Raissa Fares graduated in Dentistry (Universide do Grande Rio- UNIGRANRIO) 2020. She was founder of the first Academic League of Oral Surgery (LIACO-2018) at also President of LIACO during the years (2018-2020) at UNIGRANRIO. She was scholarship student/holder at UNIGRANRIO through (CNPq 2019) and (Santander Universities 2020). She was University Monitor in Semiology, Periodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She is resident of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the UNIFESO - Residency Program. (2021-2024). PGY3. Aspiring Member of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. AO CMF Member Plus. Master's Student in Maxillofacial Surgery at Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF (2023-2025).
» Os autores declaram não ter interesses associativos, comerciais, de propriedade ou financeiros,... more » Os autores declaram não ter interesses associativos, comerciais, de propriedade ou financeiros, que representem conflito de interesse, nos produtos e companhias descritos nesse artigo. O(s) paciente(s) que aparece(m) no presente artigo autorizou(aram) previamente a publicação de suas fotografias faciais e intrabucais, e/ou radiografias.
Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
A mucormicose é uma infecção fúngica rara e grave. É causada por fungos da ordem Mucorales, princ... more A mucormicose é uma infecção fúngica rara e grave. É causada por fungos da ordem Mucorales, principalmente os gêneros Rhizopus sp, Mucor sp, rhizomucor sp e lichtheimia sp. Apresenta-se de forma altamente invasiva e oportunista. Está associada a pacientes imunossuprimidos, principalmente aqueles com diabetes mellitus, em uso de agentes imunossupressores e, recentemente, associada a COVID-19. Esses agentes vivem dispersos pelo meio ambiente, no solo, matéria orgânica em decomposição e podem ser adquiridos pela inalação dos esporos fúngicos. As formas clínicas mais frequentes são de acometimento rino-órbito-cerebral, pulmonar, cutânea e gastrointestinal. Podendo iniciar com sintomas leves de sinusite e evoluir para o acometimento de tecidos vizinhos gerando desfiguração facial, paralisia de nervos cranianos, amaurose e acometimento encefálico. O adequado tratamento depende do diagnóstico realizado precocemente, antes mesmo dos resultados de exames laboratoriais e do desbridamento cirú...
Surgical Treatment of the Cranial Basis Teratoma in a Newborn and Palatal Reconstruction With Tongue Flap a 17-Years Follow-Up: A Case Report, 2023
Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers... more Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers. Clinically, it appears as a mass covered with skin and mucosa, originating from pluripotential stem cells. According to the latest classification by the World Health Organization teratoma represents the main benign Germ cell tumors of the sinus region and presents similar histological aspects with its counterparts in the gonads and other extragonadal sites. The purpose of this study is to present a case of epignathus originating from the base of the skull in a Caucasian female patient with a cleft palate after the incisive foramen, not affecting the nasal floor. During physical examination, via intraoral route, in the region below the base of the skull, an extensive solid mass, covered by mucosa and with the presence of hair. Computed tomography confirmed the lesion, in the region corresponding to the base of the patient's skull. The first surgical approach of resection occurred at the 40th day of the patient's life, under general anesthesia and subsequent primary closure of the palatal defect. The second surgery was performed 10 months later, when tissue expanders were used on the palate to increase the mucosal surface. At the age of 5, the patient underwent surgery with a tongue flap, from the lingual dorsum, with an anterior pedicle. The patient was kept under sedation and relaxation for a period of 10 days for flap autonomy. After this period, the section of the flap and the reconstruction of the tongue dorsum were performed. The patient had a good evolution and was maintained under outpatient treatment. Pediatricians and pediatric dentists should be aware of the importance of prenatal exams and soon after birth, to identify possible deformities in neonatal patients, which favors the diagnosis. The 17-year postoperative follow-up of complete surgical removal of the teratoma and reconstruction of the cleft palate, combining the use of a tissue expander on the palate and a flap on the dorsum of the tongue, proved to be a viable resource for improving the patient's quality of life.
Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers... more Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers. Clinically, it appears as a mass covered with skin and mucosa, originating from pluripotential stem cells. According to the latest classification by the World Health Organization teratoma represents the main benign Germ cell tumors of the sinus region and presents similar histological aspects with its counterparts in the gonads and other extragonadal sites. The purpose of this study is to present a case of epignathus originating from the base of the skull in a Caucasian female patient with a cleft palate after the incisive foramen, not affecting the nasal floor. During physical examination, via intraoral route, in the region below the base of the skull, an extensive solid mass, covered by mucosa and with the presence of hair. Computed tomography confirmed the lesion, in the region corresponding to the base of the patient’s skull. The first surgical approach of resection occurred at the...
Craniomaxillofacial research and innovation, Aug 1, 2022
Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spina... more Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spinal cord spaces. This change results in a defect in osteoclast function and consequent decrease in bone turnover. One of the possible local bone complications is osteomyelitis, which affects up to 10% of patients with this disorder. Platelet concentrates (L-PRF) have been used in cases of bone defects and areas of tissue necrosis, as it has the characteristic of releasing growth factors after activation. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical case of a patient with mandibular osteopetrosis, who underwent dental implantation and subsequent recurrent osteomyelitis and was treated by partial resection associated with L-PRF bone defect coverage. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient presented definitive soft tissue healing, no exposure of bone tissue or phlogistic signs at the site, and good bone repair on computed tomography scan. The present study demonstrated that the association of L-PRF with resection techniques can be a viable method for the management of patients with difficult to treat osteomyelitis, especially in cases of mandibular osteopetrosis.
Objetivo: o presente estudo tem como objetivo despertar e alertar, atraves de um relato de caso, ... more Objetivo: o presente estudo tem como objetivo despertar e alertar, atraves de um relato de caso, os cirurgioes-dentistas para as possiveis complicacoes do uso continuo do piercing oral. Relato de Caso: paciente do genero feminino, 18 anos, gravida, compareceu a UPA Beira Mar, localizada no municipio de Duque de Caxias, no estado do Rio de Janeiro relatando que, em uma das tentativas de tirar o piercing bucal, o mesmo penetrou na perfuracao que transfixava o labio superior e permaneceu na regiao sem que a paciente pudesse remove-lo. No exame intraoral, foi observada uma pequena ulcera em cicatrizacao na mucosa labial superior e no extraoral uma cicatriz puntiforme. Sob anestesia local e com a tomografia da paciente em maos foi realizada uma incisao diretamente sobre a regiao onde se encontrava o aumento de volume. Apos divulsao romba dos tecidos superficiais, um objeto metalico foi localizado e facilmente removido com uma pinca. A ferida operatoria foi suturada e a cicatrizacao ocorr...
Objetivo: este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a resistência de união à dentina de um material... more Objetivo: este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a resistência de união à dentina de um material à base de silicato de cálcio fotopolimerizável modificado por resina (TheraCal LC®; Bisco, Schaumburg, IL, EUA) com MTA branco (WMTA®; Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brasil). Materiais e Métodos: dezesseis incisivos superiores e caninos humanos foram selecionados e três discos de 1 mm foram obtidos a partir do terço médio de cada raiz. Na superfície coronal de cada disco, dois furos de 1,2 mm de largura foram perfurados na dentina. Em seguida, os buracos artificiais foram preenchidos com um dos materiais testados: WMTA® e TheraCal LC®. As fatias dentárias preenchidas foram armazenadas em uma solução salina tamponada com fosfato (PBS) (pH 7,2) por 7 dias a 37°C. Depois disso, a avaliação do push-out foi realizada com uma ponta do êmbolo de 1,0 mm. A carga foi aplicada a uma velocidade de 0,5 mm / min até o deslocamento do selador. Os resultados foram expressos em MPa. O teste U de Mann-Whitney f...
Use of L-PRF in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis Associated With Osteopetrosis, 2022
Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spina... more Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spinal cord spaces. This change results in a defect in osteoclast function and consequent decrease in bone turnover. One of the possible local bone complications is osteomyelitis, which affects up to 10% of patients with this disorder. Platelet concentrates (L-PRF) have been used in cases of bone defects and areas of tissue necrosis, as it has the characteristic of releasing growth factors after activation. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical case of a patient with mandibular osteopetrosis, who underwent dental implantation and subsequent recurrent osteomyelitis and was treated by partial resection associated with L-PRF bone defect coverage. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient presented definitive soft tissue healing, no exposure of bone tissue or phlogistic signs at the site, and good bone repair on computed tomography scan. The present study demonstrated that the association of L-PRF with resection techniques can be a viable method for the management of patients with difficult to treat osteomyelitis, especially in cases of mandibular osteopetrosis.
» Os autores declaram não ter interesses associativos, comerciais, de propriedade ou financeiros,... more » Os autores declaram não ter interesses associativos, comerciais, de propriedade ou financeiros, que representem conflito de interesse, nos produtos e companhias descritos nesse artigo. O(s) paciente(s) que aparece(m) no presente artigo autorizou(aram) previamente a publicação de suas fotografias faciais e intrabucais, e/ou radiografias.
Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
A mucormicose é uma infecção fúngica rara e grave. É causada por fungos da ordem Mucorales, princ... more A mucormicose é uma infecção fúngica rara e grave. É causada por fungos da ordem Mucorales, principalmente os gêneros Rhizopus sp, Mucor sp, rhizomucor sp e lichtheimia sp. Apresenta-se de forma altamente invasiva e oportunista. Está associada a pacientes imunossuprimidos, principalmente aqueles com diabetes mellitus, em uso de agentes imunossupressores e, recentemente, associada a COVID-19. Esses agentes vivem dispersos pelo meio ambiente, no solo, matéria orgânica em decomposição e podem ser adquiridos pela inalação dos esporos fúngicos. As formas clínicas mais frequentes são de acometimento rino-órbito-cerebral, pulmonar, cutânea e gastrointestinal. Podendo iniciar com sintomas leves de sinusite e evoluir para o acometimento de tecidos vizinhos gerando desfiguração facial, paralisia de nervos cranianos, amaurose e acometimento encefálico. O adequado tratamento depende do diagnóstico realizado precocemente, antes mesmo dos resultados de exames laboratoriais e do desbridamento cirú...
Surgical Treatment of the Cranial Basis Teratoma in a Newborn and Palatal Reconstruction With Tongue Flap a 17-Years Follow-Up: A Case Report, 2023
Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers... more Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers. Clinically, it appears as a mass covered with skin and mucosa, originating from pluripotential stem cells. According to the latest classification by the World Health Organization teratoma represents the main benign Germ cell tumors of the sinus region and presents similar histological aspects with its counterparts in the gonads and other extragonadal sites. The purpose of this study is to present a case of epignathus originating from the base of the skull in a Caucasian female patient with a cleft palate after the incisive foramen, not affecting the nasal floor. During physical examination, via intraoral route, in the region below the base of the skull, an extensive solid mass, covered by mucosa and with the presence of hair. Computed tomography confirmed the lesion, in the region corresponding to the base of the patient's skull. The first surgical approach of resection occurred at the 40th day of the patient's life, under general anesthesia and subsequent primary closure of the palatal defect. The second surgery was performed 10 months later, when tissue expanders were used on the palate to increase the mucosal surface. At the age of 5, the patient underwent surgery with a tongue flap, from the lingual dorsum, with an anterior pedicle. The patient was kept under sedation and relaxation for a period of 10 days for flap autonomy. After this period, the section of the flap and the reconstruction of the tongue dorsum were performed. The patient had a good evolution and was maintained under outpatient treatment. Pediatricians and pediatric dentists should be aware of the importance of prenatal exams and soon after birth, to identify possible deformities in neonatal patients, which favors the diagnosis. The 17-year postoperative follow-up of complete surgical removal of the teratoma and reconstruction of the cleft palate, combining the use of a tissue expander on the palate and a flap on the dorsum of the tongue, proved to be a viable resource for improving the patient's quality of life.
Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers... more Epignathus or Tessier fissure 0-14 is a rare teratoma composed of the three embryonic germ layers. Clinically, it appears as a mass covered with skin and mucosa, originating from pluripotential stem cells. According to the latest classification by the World Health Organization teratoma represents the main benign Germ cell tumors of the sinus region and presents similar histological aspects with its counterparts in the gonads and other extragonadal sites. The purpose of this study is to present a case of epignathus originating from the base of the skull in a Caucasian female patient with a cleft palate after the incisive foramen, not affecting the nasal floor. During physical examination, via intraoral route, in the region below the base of the skull, an extensive solid mass, covered by mucosa and with the presence of hair. Computed tomography confirmed the lesion, in the region corresponding to the base of the patient’s skull. The first surgical approach of resection occurred at the...
Craniomaxillofacial research and innovation, Aug 1, 2022
Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spina... more Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spinal cord spaces. This change results in a defect in osteoclast function and consequent decrease in bone turnover. One of the possible local bone complications is osteomyelitis, which affects up to 10% of patients with this disorder. Platelet concentrates (L-PRF) have been used in cases of bone defects and areas of tissue necrosis, as it has the characteristic of releasing growth factors after activation. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical case of a patient with mandibular osteopetrosis, who underwent dental implantation and subsequent recurrent osteomyelitis and was treated by partial resection associated with L-PRF bone defect coverage. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient presented definitive soft tissue healing, no exposure of bone tissue or phlogistic signs at the site, and good bone repair on computed tomography scan. The present study demonstrated that the association of L-PRF with resection techniques can be a viable method for the management of patients with difficult to treat osteomyelitis, especially in cases of mandibular osteopetrosis.
Objetivo: o presente estudo tem como objetivo despertar e alertar, atraves de um relato de caso, ... more Objetivo: o presente estudo tem como objetivo despertar e alertar, atraves de um relato de caso, os cirurgioes-dentistas para as possiveis complicacoes do uso continuo do piercing oral. Relato de Caso: paciente do genero feminino, 18 anos, gravida, compareceu a UPA Beira Mar, localizada no municipio de Duque de Caxias, no estado do Rio de Janeiro relatando que, em uma das tentativas de tirar o piercing bucal, o mesmo penetrou na perfuracao que transfixava o labio superior e permaneceu na regiao sem que a paciente pudesse remove-lo. No exame intraoral, foi observada uma pequena ulcera em cicatrizacao na mucosa labial superior e no extraoral uma cicatriz puntiforme. Sob anestesia local e com a tomografia da paciente em maos foi realizada uma incisao diretamente sobre a regiao onde se encontrava o aumento de volume. Apos divulsao romba dos tecidos superficiais, um objeto metalico foi localizado e facilmente removido com uma pinca. A ferida operatoria foi suturada e a cicatrizacao ocorr...
Objetivo: este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a resistência de união à dentina de um material... more Objetivo: este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a resistência de união à dentina de um material à base de silicato de cálcio fotopolimerizável modificado por resina (TheraCal LC®; Bisco, Schaumburg, IL, EUA) com MTA branco (WMTA®; Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brasil). Materiais e Métodos: dezesseis incisivos superiores e caninos humanos foram selecionados e três discos de 1 mm foram obtidos a partir do terço médio de cada raiz. Na superfície coronal de cada disco, dois furos de 1,2 mm de largura foram perfurados na dentina. Em seguida, os buracos artificiais foram preenchidos com um dos materiais testados: WMTA® e TheraCal LC®. As fatias dentárias preenchidas foram armazenadas em uma solução salina tamponada com fosfato (PBS) (pH 7,2) por 7 dias a 37°C. Depois disso, a avaliação do push-out foi realizada com uma ponta do êmbolo de 1,0 mm. A carga foi aplicada a uma velocidade de 0,5 mm / min até o deslocamento do selador. Os resultados foram expressos em MPa. O teste U de Mann-Whitney f...
Use of L-PRF in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis Associated With Osteopetrosis, 2022
Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spina... more Osteopetrosis is a disorder characterized by an increase in bone density and a reduction in spinal cord spaces. This change results in a defect in osteoclast function and consequent decrease in bone turnover. One of the possible local bone complications is osteomyelitis, which affects up to 10% of patients with this disorder. Platelet concentrates (L-PRF) have been used in cases of bone defects and areas of tissue necrosis, as it has the characteristic of releasing growth factors after activation. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical case of a patient with mandibular osteopetrosis, who underwent dental implantation and subsequent recurrent osteomyelitis and was treated by partial resection associated with L-PRF bone defect coverage. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient presented definitive soft tissue healing, no exposure of bone tissue or phlogistic signs at the site, and good bone repair on computed tomography scan. The present study demonstrated that the association of L-PRF with resection techniques can be a viable method for the management of patients with difficult to treat osteomyelitis, especially in cases of mandibular osteopetrosis.
Papers by Raissa Fares