conferences by Norihiro Watanabe
A numerical scheme coupling TOUGH2 and the hydro-mechanical simulator OpenGeoSys is used to evalu... more A numerical scheme coupling TOUGH2 and the hydro-mechanical simulator OpenGeoSys is used to evaluate the deformations and in situ stress changes induced by CO2 injection at a potential storage site located in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB). Scenario analysis shows that under the given assumptions the vertical displacement of the reservoir is negligible and significant changes in the recent stress field are limited to the surrounding of the injection well. The undertaken assessment is generally representative for CO2 storage in the NEGB. However, simulation results suggest that a larger modeling area needs to be considered to avoid boundary effects. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Papers by Norihiro Watanabe

Computers & Geosciences, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper, we compare three exploitation strategies for the deep geothermal system o... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we compare three exploitation strategies for the deep geothermal system of Groß Schönebeck in the North German Basin. Investigating optimum reservoir designs is one of the key issues for efficient and sustainable utilization of geothermal resource. With this objective we simulate the hydraulic-thermal coupled subsurface processes related to the provision of geothermal energy. The presented application including, visualization, mesh generation and numerical simulation is based on open source software. The numerical investigations of the three exploitation concepts take into account all geological layers, major natural fault zones, hydraulic fractures, geothermal wells and related hydraulic-thermal coupled processes. In the current exploitation concept, the fluid flows through the rock matrix between the injection and the production well (matrix dominated). The related numerical model is compared and calibrated to available field data. Then, the model is used to investigate two alternative stimulation concepts. All three concepts were evaluated taking into account the evolution of the production temperature as well as the hydraulic conductivity between production and injection well. As an alternative to the current situation, a fracture dominated system is investigated where the fluid flows through hydraulically induced fractures between injection and production well. Compared to the reference model, a twofold increase in productivity could be observed together with a significantly reduced time before the onset of a thermal breakthrough. The second alternative is a hybrid concept combining both matrix and fracture-dominated flow paths between the production and the injection well. We show that this hybrid approach could significantly increase the reservoir productivity and prolongs the time before the onset of thermal breakthrough.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2012
... Additional Information. How to Cite. Watanabe, N., Wang, W., Taron, J., Görke, UJ and Kolditz... more ... Additional Information. How to Cite. Watanabe, N., Wang, W., Taron, J., Görke, UJ and Kolditz, O. (2012), Lower-dimensional interface elements with local enrichment: application to coupled hydro-mechanical problems in discretely fractured porous media. Int. J. Numer. Meth. ...
Terrestrial Environmental Sciences, 2014
Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society, 2008
Numerical analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled finite element problems in fractured or por... more Numerical analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled finite element problems in fractured or porous media involves significant computational resources and parallel computing is a way to enable the use of the necessary computer power of SMP machines ...
Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society, 2009

In this paper we present an uncertainty analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupled process... more In this paper we present an uncertainty analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupled processes in a typical geothermal reservoir in crystalline rock. Fracture and matrix are treated conceptually as an equivalent porous medium, and the model is applied to available data from the Urach Spa and Falkenberg sites (Germany). The finite element method (FEM) is used for the numerical analysis of fully coupled THM processes, including thermal water flow, advective-diffusive heat transport, and thermoelasticity. Non-linearity in system behavior is introduced via temperature and pressure dependent fluid properties. Reservoir parameters are considered as spatially random variables and their realizations are generated using conditional Gaussian simulation. The related Monte-Carlo analysis of the coupled THM problem is computationally very expensive. To enhance computational efficiency, the parallel FEM based on domain decomposition technology using message passing interface (MPI) is utilized to conduct the numerous simulations. In the numerical analysis we considered two reservoir
245 5 Geothermal Reservoir Simulation Olaf Kolditz, Mando Guido Blocher, Christoph Clauser, Hans-... more 245 5 Geothermal Reservoir Simulation Olaf Kolditz, Mando Guido Blocher, Christoph Clauser, Hans-Jorg G. Diersch, Thomas Kohl, Michael Kuhn ... 13 m2) was determined by laboratory experiments on core samples from of the Elbe basis sandstone (Trautwein and Huenges ...
In order to show the impacts of natural internal fault zones and well design on geothermal energy... more In order to show the impacts of natural internal fault zones and well design on geothermal energy production, two main deep geothermal reservoir sites in Germany, Groß Schönebeck (GrSk) and Berlin Tempelhof which are part of the North German Basin (NGB) are investigated. Groß Schönebeck is located at about 40km away from the Berlin centre whereas Berlin Tempelhof is situated in the south-central Berlin.
ABSTRACT Fluid sloshing in containers is modeled using a finite element formulation previously pr... more ABSTRACT Fluid sloshing in containers is modeled using a finite element formulation previously proposed by the authors for problems with moderate motions [1], extending in this work its application to arbitrarily large rotations and small deformations relative to a floating frame of reference moving with the fluid. This novel approach is used to investigate the coupling effects originated by the incidence of environmental sea waves on rigid floating vessels with internal flexible structural parts and fluids oscillating inside rigid or flexible tanks.

Characterization of the earth's subsurface involves the construction of 3D models from sparse dat... more Characterization of the earth's subsurface involves the construction of 3D models from sparse data and so leads to simulation results that involve some degree of uncertainty. This uncertainty is often neglected in the subsequent visualization, due to the fact that no established methods or available software exist. We describe a visualization method to render scalar fields with a probability density function at each data point. We render these data as isosurfaces and make use of a colour scheme, which intuitively gives the viewer an idea of which parts of the surface are more reliable than others. We further show how to extract an envelope that indicates within which volume the isosurface will lie with a certain confidence, and augment the isosurfaces with additional geometry in order to show this information. The resulting visualization is easy and intuitive to understand and is suitable for rendering multiple distinguishable isosurfaces at a time. It can moreover be easily used together with other visualized objects, such as the geological context. Finally we show how we have integrated this into a visualization pipeline that is based on the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and the open source scenegraph OpenSG, allowing us to render the results on a desktop and in different kinds of virtual environments.
conferences by Norihiro Watanabe
Papers by Norihiro Watanabe