Estudos de comunidades de esponjas marinhas são escassos no Brasil, sendo este trabalho pioneiro ... more Estudos de comunidades de esponjas marinhas são escassos no Brasil, sendo este trabalho pioneiro nessa abordagem para a Ilha Grande - RJ, um local de alta diversidade biológica. A estrutura das assembleias de esponjas marinhas e da comunidade bentônica marinha séssil foi avaliada, a partir de índices descritores de diversidade, em seis pontos da Ilha Grande e ilhas próximas, sendo três do lado continental e três do lado oceânico. As assembleias foram comparadas entre os diferentes lado e profundidade, através da contagem do número de indivíduos e área de cobertura por foto-quadrados. Paralelamente, as esponjas foram coletadas, fixadas e posteriormente identificadas através de metodologia e literatura especializada. Foi encontrado um total de 5.457 indivíduos, representando as Classes Demospongiae e Calcarea, distribuídos em 41 espécies e nove morfotipos, indicando maior diversidade para Lagoa Azul e menor para Parnaióca, sendo o local com maior riqueza a Ilha do Abraão. Dentre as es...
Reservoirs are aquatic environments with complex interactions between bio-chemical and physical c... more Reservoirs are aquatic environments with complex interactions between bio-chemical and physical components. Many of those parameters can be estimated from remote sensing tools, especially since increasing technological progress allows the analysis of those environments in high spatial and temporal resolutions. This work aimed to analyze the water quality of four reservoirs, with high energy productivity, located in the center-southern region of Brazil from bio-optical and thermal water parameters. Therefore, hundreds of Landsat 5 (TM), 7 (ETM+), and 8 (OLI) satellite images were processed by the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform to estimate water surface temperature, chlorophyll-a density (chl-a), Secchi depth (SD), and trophic state index (TSI). To calibrate the equations, 11 in situ monitoring points were used in 27 scenes from the TM and ETM+ sensors and 30 from the OLI sensor, within 6 days interval between the monitoring date and the image acquisition. Additionally, records from two weather stations near the reservoirs were analyzed to evaluate meteorological influences on water parameters. SD has influenced TSI in three reservoirs, while chl-a has acted as a proxy in only one. Moderate correlations were observed between air temperature, rainfall, and global radiation and the bio-optical and thermal water parameters. Remote sensing has detected a clear spatio-temporal variation, which allowed regionalizing the reservoirs. Reservoir regionalization based on the mapped parameters may be able not only to visualize the spatial dynamics of the waters but also as a tool for the management of water bodies with multiple users and issues.
IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Preliminary results of the mapping of the water quality of the Tres Irmaos HPP reservoir (SP) bet... more Preliminary results of the mapping of the water quality of the Tres Irmaos HPP reservoir (SP) between 2013 and 2021 are presented, based on Landsat-8 images. Contemporary methodologies were used to obtain values for chlorophyll-a density, Secchi depth, Trophic State Index and water surface temperature. The results obtained showed chlorophyll-a density values between 0.4 and 6.3μg/L, average Secchi depth of ~3.0m and water surface temperature between 13.7 and 32.8°C. This configuration culminated in an (ultra)oligotrophic environment. When comparing the estimated and measured values, a greater congruence of methods for measuring water surface temperature is noted.
Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza
A presença do invasor biológico conhecido como mexilhão dourado se apresenta como uma importante ... more A presença do invasor biológico conhecido como mexilhão dourado se apresenta como uma importante ameaça ao funcionamento de hidroelétricas por se acumular nas estruturas comprometendo seu funcionamento. Neste estudo, propomos um modelo matemático para a dinâmica de crescimento da espécie no reservatório de Jupiá-SP. Os resultados evidenciaram o processo de infestação a partir da saída do rio Tietê e avançando gradativamente pela região, atingindo áreas que merecem atenção. O estudo, portanto, tem potencial para colaborar com o planejamento de ações de controle da infestação na região.
Frequent heat waves and mass mortality events on marine biota are positively correlated to ocean ... more Frequent heat waves and mass mortality events on marine biota are positively correlated to ocean warming. Although literature has indicated some species of marine sponges, and some oceanic regions, like the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone, may be less affected or seem to be more resilient under future scenarios of climate changes, few studies have focused on the species responses on the climate change issue along Brazilian coast. This paradigm was undone throughout 2019 after an exceptional average increase of 2 °C in the sea surface temperature (SST) and on precipitation values since 2015 at Ilha Grande Bay (IGB, SE Brazil). The combination of SST and precipitation average increase possibly favored an environmental context for the unprecedented strong population decline and mass mortality rate of the marine sponge species Desmapsamma anchorata in the austral spring. The species used to be one of the most frequent benthic species at IGB however it was only recorded in 41.7% sites (n = 12). From 162 individuals recorded at Abraãozinho along 180 m rocky shore, 83 individuals (51.2%) were healthy, 74 (45.7%) were intensively covered by cyanobacteria and locally bleached, and five (3.1%) were completely bleached or died. Desmapsamma anchorata population deterioration in a biogeographic transition zone (Rio de Janeiro state) may reflect a shift in the marine community of IGB, opening space for opportunistic species establishment and coverage increase, since IGB has a high species turnover. The three-dimensionality, the shelter for several species, the high competitive ability and the potential to indicate polluted or not polluted areas make D. anchorata a key species for IGB monitoring in a climate change scenario.
Golden mussel is an invasive species in Brazil which impacts local environments, dislocating nati... more Golden mussel is an invasive species in Brazil which impacts local environments, dislocating native species and altering microecological conditions as well as affecting hydroelectric power plants and water treatment systems. The objective of this research is to establish a method that is both effective and efficient to quantify the population of the Golden mussel in hydroelectric power plant reservoirs, with a focus on population control measures. A two-dimensional mathematical model was developed combining hydrodynamics and populational dynamics to simulate the distribution of mussels in a reservoir. The results showed that dam’s region was progressively infested, and after 18 months of simulation it has reached around 80% of its carrying capacity. The method proved to be satisfactory and the generated map of cluster locations for the golden mussel corresponds to field observations. Furthermore, the result of the algae density simulation matched chlorophyll-a density map obtained f...
Sponges (Porifera) are fundamental and dominant organisms of the coastal environments acting as n... more Sponges (Porifera) are fundamental and dominant organisms of the coastal environments acting as nutrients recyclers and ecological interactions. Ilha Grande Bay has a high diversity of marine organisms however its sponge fauna knowledge is still scarce. This study aimed to describe the sponge community structure of Ilha Grande and environs in relation to two factors: side (Continent x Ocean) and depth (3 m, 5 m and 8 m). Thirty squares of 2.500 cm 2 were randomly launched along a 30 m transect by depth in six localities. Each square was photographed, and the specimens were collected and identified ex situ . The coverage area (cm²) of each individual was estimated from the photos taken. General Linear Model (GLM) ANOVA was realized to identify significative differences to factors, and Cluster (Bray-Curtis similarity) and Multidimensional Scale (MDS) analyses were performed to demonstrate the assemblage organization. In total, 5.457 individuals were registered, comprising 41 species w...
Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (4... more Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (45.5%) for the non-indigenous species Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867 in the Brazilian coast. This ophiuroid is native to the Pacific Ocean but is spreading out in the Tropical Western Atlantic since 2000. Regarding this invasion, quantitative data is necessary to understand O. mirabilis threat. The aim of this study was to quantify the abundance of O. mirabilis on marine sponges along the Brazilian coast, and to evaluate the relationship of the non-indigenous species with sponge phenotypes, to test the hypothesis that this non-indigenous species prefers erect, irregular and yellowish sponges to facilitate attachment and camouflage. Epibiosis of O. mirabilis on sponges were photographed in 27 sites from Maranhão to Rio de Janeiro States, Brazil, and the abundance of sponges and ophiuroids on each sponge individual was counted. Only Bahia and Rio de Janeiro States presented an association, which was positively correlated (R² = 0.85, F = 36.16, p < 0.001) between sponges and ophiuroid mean abundances. No morphological trait was statistically chosen by O. mirabilis, but the null probabilistic model indicates Mycale (Zygomycale) angulosa (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) may be a preferred sponge basebiont. This first large-scale quantitative study indicates O. mirabilis may become a dangerous invader due to weak host preferences and efficient asexual reproduction strategy. This work can be used as a baseline template for monitoring and eradication programs, especially in Brazilian bays of high diversity and with human impact.
corals counted within photoquadrats. These in situ observations were used to assess four categori... more corals counted within photoquadrats. These in situ observations were used to assess four categories of interaction types. We did not find statistical differences in the benthic communities among locations and times. Turf forming algae and Palythoa caribaeorum represented 60-70% of the benthic community. The number and types of interactions between sponges and corals differed significantly among locations. The most common interaction was contact without dominance. Iotrochota arenosa and Scopalina ruetzleri were the most common sponge species competing with Tubastraea spp. Furthermore, Desmapsamma anchorata and I. arenosa were the main sponge species able to occasionally kill the invasive corals by overgrowth. However, the slow rate of overgrowth by sponges was not able to prevent the fast expansion of the non-indigenous corals. Hence, population studies on native and alien species may help predict the effects of biological invasion on local biodiversity.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a skeleto... more The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a skeleton devoid of microscleres, and with a deletion of a small loop of 15 base pairs in the secondary structure of the 28S rDNA as a molecular synapomorphy. Suberitida comprises three families and 26 genera distributed worldwide, but mostly in temperate and polar waters. Twenty species were reported along the entire Brazilian coast, and although the north-eastern coast of Brazil seems to harbour a rich sponge fauna, our current knowledge is concentrated along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. A survey was implemented along the northern coast of Brazil, and the collection allowed the identification of six species belonging to the Order Suberitida. Two of them are considered new to science: Suberites purpura sp. nov., Hymeniacidon upaonassu sp. nov., and four, Halichondria (Halichondria) marianae Santos, Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2018, Halichondria (H.) melanadocia de Laubenfels, 1936, Suberites au...
We evaluated the structural responses of marine sponge assemblages to different substrates as wel... more We evaluated the structural responses of marine sponge assemblages to different substrates as well as their positioning around Ilha Grande, a local hotspot of marine biodiversity sheltered in a bay area off Southeast Brazil. Sampling sites were distributed between sides of the island facing the continent (North) and ocean (South) across two depth-dependent substrates. As proved by ordination and permutation analyses, these two factors accounted for nearly half the variation observed among assemblages, either with species abundance or coverage area data. Out of 46 OTUs surveyed (* 3000 individuals), Tedania (Tedania) ignis, Scopalina ruetzleri, and Iotrochota arenosa dominated the community, even though most of the dissimilarity detected among assemblages relied on 20% of the OTUs. The northern side was proved as more diverse, and the south-facing side held more unspecific, putatively new OTUs. Assemblages dwelling on rocky-to-sandy interface bottoms were meager in species number, although they mainly included Dragmacidon reticulatum and the endemic Brazilian sponge Polymastia janeirensis. By highlighting struc-turing factors operating on Ilha Grande&#39;s sponge assemblage, we hope to support future monitoring surveys on an environment increasingly impacted by human activities over the years.
Um projeto de Extensão Universitária foi desenvolvido no ano de 2018 com o objetivo de fornecer c... more Um projeto de Extensão Universitária foi desenvolvido no ano de 2018 com o objetivo de fornecer conhecimento teórico e prático sobre assuntos relacionados à Biologia Marinha. Oito alunos adolescentes da turma de vela Básico Dingue 2 da ONG Projeto Grael, em Jurujuba, Niterói - Rio de Janeiro participaram das atividades teórico-práticas do projeto. Os alunos mostraram seu conhecimento prévio acerca do assunto, desenvolveram um experimento científico de bioincrustação in situ e produziram cartazes para demonstrar o conhecimento adquirido. De forma geral, o projeto foi executado com sucesso, pois teve um retorno positivo do público-alvo. Este projeto pode ser repetido com diferentes públicos e assim esperamos minimizar o distanciamento entre sociedade e Universidade, atingindo principalmente atuais e futuros profissionais do mar, através da troca de conhecimento teórico e prático sobre Biologia Marinha.
Background / Purpose: Biodiversity inventory of marine sponges from Ilha Grande Bay, Southeastern... more Background / Purpose: Biodiversity inventory of marine sponges from Ilha Grande Bay, Southeastern Atlantic. Main conclusion: Ilha Grande is a hotspot for marine sponge biodiversity in the southeastern Atlantic. New DNA sequences were produced for the Sponge Barcoding Project.
Morphological description of Suberitida, NE Brazil, 2020
The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a
skeleto... more The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a skeleton devoid of microscleres, and with a deletion of a small loop of 15 base pairs in the secondary structure of the 28S rDNA as a molecular synapomorphy. Suberitida comprises three families and 26 genera distributed worldwide, but mostly in temperate and polar waters. Twenty species were reported along the entire Brazilian coast, and although the north-eastern coast of Brazil seems to harbour a rich sponge fauna, our current knowledge is concentrated along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. A survey was implemented along the northern coast of Brazil, and the collection allowed the identification of six species belonging to the Order Suberitida. Two of them are considered new to science: Suberites purpura sp. nov., Hymeniacidon upaonassu sp. nov., and four, Halichondria (Halichondria) marianae Santos, Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2018, Halichondria (H.) melanadocia de Laubenfels, 1936, Suberites aurantiacus (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864), and Terpios fugax Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864, are re-described. Taxonomic comparisons are made for Tropical Western Atlantic species and type species of the four genera. Finally, an identification key for the Western Atlantic Suberites species is provided.
Epibiosis of sponges by the non-indigenous Ophiothela mirabilis, 2021
Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (4... more Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (45.5%) for the non-indigenous species Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867 in the Brazilian coast. This ophiuroid is native to the Pacific Ocean but is spreading out in the Tropical Western Atlantic since 2000. Regarding this invasion, quantitative data is necessary to understand O. mirabilis threat. The aim of this study was to quantify the abundance of O. mirabilis on marine sponges along the Brazilian coast, and to evaluate the relationship of the non-indigenous species with sponge phenotypes, to test the hypothesis that this non-indigenous species prefers erect, irregular and yellowish sponges to facilitate attachment and camouflage. Epibiosis of O. mirabilis on sponges were photographed in 27 sites from Maranhão to Rio de Janeiro States, Brazil, and the abundance of sponges and ophiuroids on each sponge individual was counted. Only Bahia and Rio de Janeiro States presented an association, which was positively correlated (R² = 0.85, F = 36.16, p < 0.001) between sponges and ophiuroid mean abundances. No morphological trait was statistically chosen by O. mirabilis, but the null probabilistic model indicates Mycale (Zygomycale) angulosa (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) may be a preferred sponge basebiont. This first large-scale quantitative study indicates O. mirabilis may become a dangerous invader due to weak host preferences and efficient asexual reproduction strategy. This work can be used as a baseline template for monitoring and eradication programs, especially in Brazilian bays of high diversity and with human impact.
Estudos de comunidades de esponjas marinhas são escassos no Brasil, sendo este trabalho pioneiro ... more Estudos de comunidades de esponjas marinhas são escassos no Brasil, sendo este trabalho pioneiro nessa abordagem para a Ilha Grande - RJ, um local de alta diversidade biológica. A estrutura das assembleias de esponjas marinhas e da comunidade bentônica marinha séssil foi avaliada, a partir de índices descritores de diversidade, em seis pontos da Ilha Grande e ilhas próximas, sendo três do lado continental e três do lado oceânico. As assembleias foram comparadas entre os diferentes lado e profundidade, através da contagem do número de indivíduos e área de cobertura por foto-quadrados. Paralelamente, as esponjas foram coletadas, fixadas e posteriormente identificadas através de metodologia e literatura especializada. Foi encontrado um total de 5.457 indivíduos, representando as Classes Demospongiae e Calcarea, distribuídos em 41 espécies e nove morfotipos, indicando maior diversidade para Lagoa Azul e menor para Parnaióca, sendo o local com maior riqueza a Ilha do Abraão. Dentre as es...
Reservoirs are aquatic environments with complex interactions between bio-chemical and physical c... more Reservoirs are aquatic environments with complex interactions between bio-chemical and physical components. Many of those parameters can be estimated from remote sensing tools, especially since increasing technological progress allows the analysis of those environments in high spatial and temporal resolutions. This work aimed to analyze the water quality of four reservoirs, with high energy productivity, located in the center-southern region of Brazil from bio-optical and thermal water parameters. Therefore, hundreds of Landsat 5 (TM), 7 (ETM+), and 8 (OLI) satellite images were processed by the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform to estimate water surface temperature, chlorophyll-a density (chl-a), Secchi depth (SD), and trophic state index (TSI). To calibrate the equations, 11 in situ monitoring points were used in 27 scenes from the TM and ETM+ sensors and 30 from the OLI sensor, within 6 days interval between the monitoring date and the image acquisition. Additionally, records from two weather stations near the reservoirs were analyzed to evaluate meteorological influences on water parameters. SD has influenced TSI in three reservoirs, while chl-a has acted as a proxy in only one. Moderate correlations were observed between air temperature, rainfall, and global radiation and the bio-optical and thermal water parameters. Remote sensing has detected a clear spatio-temporal variation, which allowed regionalizing the reservoirs. Reservoir regionalization based on the mapped parameters may be able not only to visualize the spatial dynamics of the waters but also as a tool for the management of water bodies with multiple users and issues.
IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Preliminary results of the mapping of the water quality of the Tres Irmaos HPP reservoir (SP) bet... more Preliminary results of the mapping of the water quality of the Tres Irmaos HPP reservoir (SP) between 2013 and 2021 are presented, based on Landsat-8 images. Contemporary methodologies were used to obtain values for chlorophyll-a density, Secchi depth, Trophic State Index and water surface temperature. The results obtained showed chlorophyll-a density values between 0.4 and 6.3μg/L, average Secchi depth of ~3.0m and water surface temperature between 13.7 and 32.8°C. This configuration culminated in an (ultra)oligotrophic environment. When comparing the estimated and measured values, a greater congruence of methods for measuring water surface temperature is noted.
Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza
A presença do invasor biológico conhecido como mexilhão dourado se apresenta como uma importante ... more A presença do invasor biológico conhecido como mexilhão dourado se apresenta como uma importante ameaça ao funcionamento de hidroelétricas por se acumular nas estruturas comprometendo seu funcionamento. Neste estudo, propomos um modelo matemático para a dinâmica de crescimento da espécie no reservatório de Jupiá-SP. Os resultados evidenciaram o processo de infestação a partir da saída do rio Tietê e avançando gradativamente pela região, atingindo áreas que merecem atenção. O estudo, portanto, tem potencial para colaborar com o planejamento de ações de controle da infestação na região.
Frequent heat waves and mass mortality events on marine biota are positively correlated to ocean ... more Frequent heat waves and mass mortality events on marine biota are positively correlated to ocean warming. Although literature has indicated some species of marine sponges, and some oceanic regions, like the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone, may be less affected or seem to be more resilient under future scenarios of climate changes, few studies have focused on the species responses on the climate change issue along Brazilian coast. This paradigm was undone throughout 2019 after an exceptional average increase of 2 °C in the sea surface temperature (SST) and on precipitation values since 2015 at Ilha Grande Bay (IGB, SE Brazil). The combination of SST and precipitation average increase possibly favored an environmental context for the unprecedented strong population decline and mass mortality rate of the marine sponge species Desmapsamma anchorata in the austral spring. The species used to be one of the most frequent benthic species at IGB however it was only recorded in 41.7% sites (n = 12). From 162 individuals recorded at Abraãozinho along 180 m rocky shore, 83 individuals (51.2%) were healthy, 74 (45.7%) were intensively covered by cyanobacteria and locally bleached, and five (3.1%) were completely bleached or died. Desmapsamma anchorata population deterioration in a biogeographic transition zone (Rio de Janeiro state) may reflect a shift in the marine community of IGB, opening space for opportunistic species establishment and coverage increase, since IGB has a high species turnover. The three-dimensionality, the shelter for several species, the high competitive ability and the potential to indicate polluted or not polluted areas make D. anchorata a key species for IGB monitoring in a climate change scenario.
Golden mussel is an invasive species in Brazil which impacts local environments, dislocating nati... more Golden mussel is an invasive species in Brazil which impacts local environments, dislocating native species and altering microecological conditions as well as affecting hydroelectric power plants and water treatment systems. The objective of this research is to establish a method that is both effective and efficient to quantify the population of the Golden mussel in hydroelectric power plant reservoirs, with a focus on population control measures. A two-dimensional mathematical model was developed combining hydrodynamics and populational dynamics to simulate the distribution of mussels in a reservoir. The results showed that dam’s region was progressively infested, and after 18 months of simulation it has reached around 80% of its carrying capacity. The method proved to be satisfactory and the generated map of cluster locations for the golden mussel corresponds to field observations. Furthermore, the result of the algae density simulation matched chlorophyll-a density map obtained f...
Sponges (Porifera) are fundamental and dominant organisms of the coastal environments acting as n... more Sponges (Porifera) are fundamental and dominant organisms of the coastal environments acting as nutrients recyclers and ecological interactions. Ilha Grande Bay has a high diversity of marine organisms however its sponge fauna knowledge is still scarce. This study aimed to describe the sponge community structure of Ilha Grande and environs in relation to two factors: side (Continent x Ocean) and depth (3 m, 5 m and 8 m). Thirty squares of 2.500 cm 2 were randomly launched along a 30 m transect by depth in six localities. Each square was photographed, and the specimens were collected and identified ex situ . The coverage area (cm²) of each individual was estimated from the photos taken. General Linear Model (GLM) ANOVA was realized to identify significative differences to factors, and Cluster (Bray-Curtis similarity) and Multidimensional Scale (MDS) analyses were performed to demonstrate the assemblage organization. In total, 5.457 individuals were registered, comprising 41 species w...
Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (4... more Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (45.5%) for the non-indigenous species Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867 in the Brazilian coast. This ophiuroid is native to the Pacific Ocean but is spreading out in the Tropical Western Atlantic since 2000. Regarding this invasion, quantitative data is necessary to understand O. mirabilis threat. The aim of this study was to quantify the abundance of O. mirabilis on marine sponges along the Brazilian coast, and to evaluate the relationship of the non-indigenous species with sponge phenotypes, to test the hypothesis that this non-indigenous species prefers erect, irregular and yellowish sponges to facilitate attachment and camouflage. Epibiosis of O. mirabilis on sponges were photographed in 27 sites from Maranhão to Rio de Janeiro States, Brazil, and the abundance of sponges and ophiuroids on each sponge individual was counted. Only Bahia and Rio de Janeiro States presented an association, which was positively correlated (R² = 0.85, F = 36.16, p < 0.001) between sponges and ophiuroid mean abundances. No morphological trait was statistically chosen by O. mirabilis, but the null probabilistic model indicates Mycale (Zygomycale) angulosa (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) may be a preferred sponge basebiont. This first large-scale quantitative study indicates O. mirabilis may become a dangerous invader due to weak host preferences and efficient asexual reproduction strategy. This work can be used as a baseline template for monitoring and eradication programs, especially in Brazilian bays of high diversity and with human impact.
corals counted within photoquadrats. These in situ observations were used to assess four categori... more corals counted within photoquadrats. These in situ observations were used to assess four categories of interaction types. We did not find statistical differences in the benthic communities among locations and times. Turf forming algae and Palythoa caribaeorum represented 60-70% of the benthic community. The number and types of interactions between sponges and corals differed significantly among locations. The most common interaction was contact without dominance. Iotrochota arenosa and Scopalina ruetzleri were the most common sponge species competing with Tubastraea spp. Furthermore, Desmapsamma anchorata and I. arenosa were the main sponge species able to occasionally kill the invasive corals by overgrowth. However, the slow rate of overgrowth by sponges was not able to prevent the fast expansion of the non-indigenous corals. Hence, population studies on native and alien species may help predict the effects of biological invasion on local biodiversity.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a skeleto... more The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a skeleton devoid of microscleres, and with a deletion of a small loop of 15 base pairs in the secondary structure of the 28S rDNA as a molecular synapomorphy. Suberitida comprises three families and 26 genera distributed worldwide, but mostly in temperate and polar waters. Twenty species were reported along the entire Brazilian coast, and although the north-eastern coast of Brazil seems to harbour a rich sponge fauna, our current knowledge is concentrated along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. A survey was implemented along the northern coast of Brazil, and the collection allowed the identification of six species belonging to the Order Suberitida. Two of them are considered new to science: Suberites purpura sp. nov., Hymeniacidon upaonassu sp. nov., and four, Halichondria (Halichondria) marianae Santos, Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2018, Halichondria (H.) melanadocia de Laubenfels, 1936, Suberites au...
We evaluated the structural responses of marine sponge assemblages to different substrates as wel... more We evaluated the structural responses of marine sponge assemblages to different substrates as well as their positioning around Ilha Grande, a local hotspot of marine biodiversity sheltered in a bay area off Southeast Brazil. Sampling sites were distributed between sides of the island facing the continent (North) and ocean (South) across two depth-dependent substrates. As proved by ordination and permutation analyses, these two factors accounted for nearly half the variation observed among assemblages, either with species abundance or coverage area data. Out of 46 OTUs surveyed (* 3000 individuals), Tedania (Tedania) ignis, Scopalina ruetzleri, and Iotrochota arenosa dominated the community, even though most of the dissimilarity detected among assemblages relied on 20% of the OTUs. The northern side was proved as more diverse, and the south-facing side held more unspecific, putatively new OTUs. Assemblages dwelling on rocky-to-sandy interface bottoms were meager in species number, although they mainly included Dragmacidon reticulatum and the endemic Brazilian sponge Polymastia janeirensis. By highlighting struc-turing factors operating on Ilha Grande&#39;s sponge assemblage, we hope to support future monitoring surveys on an environment increasingly impacted by human activities over the years.
Um projeto de Extensão Universitária foi desenvolvido no ano de 2018 com o objetivo de fornecer c... more Um projeto de Extensão Universitária foi desenvolvido no ano de 2018 com o objetivo de fornecer conhecimento teórico e prático sobre assuntos relacionados à Biologia Marinha. Oito alunos adolescentes da turma de vela Básico Dingue 2 da ONG Projeto Grael, em Jurujuba, Niterói - Rio de Janeiro participaram das atividades teórico-práticas do projeto. Os alunos mostraram seu conhecimento prévio acerca do assunto, desenvolveram um experimento científico de bioincrustação in situ e produziram cartazes para demonstrar o conhecimento adquirido. De forma geral, o projeto foi executado com sucesso, pois teve um retorno positivo do público-alvo. Este projeto pode ser repetido com diferentes públicos e assim esperamos minimizar o distanciamento entre sociedade e Universidade, atingindo principalmente atuais e futuros profissionais do mar, através da troca de conhecimento teórico e prático sobre Biologia Marinha.
Background / Purpose: Biodiversity inventory of marine sponges from Ilha Grande Bay, Southeastern... more Background / Purpose: Biodiversity inventory of marine sponges from Ilha Grande Bay, Southeastern Atlantic. Main conclusion: Ilha Grande is a hotspot for marine sponge biodiversity in the southeastern Atlantic. New DNA sequences were produced for the Sponge Barcoding Project.
Morphological description of Suberitida, NE Brazil, 2020
The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a
skeleto... more The Order Suberitida is defined as a group of marine sponges without an obvious cortex, a skeleton devoid of microscleres, and with a deletion of a small loop of 15 base pairs in the secondary structure of the 28S rDNA as a molecular synapomorphy. Suberitida comprises three families and 26 genera distributed worldwide, but mostly in temperate and polar waters. Twenty species were reported along the entire Brazilian coast, and although the north-eastern coast of Brazil seems to harbour a rich sponge fauna, our current knowledge is concentrated along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. A survey was implemented along the northern coast of Brazil, and the collection allowed the identification of six species belonging to the Order Suberitida. Two of them are considered new to science: Suberites purpura sp. nov., Hymeniacidon upaonassu sp. nov., and four, Halichondria (Halichondria) marianae Santos, Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2018, Halichondria (H.) melanadocia de Laubenfels, 1936, Suberites aurantiacus (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864), and Terpios fugax Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864, are re-described. Taxonomic comparisons are made for Tropical Western Atlantic species and type species of the four genera. Finally, an identification key for the Western Atlantic Suberites species is provided.
Epibiosis of sponges by the non-indigenous Ophiothela mirabilis, 2021
Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (4... more Sponges are normally considered as living hotels and they have been the most common basebionts (45.5%) for the non-indigenous species Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867 in the Brazilian coast. This ophiuroid is native to the Pacific Ocean but is spreading out in the Tropical Western Atlantic since 2000. Regarding this invasion, quantitative data is necessary to understand O. mirabilis threat. The aim of this study was to quantify the abundance of O. mirabilis on marine sponges along the Brazilian coast, and to evaluate the relationship of the non-indigenous species with sponge phenotypes, to test the hypothesis that this non-indigenous species prefers erect, irregular and yellowish sponges to facilitate attachment and camouflage. Epibiosis of O. mirabilis on sponges were photographed in 27 sites from Maranhão to Rio de Janeiro States, Brazil, and the abundance of sponges and ophiuroids on each sponge individual was counted. Only Bahia and Rio de Janeiro States presented an association, which was positively correlated (R² = 0.85, F = 36.16, p < 0.001) between sponges and ophiuroid mean abundances. No morphological trait was statistically chosen by O. mirabilis, but the null probabilistic model indicates Mycale (Zygomycale) angulosa (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) may be a preferred sponge basebiont. This first large-scale quantitative study indicates O. mirabilis may become a dangerous invader due to weak host preferences and efficient asexual reproduction strategy. This work can be used as a baseline template for monitoring and eradication programs, especially in Brazilian bays of high diversity and with human impact.
Papers by Humberto Fortunato
skeleton devoid of microscleres, and with a deletion of a small loop of 15 base pairs in the
secondary structure of the 28S rDNA as a molecular synapomorphy. Suberitida comprises
three families and 26 genera distributed worldwide, but mostly in temperate and polar waters.
Twenty species were reported along the entire Brazilian coast, and although the north-eastern
coast of Brazil seems to harbour a rich sponge fauna, our current knowledge is concentrated
along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. A survey was implemented along the northern
coast of Brazil, and the collection allowed the identification of six species belonging to the
Order Suberitida. Two of them are considered new to science: Suberites purpura sp. nov.,
Hymeniacidon upaonassu sp. nov., and four, Halichondria (Halichondria) marianae Santos,
Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2018, Halichondria (H.) melanadocia de Laubenfels, 1936,
Suberites aurantiacus (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864), and Terpios fugax Duchassaing &
Michelotti, 1864, are re-described. Taxonomic comparisons are made for Tropical Western
Atlantic species and type species of the four genera. Finally, an identification key for the
Western Atlantic Suberites species is provided.
skeleton devoid of microscleres, and with a deletion of a small loop of 15 base pairs in the
secondary structure of the 28S rDNA as a molecular synapomorphy. Suberitida comprises
three families and 26 genera distributed worldwide, but mostly in temperate and polar waters.
Twenty species were reported along the entire Brazilian coast, and although the north-eastern
coast of Brazil seems to harbour a rich sponge fauna, our current knowledge is concentrated
along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. A survey was implemented along the northern
coast of Brazil, and the collection allowed the identification of six species belonging to the
Order Suberitida. Two of them are considered new to science: Suberites purpura sp. nov.,
Hymeniacidon upaonassu sp. nov., and four, Halichondria (Halichondria) marianae Santos,
Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2018, Halichondria (H.) melanadocia de Laubenfels, 1936,
Suberites aurantiacus (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864), and Terpios fugax Duchassaing &
Michelotti, 1864, are re-described. Taxonomic comparisons are made for Tropical Western
Atlantic species and type species of the four genera. Finally, an identification key for the
Western Atlantic Suberites species is provided.