Papers by Julio de la Cueva
Julio de la Cueva, Miguel Hernando de Larramendi y Ana I. Planet (eds.), Religious Landscapes in Contemporary Spain. The Impact of Secularization on Religious Pluralism, Eastbourne, Sussex Academic Press, 2022
Cuestiones de Pluralismo, 2022
En el último medio siglo, España se ha convertido en una sociedad secular y religiosamente plural... more En el último medio siglo, España se ha convertido en una sociedad secular y religiosamente plural. El proceso de secularización actual hunde sus raíces en los años sesenta y setenta, cuando todavía imperaba la dictadura franquista, un régimen marcado por su nacionalcatolicismo.
Grace Davie y Lucian N. Leustean (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021
José Ramón Rodríguez Lago y Natalia Núñez Bargueño (eds.), Más allá de los nacionalcatolicismos. Redes transnacionales de los catolicismos hispánicos, Madrid, Sílex, 2021
Journal of Contemporary History, 2018
This article explores the relationship between political revolution and antireligious violence in... more This article explores the relationship between political revolution and antireligious violence in the interwar period through a comparison of Mexico, the Soviet Unión and Spain. In all three cases antireligious violence was associated with revolution and the defeat of religion was seen either as a necessary condition for revolution or as an equally necessary result. All three revolutions were accompanied by violent ‘cultural revolutions’ targeting religion. The article engages in two levels of comparison. It explores similarities and dissimilarities among the events that took place in each of the three countries. At the same time, it juxtaposes the different explanatory models that have been offered of antireligious violence in each country, thereby initiating a dialogue between historiographical traditions that have developed in relative isolation from one another.
María Bolaños, Rafael Serrano, Isabelle Saint-Martin (eds.), Imágenes, devociones y prácticas religiosas. La Europa del Sur (1800-1960), Valladolid, Museo Nacional de Escultura, 2018
Historia del Presente, 2017
Itinerantes. Revista de Historia y Religión, 2017
The purpose of this article is to explore the reactions of Spanish Catholics vis-à-vis the situat... more The purpose of this article is to explore the reactions of Spanish Catholics vis-à-vis the situation of Mexican Catholics, within an International context of mobilization against Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles’s anticlerical policies and in solidarity with the
Mexican Catholic Church. In Spain, as elsewhere, the impact of news about this second wave of Mexican revolutionary anticlericalism was significant. Furthermore, the mobilizationbrought about by it and the discourseconstructed on it helped to shape, or at least to reinforce, some features already present in the religious and political culture of Spanish Catholicism. Spanish Catholics could see their reflection on the Mexican mirror and were able to incorporate the “persecution” and
“martyrdom” of their overseas brethren into their own imaginary and into the struggles they have already fought – and were going to
fight very soon – in Spain
Historia Contemporánea, Oct 15, 2015
En los últimos treinta años, el paradigma de la secularización como modelo explicativo del cambio... more En los últimos treinta años, el paradigma de la secularización como modelo explicativo del cambio religioso en la modernidad ha estado sometido a intensa contestación y debate. Mientras que un número no desdeñable de sociólogos sigue manteniendo su validez, una cantidad cada vez mayor de estudiosos critican su inadecuación y proponen modelos alternativos que ayuden a explicar la sostenida presencia de la religión en las sociedades modernas. Este artículo pretende revisar el estado de este debate, que se desarrolla principalmente en el ámbito de la sociología, y contribuir a un mejor conocimiento del mismo entre los historiadores. Asimismo, se propone poner de relieve las posibilidades de reflexión para la historia religiosa y la historia en general que ofrecen las controversias actuales sobre la secularización. Por último, reivindica la utilidad del concepto secularización en el contexto español, siempre que esta se entienda como una “secularización conflictiva”, una secularización problematizada en su conceptualización y en su desarrollo historiográfico.
Alfonso Botti, Marco Cipolloni & Vittorio Scotti-Douglas (eds.), Ispanismo internazionales e circolazione delle storiografie negli anni della democrazia spagnola (1978-2008), Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino., 2014
Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 2014
The Catholic Historical Review, 2001
Historia y Política, 2000
Journal of Contemporary History, 1998
European History Quarterly, 1996
Book Reviews by Julio de la Cueva
Revista de Libros, Dec 2014
Reseña de Maria Thomas, La fe y la furia. Violencia anticlerical popular e iconoclastia en España... more Reseña de Maria Thomas, La fe y la furia. Violencia anticlerical popular e iconoclastia en España, 1931-1936, Granada, Comares, 2014.
Boletín del Observatorio del Pluralismo Religioso en España, Mar 2014
Papers by Julio de la Cueva
Mexican Catholic Church. In Spain, as elsewhere, the impact of news about this second wave of Mexican revolutionary anticlericalism was significant. Furthermore, the mobilizationbrought about by it and the discourseconstructed on it helped to shape, or at least to reinforce, some features already present in the religious and political culture of Spanish Catholicism. Spanish Catholics could see their reflection on the Mexican mirror and were able to incorporate the “persecution” and
“martyrdom” of their overseas brethren into their own imaginary and into the struggles they have already fought – and were going to
fight very soon – in Spain
Book Reviews by Julio de la Cueva
Mexican Catholic Church. In Spain, as elsewhere, the impact of news about this second wave of Mexican revolutionary anticlericalism was significant. Furthermore, the mobilizationbrought about by it and the discourseconstructed on it helped to shape, or at least to reinforce, some features already present in the religious and political culture of Spanish Catholicism. Spanish Catholics could see their reflection on the Mexican mirror and were able to incorporate the “persecution” and
“martyrdom” of their overseas brethren into their own imaginary and into the struggles they have already fought – and were going to
fight very soon – in Spain
Divided into three parts, Part I, “Secularization in Spain”, frames the analysis of this secularization process throughout the twentieth century and beyond, with particular attention to the process during the Second Republic and the “quiet” secularization of society that began under Franco’s regime. Part II, “Religious Change in Spain”, establishes the broad framework of the process, addressing the changes that have taken place within Catholicism and the reaction of the Protestant minority as social mores became increasingly fast moving. Part III, “Islam in Spain”, addresses both its history (including colonial management) and current dynamics (how Islam is viewed by other religions; the impact of the March 11, 2004, attacks; and Islamophobic discourse).