Tulisan ini mengungkap lebih jauh khazanah Islam terkait isu lingkungan, khususnya dalam literatur fikih. Ditemukan pada banyak literatur Islam klasik bahwa tema lingkungan termasuk isu utama yang menjadi objek perhatian pada waktu itu.... more
Abstrak - Pengelolaan / Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) merupakan hal mendasar yang harus diperhatikan oleh organisasi. Departemen SDM wajib mampu mengelola data karyawan dengan baik. Data karyawan tersebut akan menjadi dasar untuk... more
In Indonesia, Ulama’ (muslim scholars) have a stategic position. Since the colonial period they have had significant roles in developing the country. One of their real contribution is building pesantren (islamic boarding schools) and... more
Teachers of Islamic education in Indonesia have some problems. On the one hand, they are required to meet the standards of qualification, competencies, and certification. On the other hand, they have over-working hour due to the imbalance... more
In Java, the existence of penghayat—believing in the One Almighty God—has grown significantly during the early reign of President Joko Widodo. This is supported by the Regulation of Ministry of Education and Culture Number 27 in 2016... more
Hajj is a hard worship for the Moslems because it requires three abilities at the same time: physical ability, mental ability, and financial ability. Consequently, not all people are able to perform the hajj. Furthermore, hajj is a very... more