terkait metode yang digunakan Imam Bukhari dalam meriwayatkan Hadis, Ibn Hajar, dalam kitabnya al-Nukat ‘ala Kitab Ibn al-Shalah, memberikan uraian singkat tentang metode Bukhari. Ia menyebutkan bahwa metode yang dikembangkan Imam Bukhari... more
terkait metode yang digunakan Imam Bukhari dalam meriwayatkan Hadis, Ibn Hajar, dalam kitabnya al-Nukat ‘ala Kitab Ibn al-Shalah, memberikan uraian singkat tentang metode Bukhari. Ia menyebutkan bahwa metode yang dikembangkan Imam Bukhari dapat dilihat dari dua sisi: 1) Penamaan kitabnya al-Jami’ al-Shahih, 2) Langkah-langkah Bukhari dalam melakukan kajian dan penelitian (al-Istiqra) terhadap hadits. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperoleh gambaran utuh tentang metode Bukhari maka kajian terhadap kitab al-Jami’ al-Shahih dan langkahlangkah tashhih dan tadh’if-nya merupakan suatu keniscayaan. Bukhari memiliki dua syarat dalam pembenaran; syarat mu’asharah dan syarat liqa’. Di samping beberapa syarat di atas, Bukhari juga menetapkan kriteria tingkat perawi (thabaqat al-Ruwat) dalam hadisnya. Dengan demikian, Bukhari hanya menilai shahih sebuah hadits jika sanad hadits tersebut benar-benar shahih dan tidak ada kemungkinan cacat, walaupun diriwayatkan oleh banyak periwayat. Karena, menurutnya, yang menjadi pertimbangan adalah keshahihan sanad bukan jumlah sanadnya
The focus of this research is to analyze the odd mid-semester exams for Arabic subjects for class X-IPS students at SMA Al-Izzah IIBS Malang in 2020-2021. The goal, so that Arabic language teachers are able to make good measuring tools in... more
The focus of this research is to analyze the odd mid-semester exams for Arabic subjects for class X-IPS students at SMA Al-Izzah IIBS Malang in 2020-2021. The goal, so that Arabic language teachers are able to make good measuring tools in measuring student understanding, this study uses a qualitative approach through interviews, observations, documentation with data collection models obtained from student question sheets. then reduce the data, present the data, and draw conclusions to be presented as the final conclusion. To strengthen the data that has been found, the researcher applies triangulation as a technique for testing the validity of the data. The results showed: (1) by reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusions to be presented as the final conclusion. To strengthen the data that has been found, the researcher applies triangulation as a technique of testing the validity of the data. (2) on the written test, the type of test applied is a multiple choice...
This study aims to describe the management of a character education-based curriculum through SKU (Ubudiyah Proficiency Standart) at Madrasah QITA Malang. This type of research includes qualitative descriptive research or is often also... more
This study aims to describe the management of a character education-based curriculum through SKU (Ubudiyah Proficiency Standart) at Madrasah QITA Malang. This type of research includes qualitative descriptive research or is often also called a case study because this research describes an event or event that occurred in the field. Data collection techniques obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the study that: first, it was explained that the management of a character education-based curriculum through SKU (Ubudiyah Proficiency Standart) went well according to standards through four stages, namely in terms of Planning, Organizing, Driving and Evaluating. This aims to create students who have noble character and always obey the commands of Allah SWT without forgetting themselves as human beings. Secondly, the inhibiting factor in implementing SKU at QITA Madrasah is the existence of internal and external factors such as the lack of aware...
This study aims to describe the use of e-learning in learning Arabic at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan. This research is a qualitative research and the type of research is a descriptive study, because this research does not use numbers in data... more
This study aims to describe the use of e-learning in learning Arabic at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan. This research is a qualitative research and the type of research is a descriptive study, because this research does not use numbers in data collection, and only describes the use of e-learning in learning Arabic which focuses on features and teaching patterns. The data were obtained from the results of self-exploration from the researcher as one of the users of e-learning at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan as well as documents and articles related to this discussion. The use of e-learning at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan in learning Arabic is something new, so teachers and students are required to adapt in its use. Teaching patterns were developed to prohibit the four skills: istima' (listening), kalam (speaking), qira'ah (reading) and kitabah (writing). The learning features owned by e-learning at MAN 1 Konawe Selatan include; Video Conferences, Teaching Materials and Computer Based Tests (CBT), so th...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memetakan problematika internal dan external mahasiswa Thailand dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, yangmana peneliti berusaha mengungkap data-data... more
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memetakan problematika internal dan external mahasiswa Thailand dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, yangmana peneliti berusaha mengungkap data-data dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk deskriptif yang berupa kata-kata maupun ungkapan fakta maupun fenomena yang diamati. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti berusaha mengungkap data mengenai problematika yang dihadapi mahasiswa asing dalam mempelajari bahasa Arab baik dari segi pembelajaran maupun proses pemerolehan bahasa Arab. Adapun hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah factor internal yang menjadi pokok problematika yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa Thailand yang mempeajari bahasa Arab terbagi menjadi tiga pokok yaitu: (1) pembendaharaan kosa kata bahasa Arab yang terbatas menjadi permasalah mahasiswa asal Thailand dalam memahami penjelasan dosen, (2) kurangnya pembelajaran bahasa Arab dasar mahasiswa Thailand, (3) malu dan takut bertanya ke dosen dan teman se...