Dario Alvarez
Investigador - Docente. Profesor Nivel Agregado (2007)
Arquitecto (1987) Máster en Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica (2007)
Gráfica Digital, CAAD, Realidad Virtual, Teleducación, Telemática. Bloguero, escribidor, fotomatón. Experto en Ciencia Ficción, Viajes, Tecnología, Cinéfilo.
Buscando trabajo y Universidad en Europa.
Researcher, Proffesor
3D Modeling, Design Process, Virtual Design Studio, Virtual Reality.
Searching a job and University in Europe.
Phone: +34697883722
Address: Galicia, España
Arquitecto (1987) Máster en Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica (2007)
Gráfica Digital, CAAD, Realidad Virtual, Teleducación, Telemática. Bloguero, escribidor, fotomatón. Experto en Ciencia Ficción, Viajes, Tecnología, Cinéfilo.
Buscando trabajo y Universidad en Europa.
Researcher, Proffesor
3D Modeling, Design Process, Virtual Design Studio, Virtual Reality.
Searching a job and University in Europe.
Phone: +34697883722
Address: Galicia, España
InterestsView All (20)
Papers by Dario Alvarez
career, offer by the LTAD - FAU – UCV. We gave as models to the students of our course real art works, located and visitable in
the universiy campus, offering the construction of detailed digital files of them, that will be publish in Internet. Files that can be use in the inventary and conservation of those art works. Important exercise if we consider that this art works are part of the UNESCO Human Cultural Patrimony (http://www.unesco.org). We want that our University asumes this iniciative as integral part of the inventary, conservation and divulgation of the art works integrated to the buildings in the UCV Campus.
El artículo describe la experiencia desarrollada en los más recientes Talleres de la Asignatura Teórico – Práctica denominada “Diseño Asistido por Computadora – Nivel II” del Pregrado de la Carrera de Arquitectura, dictada en el LTAD - FAU – UCV. Se enfrenta al estudiante con obras reales, existentes y visitables en su propio campus universitario, invitándolos a su levantamiento para crear detallados archivos digitales de las mismas; divulgados posteriormente a través de Internet y plausibles de ser utilizados en su respectivo inventario y necesaria conservación. Tarea de gran relevancia ya que estas obras constituyen parte integral del Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad según declaración de la UNESCO (http://www.unesco.org). Se aspira que la iniciativa sea asumida institucionalmente por nuestra Universidad e incorporada al mantenimiento y divulgación de las obras de
arte integradas al activo físico del Campus UCV.
Ante esta realidad el Arquitecto debe cambiar su visión del trabajo típico de CAAD en relativo aislamiento ante su computadora, hasta atravesar el portal de la realidad digital; perseguimos mostrar al Arquitecto contemporáneo como planificador coordinando recursos múltiples y de distinta importancia: inmerso en la alternativa de construir realidades digitales, invitando a los estudiantes de arquitectura a integrarse o conformar sus propias redes.
Our architectonical environment is based on the material concept entity whose control marks the relevance of the XX century: the atom. Across the threshold of the XXI century a new virtual entity - concept: the bit, spreads to became the basic unit of power control production, being its more dynamic evidence the phenomenon known as Internet, establishing complex relationships with groups constituted in the net like Virtual Communities, outlining metaphors that involve Urbanists and Architects inviting them as protagonist.
Against this newest reality the Architect should change his vision of the typical CAAD work in relative isolation with his computer, until crossing the doors of the digital reality; we search to show the contemporary Architect as a manager coordinating multiple resources with different importance: into the alternative of building digital realities, inviting the architectonical students to integrated this Virtual Comunities or conform his owns.
which allowed to evolve to the development of practical subjects, with more communication between teachers and
students as well as information exchange in texts and images using the Internet. There are described the digital platforms used as well as the quantity and quality benefits of the professionals who begins the course and in the learning of the graduated ones.
Palabras Clave: Educación a Distancia, Código Abierto, Linux / GNU, Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
This work shows an initial approach for the identification and benchmarking of free software resources (open code) available for major operating systems (Linux, Mac / OS, Windows), oriented to distance learning education. As mayor goal the project wants to create, develop and consolidate a Virtual Learning Community in the Architecture and Urbanism areas.
Key words: Distance Learning, Open Source, Linux / GNU, Architecture and Urbanism.
Share, remix, reuse — Legally. Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." CopyLeft as dynamic and flexible alternative to the rigid traditional CopyRight.
We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do — including the
software we create — is free. Cultura Libre Venezuela is the local representative for this revolutionary International Movement.
Compartir, mezclar, reutilizar – de forma Legal. Creative Commons suministra herramientas libres para que los autores, científicos, artistas y educadores puedan señalar fácilmente sus trabajos creativos con las libertades que consideren. Permite utilizar los variados recursos CC para cambiar los términos del derecho de autor del limitante ―Reservados Todos los Derechos‖ al más flexible ―Algunos Derechos Reservados‖: CopyLeft como válida y dinámica alternativa ante el rígido Copyright tradicional.
Somos una Organización No Lucrativa, todo lo que hacemos –
incluyendo los programas (software) que desarrollamos o cuyo uso recomendamos – es libre. Cultura Libre Venezuela es el representante local de este revolucionario Movimiento Internacional.
career, offer by the LTAD - FAU – UCV. We gave as models to the students of our course real art works, located and visitable in
the universiy campus, offering the construction of detailed digital files of them, that will be publish in Internet. Files that can be use in the inventary and conservation of those art works. Important exercise if we consider that this art works are part of the UNESCO Human Cultural Patrimony (http://www.unesco.org). We want that our University asumes this iniciative as integral part of the inventary, conservation and divulgation of the art works integrated to the buildings in the UCV Campus.
El artículo describe la experiencia desarrollada en los más recientes Talleres de la Asignatura Teórico – Práctica denominada “Diseño Asistido por Computadora – Nivel II” del Pregrado de la Carrera de Arquitectura, dictada en el LTAD - FAU – UCV. Se enfrenta al estudiante con obras reales, existentes y visitables en su propio campus universitario, invitándolos a su levantamiento para crear detallados archivos digitales de las mismas; divulgados posteriormente a través de Internet y plausibles de ser utilizados en su respectivo inventario y necesaria conservación. Tarea de gran relevancia ya que estas obras constituyen parte integral del Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad según declaración de la UNESCO (http://www.unesco.org). Se aspira que la iniciativa sea asumida institucionalmente por nuestra Universidad e incorporada al mantenimiento y divulgación de las obras de
arte integradas al activo físico del Campus UCV.
Ante esta realidad el Arquitecto debe cambiar su visión del trabajo típico de CAAD en relativo aislamiento ante su computadora, hasta atravesar el portal de la realidad digital; perseguimos mostrar al Arquitecto contemporáneo como planificador coordinando recursos múltiples y de distinta importancia: inmerso en la alternativa de construir realidades digitales, invitando a los estudiantes de arquitectura a integrarse o conformar sus propias redes.
Our architectonical environment is based on the material concept entity whose control marks the relevance of the XX century: the atom. Across the threshold of the XXI century a new virtual entity - concept: the bit, spreads to became the basic unit of power control production, being its more dynamic evidence the phenomenon known as Internet, establishing complex relationships with groups constituted in the net like Virtual Communities, outlining metaphors that involve Urbanists and Architects inviting them as protagonist.
Against this newest reality the Architect should change his vision of the typical CAAD work in relative isolation with his computer, until crossing the doors of the digital reality; we search to show the contemporary Architect as a manager coordinating multiple resources with different importance: into the alternative of building digital realities, inviting the architectonical students to integrated this Virtual Comunities or conform his owns.
which allowed to evolve to the development of practical subjects, with more communication between teachers and
students as well as information exchange in texts and images using the Internet. There are described the digital platforms used as well as the quantity and quality benefits of the professionals who begins the course and in the learning of the graduated ones.
Palabras Clave: Educación a Distancia, Código Abierto, Linux / GNU, Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
This work shows an initial approach for the identification and benchmarking of free software resources (open code) available for major operating systems (Linux, Mac / OS, Windows), oriented to distance learning education. As mayor goal the project wants to create, develop and consolidate a Virtual Learning Community in the Architecture and Urbanism areas.
Key words: Distance Learning, Open Source, Linux / GNU, Architecture and Urbanism.
Share, remix, reuse — Legally. Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." CopyLeft as dynamic and flexible alternative to the rigid traditional CopyRight.
We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do — including the
software we create — is free. Cultura Libre Venezuela is the local representative for this revolutionary International Movement.
Compartir, mezclar, reutilizar – de forma Legal. Creative Commons suministra herramientas libres para que los autores, científicos, artistas y educadores puedan señalar fácilmente sus trabajos creativos con las libertades que consideren. Permite utilizar los variados recursos CC para cambiar los términos del derecho de autor del limitante ―Reservados Todos los Derechos‖ al más flexible ―Algunos Derechos Reservados‖: CopyLeft como válida y dinámica alternativa ante el rígido Copyright tradicional.
Somos una Organización No Lucrativa, todo lo que hacemos –
incluyendo los programas (software) que desarrollamos o cuyo uso recomendamos – es libre. Cultura Libre Venezuela es el representante local de este revolucionario Movimiento Internacional.