and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 64 Abstract This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consist...
and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 64 Abstract This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consist...
Evaluation seeks to measure the impact of services in counseling centers and support for parents,... more Evaluation seeks to measure the impact of services in counseling centers and support for parents, analysis of working procedures and tools used by staff from the center of counselling and support for parents and identification of needs for the development. Also, the evaluation attempts to identify staff needs and how to implement case management in cases to prevent separation of children from their parents. Recommendations proposed by the team of evaluators aiming to achieve the conditions for effective services and to resize the organization structure as appropriate to answer the need for local services.
Proyecto europeo PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018)La recomendación Rec (2006) 19 d... more Proyecto europeo PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018)La recomendación Rec (2006) 19 del Comité de los Ministros del Consejo de Europa confirma la dimensión europea de esta preocupación y preconiza la construcción de condiciones que pueden sostener el ejercicio de una "parentalidad positiva”. Define la parentalidad positiva refiriéndose "a un comportamiento paterno fundado sobre el interés superior del niño y de la niña" y recomienda a los Estados miembros organizar sus políticas y sus programas para favorecer la puesta en marcha de acciones destinadas a contrarrestar las situaciones de las vulnerabilidades. En este contexto europeo de preocupación por la promoción de la parentalidad positiva, especialmente en las familias en situación de vulnerabilidad, nace el proyecto Erasmus + PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018. Ref: 2016-1-FR01-KA202-024313) que ha elaborado el compendium de instrumentos que se recoge en esta publicación. Los socios del proyecto PAGE están a favor de una noción "operacional" de la parentalidad (parenting) ya que la intención de las partes interesadas es ofrecer apoyo a la parentalidad particularmente cuando surgen necesidades, cuando las figuras parentales se encuentran en una situación de vulnerabilidad. Este consorcio de ocho socios de cinco países distintos (España, Francia, Italia, Rumania y el Reino Unido) reúne más de una cincuentena de especialistas del apoyo de la parentalidad, investigadores de universidad y profesionales del ámbito social, educativo o médico social. En los cinco países que han colaborado en este compendio, el análisis de las prácticas profesionales y los trabajos de investigación sobre los sistemas que atienden y dan soporte a la infancia y a sus padres, destacan como prioritario la vulnerabilidad de las familias y subrayan ciertos desafíos tales como: - La desfragmentación de los servicios sociales y médicos sociales, escuelas, servicios de la justicia que a menudo trabajan aisladamente, uno tras otro o hasta al mismo tiempo pero sin concertarse - La formación de los profesionales en la intervención en el medio familiar, al reconocimiento y a la valorización de los recursos educativos de las familias, que permita proponer intervenciones de calidad, orientadas sobre las fortalezas y los recursos de las figuras parentales y de los niños. En esta línea, se presenta un compendium de herramientas para profesionales para promover las buenas prácticas profesionales. Cada método o herramienta se presenta en una página siguiendo esta estructura: - El nombre del método o la herramienta de apoyo a la parentalidad, - Identificación de uno o varios principios relativos a la parentalidad positiva tomados de la recomendación europea (2006), - Una presentación general de la metodología o herramienta, - Los objetivos, - Los destinatarios o grupos diana, - La metodología y consejos para los profesionales, - El material, - Referencias bibliográficas Y al final de cada ficha, por si el lector tuviese más interés, encontrará el contacto de la institución socia del proyecto PAGE que tiene experiencia práctica en la utilización del método o de la herramient
This chapter serves as an introduction to the concept of maltreatment of children and provides a ... more This chapter serves as an introduction to the concept of maltreatment of children and provides a very brief overview of published research that has been pivotal in the development of defining and describing this concept. First, we provide an understanding of how maltreatment has been defined historically and how definitions have changed over time, leading to current definitions used by researchers and child welfare organizations. Maltreatment is also described within the context of trauma and sociocultural issues that are associated with it. We also provide a brief review of the consequences of various types of childhood maltreatment on biological, psychological, academic, and social functioning. Then, using mainly the World Health Organization definitions of maltreatment (i.e., neglect and negligent behavior; emotional, physical, and sexual abuse; as well as witnessing violence), we discuss forms of child victimization within the context of institutionalization, including types and factors that increase the risk of maltreatment in long-term residential institutions, and consequences on well-being.
Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, 2013
In Romania, the term of social economy is rather new and almost unknown for the public at large, ... more In Romania, the term of social economy is rather new and almost unknown for the public at large, and the legal framework contains only regulations specific for different types of entities which perform activities or which generate effects that may be considered as partial forms of social economy. This paper reviews the recent literature which approached mostly the problems of conceptualization and definition of the social economy, both at the national and European level. The paper also proposes an evaluation of the social economy sector in Romania in terms of its development capacity on medium-term. The paper reviews scientific contributions from Romania and abroad, reports of public or private institutions, and development policies. All these documents are used to develop a theoretical framework of the social economy and to describe the social economy as a sector of activity within the European Union and Romania, taking into consideration several criteria.
Prin aplicarea experimentala a acestei tehnici, consideram ca putem sa reducem erorile generate d... more Prin aplicarea experimentala a acestei tehnici, consideram ca putem sa reducem erorile generate de modul de aplicare a instrumentelor de cercetare. In plus, tehnica ne-a ajutat sa evaluam activitatea operatorilor de teren care au fost implicati an realizarea acestor cercetari. Ideea acestui articol a fost generata de antrebarile: Cum putem optimiza culegerea datelor in cadrul anchetelor prin chestionar? si Care ar fi modalitatile de reducere a erorilor generate de catre operatori in procesul de culegerea a datelor? Comentarii: Tehnica a fost folosita pentru realizarea unor sondaje de opinie care au anregistrat eroare de sub 1%, chiar daca estimarea initiala era de 3,5%.
Cercetarea a fost planificata pentru evaluarea nivelului de dezvoltare a unui model de Reabilitar... more Cercetarea a fost planificata pentru evaluarea nivelului de dezvoltare a unui model de Reabilitare Bazata pe Comunitate in comuna Falciu, jude]ul Vaslui, model care se caracterizeaza prin dezvoltarea serviciilor alternative la institutionalizare a copiilor cu dizabilitati. Modelul presupune implicarea comunitatii in oferirea unor servicii si, in principal, transferul de competente dinspre specialiste spre familie. Obiectivele cercetarii: Cercetarea urmareste sa identifice: - modele eficiente de interventie in cadrul programului derulat in perioada 2001-2003; - modul in care pregatirea personalului a dus la dezvoltarea sistemului de Reabilitare Bazata pe Comunitate (RBC) in comuna Falciu; - modul in care proiectul s-a adaptat nevoilor locale, ale copiilor, comunitatii si autoritatilor pentru obtinerea rezultatelor dorite in integrarea sociala a copiilor; - maniera in care s-a dezvoltat parteneriatul intre organizatie si autoritati.
Grila de evaluare a gradului de integrare a persoanei cu handicap elaborata de Centrul de Resurse... more Grila de evaluare a gradului de integrare a persoanei cu handicap elaborata de Centrul de Resurse si Informare in Profesiuni Sociale (CRIPS), aplicabila atat adultilor cat si copiilor raspunde unei cerinte de standardizare in ceea ce priveste masurarea unor indicatori micro sociali privind integrarea sociala a acestor persoane. Standardizarea este vazuta ca un proces destinat unei viziuni unitare in ceea ce priveste masurarea unor indicatori (locuinta si accesul la servicii, mobilitate, context familial, participare sociala, educatie si integrare profesionala, timp liber si satisfactie personala) si urmarirea evolutiei parametrilor ai acestora. Raportarea managerilor de caz la aceasta grila constituie o oportunitate de a identifica caracteristici personalizate ale stilului si calitatii vietii persoanelor evaluate.
Studiul a urmarit identificarea oportunitatilor si a constrangerilor care apar in procesul de int... more Studiul a urmarit identificarea oportunitatilor si a constrangerilor care apar in procesul de integrare profesionala a persoanelor cu handicap. Acest studiu este necesar ca baza pentru elaborarea modelului de formare a agentilor de mediere si pentru surprinderea caracteristicilor prin intermediul ocupatiei: agent de mediere a integrarii profesionale a persoanelor cu handicap.
Articolul abordeaza problema supervizarii in asistenta sociala si modul cum procesul paralel al s... more Articolul abordeaza problema supervizarii in asistenta sociala si modul cum procesul paralel al supervizarii influenteaza tipul de interventie promovat de asistentul social. Comentarii: Autorul lanseaza conceptele de SUPERVIZARE APRECIATIVA si INTERVENTIE APRECIATIVA.Conceptul de proces paralel in supervizare isi are originile in conceptele de transfer si contratransfer dezvoltate in psihanaliza. Transferul intervine atunci cand asistentul social recreaza problema si emotiile experimentate in cadrul consilierii clientului in relatia sa cu supervizorul. Transferul intervine atunci cand asistentul social ....
This article presents some results of national research about the case management practice in chi... more This article presents some results of national research about the case management practice in child protection orientated by finality of permanency planning: adoption. The adoption service is complex. It involves a sequence of stages, strategies and procedures that need to be followed according to certain criteria that would ensure the offer of quality social services. The practice of case management in the public sector is different from one county to other because the interpretations are very different. The scope of the study is to identify these practices and to promote new ideas to improve the quality of services in child protection field.
The surrogacy phenomenon has existed since ancient biblical times in which the barren Sarrai offe... more The surrogacy phenomenon has existed since ancient biblical times in which the barren Sarrai offers her maid Hagar to her husband Abraham to have a child with her. This relationship formed between Hagar and Sarrai, created conflicts that exist to this day. This article was written as part of the doctoral thesis, and aims to present the nature of the relationship that exists between the Israeli intended mothers and the Israeli surrogates, the intended mothers who have chosen to apply for surrogacy outside the country’s borders, and examine the relationship between the surrogates who were all Israelis to the Israeli intend mothers. The subject was explored in sociological aspects, according to Symbolic interaction Theory, which is a sociological theory that was presented to the American sociology by George Herbert Mead at the 1920s. The method that was approach is the qualitative method. The present study comprised of 70 women residing in Israel. The women’s ages ranged between 22 and...
and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 64 Abstract This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consist...
and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 64 Abstract This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consist...
Evaluation seeks to measure the impact of services in counseling centers and support for parents,... more Evaluation seeks to measure the impact of services in counseling centers and support for parents, analysis of working procedures and tools used by staff from the center of counselling and support for parents and identification of needs for the development. Also, the evaluation attempts to identify staff needs and how to implement case management in cases to prevent separation of children from their parents. Recommendations proposed by the team of evaluators aiming to achieve the conditions for effective services and to resize the organization structure as appropriate to answer the need for local services.
Proyecto europeo PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018)La recomendación Rec (2006) 19 d... more Proyecto europeo PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018)La recomendación Rec (2006) 19 del Comité de los Ministros del Consejo de Europa confirma la dimensión europea de esta preocupación y preconiza la construcción de condiciones que pueden sostener el ejercicio de una "parentalidad positiva”. Define la parentalidad positiva refiriéndose "a un comportamiento paterno fundado sobre el interés superior del niño y de la niña" y recomienda a los Estados miembros organizar sus políticas y sus programas para favorecer la puesta en marcha de acciones destinadas a contrarrestar las situaciones de las vulnerabilidades. En este contexto europeo de preocupación por la promoción de la parentalidad positiva, especialmente en las familias en situación de vulnerabilidad, nace el proyecto Erasmus + PAGE (Parental Guidance and Education 2016-2018. Ref: 2016-1-FR01-KA202-024313) que ha elaborado el compendium de instrumentos que se recoge en esta publicación. Los socios del proyecto PAGE están a favor de una noción "operacional" de la parentalidad (parenting) ya que la intención de las partes interesadas es ofrecer apoyo a la parentalidad particularmente cuando surgen necesidades, cuando las figuras parentales se encuentran en una situación de vulnerabilidad. Este consorcio de ocho socios de cinco países distintos (España, Francia, Italia, Rumania y el Reino Unido) reúne más de una cincuentena de especialistas del apoyo de la parentalidad, investigadores de universidad y profesionales del ámbito social, educativo o médico social. En los cinco países que han colaborado en este compendio, el análisis de las prácticas profesionales y los trabajos de investigación sobre los sistemas que atienden y dan soporte a la infancia y a sus padres, destacan como prioritario la vulnerabilidad de las familias y subrayan ciertos desafíos tales como: - La desfragmentación de los servicios sociales y médicos sociales, escuelas, servicios de la justicia que a menudo trabajan aisladamente, uno tras otro o hasta al mismo tiempo pero sin concertarse - La formación de los profesionales en la intervención en el medio familiar, al reconocimiento y a la valorización de los recursos educativos de las familias, que permita proponer intervenciones de calidad, orientadas sobre las fortalezas y los recursos de las figuras parentales y de los niños. En esta línea, se presenta un compendium de herramientas para profesionales para promover las buenas prácticas profesionales. Cada método o herramienta se presenta en una página siguiendo esta estructura: - El nombre del método o la herramienta de apoyo a la parentalidad, - Identificación de uno o varios principios relativos a la parentalidad positiva tomados de la recomendación europea (2006), - Una presentación general de la metodología o herramienta, - Los objetivos, - Los destinatarios o grupos diana, - La metodología y consejos para los profesionales, - El material, - Referencias bibliográficas Y al final de cada ficha, por si el lector tuviese más interés, encontrará el contacto de la institución socia del proyecto PAGE que tiene experiencia práctica en la utilización del método o de la herramient
This chapter serves as an introduction to the concept of maltreatment of children and provides a ... more This chapter serves as an introduction to the concept of maltreatment of children and provides a very brief overview of published research that has been pivotal in the development of defining and describing this concept. First, we provide an understanding of how maltreatment has been defined historically and how definitions have changed over time, leading to current definitions used by researchers and child welfare organizations. Maltreatment is also described within the context of trauma and sociocultural issues that are associated with it. We also provide a brief review of the consequences of various types of childhood maltreatment on biological, psychological, academic, and social functioning. Then, using mainly the World Health Organization definitions of maltreatment (i.e., neglect and negligent behavior; emotional, physical, and sexual abuse; as well as witnessing violence), we discuss forms of child victimization within the context of institutionalization, including types and factors that increase the risk of maltreatment in long-term residential institutions, and consequences on well-being.
Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, 2013
In Romania, the term of social economy is rather new and almost unknown for the public at large, ... more In Romania, the term of social economy is rather new and almost unknown for the public at large, and the legal framework contains only regulations specific for different types of entities which perform activities or which generate effects that may be considered as partial forms of social economy. This paper reviews the recent literature which approached mostly the problems of conceptualization and definition of the social economy, both at the national and European level. The paper also proposes an evaluation of the social economy sector in Romania in terms of its development capacity on medium-term. The paper reviews scientific contributions from Romania and abroad, reports of public or private institutions, and development policies. All these documents are used to develop a theoretical framework of the social economy and to describe the social economy as a sector of activity within the European Union and Romania, taking into consideration several criteria.
Prin aplicarea experimentala a acestei tehnici, consideram ca putem sa reducem erorile generate d... more Prin aplicarea experimentala a acestei tehnici, consideram ca putem sa reducem erorile generate de modul de aplicare a instrumentelor de cercetare. In plus, tehnica ne-a ajutat sa evaluam activitatea operatorilor de teren care au fost implicati an realizarea acestor cercetari. Ideea acestui articol a fost generata de antrebarile: Cum putem optimiza culegerea datelor in cadrul anchetelor prin chestionar? si Care ar fi modalitatile de reducere a erorilor generate de catre operatori in procesul de culegerea a datelor? Comentarii: Tehnica a fost folosita pentru realizarea unor sondaje de opinie care au anregistrat eroare de sub 1%, chiar daca estimarea initiala era de 3,5%.
Cercetarea a fost planificata pentru evaluarea nivelului de dezvoltare a unui model de Reabilitar... more Cercetarea a fost planificata pentru evaluarea nivelului de dezvoltare a unui model de Reabilitare Bazata pe Comunitate in comuna Falciu, jude]ul Vaslui, model care se caracterizeaza prin dezvoltarea serviciilor alternative la institutionalizare a copiilor cu dizabilitati. Modelul presupune implicarea comunitatii in oferirea unor servicii si, in principal, transferul de competente dinspre specialiste spre familie. Obiectivele cercetarii: Cercetarea urmareste sa identifice: - modele eficiente de interventie in cadrul programului derulat in perioada 2001-2003; - modul in care pregatirea personalului a dus la dezvoltarea sistemului de Reabilitare Bazata pe Comunitate (RBC) in comuna Falciu; - modul in care proiectul s-a adaptat nevoilor locale, ale copiilor, comunitatii si autoritatilor pentru obtinerea rezultatelor dorite in integrarea sociala a copiilor; - maniera in care s-a dezvoltat parteneriatul intre organizatie si autoritati.
Grila de evaluare a gradului de integrare a persoanei cu handicap elaborata de Centrul de Resurse... more Grila de evaluare a gradului de integrare a persoanei cu handicap elaborata de Centrul de Resurse si Informare in Profesiuni Sociale (CRIPS), aplicabila atat adultilor cat si copiilor raspunde unei cerinte de standardizare in ceea ce priveste masurarea unor indicatori micro sociali privind integrarea sociala a acestor persoane. Standardizarea este vazuta ca un proces destinat unei viziuni unitare in ceea ce priveste masurarea unor indicatori (locuinta si accesul la servicii, mobilitate, context familial, participare sociala, educatie si integrare profesionala, timp liber si satisfactie personala) si urmarirea evolutiei parametrilor ai acestora. Raportarea managerilor de caz la aceasta grila constituie o oportunitate de a identifica caracteristici personalizate ale stilului si calitatii vietii persoanelor evaluate.
Studiul a urmarit identificarea oportunitatilor si a constrangerilor care apar in procesul de int... more Studiul a urmarit identificarea oportunitatilor si a constrangerilor care apar in procesul de integrare profesionala a persoanelor cu handicap. Acest studiu este necesar ca baza pentru elaborarea modelului de formare a agentilor de mediere si pentru surprinderea caracteristicilor prin intermediul ocupatiei: agent de mediere a integrarii profesionale a persoanelor cu handicap.
Articolul abordeaza problema supervizarii in asistenta sociala si modul cum procesul paralel al s... more Articolul abordeaza problema supervizarii in asistenta sociala si modul cum procesul paralel al supervizarii influenteaza tipul de interventie promovat de asistentul social. Comentarii: Autorul lanseaza conceptele de SUPERVIZARE APRECIATIVA si INTERVENTIE APRECIATIVA.Conceptul de proces paralel in supervizare isi are originile in conceptele de transfer si contratransfer dezvoltate in psihanaliza. Transferul intervine atunci cand asistentul social recreaza problema si emotiile experimentate in cadrul consilierii clientului in relatia sa cu supervizorul. Transferul intervine atunci cand asistentul social ....
This article presents some results of national research about the case management practice in chi... more This article presents some results of national research about the case management practice in child protection orientated by finality of permanency planning: adoption. The adoption service is complex. It involves a sequence of stages, strategies and procedures that need to be followed according to certain criteria that would ensure the offer of quality social services. The practice of case management in the public sector is different from one county to other because the interpretations are very different. The scope of the study is to identify these practices and to promote new ideas to improve the quality of services in child protection field.
The surrogacy phenomenon has existed since ancient biblical times in which the barren Sarrai offe... more The surrogacy phenomenon has existed since ancient biblical times in which the barren Sarrai offers her maid Hagar to her husband Abraham to have a child with her. This relationship formed between Hagar and Sarrai, created conflicts that exist to this day. This article was written as part of the doctoral thesis, and aims to present the nature of the relationship that exists between the Israeli intended mothers and the Israeli surrogates, the intended mothers who have chosen to apply for surrogacy outside the country’s borders, and examine the relationship between the surrogates who were all Israelis to the Israeli intend mothers. The subject was explored in sociological aspects, according to Symbolic interaction Theory, which is a sociological theory that was presented to the American sociology by George Herbert Mead at the 1920s. The method that was approach is the qualitative method. The present study comprised of 70 women residing in Israel. The women’s ages ranged between 22 and...
Papers by Stefan Cojocaru