Hilton P. Silva is a Biologist and Medical Doctor graduated from the Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA, in Brazil (1990, 1991), has a Masters degree in Anthropology from Penn State (1993), a Master´s in Public Health degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology/Bioanthropology from the Ohio State University (1998, 2001). He was a Fulbright Scholar between 1991 and 1993, and is currently Associate Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Program in Anthropology of UFPA, and at the Graduate Program in Health, Environment and Society in the Amazon (Public Health) of UFPA. He is also the Director of the House of Studies Brazil-Africa, Coordinator of the Laboratory of Bioanthropological Studies in Health and the Environment. and a research collaborator at the Research Centre for Anthropology and Health, of the Department of Life Sciences of Coimbra University, Portugal.
This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder cli... more This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in Brazilian indigenous populations. 263 Indigenous from the Araweté, Kararaô, Parakanã, Xikrin do Bacajá, Kayapó and Munduruku peoples were analyzed, 55.2% women, ages ranging from 10 to 95 years (average 49.5 ± 20.7). Variants in genes involved in the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cell (ACE1 rs1799752 I/D, ACE2 rs2285666 C/T, ACE2 rs73635825 A/G and TMPRSS2 rs123297605 C/T), were genotyped in indigenous peoples from the Brazilian Amazon, treated during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The distribution of genotypes did not show any association with the presence or absence of IgG antibodies. Additionally, the influence of genetic variations on the severity of the disease was not examined extensively because a significant number of indigenous individuals experienced the disease with either mild symptoms or no symptoms. It is worth noting that the frequencies of risk alleles were found to be lower in Indigenous populations compared to both continental populations and Brazilians. Indigenous Brazilian Amazon people exhibited an ethnic-specific genetic profile that may be associated with a milder disease, which could explain the unexpected response they demonstrated to COVID-19, being less impacted than Brazilians.
Health of the Black Population: challenges for building equity in health The Thematic Dossier on ... more Health of the Black Population: challenges for building equity in health The Thematic Dossier on the Health of the Black Population is one of the action fronts of the Racism and Health Work Group (WG) of the Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO). It seeks to increase the visibility of ethnic-racial inequities in health based on the scientific production of black and non-black researchers, and foster collaboration networks at national and international level and, thus, strengthen the National Policy for Comprehensive Health of the Black Population (PNSIPN) and the SUS. The WG takes this opportunity to thank the Ibirapitanga Institute, which financed this project, in addition to several other actions that have contributed to broadening debates on public policies and the health of the black population. Scientific publications that address ethnic-racial inequities in health are still incipient, a reflection of the "pact of whiteness" and institutional racism. In this way, the publication of a thematic dossier that brings together evidence of the effects of racism on the health of the black Brazilian population represents the day-today resilience of researchers, intellectuals and social movements. In effect, structural and structuring racism produces social asymmetries, negatively impacts the living and health conditions of discriminated populations and/or hinders the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge. This dossier consists of 18 articles and a review. The first five articles address general epidemiological aspects such as the incompleteness of filling out the race/color question in health systems, factors associated with the murder of women in Brazil according to the race/color question, ethnic-racial disparities in premature births, racial inequity in mortality by cervical cancer, and potential years of life lost by COvID-19 according to race/color and gender in Brazil. Corroborating the topical nature of the issue, some of these aspects were recently presented in two epidemiological bulletins published by the Ministry of Health, which are the first to focus specifically on the health of the black population. Articles six to nine address the oral health of the black population, a topic that is still scantly covered in academic productions, including: a systematic review on oral health and racial inequities; an article on the anti-racist ethos in public oral health; another on oral health and sickle cell disease; and, lastly, therapeutic itineraries in oral health for quilombolas. These are followed by three papers that discuss the impacts of structural racism on the health of quilombola groups, which represent the segment with the worst epidemiological indicators of the national black population. These texts address racism and food insecurity, the syndemic of COvID-19, vaccination and fake news. The following three discuss the impacts of COvID-19 on the black population, which was disproportionately affected by the pandemic in Brazil 1. The following four articles take a qualitative approach to various topics related to the consequences of structural racism among people with sickle cell disease, among black female health professionals, in the permanence of university students and in the relationship between public security agents and young people from the suburbs. The last work discusses forms of black resistance and the anti-colonial sanatorium movement as a strategy for decolonizing Psychiatric Reform. The dossier ends with a review of the book Pacto da Branquitude by Cida Bento, written by the president of ABRASCO, Rosana Onocko Campos. If history, speeches, data, narratives and social representations remain in dispute, the Racism and Health WG adopts a political position and is dedicated to the defense of human rights by promoting the visibility of these productions with a view to reducing vulnerabilities, as well as promoting equity and the democratization of the health.
This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder cli... more This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in Brazilian indigenous populations. 263 Indigenous from the Araweté, Kararaô, Parakanã, Xikrin do Bacajá, Kayapó and Munduruku peoples were analyzed, 55.2% women, ages ranging from 10 to 95 years (average 49.5 ± 20.7). Variants in genes involved in the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cell (ACE1 rs1799752 I/D, ACE2 rs2285666 C/T, ACE2 rs73635825 A/G and TMPRSS2 rs123297605 C/T), were genotyped in indigenous peoples from the Brazilian Amazon, treated during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The distribution of genotypes did not show any association with the presence or absence of IgG antibodies. Additionally, the influence of genetic variations on the severity of the disease was not examined extensively because a significant number of indigenous individuals experienced the disease with either mild symptoms or no symptoms. It is worth noting that the frequencies of risk alleles were found to be lower in Indigenous populations compared to both continental populations and Brazilians. Indigenous Brazilian Amazon people exhibited an ethnic-specific genetic profile that may be associated with a milder disease, which could explain the unexpected response they demonstrated to COVID-19, being less impacted than Brazilians.
MDPI Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 2024
Human Visceral Leishmaniasis is an endemic public health problem in the Amazon. This article anal... more Human Visceral Leishmaniasis is an endemic public health problem in the Amazon. This article analyzed the spatial distribution of this disease and its relationship with socioeconomic, environmental and public health policy variables in four mesoregions of the state of Pará, from 2011 to 2022. This ecological study used secondary data obtained from official Brazilian agencies. Spatial analysis was performed using the Flow, Kernel and Global Moran bivariate techniques expressed in thematic maps. In the mesoregions studied, 2685 cases of the disease were confirmed, with the highest number of cases in Southeast Pará state. The epidemiological profile followed the
national pattern of occurrence of the disease, with a higher number of cases in children below school age. Spatial dependence was observed between the prevalence of the disease and socio-economic indicators. The most intense movement of patients was towards the Belém Metropolitan mesoregion The disease showed an inhomogeneous pattern of distribution of cases, with a direct relationship
between areas with cases and deforestation associated with different anthropic activities. There is a socio-environmental production of the disease that goes beyond the border limits of the mesoregions and its establishment is related to the unsustainable development model implemented in the region.
As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) retratam um conjunto de doenças, que representam ma... more As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) retratam um conjunto de doenças, que representam maior carga de morbimortalidade no Brasil. Essas doenças têm maior impacto biopsicossocial em populações mais vulnerabilizadas em suas condições de vida e saúde. Neste artigo objetiva-se analisar os fatores associados a DCNT mais prevalentes em quilombolas do semiárido baiano, em 2016. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 864 quilombolas, ≥ 18 anos, residentes na zona rural de Feira de Santana-BA. Os dados foram obtidos de um instrumento validado, contendo perguntas sobre condições socioeconômicas, demográficas, ambientais, de saúde, doenças e agravos. Foi ajustado o modelo de Poisson hierarquizado para identificar os fatores associados às DCNT, dessas, as mais prevalentes foram: Hipertensão Arterial (22,3%), Doenças Cardíacas (5,9%) e Doenças do Aparelho Circulatório (7,5%), e Diabetes (7,8%). Os fatores associados significativamente à DCNT no modelo hierarquizado foram: faixa etária 50 anos ou + (IC: 2,6–8,1); quantidade de cômodos da casa (IC: 0,7–0,9); uso de medicamento (IC: 5,5-13,2); procura pelo serviço de saúde (IC: 0,7-0,9). Conclui-se que, mesmo os quilombolas apresentando fatores associados às DCNT similares aos observados na população geral, verifica-se que a magnitude dessas doenças nessa população apresenta-se maior potencial de impacto negativo na qualidade de vida desses sujeitos.
A exclusão social à qual as comunidades quilombolas estão expostas, em todo o território brasilei... more A exclusão social à qual as comunidades quilombolas estão expostas, em todo o território brasileiro, tem favorecido sua vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, ambiental, o que se traduz em precárias condições de vida e saúde. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as condições de vida, saúde e morbidade referidas pelas comunidades quilombolas do semiárido baiano. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado nas comunidades quilombolas de Matinha dos Pretos e Lagoa Grande no município de Feira de Santana (BA), com indivíduos adultos (≥ 18 anos). Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de três instrumentos e analisados utilizando-se o pacote estatístico Stata 14.0. Resultados: dos 864 entrevistados, 63,0% são do sexo feminino; 47,8%, casados, apresentando uma média de idade de 42,6 anos (IC 95%: 41,1 – 44,2), e de escolaridade, variando de 6 a 7 anos de estudo em média. A maioria realiza trabalhos informais, especialmente nas funções relacionadas à agricultura. Em relação à vulnerabili...
Em janeiro de 2020 a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) identificou uma emergência epidemiológica... more Em janeiro de 2020 a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) identificou uma emergência epidemiológica internacional em decorrência do SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2). Este artigo apresenta alguns dados disponibilizados em plataformas públicas oficiais sobre a situação da COVID-19, analisa o processo de enfrentamento pelos governos centrais em Cabo Verde e no Brasil e discute como as políticas sociais e de saúde executadas por cada país repercutiram no impacto epidemiológico ao longo do primeiro ano da pandemia, buscando exemplificar como a tomada de decisão sobre a condução das políticas públicas influencia a morbidade e mortalidade nos dois países. Apesar das limitações analíticas em face a uma crise global ainda em andamento, esperamos que este trabalho contribua para ampliar as pesquisas comparativas entre países lusófonos do Cone Sul e para demonstrar a importância da gestão política para o enfrentamento desta doença e das que possam emergir futuramente.
The National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NM-UFRJ), Brazil, suffered a ser... more The National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NM-UFRJ), Brazil, suffered a serious fire in 2018, resulting in the loss or severe damage of many collections. The human osteological collection, also affected, was one of the largest and oldest in the country, holding over two thousand entries from prehistoric to historic sites, including some international donations. The oldest remains were those of “Luzia”, dating to 11.5 thousand years. While part of the collection was recovered from the debris, the bones were mostly warped and damaged by the fire, making the possibility of identification uncertain. Therefore, this collection is now inadequate for regular forensic and bioarchaeological studies. Considering the need for the construction of a new human osteological collection, especially with forensic perspectives, we conducted a survey of Brazilian national and local (capitals of the Southeast region) legislation, regarding donation and institutionalization of human...
Resumo Objetivo Analisar as representações sociais de mulheres quilombolas sobre o cuidado em saú... more Resumo Objetivo Analisar as representações sociais de mulheres quilombolas sobre o cuidado em saúde. Método consiste em um estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado entre novembro de 2017 e janeiro de 2018 na comunidade quilombola Abacatal/Aurá, em Ananindeua, cidade brasileira do estado do Pará. Participaram 30 mulheres que vivenciavam o cuidado em saúde. Os dados foram produzidos a partir de entrevistas individuais, submetidos à Análise Temática e discutidos à luz da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Resultados as representações foram organizadas em três dimensões: afetiva, a mais representativa, em que se ancoraram relações de afeto e sentimentos; social, na qual o cuidado foi apreendido como prática inerente à mulher; e biológica, sendo o cuidado compreendido como cuidados gerais de prevenção e tratamento de doenças. Conclusões e implicações para a prática as representações do cuidado em saúde evidenciaram forte carga afetiva, denotando um sentido de preservação da vida e do am...
Os convênios internacionais no campo social constroem oportunidades singulares como esta que reún... more Os convênios internacionais no campo social constroem oportunidades singulares como esta que reúne os esforços públicos do Brasil, Portugal e Cabo Verde, tendo por meta desenvolver nesta ilha, um projeto interdisciplinar. Desta feita, um pesquisador brasileiro, antropólogo, acompanha uma das missões de trabalho no interior da Ilha e conhece uma comunidade singular, Rabelados. A história destas pessoas, desta comunidade, deste lugar é revelado pelo olhar e pela escrita sensível do pesquisador.Palavras-chave: Rabelados. Populações quilombolas. Antropologia visual.Rabelados of Cape Verde a "Quilombo" AfricanThe international conventions in the social construct opportunities like this study, that brings together the public effortsof Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde, with the goal to develop in this last place, an interdisciplinary project. This time, a Brazilian researcher, anthropologist, accompanies a working missions inside the island and meets a singularcommunity, Rabelado...
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se o hábito alimentar das famílias quilombolas paraen... more Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se o hábito alimentar das famílias quilombolas paraenses segue as orientações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, publicado pelo Ministério da Saúde, em 2014. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas nas comunidades de Santo Antônio (Concórdia do Pará, nordeste paraense) e São João (Salvaterra, ilha do Marajó) sob o protocolo CEP 060/07. Foram feitas análises do consumo e das preferências alimentares de acordo com o guia. Os resultados evidenciam: alto consumo de café adoçado, feijão, arroz e farinha; baixa participação de verduras, legumes e frutas na dieta dos entrevistados. Alimentos como pão, leite de vaca, macarrão, margarina e bolacha salgada são as formas comuns de diversificar os alimentos consumidos pelo grupo. Como fontes proteicas, destacam-se a carne vermelha - silvestre ou não -, o pescado, o charque, o frango e o ovo de galinha. São apresentadas algumas contradições do guia quando aplicado às comunidades. Apes...
Esse Dossie “Saude da Populacao Negra” da Revista da Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores Negro... more Esse Dossie “Saude da Populacao Negra” da Revista da Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores Negros – Revista da ABPN – apresenta producao cientifica diversa sobre problemas sociais, diferenciais raciais e etnicos, e avaliacao de politicas publicas e os seus impactos sobre a saude das populacoes negras. A finalidade dessa publicacao e dar visibilidade a producao cientifica nacional e tambem internacional sobre a tematica Saude da Populacao Negra e outras populacoes em situacao de vulnerabilidade. A abordagem sobre raca/cor e feita do ponto de vista historico-social. Sao ao todo 11 artigos sendo um deles de autoria internacional.
This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder cli... more This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in Brazilian indigenous populations. 263 Indigenous from the Araweté, Kararaô, Parakanã, Xikrin do Bacajá, Kayapó and Munduruku peoples were analyzed, 55.2% women, ages ranging from 10 to 95 years (average 49.5 ± 20.7). Variants in genes involved in the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cell (ACE1 rs1799752 I/D, ACE2 rs2285666 C/T, ACE2 rs73635825 A/G and TMPRSS2 rs123297605 C/T), were genotyped in indigenous peoples from the Brazilian Amazon, treated during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The distribution of genotypes did not show any association with the presence or absence of IgG antibodies. Additionally, the influence of genetic variations on the severity of the disease was not examined extensively because a significant number of indigenous individuals experienced the disease with either mild symptoms or no symptoms. It is worth noting that the frequencies of risk alleles were found to be lower in Indigenous populations compared to both continental populations and Brazilians. Indigenous Brazilian Amazon people exhibited an ethnic-specific genetic profile that may be associated with a milder disease, which could explain the unexpected response they demonstrated to COVID-19, being less impacted than Brazilians.
Health of the Black Population: challenges for building equity in health The Thematic Dossier on ... more Health of the Black Population: challenges for building equity in health The Thematic Dossier on the Health of the Black Population is one of the action fronts of the Racism and Health Work Group (WG) of the Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO). It seeks to increase the visibility of ethnic-racial inequities in health based on the scientific production of black and non-black researchers, and foster collaboration networks at national and international level and, thus, strengthen the National Policy for Comprehensive Health of the Black Population (PNSIPN) and the SUS. The WG takes this opportunity to thank the Ibirapitanga Institute, which financed this project, in addition to several other actions that have contributed to broadening debates on public policies and the health of the black population. Scientific publications that address ethnic-racial inequities in health are still incipient, a reflection of the "pact of whiteness" and institutional racism. In this way, the publication of a thematic dossier that brings together evidence of the effects of racism on the health of the black Brazilian population represents the day-today resilience of researchers, intellectuals and social movements. In effect, structural and structuring racism produces social asymmetries, negatively impacts the living and health conditions of discriminated populations and/or hinders the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge. This dossier consists of 18 articles and a review. The first five articles address general epidemiological aspects such as the incompleteness of filling out the race/color question in health systems, factors associated with the murder of women in Brazil according to the race/color question, ethnic-racial disparities in premature births, racial inequity in mortality by cervical cancer, and potential years of life lost by COvID-19 according to race/color and gender in Brazil. Corroborating the topical nature of the issue, some of these aspects were recently presented in two epidemiological bulletins published by the Ministry of Health, which are the first to focus specifically on the health of the black population. Articles six to nine address the oral health of the black population, a topic that is still scantly covered in academic productions, including: a systematic review on oral health and racial inequities; an article on the anti-racist ethos in public oral health; another on oral health and sickle cell disease; and, lastly, therapeutic itineraries in oral health for quilombolas. These are followed by three papers that discuss the impacts of structural racism on the health of quilombola groups, which represent the segment with the worst epidemiological indicators of the national black population. These texts address racism and food insecurity, the syndemic of COvID-19, vaccination and fake news. The following three discuss the impacts of COvID-19 on the black population, which was disproportionately affected by the pandemic in Brazil 1. The following four articles take a qualitative approach to various topics related to the consequences of structural racism among people with sickle cell disease, among black female health professionals, in the permanence of university students and in the relationship between public security agents and young people from the suburbs. The last work discusses forms of black resistance and the anti-colonial sanatorium movement as a strategy for decolonizing Psychiatric Reform. The dossier ends with a review of the book Pacto da Branquitude by Cida Bento, written by the president of ABRASCO, Rosana Onocko Campos. If history, speeches, data, narratives and social representations remain in dispute, the Racism and Health WG adopts a political position and is dedicated to the defense of human rights by promoting the visibility of these productions with a view to reducing vulnerabilities, as well as promoting equity and the democratization of the health.
This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder cli... more This pilot study aimed to investigate genetic factors that may have contributed to the milder clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in Brazilian indigenous populations. 263 Indigenous from the Araweté, Kararaô, Parakanã, Xikrin do Bacajá, Kayapó and Munduruku peoples were analyzed, 55.2% women, ages ranging from 10 to 95 years (average 49.5 ± 20.7). Variants in genes involved in the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the host cell (ACE1 rs1799752 I/D, ACE2 rs2285666 C/T, ACE2 rs73635825 A/G and TMPRSS2 rs123297605 C/T), were genotyped in indigenous peoples from the Brazilian Amazon, treated during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The distribution of genotypes did not show any association with the presence or absence of IgG antibodies. Additionally, the influence of genetic variations on the severity of the disease was not examined extensively because a significant number of indigenous individuals experienced the disease with either mild symptoms or no symptoms. It is worth noting that the frequencies of risk alleles were found to be lower in Indigenous populations compared to both continental populations and Brazilians. Indigenous Brazilian Amazon people exhibited an ethnic-specific genetic profile that may be associated with a milder disease, which could explain the unexpected response they demonstrated to COVID-19, being less impacted than Brazilians.
MDPI Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 2024
Human Visceral Leishmaniasis is an endemic public health problem in the Amazon. This article anal... more Human Visceral Leishmaniasis is an endemic public health problem in the Amazon. This article analyzed the spatial distribution of this disease and its relationship with socioeconomic, environmental and public health policy variables in four mesoregions of the state of Pará, from 2011 to 2022. This ecological study used secondary data obtained from official Brazilian agencies. Spatial analysis was performed using the Flow, Kernel and Global Moran bivariate techniques expressed in thematic maps. In the mesoregions studied, 2685 cases of the disease were confirmed, with the highest number of cases in Southeast Pará state. The epidemiological profile followed the
national pattern of occurrence of the disease, with a higher number of cases in children below school age. Spatial dependence was observed between the prevalence of the disease and socio-economic indicators. The most intense movement of patients was towards the Belém Metropolitan mesoregion The disease showed an inhomogeneous pattern of distribution of cases, with a direct relationship
between areas with cases and deforestation associated with different anthropic activities. There is a socio-environmental production of the disease that goes beyond the border limits of the mesoregions and its establishment is related to the unsustainable development model implemented in the region.
As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) retratam um conjunto de doenças, que representam ma... more As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) retratam um conjunto de doenças, que representam maior carga de morbimortalidade no Brasil. Essas doenças têm maior impacto biopsicossocial em populações mais vulnerabilizadas em suas condições de vida e saúde. Neste artigo objetiva-se analisar os fatores associados a DCNT mais prevalentes em quilombolas do semiárido baiano, em 2016. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 864 quilombolas, ≥ 18 anos, residentes na zona rural de Feira de Santana-BA. Os dados foram obtidos de um instrumento validado, contendo perguntas sobre condições socioeconômicas, demográficas, ambientais, de saúde, doenças e agravos. Foi ajustado o modelo de Poisson hierarquizado para identificar os fatores associados às DCNT, dessas, as mais prevalentes foram: Hipertensão Arterial (22,3%), Doenças Cardíacas (5,9%) e Doenças do Aparelho Circulatório (7,5%), e Diabetes (7,8%). Os fatores associados significativamente à DCNT no modelo hierarquizado foram: faixa etária 50 anos ou + (IC: 2,6–8,1); quantidade de cômodos da casa (IC: 0,7–0,9); uso de medicamento (IC: 5,5-13,2); procura pelo serviço de saúde (IC: 0,7-0,9). Conclui-se que, mesmo os quilombolas apresentando fatores associados às DCNT similares aos observados na população geral, verifica-se que a magnitude dessas doenças nessa população apresenta-se maior potencial de impacto negativo na qualidade de vida desses sujeitos.
A exclusão social à qual as comunidades quilombolas estão expostas, em todo o território brasilei... more A exclusão social à qual as comunidades quilombolas estão expostas, em todo o território brasileiro, tem favorecido sua vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, ambiental, o que se traduz em precárias condições de vida e saúde. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as condições de vida, saúde e morbidade referidas pelas comunidades quilombolas do semiárido baiano. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado nas comunidades quilombolas de Matinha dos Pretos e Lagoa Grande no município de Feira de Santana (BA), com indivíduos adultos (≥ 18 anos). Os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação de três instrumentos e analisados utilizando-se o pacote estatístico Stata 14.0. Resultados: dos 864 entrevistados, 63,0% são do sexo feminino; 47,8%, casados, apresentando uma média de idade de 42,6 anos (IC 95%: 41,1 – 44,2), e de escolaridade, variando de 6 a 7 anos de estudo em média. A maioria realiza trabalhos informais, especialmente nas funções relacionadas à agricultura. Em relação à vulnerabili...
Em janeiro de 2020 a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) identificou uma emergência epidemiológica... more Em janeiro de 2020 a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) identificou uma emergência epidemiológica internacional em decorrência do SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2). Este artigo apresenta alguns dados disponibilizados em plataformas públicas oficiais sobre a situação da COVID-19, analisa o processo de enfrentamento pelos governos centrais em Cabo Verde e no Brasil e discute como as políticas sociais e de saúde executadas por cada país repercutiram no impacto epidemiológico ao longo do primeiro ano da pandemia, buscando exemplificar como a tomada de decisão sobre a condução das políticas públicas influencia a morbidade e mortalidade nos dois países. Apesar das limitações analíticas em face a uma crise global ainda em andamento, esperamos que este trabalho contribua para ampliar as pesquisas comparativas entre países lusófonos do Cone Sul e para demonstrar a importância da gestão política para o enfrentamento desta doença e das que possam emergir futuramente.
The National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NM-UFRJ), Brazil, suffered a ser... more The National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NM-UFRJ), Brazil, suffered a serious fire in 2018, resulting in the loss or severe damage of many collections. The human osteological collection, also affected, was one of the largest and oldest in the country, holding over two thousand entries from prehistoric to historic sites, including some international donations. The oldest remains were those of “Luzia”, dating to 11.5 thousand years. While part of the collection was recovered from the debris, the bones were mostly warped and damaged by the fire, making the possibility of identification uncertain. Therefore, this collection is now inadequate for regular forensic and bioarchaeological studies. Considering the need for the construction of a new human osteological collection, especially with forensic perspectives, we conducted a survey of Brazilian national and local (capitals of the Southeast region) legislation, regarding donation and institutionalization of human...
Resumo Objetivo Analisar as representações sociais de mulheres quilombolas sobre o cuidado em saú... more Resumo Objetivo Analisar as representações sociais de mulheres quilombolas sobre o cuidado em saúde. Método consiste em um estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado entre novembro de 2017 e janeiro de 2018 na comunidade quilombola Abacatal/Aurá, em Ananindeua, cidade brasileira do estado do Pará. Participaram 30 mulheres que vivenciavam o cuidado em saúde. Os dados foram produzidos a partir de entrevistas individuais, submetidos à Análise Temática e discutidos à luz da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Resultados as representações foram organizadas em três dimensões: afetiva, a mais representativa, em que se ancoraram relações de afeto e sentimentos; social, na qual o cuidado foi apreendido como prática inerente à mulher; e biológica, sendo o cuidado compreendido como cuidados gerais de prevenção e tratamento de doenças. Conclusões e implicações para a prática as representações do cuidado em saúde evidenciaram forte carga afetiva, denotando um sentido de preservação da vida e do am...
Os convênios internacionais no campo social constroem oportunidades singulares como esta que reún... more Os convênios internacionais no campo social constroem oportunidades singulares como esta que reúne os esforços públicos do Brasil, Portugal e Cabo Verde, tendo por meta desenvolver nesta ilha, um projeto interdisciplinar. Desta feita, um pesquisador brasileiro, antropólogo, acompanha uma das missões de trabalho no interior da Ilha e conhece uma comunidade singular, Rabelados. A história destas pessoas, desta comunidade, deste lugar é revelado pelo olhar e pela escrita sensível do pesquisador.Palavras-chave: Rabelados. Populações quilombolas. Antropologia visual.Rabelados of Cape Verde a "Quilombo" AfricanThe international conventions in the social construct opportunities like this study, that brings together the public effortsof Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde, with the goal to develop in this last place, an interdisciplinary project. This time, a Brazilian researcher, anthropologist, accompanies a working missions inside the island and meets a singularcommunity, Rabelado...
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se o hábito alimentar das famílias quilombolas paraen... more Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se o hábito alimentar das famílias quilombolas paraenses segue as orientações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, publicado pelo Ministério da Saúde, em 2014. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas nas comunidades de Santo Antônio (Concórdia do Pará, nordeste paraense) e São João (Salvaterra, ilha do Marajó) sob o protocolo CEP 060/07. Foram feitas análises do consumo e das preferências alimentares de acordo com o guia. Os resultados evidenciam: alto consumo de café adoçado, feijão, arroz e farinha; baixa participação de verduras, legumes e frutas na dieta dos entrevistados. Alimentos como pão, leite de vaca, macarrão, margarina e bolacha salgada são as formas comuns de diversificar os alimentos consumidos pelo grupo. Como fontes proteicas, destacam-se a carne vermelha - silvestre ou não -, o pescado, o charque, o frango e o ovo de galinha. São apresentadas algumas contradições do guia quando aplicado às comunidades. Apes...
Esse Dossie “Saude da Populacao Negra” da Revista da Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores Negro... more Esse Dossie “Saude da Populacao Negra” da Revista da Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores Negros – Revista da ABPN – apresenta producao cientifica diversa sobre problemas sociais, diferenciais raciais e etnicos, e avaliacao de politicas publicas e os seus impactos sobre a saude das populacoes negras. A finalidade dessa publicacao e dar visibilidade a producao cientifica nacional e tambem internacional sobre a tematica Saude da Populacao Negra e outras populacoes em situacao de vulnerabilidade. A abordagem sobre raca/cor e feita do ponto de vista historico-social. Sao ao todo 11 artigos sendo um deles de autoria internacional.
Papers by Hilton Silva
national pattern of occurrence of the disease, with a higher number of cases in children below school age. Spatial dependence was observed between the prevalence of the disease and socio-economic indicators. The most intense movement of patients was towards the Belém Metropolitan mesoregion The disease showed an inhomogeneous pattern of distribution of cases, with a direct relationship
between areas with cases and deforestation associated with different anthropic activities. There is a socio-environmental production of the disease that goes beyond the border limits of the mesoregions and its establishment is related to the unsustainable development model implemented in the region.
national pattern of occurrence of the disease, with a higher number of cases in children below school age. Spatial dependence was observed between the prevalence of the disease and socio-economic indicators. The most intense movement of patients was towards the Belém Metropolitan mesoregion The disease showed an inhomogeneous pattern of distribution of cases, with a direct relationship
between areas with cases and deforestation associated with different anthropic activities. There is a socio-environmental production of the disease that goes beyond the border limits of the mesoregions and its establishment is related to the unsustainable development model implemented in the region.