El presente estudio se realizó en el Centro Acuícola "El Zarco", Estado de México, Méxi... more El presente estudio se realizó en el Centro Acuícola "El Zarco", Estado de México, México, para evaluar el comportamiento productivo durante el crecimiento, engorda y rendimiento en canal de dos líneas de truchas Arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss): la línea Zarco "Z" y la línea ...
Diversity and abundance of mollusks in the sublittoral epifaunal community of Punta Patilla, Vene... more Diversity and abundance of mollusks in the sublittoral epifaunal community of Punta Patilla, Venezuela. The diversity of a sublittoral epifaunal mollusk community of Punta Patilla, Sucre State, Venezuela, was studied from September 1990 to September 1991. We identified 25 species (14 bivalves and 11 gastropods) of mollusks that inhabit gravel, soft sand and bottoms covered by Thalassia testudinum. Total diversity
The com munity structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was s... more The com munity structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was studied at Punta Las Cabeceras, Cubagua Island, Venezuela. Diurnal monthly samples were obtained from March 1999 to February 2000. Numerical abundance of fish species was recorded to determine the specific diversity. A total of 1 268 individual from 38 species and 20
The diversity of a sublittoral epifaunal mollusk community of Punta Patilla, Sucre State, Venezue... more The diversity of a sublittoral epifaunal mollusk community of Punta Patilla, Sucre State, Venezuela, was studied from September 1990 to September 1991. We identified 25 species (14 bivalves and 11 gastropods) of mollusks that inhabit gravel, soft sand and bottoms covered by Thalassia testudinum. Total diversity indices were H' = 3.42. J' = 0.74 and 1-D = 0.85. Monthly diversity reached its maximum in March 1991 (3.12 bits/ ind.), June 1991 (2.88 bits/ind.) and September 1991 (2.95 bits/ind.); minimum diversity was recorded in August 1991 (1.20 bits/ind.). A log series model showed a diversity index alpha = 4.56 for species abundance data and alpha = 3.11 for biomass data. The more abundant species were Chione cancellata, Anigona listeri, Chione granulata and Area zebra among the bivalves, and Chicoreus brevifrons, Turritella variegata and Phllonotus pomum among the gastropods (which present maximum biomass). The average total biomass (56.80 g/m2) is low when compared to repo...
Seagrasses are highly productive coastal ecosystems with a high diversity and abundance of fishes... more Seagrasses are highly productive coastal ecosystems with a high diversity and abundance of fishes, very important to support artisanal fisheries. We analyzed the fish community structure of Thalassia testudinum in the communities of Manzanillo (M) and La Brea (LB), Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela. Samples were taken monthly (Nov. 2006-Oct. 2007) from each place, using a beach net. A total of 34 810 fishes were captured, grouped into 13 orders, 36 families and 83 species. In both areas (M and LB), the number of species was similar, but a variation in their abundance was found: a total of 55 species and 13 210 organisms for M, and 58 species and 21 600 organisms for LB. The most abundant species and those with the highest biomasses in both areas were: Nicholsina usta, Haemulon boschmae, H. steindachneri, Harengula jaguana, Halichoeres bivittatus and Hemiramphus brasiliensis. The occasional visitors were the most frequent community components with a 59%, the cyclical and per...
The community structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was st... more The community structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was studied at Punta Las Cabeceras, Cubagua Island, Venezuela. Diurnal monthly samples were obtained from March 1999 to February 2000. Numerical abundance of fish species was recorded to determine the specific diversity. A total of 1 268 individual from 38 species and 20 families were identified: Haemulidae, Scaridae and Gerreidae were the more abundant, with 7, 4 and 3 species, respectively. Nicholsina usta, Eucinostomus argenteus, Halichoeres bivittatus and Tylosurus crocodiles made up 74.38% of the abundance, and present in 50% of the samples. The number of species occasional visitors was 30 (78.94%), indicative of the mobilization from another areas. On a monthly basis, the species number varied between 2 and 12; diversity index between 0.98 and 2.93 bits ind(-1), equitability (J') from 0.44 to 0.98, both indices showing the same tendency. N. usta and E. argenteus had the highest biolo...
RESUMEN: La introducción de organismos exóticos genera daños en el ambiente. Una vez establecidos... more RESUMEN: La introducción de organismos exóticos genera daños en el ambiente. Una vez establecidos, la mayoría de estos organismos se quedan permanentemente, y su erradicación se hace difícil, costosa y muchas veces imposible. La introducción en Venezuela de Oreochromis mossambicus en el año 1959 ha generado un problema ecológico en muchos cuerpos de agua: la desaparición de especies autóctonas y el establecimiento de poblaciones de tilapias en ambientes marinos, estuarinos y dulceacuícolas. Para conocer el estado actual de este pez exótico en el Río Manzanares y sus afluentes, y las consecuencias sobre la riqueza de especies, se ha llevado a cabo el presente estudio. Durante el período de lluvia y el de sequía del año 2001, varias especies de peces fueron recolectadas en 47 estaciones ubicadas en el cauce central del río, los afluentes y la zona del estuario. O. mossambicus fue la cuarta especie más abundante y frecuente dentro de la ictiofauna del sistema del río Manzanares, despué...
New records are presented for marine ichthyofauna belonging to Mochima National Park, in Sucre St... more New records are presented for marine ichthyofauna belonging to Mochima National Park, in Sucre State, Venezuela. Using different sampling methods, monthly sampling were carried out from December 2000 to April 2002 in Cautaro and Manzanillo reef patches and in those areas lying to the south of Caracas Islands, outside the Bay of Mochima. 117 species belonging to 54 families were
Se presentan todos los trabajos presentados en el evento celebrado en la ciudad de Machala, Ecuad... more Se presentan todos los trabajos presentados en el evento celebrado en la ciudad de Machala, Ecuador entre el 17 y 21 de noviembre 2014
El presente estudio se realizó en el Centro Acuícola "El Zarco", Estado de México, Méxi... more El presente estudio se realizó en el Centro Acuícola "El Zarco", Estado de México, México, para evaluar el comportamiento productivo durante el crecimiento, engorda y rendimiento en canal de dos líneas de truchas Arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss): la línea Zarco "Z" y la línea ...
Diversity and abundance of mollusks in the sublittoral epifaunal community of Punta Patilla, Vene... more Diversity and abundance of mollusks in the sublittoral epifaunal community of Punta Patilla, Venezuela. The diversity of a sublittoral epifaunal mollusk community of Punta Patilla, Sucre State, Venezuela, was studied from September 1990 to September 1991. We identified 25 species (14 bivalves and 11 gastropods) of mollusks that inhabit gravel, soft sand and bottoms covered by Thalassia testudinum. Total diversity
The com munity structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was s... more The com munity structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was studied at Punta Las Cabeceras, Cubagua Island, Venezuela. Diurnal monthly samples were obtained from March 1999 to February 2000. Numerical abundance of fish species was recorded to determine the specific diversity. A total of 1 268 individual from 38 species and 20
The diversity of a sublittoral epifaunal mollusk community of Punta Patilla, Sucre State, Venezue... more The diversity of a sublittoral epifaunal mollusk community of Punta Patilla, Sucre State, Venezuela, was studied from September 1990 to September 1991. We identified 25 species (14 bivalves and 11 gastropods) of mollusks that inhabit gravel, soft sand and bottoms covered by Thalassia testudinum. Total diversity indices were H' = 3.42. J' = 0.74 and 1-D = 0.85. Monthly diversity reached its maximum in March 1991 (3.12 bits/ ind.), June 1991 (2.88 bits/ind.) and September 1991 (2.95 bits/ind.); minimum diversity was recorded in August 1991 (1.20 bits/ind.). A log series model showed a diversity index alpha = 4.56 for species abundance data and alpha = 3.11 for biomass data. The more abundant species were Chione cancellata, Anigona listeri, Chione granulata and Area zebra among the bivalves, and Chicoreus brevifrons, Turritella variegata and Phllonotus pomum among the gastropods (which present maximum biomass). The average total biomass (56.80 g/m2) is low when compared to repo...
Seagrasses are highly productive coastal ecosystems with a high diversity and abundance of fishes... more Seagrasses are highly productive coastal ecosystems with a high diversity and abundance of fishes, very important to support artisanal fisheries. We analyzed the fish community structure of Thalassia testudinum in the communities of Manzanillo (M) and La Brea (LB), Northwest coast of Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela. Samples were taken monthly (Nov. 2006-Oct. 2007) from each place, using a beach net. A total of 34 810 fishes were captured, grouped into 13 orders, 36 families and 83 species. In both areas (M and LB), the number of species was similar, but a variation in their abundance was found: a total of 55 species and 13 210 organisms for M, and 58 species and 21 600 organisms for LB. The most abundant species and those with the highest biomasses in both areas were: Nicholsina usta, Haemulon boschmae, H. steindachneri, Harengula jaguana, Halichoeres bivittatus and Hemiramphus brasiliensis. The occasional visitors were the most frequent community components with a 59%, the cyclical and per...
The community structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was st... more The community structure of fishes on a sandy beach with patch of Thalassia and coral reefs was studied at Punta Las Cabeceras, Cubagua Island, Venezuela. Diurnal monthly samples were obtained from March 1999 to February 2000. Numerical abundance of fish species was recorded to determine the specific diversity. A total of 1 268 individual from 38 species and 20 families were identified: Haemulidae, Scaridae and Gerreidae were the more abundant, with 7, 4 and 3 species, respectively. Nicholsina usta, Eucinostomus argenteus, Halichoeres bivittatus and Tylosurus crocodiles made up 74.38% of the abundance, and present in 50% of the samples. The number of species occasional visitors was 30 (78.94%), indicative of the mobilization from another areas. On a monthly basis, the species number varied between 2 and 12; diversity index between 0.98 and 2.93 bits ind(-1), equitability (J') from 0.44 to 0.98, both indices showing the same tendency. N. usta and E. argenteus had the highest biolo...
RESUMEN: La introducción de organismos exóticos genera daños en el ambiente. Una vez establecidos... more RESUMEN: La introducción de organismos exóticos genera daños en el ambiente. Una vez establecidos, la mayoría de estos organismos se quedan permanentemente, y su erradicación se hace difícil, costosa y muchas veces imposible. La introducción en Venezuela de Oreochromis mossambicus en el año 1959 ha generado un problema ecológico en muchos cuerpos de agua: la desaparición de especies autóctonas y el establecimiento de poblaciones de tilapias en ambientes marinos, estuarinos y dulceacuícolas. Para conocer el estado actual de este pez exótico en el Río Manzanares y sus afluentes, y las consecuencias sobre la riqueza de especies, se ha llevado a cabo el presente estudio. Durante el período de lluvia y el de sequía del año 2001, varias especies de peces fueron recolectadas en 47 estaciones ubicadas en el cauce central del río, los afluentes y la zona del estuario. O. mossambicus fue la cuarta especie más abundante y frecuente dentro de la ictiofauna del sistema del río Manzanares, despué...
New records are presented for marine ichthyofauna belonging to Mochima National Park, in Sucre St... more New records are presented for marine ichthyofauna belonging to Mochima National Park, in Sucre State, Venezuela. Using different sampling methods, monthly sampling were carried out from December 2000 to April 2002 in Cautaro and Manzanillo reef patches and in those areas lying to the south of Caracas Islands, outside the Bay of Mochima. 117 species belonging to 54 families were
Se presentan todos los trabajos presentados en el evento celebrado en la ciudad de Machala, Ecuad... more Se presentan todos los trabajos presentados en el evento celebrado en la ciudad de Machala, Ecuador entre el 17 y 21 de noviembre 2014
Papers by Lilia Ruiz