The Privileged Fund is used to financing five affairs, namely, spatial planning, land, culture, i... more The Privileged Fund is used to financing five affairs, namely, spatial planning, land, culture, institutions and procedures for filling the positions with governor and vice governor. Various problems such as low participation, institutional problems and the interests of local authorities were identified as the cause of the Privileged Fund not being able to increase welfare. This study looks at the hegemonic perspective to show the consolidation of the ruling class since the promulgation of the Privileged Law until its implementation has an impact on the inability of the community to control the Privileged Fund. This study is a qualitative research with a case study approach. Data was collected through documentation techniques, in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Data analysis was carried out starting from extracting the problem to drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the mass action that emerged in support of the Privileged Law did not originate from the aspirations of the citizens, but rather a form of the success of the local ruling class in strengthening the social base. The hegemony of the ruling class plays important roles in preventing the growth of critical awareness from the grassroots community and inhibits organic intellectuals from overseeing the Privileged Fund. Organic intellectuals have not been able to build alternative education and build movement alliances. The ruling class is able to mobilize resources and government structures to keep up its hegemony in the use of the Privileged Fund in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) believe that the government's stuttering in handling the COVID-19 ... more Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) believe that the government's stuttering in handling the COVID-19 pandemic trigger policy conflicts between government officials and at the society level. Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) view that strengthening leadership and coördination are important steps to prevent widespread policy conflicts. However, in using the PCF framework, Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) forgot to place the policy conflict on what level was the political system, policy subsystem or policy action? We use literature review to explore COVID-19 policy in Indonesia. We offer the ACF framework to look further with existing features and find that there are two core competing beliefs in the COVID-19 policy handling subsystem, namely the drive to safeguard the economy that the central government believes in and insistence on handling the outbreak seriously from a coalition of people, scientists and media. Cross-coalition policy learning did not take place, even though the COVID-19 Task Force had a role as a broker to bring together the core beliefs of each coalition. The government made adjustments to encourage policy changes that were consistent with its core beliefs, despite changes in public opinion and changes in members of the government coalition.
Kajian ini mendalami terkait upaya pelibatan institusi militer dalam mobilisasi petani untuk menc... more Kajian ini mendalami terkait upaya pelibatan institusi militer dalam mobilisasi petani untuk mencapai peningkatan produktivitas pangan melalui program Upsus Pajale. Program tersebut menjadi upaya dari Presiden Joko Widodo untuk melibatkan tentara, demi mencapai swasembada pangan pada tahun 2017. Studi ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan strategi studi kasus pada pelaksanaan program Upsus Pajale di Kabupaten Sleman pada tahun 2015-2017. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam, teknik dokumentasi, dan triangulasi. Berbeda dengan studi sebelumnya yang melihat bahwa peran militer dalam program pangan disebabkan oleh faktor doktrin dan kelembagaan militer, hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran otoritas politik dalam menerjemahkan kebijakan pangan sebagai bagian dari sektor pertahanan telah memberikan ruang bagi militer terlibat pada program pangan. Adanya Reformasi tahun 1998 yang mendorong penataan internal angkatan bersenjata tidak lantas menghilangkan peran militer dalam program pangan sebagai konsekuensi dari tafsiran otoritas politik mengenai ancaman internal pertahanan dan keamanan. Kehidupan petani kembali berada pada subordinasi militer yang menjadi alat penguasa untuk menyukseskan peningkatan produksi pertanian melalui program Upsus Pajale.
The principle of sustainability on commodity certif ication such as RSPO and ISPO include acknow... more The principle of sustainability on commodity certif ication such as RSPO and ISPO include acknowledgement and protection of indigenous people's right. Membership in these schemes however didn't prevent some members companies from grabbing indigenous people's land. This study then try to understand the limitation of RSPO and ISPO to prevent its members involvement in land grabbing act. The paper use the method of literature review. Due to time restriction and research focus, the review is being limited on literature that can explain how far those certif ication could prevented land grabbing. The result of the study divided to three section: institutional, the provision implementation in RSPO depend on voluntary act of its members companies and provision in ISPO limited on the issues of conflict resolution and compensation but not the involvement of indigenous people, agency, RSPO faced with the domination of multinational companies that made indigenous people, NGO who represented their interest, and local producers as minority while ISPO faced with the problems of sectoral ego and overlap between government agencies; and political economy, where consideration must be given to the power and interest of actors such as state, elites, companies, and even auditor on certif ication process and plantation expansion.
This study will explore the production approach of the food security regime in Indonesia, which i... more This study will explore the production approach of the food security regime in Indonesia, which increasingly marginalized peasant during the COVID-19 pandemic. The production approach emphasizes the role of global governance by encouraging trade liberalization and the large role of corporations to control the supply chain from upstream to downstream creating vulnerability to peasant. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decline in market share of peasant agricultural products due to the closure of the wholesale market that supplies hotels and restaurants. The results of the study show that government policy during the COVID-19 pandemic increasingly benefited food corporations by easing operating hours for modern retailers and fixing selling prices that benefited corporations. Meanwhile, peasant are increasingly marginalized during the Corona virus outbreak in the operation of the food security regime with restrictions on the operation of traditional markets, price adjustments at the farm level, and the involvement of agribusiness application companies that are envisaged to help marketing, but in reality do not necessarily give selling prices which is beneficial due to the low bargaining power of peasant.
This study explores the ocean grabbing phenomenon that arises as a result of the reclamation proj... more This study explores the ocean grabbing phenomenon that arises as a result of the reclamation project undertaken to facilitate the expansion of urban capital. The case of reclamation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia is taken to be compared with the consideration of the method of spending and facilitation on urban capital investment through the reclamation project. The need for new land which has become the culprit of the reclamation project will be explored about the impact it has had on the socio-ecological crisis that coastal communities must suffer. This study is a literature review carried out by tracing research reports, journal articles, and online media coverage related to the problem being examined. This study was carried out by borrowing the definition of ocean grabbing made by Bennett, Govan, and Satterfield and the criteria they made to show socio-ecological crises arising in coastal communities due to the reclamation project. The results of the study show that reclamation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia pose serious ocean grabbing problems. First, reclamation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia have poor governance. Minimal public participation and inadequate planning are a way for the facilitation of urban capital expansion in the reclamation project. Second, the reclamation project has worsened the living conditions of coastal communities due to loss of catchment area, decreased income, and deprived the community of its living space. Third, the reclamation project has caused damage to the ecosystem which has broken the balance of the environment in marine waters. Abstrak: Kajian ini mendalami fenomena ocean grabbing yang muncul akibat proyek reklamasi yang dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi ekspansi modal. Kasus proyek reklamasi di Indonesia dan Malaysia diambil untuk diperbandingkan dengan melihat metode pengurugan dan upaya memfasilitasi investasi perkotaan dalam proyek reklamasi. Kebutuhan lahan baru yang menjadi biang keladi dari proyek reklamasi akan didalami mengenai dampak yang ditimbulkannya pada krisis sosio-ekologis yang harus diderita masyarakat pesisir. Studi ini adalah kajian pustaka yang dilakukan dengan menelusuri laporan penelitian, artikel jurnal, dan pemberitaan media daring yang terkait dengan persoalan yang dikaji. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan meminjam pendefinisian ocean grabbing yang dibuat oleh Bennett, Govan, dan Satterfield serta kriteria yang mereka buat untuk mengidentifikasi krisis sosio-ekologis yang muncul di masyarakat pesisir akibat proyek reklamasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa proyek reklamasi di Indonesia dan Malaysia menimbulkan masalah ocean grabbing secara serius. Pertama, proyek reklamasi di Indonesia dan Malaysia memiliki tata kelola yang buruk. Partisipasi publik yang minim dan perencanaan tidak memadai menjadi jalan bagi fasilitasi ekspansi modal dalam proyek reklamasi. Kedua, proyek reklamasi telah memperburuk keadaan kehidupan masyarakat pesisir akibat hilangnya daerah tangkapan, penurunan pendapatan, dan mencerabut komunitas dari ruang hidupnya.
The state has made various efforts to protect the lives of wild animals from the risk of illegal ... more The state has made various efforts to protect the lives of wild animals from the risk of illegal trade. Various regulations starting from the CITES convention have been ratified and followed up with various other regulations. Although, a series of efforts have been made to protect wild animals from extinction, but animal trade continues. This study explores how the commodification of wild animals carried out by the state since its habitat causes the life of animals threatened. This research is a desk study conducted by tracking secondary data from environmental organization monitoring reports, government reports, journal articles, online media related to the topic being studied. The results of the study show that the forest territorial initiation process carried out by the state through species control, unilateral determination of forest area boundaries and formal control through various institutions and regulations actually causes wild animals and their habitats to be threatened by economic exploitation efforts. Residents around the territorial forest that were affected by territoriality were forced to become hunters to make a living. The state apparatus also cannot be separated in taking advantage of opportunities to be involved in hunting wild animals. Illegal hunting is a supplier for the trade in wild animals involving various modes of sale. The lives of wild animals have truly been threatened by making them commodities. The food chain has changed by making economic rents the main predator for wildlife.
The Indonesia Government has taken various measures to counter the European Union's policies whic... more The Indonesia Government has taken various measures to counter the European Union's policies which are considered will harmful the efforts to increase palm oil exports. However, the efforts of the Indonesian government to maintain the image of the palm oil commodity considered a hiding act from animal and human conflicts. One of which arises from the expansion of oil palm plantations. This study would explore the outbreak of animal and human conflicts affected by the expansion of oil palm plantations due to the ambition of increasing palm oil export. This research was a desk study conducted by tracing various journal articles, reports of oil palm plantation guard organizations, reports of civil society organizations related to deforestation of oil palm expansion and various reports of civil society organizations about cases between animal and human conflict. The results of the study showed that there had been a misunderstanding in understanding the European Union's decision, which would not impact on the decline in palm oil exports. Sustainable palm oil governance is not well implemented by oil palm companies and the Indonesian Government so that marginalizing animal life. The intensity of animal-human conflict continues to occur in various areas of oil palm concessions that lead to the threat wild animal life.
Abstrak Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 mengamanatkan wilayah kawasan hutan menja... more Abstrak Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 mengamanatkan wilayah kawasan hutan menjadi dua bagian, yakni hutan hak dan hutan negara. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut mulai dilaksanakan pada masa Joko Widodo mulai menjabat pada tahun 2014. Joko Widodo melalui janji politiknya berusaha mengakui eksistensi hutan adat lewat pelaksanaan kebijakan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012. Akan tetapi, sampai dengan berakhirnya masa jabatan Joko Widodo pada tahun 2019, realisasi pengakuan hutan adat cenderung stagnan. Bahkan, pasca terpilihnya kembali Joko Widodo pada tahun 2019, perencanaan pembangunan yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan hutan adat semakin berkurang. Kajian ini ingin melihat proses perubahan kebijakan pelaksanaan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 pasca pemilu tahun 2014 dan 2019 yang akan memperlihatkan tarik-menarik kepentingan koalisi penguasa di lingkaran Joko Widodo dengan koalisi masyarakat sipil yang fokus pada pengawalan masyarakat hukum adat. Kajian ini adalah desk study yang dilakukan dengan menelusuri artikel jurnal, dokumen pemerintahan, laporan berbagai organisasi masyarakat sipil yang terkait dengan pengawalan isu masyarakat adat. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komitmen kepemimpinan Joko Widodo untuk melaksanakan kebijakan pengakuan atas hutan adat stagnan baik pasca pemilu tahun 2014 dan 2019 akibat koalisi penguasa cenderung mendominasi proses perubahan kebijakan. Pengakuan terhadap hutan adat terhambat dengan koalisi penguasa lingkaran Joko Widodo yang juga terkait dengan kepentingan ekonomi yang meminggirkan pengakuan hutan adat.
Transmigration has been related to efforts to boost food productivity. During the New Order era, ... more Transmigration has been related to efforts to boost food productivity. During the New Order era, transmigration was promoted in order to create cheap labor on large government-owned plantations. After the New Order period, transmigration was once again made to support food program initiated through food estate project. This study wants to explore the paradox of the process of modernization of large-scale agriculture through a food estate project which turned out causing negative impacts for transmigrant farmers and local residents. This research is a literature study carried out by searching research reports, government documents, journal articles, and news from various media concerning the implementation of food estate. Data analysis was carried out through several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, verif ication and conclusion drawing. This study has discovered how the large-scale agricultural modernization projects in Merauke and Bulungan is not an effort to support food security, but merely a broad-scale agribusiness expansion. The implementation of transmigration, basically, only serves as a support to ease the agribusiness expansion that takes place in Merauke and Bulungan. This study has proven the condition of food insecurity that must be faced by transmigrant farmers & local residents affected by the project. Intisari: Transmigrasi selama ini terkait dengan upaya menggenjot produktivitas pangan. Pada masa Orde Baru, transmigrasi digalakkan dengan untuk menjadikan transmigran sebagai tenaga kerja murah di perkebunan besar milik pemerintah. Setelah masa Orde Baru berakhir, transmigrasi dijadikan lagi sebagai penopang program pangan dengan dicetuskannya proyek food estate. Kajian ini ingin mendalami paradoks dari proses modernisasi pertanian skala luas melalui proyek food estate yang justru menyebabkan dampak negatif bagi petani transmigran dan penduduk lokal. Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur yang dilakukan dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap laporan penelitian, dokumen pemerintahan, artikel jurnal, dan berita dari berbagai media yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan food estate. Analisis data dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yakni reduksi data, penyajian data, verif ikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kajian ini telah menemukan bagaimana proyek modernisasi pertanian dalam skala luas di Merauke dan Bulungan bukanlah usaha menjaga ketahanan pangan, melainkan semata ekspansi agribisnis dalam skala luas. Penyelenggaraan transmigrasi pada dasarnya hanya menjadi penopang untuk memfasilitasi ekspansi agribisnis yang terjadi di Merauke dan Bulungan. Kajian ini telah membuktikan kondisi kerawanan pangan yang harus dihadapi petani transmigran & penduduk lokal terdampak proyek. Kata Kunci: Transmigrasi, Food Estate, Modernisasi Pertanian. BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan
The Privileged Fund is used to financing five affairs, namely, spatial planning, land, culture, i... more The Privileged Fund is used to financing five affairs, namely, spatial planning, land, culture, institutions and procedures for filling the positions with governor and vice governor. Various problems such as low participation, institutional problems and the interests of local authorities were identified as the cause of the Privileged Fund not being able to increase welfare. This study looks at the hegemonic perspective to show the consolidation of the ruling class since the promulgation of the Privileged Law until its implementation has an impact on the inability of the community to control the Privileged Fund. This study is a qualitative research with a case study approach. Data was collected through documentation techniques, in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Data analysis was carried out starting from extracting the problem to drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the mass action that emerged in support of the Privileged Law did not originate from the aspirations of the citizens, but rather a form of the success of the local ruling class in strengthening the social base. The hegemony of the ruling class plays important roles in preventing the growth of critical awareness from the grassroots community and inhibits organic intellectuals from overseeing the Privileged Fund. Organic intellectuals have not been able to build alternative education and build movement alliances. The ruling class is able to mobilize resources and government structures to keep up its hegemony in the use of the Privileged Fund in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) believe that the government's stuttering in handling the COVID-19 ... more Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) believe that the government's stuttering in handling the COVID-19 pandemic trigger policy conflicts between government officials and at the society level. Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) view that strengthening leadership and coördination are important steps to prevent widespread policy conflicts. However, in using the PCF framework, Widaningrum and Mas'udi (2020) forgot to place the policy conflict on what level was the political system, policy subsystem or policy action? We use literature review to explore COVID-19 policy in Indonesia. We offer the ACF framework to look further with existing features and find that there are two core competing beliefs in the COVID-19 policy handling subsystem, namely the drive to safeguard the economy that the central government believes in and insistence on handling the outbreak seriously from a coalition of people, scientists and media. Cross-coalition policy learning did not take place, even though the COVID-19 Task Force had a role as a broker to bring together the core beliefs of each coalition. The government made adjustments to encourage policy changes that were consistent with its core beliefs, despite changes in public opinion and changes in members of the government coalition.
Kajian ini mendalami terkait upaya pelibatan institusi militer dalam mobilisasi petani untuk menc... more Kajian ini mendalami terkait upaya pelibatan institusi militer dalam mobilisasi petani untuk mencapai peningkatan produktivitas pangan melalui program Upsus Pajale. Program tersebut menjadi upaya dari Presiden Joko Widodo untuk melibatkan tentara, demi mencapai swasembada pangan pada tahun 2017. Studi ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan strategi studi kasus pada pelaksanaan program Upsus Pajale di Kabupaten Sleman pada tahun 2015-2017. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam, teknik dokumentasi, dan triangulasi. Berbeda dengan studi sebelumnya yang melihat bahwa peran militer dalam program pangan disebabkan oleh faktor doktrin dan kelembagaan militer, hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran otoritas politik dalam menerjemahkan kebijakan pangan sebagai bagian dari sektor pertahanan telah memberikan ruang bagi militer terlibat pada program pangan. Adanya Reformasi tahun 1998 yang mendorong penataan internal angkatan bersenjata tidak lantas menghilangkan peran militer dalam program pangan sebagai konsekuensi dari tafsiran otoritas politik mengenai ancaman internal pertahanan dan keamanan. Kehidupan petani kembali berada pada subordinasi militer yang menjadi alat penguasa untuk menyukseskan peningkatan produksi pertanian melalui program Upsus Pajale.
The principle of sustainability on commodity certif ication such as RSPO and ISPO include acknow... more The principle of sustainability on commodity certif ication such as RSPO and ISPO include acknowledgement and protection of indigenous people's right. Membership in these schemes however didn't prevent some members companies from grabbing indigenous people's land. This study then try to understand the limitation of RSPO and ISPO to prevent its members involvement in land grabbing act. The paper use the method of literature review. Due to time restriction and research focus, the review is being limited on literature that can explain how far those certif ication could prevented land grabbing. The result of the study divided to three section: institutional, the provision implementation in RSPO depend on voluntary act of its members companies and provision in ISPO limited on the issues of conflict resolution and compensation but not the involvement of indigenous people, agency, RSPO faced with the domination of multinational companies that made indigenous people, NGO who represented their interest, and local producers as minority while ISPO faced with the problems of sectoral ego and overlap between government agencies; and political economy, where consideration must be given to the power and interest of actors such as state, elites, companies, and even auditor on certif ication process and plantation expansion.
This study will explore the production approach of the food security regime in Indonesia, which i... more This study will explore the production approach of the food security regime in Indonesia, which increasingly marginalized peasant during the COVID-19 pandemic. The production approach emphasizes the role of global governance by encouraging trade liberalization and the large role of corporations to control the supply chain from upstream to downstream creating vulnerability to peasant. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decline in market share of peasant agricultural products due to the closure of the wholesale market that supplies hotels and restaurants. The results of the study show that government policy during the COVID-19 pandemic increasingly benefited food corporations by easing operating hours for modern retailers and fixing selling prices that benefited corporations. Meanwhile, peasant are increasingly marginalized during the Corona virus outbreak in the operation of the food security regime with restrictions on the operation of traditional markets, price adjustments at the farm level, and the involvement of agribusiness application companies that are envisaged to help marketing, but in reality do not necessarily give selling prices which is beneficial due to the low bargaining power of peasant.
This study explores the ocean grabbing phenomenon that arises as a result of the reclamation proj... more This study explores the ocean grabbing phenomenon that arises as a result of the reclamation project undertaken to facilitate the expansion of urban capital. The case of reclamation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia is taken to be compared with the consideration of the method of spending and facilitation on urban capital investment through the reclamation project. The need for new land which has become the culprit of the reclamation project will be explored about the impact it has had on the socio-ecological crisis that coastal communities must suffer. This study is a literature review carried out by tracing research reports, journal articles, and online media coverage related to the problem being examined. This study was carried out by borrowing the definition of ocean grabbing made by Bennett, Govan, and Satterfield and the criteria they made to show socio-ecological crises arising in coastal communities due to the reclamation project. The results of the study show that reclamation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia pose serious ocean grabbing problems. First, reclamation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia have poor governance. Minimal public participation and inadequate planning are a way for the facilitation of urban capital expansion in the reclamation project. Second, the reclamation project has worsened the living conditions of coastal communities due to loss of catchment area, decreased income, and deprived the community of its living space. Third, the reclamation project has caused damage to the ecosystem which has broken the balance of the environment in marine waters. Abstrak: Kajian ini mendalami fenomena ocean grabbing yang muncul akibat proyek reklamasi yang dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi ekspansi modal. Kasus proyek reklamasi di Indonesia dan Malaysia diambil untuk diperbandingkan dengan melihat metode pengurugan dan upaya memfasilitasi investasi perkotaan dalam proyek reklamasi. Kebutuhan lahan baru yang menjadi biang keladi dari proyek reklamasi akan didalami mengenai dampak yang ditimbulkannya pada krisis sosio-ekologis yang harus diderita masyarakat pesisir. Studi ini adalah kajian pustaka yang dilakukan dengan menelusuri laporan penelitian, artikel jurnal, dan pemberitaan media daring yang terkait dengan persoalan yang dikaji. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan meminjam pendefinisian ocean grabbing yang dibuat oleh Bennett, Govan, dan Satterfield serta kriteria yang mereka buat untuk mengidentifikasi krisis sosio-ekologis yang muncul di masyarakat pesisir akibat proyek reklamasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa proyek reklamasi di Indonesia dan Malaysia menimbulkan masalah ocean grabbing secara serius. Pertama, proyek reklamasi di Indonesia dan Malaysia memiliki tata kelola yang buruk. Partisipasi publik yang minim dan perencanaan tidak memadai menjadi jalan bagi fasilitasi ekspansi modal dalam proyek reklamasi. Kedua, proyek reklamasi telah memperburuk keadaan kehidupan masyarakat pesisir akibat hilangnya daerah tangkapan, penurunan pendapatan, dan mencerabut komunitas dari ruang hidupnya.
The state has made various efforts to protect the lives of wild animals from the risk of illegal ... more The state has made various efforts to protect the lives of wild animals from the risk of illegal trade. Various regulations starting from the CITES convention have been ratified and followed up with various other regulations. Although, a series of efforts have been made to protect wild animals from extinction, but animal trade continues. This study explores how the commodification of wild animals carried out by the state since its habitat causes the life of animals threatened. This research is a desk study conducted by tracking secondary data from environmental organization monitoring reports, government reports, journal articles, online media related to the topic being studied. The results of the study show that the forest territorial initiation process carried out by the state through species control, unilateral determination of forest area boundaries and formal control through various institutions and regulations actually causes wild animals and their habitats to be threatened by economic exploitation efforts. Residents around the territorial forest that were affected by territoriality were forced to become hunters to make a living. The state apparatus also cannot be separated in taking advantage of opportunities to be involved in hunting wild animals. Illegal hunting is a supplier for the trade in wild animals involving various modes of sale. The lives of wild animals have truly been threatened by making them commodities. The food chain has changed by making economic rents the main predator for wildlife.
The Indonesia Government has taken various measures to counter the European Union's policies whic... more The Indonesia Government has taken various measures to counter the European Union's policies which are considered will harmful the efforts to increase palm oil exports. However, the efforts of the Indonesian government to maintain the image of the palm oil commodity considered a hiding act from animal and human conflicts. One of which arises from the expansion of oil palm plantations. This study would explore the outbreak of animal and human conflicts affected by the expansion of oil palm plantations due to the ambition of increasing palm oil export. This research was a desk study conducted by tracing various journal articles, reports of oil palm plantation guard organizations, reports of civil society organizations related to deforestation of oil palm expansion and various reports of civil society organizations about cases between animal and human conflict. The results of the study showed that there had been a misunderstanding in understanding the European Union's decision, which would not impact on the decline in palm oil exports. Sustainable palm oil governance is not well implemented by oil palm companies and the Indonesian Government so that marginalizing animal life. The intensity of animal-human conflict continues to occur in various areas of oil palm concessions that lead to the threat wild animal life.
Abstrak Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 mengamanatkan wilayah kawasan hutan menja... more Abstrak Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 mengamanatkan wilayah kawasan hutan menjadi dua bagian, yakni hutan hak dan hutan negara. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut mulai dilaksanakan pada masa Joko Widodo mulai menjabat pada tahun 2014. Joko Widodo melalui janji politiknya berusaha mengakui eksistensi hutan adat lewat pelaksanaan kebijakan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012. Akan tetapi, sampai dengan berakhirnya masa jabatan Joko Widodo pada tahun 2019, realisasi pengakuan hutan adat cenderung stagnan. Bahkan, pasca terpilihnya kembali Joko Widodo pada tahun 2019, perencanaan pembangunan yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan hutan adat semakin berkurang. Kajian ini ingin melihat proses perubahan kebijakan pelaksanaan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 pasca pemilu tahun 2014 dan 2019 yang akan memperlihatkan tarik-menarik kepentingan koalisi penguasa di lingkaran Joko Widodo dengan koalisi masyarakat sipil yang fokus pada pengawalan masyarakat hukum adat. Kajian ini adalah desk study yang dilakukan dengan menelusuri artikel jurnal, dokumen pemerintahan, laporan berbagai organisasi masyarakat sipil yang terkait dengan pengawalan isu masyarakat adat. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komitmen kepemimpinan Joko Widodo untuk melaksanakan kebijakan pengakuan atas hutan adat stagnan baik pasca pemilu tahun 2014 dan 2019 akibat koalisi penguasa cenderung mendominasi proses perubahan kebijakan. Pengakuan terhadap hutan adat terhambat dengan koalisi penguasa lingkaran Joko Widodo yang juga terkait dengan kepentingan ekonomi yang meminggirkan pengakuan hutan adat.
Transmigration has been related to efforts to boost food productivity. During the New Order era, ... more Transmigration has been related to efforts to boost food productivity. During the New Order era, transmigration was promoted in order to create cheap labor on large government-owned plantations. After the New Order period, transmigration was once again made to support food program initiated through food estate project. This study wants to explore the paradox of the process of modernization of large-scale agriculture through a food estate project which turned out causing negative impacts for transmigrant farmers and local residents. This research is a literature study carried out by searching research reports, government documents, journal articles, and news from various media concerning the implementation of food estate. Data analysis was carried out through several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, verif ication and conclusion drawing. This study has discovered how the large-scale agricultural modernization projects in Merauke and Bulungan is not an effort to support food security, but merely a broad-scale agribusiness expansion. The implementation of transmigration, basically, only serves as a support to ease the agribusiness expansion that takes place in Merauke and Bulungan. This study has proven the condition of food insecurity that must be faced by transmigrant farmers & local residents affected by the project. Intisari: Transmigrasi selama ini terkait dengan upaya menggenjot produktivitas pangan. Pada masa Orde Baru, transmigrasi digalakkan dengan untuk menjadikan transmigran sebagai tenaga kerja murah di perkebunan besar milik pemerintah. Setelah masa Orde Baru berakhir, transmigrasi dijadikan lagi sebagai penopang program pangan dengan dicetuskannya proyek food estate. Kajian ini ingin mendalami paradoks dari proses modernisasi pertanian skala luas melalui proyek food estate yang justru menyebabkan dampak negatif bagi petani transmigran dan penduduk lokal. Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur yang dilakukan dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap laporan penelitian, dokumen pemerintahan, artikel jurnal, dan berita dari berbagai media yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan food estate. Analisis data dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan, yakni reduksi data, penyajian data, verif ikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kajian ini telah menemukan bagaimana proyek modernisasi pertanian dalam skala luas di Merauke dan Bulungan bukanlah usaha menjaga ketahanan pangan, melainkan semata ekspansi agribisnis dalam skala luas. Penyelenggaraan transmigrasi pada dasarnya hanya menjadi penopang untuk memfasilitasi ekspansi agribisnis yang terjadi di Merauke dan Bulungan. Kajian ini telah membuktikan kondisi kerawanan pangan yang harus dihadapi petani transmigran & penduduk lokal terdampak proyek. Kata Kunci: Transmigrasi, Food Estate, Modernisasi Pertanian. BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan
Polemik rangkap jabatan Gubernur Sumatera Utara dan Ketua PSSI , Edy Rahmayadi kembali panas dide... more Polemik rangkap jabatan Gubernur Sumatera Utara dan Ketua PSSI , Edy Rahmayadi kembali panas didengungkan oleh publik melalui media massa dan sosial media. Edy Rahmayadi didesak untuk mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Ketua PSSI, karena dianggap menganggu kinerja persebakbolaan di Indonesia. Berbagai permasalahan terkait tata kelola sepakbola di Indonesia seperti masalah kericuhan suporter, manajemen, dan lain-lain. Publik mendesak Edy Rahmayadi untuk mundur disebabkan dianggap tidak mampu menyelesaikan secara serius permasalahan yang dihadapi sepak bola di Indonesia, karena juga merangkap sebagai Gubernur Sumatera Utara sekaligus pemilik saham terbesar dari klub PSMS. Edy Rahmayadi menolak untuk mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Ketua PSSI disebabkan mengklaim mampu membagi waktu dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya dengan baik. Edy Rahmayadi juga berdalih jabatan Ketua PSSI yang bukan jabatan politik memungkinkannya untuk mempertahankan posisinya. Secara legal formal, Edy Rahmayadi sesuai dengan Statuta PSSI Pasal 35 edisi revisi 2011, disebutkan bahwa syarat Ketua Umum adalah dicalonkan oleh salah satu anggota PSSI, tidak sedang terlibat dalam perkara pidana, aktif di sepak bola minimal lima tahun serta berusia 30 tahun atau lebih. Tak ada pernyataan mengenai rangkap jabatan politik (Nathaniel, 2018). Akan tetapi, masalah tata kelola sepak bola di Indonesia mendorong publik untuk terus mendorong Edy Rahmayadi untuk mundur dari jabatan sebagai Ketua PSSI. Kajian ini akan melihat persoalan publik yang muncul dari rangkap jabatan Edy Rahmayadi dengan melihat dari aspek legal formal serta politik lokal. Permasalahan yang mungkin muncul dari rangkap jabatan Edy Rahmayadi dilihat dengan memunculkan problem yang muncul seperti konflik kepentingan dan pelayanan publik bidang sepak bola yang bermasalah.
Papers by Anggalih Bayu Muh Kamim