Xavier Motilla
- Professor contractat doctor de Teoria i Història de l'Educació del Departament de Pedagogia i Didàctiques Específiques de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.
- Investigador del Grup d'Estudis d'Història de l'Educació (GEDHE) de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.
URL: http://gedhe.uib.cat/
- Vocal de la Junta directiva de la Societat d'Història de l'Educació dels Països de Llengua Catalana, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
URL: http://blogs.iec.cat/she/
- Secretari de redacció de la revista "Educació i Història. Revista d'història de l'educació" (SHEPLLC/IEC).
URL: http://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/EduH/index
Phone: +34971259967
Address: Ed. Guillem Cifre de Colonya (UIB)
Ctra. Valldemossa km 7.5
07122 Palma (Illes Balears)
- Investigador del Grup d'Estudis d'Història de l'Educació (GEDHE) de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.
URL: http://gedhe.uib.cat/
- Vocal de la Junta directiva de la Societat d'Història de l'Educació dels Països de Llengua Catalana, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
URL: http://blogs.iec.cat/she/
- Secretari de redacció de la revista "Educació i Història. Revista d'història de l'educació" (SHEPLLC/IEC).
URL: http://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/EduH/index
Phone: +34971259967
Address: Ed. Guillem Cifre de Colonya (UIB)
Ctra. Valldemossa km 7.5
07122 Palma (Illes Balears)
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Articles by Xavier Motilla
exploit the possibilities that Web 2.0 can offer, not only in terms of research but also for
teaching and learning processes in different fields of the human knowledge. This article
discusses its implications for the community of educational historians in Spain, as it reviews
the main contributions since the beginning of the 21st century up to the most recent creation
of a scientific historical-educational collaborative space or social network HistoEdu.net
EET/TEE KEYWORDS: Social network; Scientific collaborative space; Online working;
History of Education.
The use of photography as a research source in the history of education and the debate that it has generated has by now important and valuable contributions. In this sense, a line of research (with some contributions in recent years) has paid attention to the use of photography as a means to reinforce the textual discourse in the press and magazines illustrated in graphic reports of educational interest aimed at a general audience. Graphic or illustrated magazines are a source of documentation which is still unexplored by historians of education despite being abundant in Spain since the mid- 19th century. These magazines display plenty of school pictures –which are educational in a broader sense– taken by the pioneers of photojournalism. Therefore, in this article, we intend to approach to the use of photography in the illustrated magazine Lluc, in the period from 1921 to 1973, in order to underline the reports, news and information of educational interest that were published, in a general sense, including religious education. This publication must be analyzed and understood keeping in mind the diverse illustrated magazines appeared in Mallorca. Accordingly, we will study, on the one hand, the development of photojournalism and the illustrated press in any general way, and on the other hand, the origins and development of periodicals and graphic and illustrated magazines in the largest island of the Balearic archipelago, paying attention to publications, their editors and their rich photographic archives."
Descriptores: renovación educativa, educación fuera de la escuela, fotografía, iconografía.
exploit the possibilities that Web 2.0 can offer, not only in terms of research but also for
teaching and learning processes in different fields of the human knowledge. This article
discusses its implications for the community of educational historians in Spain, as it reviews
the main contributions since the beginning of the 21st century up to the most recent creation
of a scientific historical-educational collaborative space or social network HistoEdu.net
EET/TEE KEYWORDS: Social network; Scientific collaborative space; Online working;
History of Education.
The use of photography as a research source in the history of education and the debate that it has generated has by now important and valuable contributions. In this sense, a line of research (with some contributions in recent years) has paid attention to the use of photography as a means to reinforce the textual discourse in the press and magazines illustrated in graphic reports of educational interest aimed at a general audience. Graphic or illustrated magazines are a source of documentation which is still unexplored by historians of education despite being abundant in Spain since the mid- 19th century. These magazines display plenty of school pictures –which are educational in a broader sense– taken by the pioneers of photojournalism. Therefore, in this article, we intend to approach to the use of photography in the illustrated magazine Lluc, in the period from 1921 to 1973, in order to underline the reports, news and information of educational interest that were published, in a general sense, including religious education. This publication must be analyzed and understood keeping in mind the diverse illustrated magazines appeared in Mallorca. Accordingly, we will study, on the one hand, the development of photojournalism and the illustrated press in any general way, and on the other hand, the origins and development of periodicals and graphic and illustrated magazines in the largest island of the Balearic archipelago, paying attention to publications, their editors and their rich photographic archives."
Descriptores: renovación educativa, educación fuera de la escuela, fotografía, iconografía.
Abstract: As many know, one of the main objectives of the athenaeum movement was to increase and foster reading among athenaeum members by creating libraries and reading rooms. This paper focuses on the role played by the athenaeums to foster reading among members during the early 1900s in Minorca. We will also explore the emergence process of a number of different athenaeums in Minorca at the start of the 20th century (the Scientific, Literary and Artistic Athenaeum, the Workers' Athenaeum, the Popular Athenaeum and the « Ateneu des Castell», or Athenaeum of the Castle); as well as on the efforts made by these associations to promote reading among their members, whether through the creation of libraries and reading rooms or by means of the reading and writing courses that they offered.