Doc. Dr. Jan Hábl is happy husband and father of two children. He is professor of pedagogy at Hradec Králové University (Czech Republic). He studied education at J.E.Purkyne University in Ústí nad Labem, theology at EMF School of Biblical Studies in England and philosophy of education at University of Wales. He has taught systematic theology at Evangelical Theological Seminary in Prague, philosophy of education, ethics education and history of pedagogy at J. E. Purkyne University.
Information is the building block of Information Centric Networks (ICNs). Access control policies... more Information is the building block of Information Centric Networks (ICNs). Access control policies limit information dissemination to authorized entities only. Defining access control policies in an ICN is a non-trivial task as an information item may exist in multiple copies dispersed in various network locations, including caches and content replication servers. In this paper we propose an access control enforcement delegation scheme which enables the purveyor of an information item to evaluate a request against an access control policy, without having access to the requestor credentials nor to the actual definition of the policy. Such an approach has multiple merits: it enables the interoperability of various stakeholders, it protects user identity and it can set the basis for a privacy preserving mechanism. An implementation of our scheme supports its feasibility.
Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Telecommunications, Jun 1, 1998
We describe a novel link layer architecture to enhance the performance of Internet protocols over... more We describe a novel link layer architecture to enhance the performance of Internet protocols over wireless links. The degraded performance of these links on the Internet and the inadequacy of existing approaches of overcoming these problems in a protocol independent manner, motivate our solution. Our link layer provides multiple services and performance feedback to higher layers, thus supporting adaptive protocols and applications. In addition, our approach can serve as the basis for future Internet evolution ...
Abstract: This paper presents a measurement study of TCP performance at an operational WiFi deplo... more Abstract: This paper presents a measurement study of TCP performance at an operational WiFi deployment. After presenting the network topology and the tools used to generate and analyze traffic, we examine the throughput performance of competing TCP connections. We investigate how throughput is divided among the participating wireless hosts with respect to signal strength, traffic direction and use of the RTS/CTS mechanism. Our study shows that while competing clients with comparable signal strength are treated fairly, achieving ...
This study aims to critically assess the socalled therapeutic approach in moral education, which ... more This study aims to critically assess the socalled therapeutic approach in moral education, which emerged in the postwar twentieth century, in the western part of the world. The proponents of the approach used different terms to express its essence: value clarification method, or sometimes the decision-making method or the critical thinking method. These philosophies of education have the common feature of a personalistic, non-directive, or client-oriented approach to the individual. Therefore, I will refer to them here as therapeutic. There are many advocates, but some of the most notable should be named: Carl Rodgers, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Sidney B. Simon, Louis Raths, and Merrill Harmin. For a proper understanding of these approaches, it’s necessary to review first the cultural-ideological context of their origin. After that I will analyze and evaluate their key tenets, which I consider problematic. Specifically, we will scrutinize these problems: (1) the problem of proc...
Abstrakt: Etika zažívá renezanci. Nikoliv však pro přemíru mravnosti, ale pro její nedostatek. Ot... more Abstrakt: Etika zažívá renezanci. Nikoliv však pro přemíru mravnosti, ale pro její nedostatek. Otázka ovšem zní, jakou etiku vlastně potřebujeme? Od dob Mojžíšových, Platónových a Aristotelových je v oběhu nespočet rozmanitých koncepcí, které se občas vzájemně doplňují, ale také vylučují. Která z " praktických filozofií " člověka disponuje didaktickým potenciálem předcházet sociálně (i jinak) nežádoucím jevům? Záměrem tohoto příspěvku je inspirovat současnou debatu Komenského pojetím etickou koncepcí a srovnat ji s některými současnými etickými trendy. Abstract: We experience a renaissance of ethics. The reason is not an overabundance of morality, but on the contrary its lack. The question arises, however, what kind of ethics do we actually need? Since the time of Moses, Plato and Aristotle, there circulates a number of ethical concepts. They sometimes complement each other, but sometimes contradict each other. Which of the " practical philosophies " is endowed with a didactic potential to prevent socially-undesirable phenomena? The goal of this paper is to inspire the contemporary discussion by Komenský's ethics and compare it with some up-to-date ethical trends.
Information is the building block of Information Centric Networks (ICNs). Access control policies... more Information is the building block of Information Centric Networks (ICNs). Access control policies limit information dissemination to authorized entities only. Defining access control policies in an ICN is a non-trivial task as an information item may exist in multiple copies dispersed in various network locations, including caches and content replication servers. In this paper we propose an access control enforcement delegation scheme which enables the purveyor of an information item to evaluate a request against an access control policy, without having access to the requestor credentials nor to the actual definition of the policy. Such an approach has multiple merits: it enables the interoperability of various stakeholders, it protects user identity and it can set the basis for a privacy preserving mechanism. An implementation of our scheme supports its feasibility.
Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Telecommunications, Jun 1, 1998
We describe a novel link layer architecture to enhance the performance of Internet protocols over... more We describe a novel link layer architecture to enhance the performance of Internet protocols over wireless links. The degraded performance of these links on the Internet and the inadequacy of existing approaches of overcoming these problems in a protocol independent manner, motivate our solution. Our link layer provides multiple services and performance feedback to higher layers, thus supporting adaptive protocols and applications. In addition, our approach can serve as the basis for future Internet evolution ...
Abstract: This paper presents a measurement study of TCP performance at an operational WiFi deplo... more Abstract: This paper presents a measurement study of TCP performance at an operational WiFi deployment. After presenting the network topology and the tools used to generate and analyze traffic, we examine the throughput performance of competing TCP connections. We investigate how throughput is divided among the participating wireless hosts with respect to signal strength, traffic direction and use of the RTS/CTS mechanism. Our study shows that while competing clients with comparable signal strength are treated fairly, achieving ...
This study aims to critically assess the socalled therapeutic approach in moral education, which ... more This study aims to critically assess the socalled therapeutic approach in moral education, which emerged in the postwar twentieth century, in the western part of the world. The proponents of the approach used different terms to express its essence: value clarification method, or sometimes the decision-making method or the critical thinking method. These philosophies of education have the common feature of a personalistic, non-directive, or client-oriented approach to the individual. Therefore, I will refer to them here as therapeutic. There are many advocates, but some of the most notable should be named: Carl Rodgers, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Sidney B. Simon, Louis Raths, and Merrill Harmin. For a proper understanding of these approaches, it’s necessary to review first the cultural-ideological context of their origin. After that I will analyze and evaluate their key tenets, which I consider problematic. Specifically, we will scrutinize these problems: (1) the problem of proc...
Abstrakt: Etika zažívá renezanci. Nikoliv však pro přemíru mravnosti, ale pro její nedostatek. Ot... more Abstrakt: Etika zažívá renezanci. Nikoliv však pro přemíru mravnosti, ale pro její nedostatek. Otázka ovšem zní, jakou etiku vlastně potřebujeme? Od dob Mojžíšových, Platónových a Aristotelových je v oběhu nespočet rozmanitých koncepcí, které se občas vzájemně doplňují, ale také vylučují. Která z " praktických filozofií " člověka disponuje didaktickým potenciálem předcházet sociálně (i jinak) nežádoucím jevům? Záměrem tohoto příspěvku je inspirovat současnou debatu Komenského pojetím etickou koncepcí a srovnat ji s některými současnými etickými trendy. Abstract: We experience a renaissance of ethics. The reason is not an overabundance of morality, but on the contrary its lack. The question arises, however, what kind of ethics do we actually need? Since the time of Moses, Plato and Aristotle, there circulates a number of ethical concepts. They sometimes complement each other, but sometimes contradict each other. Which of the " practical philosophies " is endowed with a didactic potential to prevent socially-undesirable phenomena? The goal of this paper is to inspire the contemporary discussion by Komenský's ethics and compare it with some up-to-date ethical trends.
Na charakteru záleží. Problém učitelnosti dobra, 2020
Na charakteru záleží. A to nejen v pedagogice. Možná výrok triviální, až nadbytečný, ale chci jej... more Na charakteru záleží. A to nejen v pedagogice. Možná výrok triviální, až nadbytečný, ale chci jej podtrhnout a předložit v této přednášce jako tezi k obhajobě v kontextu edukačním. Dlouhodobé výzkumy ukazují, že mezi nejvýznamnější faktory, které mají vliv na morální vývoj dětí a mládeže, patří pedagog a škola obecně-hned po rodičích (Campbell, Bond, 1982; Huit 2004). Co se ve škole mezi učitelem a žákem děje, jde daleko nad rámec pouhé "mechaniky učení" konkrétních předmětů. Neexistuje "hodnotově neutrální" (value-free) výuka nebo škola, konstatuje E. Wynne (1991). Každý pedagog, ať je jeho aprobace jakákoli, je zároveň vychovatelem morálky či charakteru. W. Sanderse to dobře vystihl slovy, že běžný učitel-když jde učit svůj předmět-"nenechává svůj charakter doma", ale vše, co ve škole říká nebo dělá, souvisí s tím, "kdo je a co považuje za morálně hodnotné" (2012, s. 16-17). Dokonce i pedagog-pesimista, který je přesvědčen o neformovatelnosti charakteru dítěte, jej tímto svým postojem nějak formuje. V otázce charakteru platí totiž víc než kde jinde zákonitost "caught rather than taught" - slovní hříčka, která se v překladu trochu ztrácí-morálka se spíše (funkcionálně) chytá, než (intencionálně) vyučuje. Pedagogové, kteří se domnívají, že charakter by se neměl vůbec formovat, argumentují, že morálka je otázkou čistě individuální preference. Dle jejich mínění je předávání jakýchkoli normativních balíčků ctností či dobra (bag of virtues) z generace na generaci považováno za indoktrinativní, děti si mají samy volit, vyjednávat, diskutovat a konstruovat své vlastní morální zásady a hodnoty (srov. např. Wringe, 2007). Domnívám se, že i tento typ programové nevýchovy je výchovou svého druhu, která komunikuje určité morální obsahy a kterými velmi významně ovlivňuje charakter vychovávaného (srov. McLaughlin, Halstead, 1999). Jinými slovy, formování morálky či charakteru dětí a žáků není výběrová nebo doplňková aktivita učitele, které by se mohl snadno zříci, ale fundamentálně neoddělitelná součást vzdělávacího procesu. Náš "učitel národů", J. A. Komenský, by souhlasil. Neúnavně opakoval, že "pravé" vzdělání pečuje o "celého člověka", tj. složku poznávací, mravní i duchovní, jak uvidíme. Byl přesvědčen, že výchova znamená učit "znát dobré, chtít dobré a konat dobré", a to "i když se nikdo nedívá".
This book is not a list or an overview of various theories of ethics. Nor is it a didactic manual... more This book is not a list or an overview of various theories of ethics. Nor is it a didactic manual for specific teaching units on moral education aimed at some group based on age or a particular theme (although some educational frameworks will be proposed). As the title suggests, the book intends to seek the starting points or foundations without which no moral education would be possible. The goal is to formulate and tackle the key questions that precede all moral education. What makes “good vs. evil” language possible and meaningful? Can virtue be taught and learned? What makes our actions good? What is the condition of human nature? Are we naturally good, or evil? What constitutes an educator’s right to morally influence anyone else (not just a child)? What is the goal of moral education? What does a morally educated person look like? And how can we ensure the coveted moral result? Or—in the words of Jan Amos Comenius, the “teacher of nations”—how to educate a person to not only know what is good, but also to want what is good, and to do what is good “even when no one is looking?”
There is a difference between that which is and that which is to be. Anthropologically: there is ... more There is a difference between that which is and that which is to be. Anthropologically: there is a way I am, and the way I am to be, or not to be. How to explain this? This book presents the argument that human nature is both complex and complicated in at least two specific ways – ontologically and ethically. In our being we are indisputably good, or dignified, worthy, important or noble. But in our morality we are ambivalent – capable of both good and evil, the humane and inhumane.
In his paramount work Jan Amos Comenius expresses the goal of his lifelong endeavor: “to help man become truly humane” (Pampaedia). If human beings are to become what they ought to be, they need to be educated towards humanity, says Comenius. But the fundamental question is: What is a human being? And what ought they to be? “Salt ought to be salty. A river ought to be clear. A knife ought to be sharp. But what ought a person to be?” What is their essence? What makes them human? And how can that be cultivated or educated? This book presents Comenius’ answers to these questions.
Papers by Jan Habl
In his paramount work Jan Amos Comenius expresses the goal of his lifelong endeavor: “to help man become truly humane” (Pampaedia). If human beings are to become what they ought to be, they need to be educated towards humanity, says Comenius. But the fundamental question is: What is a human being? And what ought they to be? “Salt ought to be salty. A river ought to be clear. A knife ought to be sharp. But what ought a person to be?” What is their essence? What makes them human? And how can that be cultivated or educated? This book presents Comenius’ answers to these questions.