați, critici, traducători, muzicologi, actori, pictori și filosofi remarcabili. În prezentul demers istoric voi urmări succint apariția periodicului la Cluj-Napoca și parcursul său până în contemporaneitate, nu înainte de a evoca tizele gazetei, cu detaliile redacționale aferente. Voi continua cu evocarea elementelor definitorii ale publicației clujene: seriile, rubricile, publiciștii și redacția revistei, apoi voi concluziona.
Studia Theologia Catholica Latina, 2019
The doctrinal system of Protestantism has its roots in the religious movements which stirred cont... more The doctrinal system of Protestantism has its roots in the religious movements which stirred controversies during the Papal schism (14th15th centuries). A fundamental change of perspective viewed in relation to the traditional Catholic system has begun in the British Isles and was initiated by the rector of Lutterworth, John Wycliffe. The present paper outlines similarities / differences between Wycliffe’s theology and the conceptual frame of Calvinism (the so called TULIP). Wycliffe’s doctrine has echoes in Calvin’s and Arminius’ doctrine and, through
their mediation, Wycliffe, known as the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a wider influence on the Protestant movement.
Eugen MUNTEANU (coordonator), Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică şi traductologie Lucrările Simpozionului Naţional „Explorări în tradiţia biblică românească şi europeană”, VII Iaşi, 18-20 mai 2017, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, 2018
In the first section of the present article, entitled (I) “Clavis aurea”, I
accomplished a histor... more In the first section of the present article, entitled (I) “Clavis aurea”, I
accomplished a historical and hermeneutical incursion in biblical and cantemirian bestiarum and in the second part, entitled (II) “Personae hybridae from The Hieroglyphic History represented in the Bible from Bucharest”, based on Cantemir’s work, I outlined four heteromorphic masks marked by the expressions in malo sensu and in bono sensu:
Coracopardalis (raven-leopard), Strutocamila (ostrich-camel), Monocheroleopardalisprovatolycoelefas (unicorn-lion-leopard-sheep-wolf-elephant) and Inorog (unicorn).
(Stephanus Leo - pseudonym)
Igor Cereteu (coord.), Constantin Manolache (ed.), Istorie și cultură: In honorem academician Andrei Eșanu, Biblioteca Ştiințifică (Institutul) “Andrei Lupan”, Chișinău, 2018
In the first section of the present article, entitled (I) “Classification of masks”, I accomplish... more In the first section of the present article, entitled (I) “Classification of masks”, I accomplished a historical and hermeneutical incursion in biblical and cantemirian bestiarum and in the second part, entitled (II) “Pseudo-hybrides from The Hieroglyphic History in the Bible from Bucharest”, based on Cantemir’s work, I outlined five animal’s symbolism marked by the expressions in malo sensu and in bono sensu: the Bat, the Heron, the Chameleon, the Giraffe and the Mole.
Unde a dispărut „!”? Dar „?”? Ideea de supraprodus a generat apariția supermagazinelor, care au f... more Unde a dispărut „!”? Dar „?”? Ideea de supraprodus a generat apariția supermagazinelor, care au facilitat extinderea hipermarketurilor. Ce ne rămâne? Hiperfuncționalizarea „extra muros” și hipercomoditatea (Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation). Homo consumericus, cum este numit contemporanul lui Lipovetsky în Le bonheur paradoxal, a abandonat interogativul (?) și exclamativul (!), în favoarea consemnativului (,) și constatativului (.), în spiritul businessmanului din Micul prinț, care nota stelele pe hârtie și le ascundea în sertar.
I will refer below to four phases in which this initiator of European Reform appears, and these p... more I will refer below to four phases in which this initiator of European Reform appears, and these phases are conventionally named “portraits”: the historical (biographic) portrait, the political philosopher’s portrait, the author’s portrait, and theological (doctrinal) portrait. These phases form the acronym “I-n-FA-me-D” (“defamed”) proposed through the question from the title. My study clarifies first of all what “to reform” means, then it uses along the way the “glowworm” and the “star” metaphors which are dedicated to the human existence of the reformer, but also to his achievements that influenced the forthcoming European Reform.
În vatra „orașului-comoară” – Kluswar /
Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de acum aproape o
viață u... more În vatra „orașului-comoară” – Kluswar /
Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de acum aproape o
viață umană, precum o rază care ascunde un astru,
o publicație periodică. Astfel, s-a conturat pe
firmamentul publicisticii românești steaua noastră
transilvăneană, confirmând ceea ce spunea
Octavian Paler: „la noi, geografia produce istorie”.
Putem reconstitui în acest ton trecutul evocat de
prezentul publiciștilor care au scris timp de șase decenii,
din 10 februarie 1957 până astăzi, dăruind
viață și lumină revistei Tribuna.
În vatra „orașului-comoară” – cum era supranumit
în perioada medievală străvechiul Kluswar
/ Kolo... more În vatra „orașului-comoară” – cum era supranumit
în perioada medievală străvechiul Kluswar
/ Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de aproape o viață
de om, precum o sclipire care ascunde un astru,
o publicație periodică. Astfel, s-a conturat pe firmamentul
istoriografic al publicisticii românești
o stea transilvăneană, confirmând ceea ce spunea
Octavian Paler: „la noi, geografia produce istorie”. Luând în considerare acest fapt, se poate reconstitui
trecutul înfiripat sub condeiele publiciștilor
încă de acum șase decenii, când în 10 februarie
1957, sub redacția lui Ioanichie Olteanu, a apărut
Considered the founder of Christianity (N.T. Wright) and the one who crossed the Judaism boundary... more Considered the founder of Christianity (N.T. Wright) and the one who crossed the Judaism boundary laying the foundation of Universalism (Alain Badiou) Paul was furthermore an innovator in matter of New Testament biblical language. There are in The New Testament 29 combinations based on verbal particle ul. What degree of originality did the Apostol have? We will observe the trajectory of the preposition words that emphasizes biblical superlative. At the same time, we will provide different Romanian translation versions for a certain Pauline text (Philippians 2:9), in order to detect which translator was closer to the original lection. So, which is the most correct translating version? Is the age-old formula traduttore / tradittore applicable to the translators of sacred texts?Problematization implies question mark. Without them, life would be like a paper flag.
Conference Presentations by Suteu Stefan
Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică şi traductologie, 2023
Abstract: The Hieroglyphic History, written by Dimitrie Cantemir in 1705, is
considered the first... more Abstract: The Hieroglyphic History, written by Dimitrie Cantemir in 1705, is
considered the first Romanian (historical) novel. Beyond the veil of allegory, the exotic topos and animal-related fantasy, the historical events between 1685 and 1705 are revealed through characteristic deciphering, representing valuable data for a historian. The work, first published in 1883, then in 1927 and 1957, in a few nonscientific editions, was finally republished in 1965 in a scientific edition elaborated by P.P. Panaitescu and Ion Verdeș. This 1965 edition is of very high historical value, but
it also has a number of lacunae, especially in the field of theology. The editors don't reference certain biblical quotes, they hint at certain psychological ideas when mentioning quotes that are clearly derived from the Bible, they ignore the biblical source, which was the very foundation of Cantemir’s maxims, they overlook the study of certain toponyms with biblical origins (Euphrates, Tarshish, Babylon etc.) and don’t realize that some of his ideas have biblical origins. Furthermore, they don’t
distinguish certain elements of Christian iconography from their biblical
counterparts, leading to confusion (according to the editors, Saint Veronica’s Veil is attributed to Magdalene!). To edit the text correctly, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of biblical sources and familiarity with Romanian and European biblical tradition.
Pleroma, 2017
The doctrinal system of Protestantism has its roots not only in the Patristic theology, but also ... more The doctrinal system of Protestantism has its roots not only in the Patristic theology, but also in the movements which stirred controversies during the Papal schism (14th-15th centuries). A fundamental change of perspective in the British Isles was initiated by the rector of Lutterworth, John Wycliffe. The present paper outlines similarities between Wycliffe’s theology and the conceptual frame of Calvinism (the so‑called TULIP). As Cardinal Newman had said, Cor ad cor loquitur – “the heart speaks to the heart”. Wycliffe’s doctrine has echoes in Calvin’s and Arminius’
doctrine and, through their mediation, the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a much wider influence on the Protestant movement.
Book Reviews by Suteu Stefan
Studia Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 2018
„The Protestant Reformation. History, Reception and Influences”: an emblematic meeting under the ... more „The Protestant Reformation. History, Reception and Influences”: an emblematic meeting under the form of an international scientific symposium of the Pentecostal Theological Institute from Bucharest, Romania (I.T.P.B.). The event took place on the the18th and 19th of May 2017 and was organized by Assoc. Prof. EMANUEL CONŢAC (I.T.P. Bucharest) and by Senior Lect. ROMULUS GANEA (I.T.P. Bucharest). The Romanian inaugural timer anticipated the German augural gong of the 31st of October 1517, on the eve of “All Saints’ Day” [Allerheiligen], which became later on, for a part of Christendom, “The Reformation Day” [Reformationstag]. The event that took place half a millennium ago was thus recalled: an event through which the symbolic gesture of the monk and theologian Martin Luther, who posted the ninety-five theses “against the traffic in indulgences” (M. Malherbe) on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, expressed an already existing fracture in the midst of the Catholic Church, the appearance of the Reformation and the birth of Protestantism.
The first bilingual edition of the Vulgate Bible (“Vulgata”) and the first
modern translation of ... more The first bilingual edition of the Vulgate Bible (“Vulgata”) and the first
modern translation of the Latin Vulgate in academic format was co-
published by Humanitas Publishing House of Bucharest and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House of Iassy.
Akademos, 2018
In year 1719... Dimitrie Cantemir writes a panegyric dedicated to the martyr Demetrius of Thessal... more In year 1719... Dimitrie Cantemir writes a panegyric dedicated to the martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki (270-304). The work was was attributed to his son, Antiochus, who was only a few years old.
Dacoromania, 2018
„Vulgata 2015: ama scientiam Scripturarum or about the love of knowledge of Scripture”.
Adrian M... more „Vulgata 2015: ama scientiam Scripturarum or about the love of knowledge of Scripture”.
Adrian Muraru, Wilhelm Tauwinkl (ed.), Biblia Sacra Vulgata VII, Evangelia et Actus Apostolorum / Evangheliile și Faptele Apostolilor, București & Iași: Editura Humanitas & Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2015
Eight decades are precisely marked since Nachfolge, the work of the Lutheran pastor and theologia... more Eight decades are precisely marked since Nachfolge, the work of the Lutheran pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945), has appeared in the German realm (1937). In 2009, 72 years since that date, the Cluj publisher Peregrinul, published this book in Romanian language. There lies a possibility of the title being translated literally but hermetically, such as: „Succession”, „Emulation”, or „Imitation”. The latter refers to a writing by a medieval monk called Hammerkin, Die Nachfolge Christi (it is about the extremely well known work by Thomas a Kempis, Imitatio Christi). Ligia Taloș – the translator of Bonhoeffer’s work – chose a title accessible to the common Christian reader, probably drawing inspiration from the English version The Cost of Discipleship.
Books by Suteu Stefan
Ștefan Șuteu (co-autor: Ovidiu Pecican), Echinox. Prozatori români (1969-1989), Editura Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2018 (351 p.), 2018
Ștefan Șuteu (co-autor: Ovidiu Pecican), Echinox. Prozatori români (1969-1989), Editura Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2018 (351 p.), 2018
Papers by Suteu Stefan
their mediation, Wycliffe, known as the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a wider influence on the Protestant movement.
accomplished a historical and hermeneutical incursion in biblical and cantemirian bestiarum and in the second part, entitled (II) “Personae hybridae from The Hieroglyphic History represented in the Bible from Bucharest”, based on Cantemir’s work, I outlined four heteromorphic masks marked by the expressions in malo sensu and in bono sensu:
Coracopardalis (raven-leopard), Strutocamila (ostrich-camel), Monocheroleopardalisprovatolycoelefas (unicorn-lion-leopard-sheep-wolf-elephant) and Inorog (unicorn).
(Stephanus Leo - pseudonym)
Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de acum aproape o
viață umană, precum o rază care ascunde un astru,
o publicație periodică. Astfel, s-a conturat pe
firmamentul publicisticii românești steaua noastră
transilvăneană, confirmând ceea ce spunea
Octavian Paler: „la noi, geografia produce istorie”.
Putem reconstitui în acest ton trecutul evocat de
prezentul publiciștilor care au scris timp de șase decenii,
din 10 februarie 1957 până astăzi, dăruind
viață și lumină revistei Tribuna.
în perioada medievală străvechiul Kluswar
/ Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de aproape o viață
de om, precum o sclipire care ascunde un astru,
o publicație periodică. Astfel, s-a conturat pe firmamentul
istoriografic al publicisticii românești
o stea transilvăneană, confirmând ceea ce spunea
Octavian Paler: „la noi, geografia produce istorie”. Luând în considerare acest fapt, se poate reconstitui
trecutul înfiripat sub condeiele publiciștilor
încă de acum șase decenii, când în 10 februarie
1957, sub redacția lui Ioanichie Olteanu, a apărut
Conference Presentations by Suteu Stefan
considered the first Romanian (historical) novel. Beyond the veil of allegory, the exotic topos and animal-related fantasy, the historical events between 1685 and 1705 are revealed through characteristic deciphering, representing valuable data for a historian. The work, first published in 1883, then in 1927 and 1957, in a few nonscientific editions, was finally republished in 1965 in a scientific edition elaborated by P.P. Panaitescu and Ion Verdeș. This 1965 edition is of very high historical value, but
it also has a number of lacunae, especially in the field of theology. The editors don't reference certain biblical quotes, they hint at certain psychological ideas when mentioning quotes that are clearly derived from the Bible, they ignore the biblical source, which was the very foundation of Cantemir’s maxims, they overlook the study of certain toponyms with biblical origins (Euphrates, Tarshish, Babylon etc.) and don’t realize that some of his ideas have biblical origins. Furthermore, they don’t
distinguish certain elements of Christian iconography from their biblical
counterparts, leading to confusion (according to the editors, Saint Veronica’s Veil is attributed to Magdalene!). To edit the text correctly, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of biblical sources and familiarity with Romanian and European biblical tradition.
doctrine and, through their mediation, the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a much wider influence on the Protestant movement.
Book Reviews by Suteu Stefan
modern translation of the Latin Vulgate in academic format was co-
published by Humanitas Publishing House of Bucharest and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House of Iassy.
Adrian Muraru, Wilhelm Tauwinkl (ed.), Biblia Sacra Vulgata VII, Evangelia et Actus Apostolorum / Evangheliile și Faptele Apostolilor, București & Iași: Editura Humanitas & Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2015
Books by Suteu Stefan
their mediation, Wycliffe, known as the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a wider influence on the Protestant movement.
accomplished a historical and hermeneutical incursion in biblical and cantemirian bestiarum and in the second part, entitled (II) “Personae hybridae from The Hieroglyphic History represented in the Bible from Bucharest”, based on Cantemir’s work, I outlined four heteromorphic masks marked by the expressions in malo sensu and in bono sensu:
Coracopardalis (raven-leopard), Strutocamila (ostrich-camel), Monocheroleopardalisprovatolycoelefas (unicorn-lion-leopard-sheep-wolf-elephant) and Inorog (unicorn).
(Stephanus Leo - pseudonym)
Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de acum aproape o
viață umană, precum o rază care ascunde un astru,
o publicație periodică. Astfel, s-a conturat pe
firmamentul publicisticii românești steaua noastră
transilvăneană, confirmând ceea ce spunea
Octavian Paler: „la noi, geografia produce istorie”.
Putem reconstitui în acest ton trecutul evocat de
prezentul publiciștilor care au scris timp de șase decenii,
din 10 februarie 1957 până astăzi, dăruind
viață și lumină revistei Tribuna.
în perioada medievală străvechiul Kluswar
/ Kolosvar / Cluj – a luat ființă de aproape o viață
de om, precum o sclipire care ascunde un astru,
o publicație periodică. Astfel, s-a conturat pe firmamentul
istoriografic al publicisticii românești
o stea transilvăneană, confirmând ceea ce spunea
Octavian Paler: „la noi, geografia produce istorie”. Luând în considerare acest fapt, se poate reconstitui
trecutul înfiripat sub condeiele publiciștilor
încă de acum șase decenii, când în 10 februarie
1957, sub redacția lui Ioanichie Olteanu, a apărut
considered the first Romanian (historical) novel. Beyond the veil of allegory, the exotic topos and animal-related fantasy, the historical events between 1685 and 1705 are revealed through characteristic deciphering, representing valuable data for a historian. The work, first published in 1883, then in 1927 and 1957, in a few nonscientific editions, was finally republished in 1965 in a scientific edition elaborated by P.P. Panaitescu and Ion Verdeș. This 1965 edition is of very high historical value, but
it also has a number of lacunae, especially in the field of theology. The editors don't reference certain biblical quotes, they hint at certain psychological ideas when mentioning quotes that are clearly derived from the Bible, they ignore the biblical source, which was the very foundation of Cantemir’s maxims, they overlook the study of certain toponyms with biblical origins (Euphrates, Tarshish, Babylon etc.) and don’t realize that some of his ideas have biblical origins. Furthermore, they don’t
distinguish certain elements of Christian iconography from their biblical
counterparts, leading to confusion (according to the editors, Saint Veronica’s Veil is attributed to Magdalene!). To edit the text correctly, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of biblical sources and familiarity with Romanian and European biblical tradition.
doctrine and, through their mediation, the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a much wider influence on the Protestant movement.
modern translation of the Latin Vulgate in academic format was co-
published by Humanitas Publishing House of Bucharest and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House of Iassy.
Adrian Muraru, Wilhelm Tauwinkl (ed.), Biblia Sacra Vulgata VII, Evangelia et Actus Apostolorum / Evangheliile și Faptele Apostolilor, București & Iași: Editura Humanitas & Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2015
Cantemir in 1705, is considered the first Romanian (historical) novel.
Beyond the veil of allegory, the exotic topos and animal-related
fantasy, the historical events between 1685-1705 are revealed through
characteristic deciphering, which can represent valuable data for a
historian. The work, first published in 1883, then in 1927 and 1957 in a
few non-scientific editions, was finally republished in 1965 in a
scientific edition elaborated by P.P. Panaitescu and Ion Verde . This
particular 1965 edition is of very high historical value, but it also has a
number of lacunae, especially in the field of theology. The editors
don't reference certain biblical quotes, they hint at certain
psychological ideas when mentioning quotes that are clearly
extracted from the Bible, they ignore the biblical source, which was
the very foundation of Cantemir's maxims, they overlook the study of
certain toponyms with biblical origins (Euphrates, Tarshish, Babylon
etc.) and don't realize that some of his ideas are of biblical origin (for
example: the cyclical evolution of things, free will). Furthermore, they
don't distinguish certain elements of Christian iconography from their
biblical counterparts, leading to confusion (according to the editors,
Saint Veronica's Veil is attributed to Magdalene!). For all this,
attention, thoroughness, knowledge of biblical sources and familiarity
with Romanian and European biblical tradition is required. An
edition of The Hieroglyphic history which envelopes historical,
philological, but also theological and, last but not least, philosophical
notes and commentaries is expected in the future.