This paper aims to find the representation of feminism in the film Samjin Company English Class (... more This paper aims to find the representation of feminism in the film Samjin Company English Class (2020). This film was written by Lee Jong-pil and set in 1995. This film tells the story of three girlfriends working for eight years in a large company in South Korea. Even though they have worked for a long time, the three of them are still treated differently. This film shows how female employees who only graduated from high school are able to prove their strengths by figuring out some cases of company waste leakage and corruption committed by company officials. They also fight for equal rights in their work. Their efforts, struggles, and courage are finally not in vain. The method used in this paper is a descriptive method. This research uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic theory to analyze the representation of feminism in the film. Signs and meanings are analyzed through some scenes and dialogues in the film showing the struggles of the three friends. The result of this research is the fi...
This article aims to show the postcolonial discourse of the Philippines through the utilization o... more This article aims to show the postcolonial discourse of the Philippines through the utilization of magical realism in the novel When the Elephants Dance (2002) by Tess Uriza Holthe. When the Elephants Dance is intrinsically structured into four main sections which describe the events leading up to Japan’s surrender. Inside these four sections, the story is integrated with five sub-stories from accompanying characters which are A Cure for Happiness, Mang Minno, Ghost Children, The Twilight People, and The Portrait of an Aristocrat. These sub-stories act as one of the highlights of the novel since they are utilized by the characters as a way to retain their sanity and cope with the tragic experiences of living in the middle of a war. The characters’ coping mechanism of telling their life stories that are filled with Filipino mythology reflects the postcolonial discourse of the Philippines prior to and during World War II. With the research limitation of analyzing the story of Mang Min...
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hasil kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Fakulta... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hasil kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Fakultas Sastra dan Bahasa UKI yang berfokus pada pemanfaatan media sosial Instagram dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa English Club SMPN 163, Jakarta, pada periode Agustus s.d. November 2022. Instagram digunakan sebagai media untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman siswa/I terhadap materi pembelajaran yang diberikan pengajar setiap minggunya. Bentuk penugasan yang diberikan beragam, mulai dari membuat poster, video, esai singkat, bahan presentasi, dan kartu ucapan, yang disesuaikan dengan tema-tema mingguan, dan dilakukan baik secara mandiri maupun kelompok. Dari evaluasi pembelajaran yang disebar melalui Google form, terdapat 52 responden yang terdiri dari 33 responden perempuan dan 19 responden laki-laki. Hasil survei menunjukkan lebih dari 90% responden merasakan manfaat penggunaan Instagram dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, baik dalam hal meningkatkan keterampilan teknis (hard skill...
This paper aims to show how the forms of multiculturalism values are displayed in Amina's lif... more This paper aims to show how the forms of multiculturalism values are displayed in Amina's life and how multiculturalism can change the perspective of other characters towards multiculturalism in the novel Amina's Voice (2017), written by a Pakistani-American writer, Hena Khan. This novel tells about a girl named Amina who has a family background from Pakistan and has long lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. Despite living in a dominant Western culture, the Amina family consistently upholds Pakistani cultural values and uses their native customs daily. The differences between these two cultures often lead to conflicts experienced by Amina and other characters in the story. Despite encountering obstacles, Amina is shown still to practice the values of multiculturalism in her daily life. This study uses the concept of indicators of multiculturalism values proposed by Tilaar (2004) and the concept of acculturation written by Berry (2005). This research shows that there...
This paper aims to show the representation of Native Americans in Sherman Alexie's short stor... more This paper aims to show the representation of Native Americans in Sherman Alexie's short story The Trial of Thomas-Builds-the-Fire, which is part of his story collections The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993). The main character, Thomas-Builds-the-Fire, represents native Americans. This paper will analyze Thomas as a subaltern who was oppressed by white hegemony. The presence of fairy tales as media voicing out Thomas' thoughts and feeling as the subaltern interprets something deeper. The present writer will use Gayatri C. Spivak's theories which are subaltern and representation, to analyze the forms of Native American representation. The result shows there are two forms of representation used in the story. They are "to represent," meaning "the idea of representing something," and "re-present," meaning "the idea of bringing back." However, both forms of representation stated in the story failed to make the subaltern ...
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan membuktikan adanya dominasi budaya patriarki di dalam n... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan membuktikan adanya dominasi budaya patriarki di dalam novel “The Buddha in the Attic” karya Julie Otsuka. Budaya patriarki adalah suatu budaya yang menekankan dominasi kekuasaan laki-laki terhadap perempuan. Dalam novel ini, pengarang mendeskripsikan pengaruh dominasi patriarki yang terjadi dan sekaligus merambat luas melintasi batasan geografis, baik wilayah dunia bagian Timur (Jepang) maupun bagian Barat (Amerika). The Buddha in the Attic menceritakan kisah perjalanan dan kehidupan para wanita imigran Jepang yang berlayar ke Amerika pada awal 1900-an dengan tujuan untuk mencari kehidupan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik. Berawal dengan mengikuti sebuah tradisi “picture brides”, sebuah praktek perjodohan di awal abad ke dua puluh melalui sistem pertukaran foto, para wanita imigran Jepang diperhadapkan dengan kenyataan pahit kehidupan Amerika yang juga sarat dengan isu dominasi patriarki. Analisis penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan ...
Kondisi sosial, kultural masyarakat Indonesia akhir-akhir ini memang semakin mengkhawatirkan. Kri... more Kondisi sosial, kultural masyarakat Indonesia akhir-akhir ini memang semakin mengkhawatirkan. Krisis moral melanda negeri ini, kasus kekerasan hampir terjadi di semua kalangan, baik dewasa, remaja, maupun anak-anak. Dalam liputan tanggal 3 Maret 2012, diberitakan kasus pembunuhan yang dilakukan anak SD di Depok Jawa Barat. Tanggal 4 April 2016, 14 remaja di Bengkulu dilaporkan menjadi tersangka pemeekosaan terhadap anak perempuan. Berbagai kasus kriminal lain sering dimuat di surat kabar. Fenomena tersebut memperlihatkan kemorosotan moral. Pendidikan karakter hadir untuk menjawab dan memperbaiki krisis moral yang terjadi di Indonesia. Pendidikan karakter lebih baik disampaikan pada saat usia dini, pendidikan usia dini di Indonesia dimulai dari TK. Oleh karena itu, metode yang dianggap baik untuk menyampaikan nilai-nilai karakter yaitu metode dongeng. Melalui dongeng anak akan belajar nilai-nilai karakter dari tokoh-tokohnya, alur cerita, dan dari pesan yang yang dimuat dalam d...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020), 2021
Taking a title of his first novel Home to Harlem (1928), Claude McKay as the implied author seems... more Taking a title of his first novel Home to Harlem (1928), Claude McKay as the implied author seems to bring the perception of his readers to a standpoint saying that Harlem was a final destination for blacks in the early 20th century, the time setting of the novel. Paradoxically, the novel gives a twisted ending by letting both of the main black characters in the novel, Jake and Ray, leave Harlem because of different reasons. This article aims to show a deferred meaning of “Home to Harlem” in the novel as well as to find the hidden aim in the novel. This research will use Derrida’s theory about deconstruction and differance concept. The result shows that the text seems to deconstruct a myth about Harlem as the mecca of the New Negro. The meaning of home in the novel has deferred into a space inhabited by a familiar in which one can find needs of physical, intellectual, mental, and emotional security. A decision to leave Harlem chosen by both of main characters in the novel is a symbo...
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan teks dalam cerpen Woman Hollering Creek dengan ko... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan teks dalam cerpen Woman Hollering Creek dengan konteks masyarakat Amerika keturunan Meksiko pada abad ke-20. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga akan menunjukkan proses perjalanan tokoh Cleofilas yang sebelumnya dikuasai oleh dominasi patriarki menjadi seorang perempuan yang otonom dalam kaitannya dengan konteks masyarakat yang berlaku. Analisis dalam tulisan ini akan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra Goldmann dan teori The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir yang memperkenalkan tentang konsep “Self” dan “the Other”. Hasil dari tulisan ini adalah cerpen Woman Hollering Creek mengangkat sebuah refleksi budaya patriarki yang melekat pada masyarakat Meksiko-Amerika pada abad ke-20. Perjalanan Cleofilas menjadi perempuan yang otonom di dalam cerpen ini merupakan sebuah perjuangan kelas sosial dan sekaligus membuka jendela harapan akan adanya transformasi sosial yang terjadi di waktu mendatang sebagai buah dari kesadaran kolektif yang dibangun mel...
This paper aims to find the representation of feminism in the film Samjin Company English Class (... more This paper aims to find the representation of feminism in the film Samjin Company English Class (2020). This film was written by Lee Jong-pil and set in 1995. This film tells the story of three girlfriends working for eight years in a large company in South Korea. Even though they have worked for a long time, the three of them are still treated differently. This film shows how female employees who only graduated from high school are able to prove their strengths by figuring out some cases of company waste leakage and corruption committed by company officials. They also fight for equal rights in their work. Their efforts, struggles, and courage are finally not in vain. The method used in this paper is a descriptive method. This research uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic theory to analyze the representation of feminism in the film. Signs and meanings are analyzed through some scenes and dialogues in the film showing the struggles of the three friends. The result of this research is the fi...
This article aims to show the postcolonial discourse of the Philippines through the utilization o... more This article aims to show the postcolonial discourse of the Philippines through the utilization of magical realism in the novel When the Elephants Dance (2002) by Tess Uriza Holthe. When the Elephants Dance is intrinsically structured into four main sections which describe the events leading up to Japan’s surrender. Inside these four sections, the story is integrated with five sub-stories from accompanying characters which are A Cure for Happiness, Mang Minno, Ghost Children, The Twilight People, and The Portrait of an Aristocrat. These sub-stories act as one of the highlights of the novel since they are utilized by the characters as a way to retain their sanity and cope with the tragic experiences of living in the middle of a war. The characters’ coping mechanism of telling their life stories that are filled with Filipino mythology reflects the postcolonial discourse of the Philippines prior to and during World War II. With the research limitation of analyzing the story of Mang Min...
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hasil kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Fakulta... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hasil kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Fakultas Sastra dan Bahasa UKI yang berfokus pada pemanfaatan media sosial Instagram dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa English Club SMPN 163, Jakarta, pada periode Agustus s.d. November 2022. Instagram digunakan sebagai media untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman siswa/I terhadap materi pembelajaran yang diberikan pengajar setiap minggunya. Bentuk penugasan yang diberikan beragam, mulai dari membuat poster, video, esai singkat, bahan presentasi, dan kartu ucapan, yang disesuaikan dengan tema-tema mingguan, dan dilakukan baik secara mandiri maupun kelompok. Dari evaluasi pembelajaran yang disebar melalui Google form, terdapat 52 responden yang terdiri dari 33 responden perempuan dan 19 responden laki-laki. Hasil survei menunjukkan lebih dari 90% responden merasakan manfaat penggunaan Instagram dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, baik dalam hal meningkatkan keterampilan teknis (hard skill...
This paper aims to show how the forms of multiculturalism values are displayed in Amina's lif... more This paper aims to show how the forms of multiculturalism values are displayed in Amina's life and how multiculturalism can change the perspective of other characters towards multiculturalism in the novel Amina's Voice (2017), written by a Pakistani-American writer, Hena Khan. This novel tells about a girl named Amina who has a family background from Pakistan and has long lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. Despite living in a dominant Western culture, the Amina family consistently upholds Pakistani cultural values and uses their native customs daily. The differences between these two cultures often lead to conflicts experienced by Amina and other characters in the story. Despite encountering obstacles, Amina is shown still to practice the values of multiculturalism in her daily life. This study uses the concept of indicators of multiculturalism values proposed by Tilaar (2004) and the concept of acculturation written by Berry (2005). This research shows that there...
This paper aims to show the representation of Native Americans in Sherman Alexie's short stor... more This paper aims to show the representation of Native Americans in Sherman Alexie's short story The Trial of Thomas-Builds-the-Fire, which is part of his story collections The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993). The main character, Thomas-Builds-the-Fire, represents native Americans. This paper will analyze Thomas as a subaltern who was oppressed by white hegemony. The presence of fairy tales as media voicing out Thomas' thoughts and feeling as the subaltern interprets something deeper. The present writer will use Gayatri C. Spivak's theories which are subaltern and representation, to analyze the forms of Native American representation. The result shows there are two forms of representation used in the story. They are "to represent," meaning "the idea of representing something," and "re-present," meaning "the idea of bringing back." However, both forms of representation stated in the story failed to make the subaltern ...
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan membuktikan adanya dominasi budaya patriarki di dalam n... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan membuktikan adanya dominasi budaya patriarki di dalam novel “The Buddha in the Attic” karya Julie Otsuka. Budaya patriarki adalah suatu budaya yang menekankan dominasi kekuasaan laki-laki terhadap perempuan. Dalam novel ini, pengarang mendeskripsikan pengaruh dominasi patriarki yang terjadi dan sekaligus merambat luas melintasi batasan geografis, baik wilayah dunia bagian Timur (Jepang) maupun bagian Barat (Amerika). The Buddha in the Attic menceritakan kisah perjalanan dan kehidupan para wanita imigran Jepang yang berlayar ke Amerika pada awal 1900-an dengan tujuan untuk mencari kehidupan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik. Berawal dengan mengikuti sebuah tradisi “picture brides”, sebuah praktek perjodohan di awal abad ke dua puluh melalui sistem pertukaran foto, para wanita imigran Jepang diperhadapkan dengan kenyataan pahit kehidupan Amerika yang juga sarat dengan isu dominasi patriarki. Analisis penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan ...
Kondisi sosial, kultural masyarakat Indonesia akhir-akhir ini memang semakin mengkhawatirkan. Kri... more Kondisi sosial, kultural masyarakat Indonesia akhir-akhir ini memang semakin mengkhawatirkan. Krisis moral melanda negeri ini, kasus kekerasan hampir terjadi di semua kalangan, baik dewasa, remaja, maupun anak-anak. Dalam liputan tanggal 3 Maret 2012, diberitakan kasus pembunuhan yang dilakukan anak SD di Depok Jawa Barat. Tanggal 4 April 2016, 14 remaja di Bengkulu dilaporkan menjadi tersangka pemeekosaan terhadap anak perempuan. Berbagai kasus kriminal lain sering dimuat di surat kabar. Fenomena tersebut memperlihatkan kemorosotan moral. Pendidikan karakter hadir untuk menjawab dan memperbaiki krisis moral yang terjadi di Indonesia. Pendidikan karakter lebih baik disampaikan pada saat usia dini, pendidikan usia dini di Indonesia dimulai dari TK. Oleh karena itu, metode yang dianggap baik untuk menyampaikan nilai-nilai karakter yaitu metode dongeng. Melalui dongeng anak akan belajar nilai-nilai karakter dari tokoh-tokohnya, alur cerita, dan dari pesan yang yang dimuat dalam d...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020), 2021
Taking a title of his first novel Home to Harlem (1928), Claude McKay as the implied author seems... more Taking a title of his first novel Home to Harlem (1928), Claude McKay as the implied author seems to bring the perception of his readers to a standpoint saying that Harlem was a final destination for blacks in the early 20th century, the time setting of the novel. Paradoxically, the novel gives a twisted ending by letting both of the main black characters in the novel, Jake and Ray, leave Harlem because of different reasons. This article aims to show a deferred meaning of “Home to Harlem” in the novel as well as to find the hidden aim in the novel. This research will use Derrida’s theory about deconstruction and differance concept. The result shows that the text seems to deconstruct a myth about Harlem as the mecca of the New Negro. The meaning of home in the novel has deferred into a space inhabited by a familiar in which one can find needs of physical, intellectual, mental, and emotional security. A decision to leave Harlem chosen by both of main characters in the novel is a symbo...
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan teks dalam cerpen Woman Hollering Creek dengan ko... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan teks dalam cerpen Woman Hollering Creek dengan konteks masyarakat Amerika keturunan Meksiko pada abad ke-20. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga akan menunjukkan proses perjalanan tokoh Cleofilas yang sebelumnya dikuasai oleh dominasi patriarki menjadi seorang perempuan yang otonom dalam kaitannya dengan konteks masyarakat yang berlaku. Analisis dalam tulisan ini akan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra Goldmann dan teori The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir yang memperkenalkan tentang konsep “Self” dan “the Other”. Hasil dari tulisan ini adalah cerpen Woman Hollering Creek mengangkat sebuah refleksi budaya patriarki yang melekat pada masyarakat Meksiko-Amerika pada abad ke-20. Perjalanan Cleofilas menjadi perempuan yang otonom di dalam cerpen ini merupakan sebuah perjuangan kelas sosial dan sekaligus membuka jendela harapan akan adanya transformasi sosial yang terjadi di waktu mendatang sebagai buah dari kesadaran kolektif yang dibangun mel...
Papers by Mike Saragih