Univerzitet Goce Delcev
This paper focuses on the themes that we meet in children's literature and that are familiar to children, which support children's fantasy, their play, their needs for love and friendship. It is almost the same in children's literature... more
Оваа монографија всушност претставува научен труд, кој се занимава со проучување на современите начини за толкување на литературата за деца. Во неа се содржани одговорите за тоа што е потребно едно литературно дело „да му се случи “на... more
Music, dance, sports, painting, architecture and, of course, literature are forms of communication, which on one side allow connecting with the past, and, on the other hand, the past can help us to distinguish contemporary needs and... more
Za knigata Freski i groteski od Venko Andonovski, se~ ini deka e najumesno da se tolkuva od aspekt na negovata postapka za gradewe na tekstot, odnosno vo svetlinata na postmodernizmot, so ogled na transparentnite svojstva {to se... more
The modern teacher has been described as a teacher „tailored to the student‟ for a long time. This means that the teacher‟ s efforts as an individual as well as an important cell in the overall educational curriculum are directed towards... more
Communicative methodologies that emerged in the 1970s stress the importance of using authentic materials and activities in the classroom in order to help students achieve communicative competence that will enable them to use the language... more
Learning outcomes represent one of the essential building blocks for transparency within higher education systems and qualifications. All aspects of their application were examined in the context of Bologna developments. Learning outcomes... more
Abstract: The educational curriculum, understood in the broadest sense, is part of the wheel of human life, or the so-called curriculum vitae.
As a participant in the project in which there are seven partner universities from England, Poland, Slovenia and Macedonia and which is supported by the European Union, with this study I will try to gain an insight into the way of... more
Music, dance, sports, painting, architecture and, of course, literature are forms of communication, which on one side allow connecting with the past, and, on the other hand, the past can help us to distinguish contemporary needs and... more
Modern world trends in education that are due to the major socio-economic changes and the fast technical and technological development that had not been experienced since the invention of the Gutenberg printing press, imposed the... more
Children's literature can contribute to the creation and nurturing of humanistic feelings at children and young people. This feeling can be developed and nurtured by creating a sense of caring and ethical treatment of animals and the... more