The problem of the practice of riba and bank interest among Qur’anic reviewers, especially those ... more The problem of the practice of riba and bank interest among Qur’anic reviewers, especially those with contextualist views, has never ended. Even there are different opinions among contextualists. This study focuses on analyzing the thoughts and interpretation between Abdullah Saeed and Ziauddin Sardar in addressing riba in Q.S Al-Baqarah: 275-281. This research is qualitative research with a literature research footing. The research method is analytical descriptive. The content analysis uses the muqaran approach from Abdul Mustaqim’s perspective, which aims to further elaborate on how to interpret riba in the series of verses and how the concepts of riba and bank interest according to them. Used in the analysis, the practice of riba which forbidden according to Saeed is, occurred pre-Islamic because it resulted in injustice, pressure, and economic exploitation. Hile bank interest is not included in riba because there is an agreement between the two parties regarding interest rates, ...
The study of the Koran from a contextual point of view continues to grow. One of the offers that ... more The study of the Koran from a contextual point of view continues to grow. One of the offers that has been continuously studied and applied is the double movement theory initiated by Fazlur Rahman and developed by Abdullah Saeed. The double movement theory emphasizes the socio-historical context of the Koran and the present. To bridge the two periods, a researcher must sensitively take the meaning of the verse being studied or what is called the moral ideal. Thus, the meaning of the purpose of the revelation of the Qur'anic verse will continue to be conveyed at any time. The object of the application of the double movement is indeed law verses, so as to produce a moral ideal that is real or concrete. However, in this study, the researcher found that double movement not only produces concrete moral ideals, but also transcendental ones. The verse studied is the verse of war, surah al-Anfāl verse 17. So that, the result is that the moral ideal which is concrete from this verse is th...
Salah satu cabang Ulum Alquran adalah munasabah. Keberadaan munasabah ini memang punya latar bela... more Salah satu cabang Ulum Alquran adalah munasabah. Keberadaan munasabah ini memang punya latar belakang pro dan kontra. Tapi di samping itu semua, pasti ada sisi positif yang justru banyak di dapat. Salah satu mufassir kontemporer yang kembali menghadirkan cara berpikir dengan dasar munasabah adalah Hamiduddin al-Farahi. Ia mengembangkan teori munasabah menjadi sebuah metodologi yang berhasil menarik perhatian kalangan pengkaji Alquran. Nizam adalah metodologi yang ia gagas dan langsung diterapkan pada penafsirannya, sekalipun tidak semua surat dalam Alquran. Selain itu, juga ada konsep ‘amud, yakni tema sentral yang ada pada surat. Keberadaan ‘amud menjadi latar belakang penulisan dalam penelitian ini. Orientasi permasalahannya terletak pada pernyataan al-Farahi bahwa setiap surat pasti mempunyai ‘amud. Namun pada penafsirannya, ada empat surat yang tidak disebutkan ‘amud nya oleh al-Farahi. Apakah al-Farahi tidak konsisten dalam menerapkan konsep yang sudah ia tetapkan, ini menjadi ...
Muslim society’s acceptance of a hadith is manifested in many behaviors, one of which is the use ... more Muslim society’s acceptance of a hadith is manifested in many behaviors, one of which is the use of the hadith sentences as a prayer and dhikr that manifests in a ḥizb. The hadith used as part of the ḥizb is a hadith containing prayers taught by Allah to the Prophet during the battle of Uhud. This hadith is known as the Jawshân Hadith, so the ḥizb born from the act of interpreting the hadith is called the ḥizb Ḥirz al-Jawshân. This study aims to find motives that encourage the community, especially students at Pesantren Hidayatul Mubtadi-aat, in the reception of the hadith in the form of ḥizb reading. To achieve this purpose, this study uses a field study method using Marx Weber’s charismatic authority approach. This research found that the reading, which was done by santri Hidayatul Mubtadi-aat, was a form of performative effort on Jawshân hadith. This is based on a shift in the understanding of the hadith from the informative function to the performative function in the time of al...
Abstra ct : Hermeneutic as interpretation knowledge can be classified into three categories: obje... more Abstra ct : Hermeneutic as interpretation knowledge can be classified into three categories: objective, subjective, and liberation. 1). Objective hermeneutic means an effort to interpret and to understand the meaning of text as the author means. 2). Subjective hermeneutic means an effort to interpret and to understand the meaning of text based on the social context at this time without any consideration to the author thought. 3). Liberation hermeneutic means an effort to interpret and to understand the meaning of text based on the spirit of circumstance and try to make the result of interpretation as the spirit to change the life and the circumstance of the interpreter and the reader. In Islamic perspective, objective hermeneutic can be compared with tafsir bi al-ma’tsur, and subjective hermeneutic can be compared with tafsir bi al-ra’y. However, hermeneutical discourse has been giving much contribution for the development of interpretation knowledge, so it can appear hermeneutic of...
This study aims to analyze the forms of tajsi> m and tashbi> h in the interpretation of She... more This study aims to analyze the forms of tajsi> m and tashbi> h in the interpretation of Sheikh al-’Uthaimin. Although this statement was strongly rejected by Sheikh al-’Uthaimin himself and Muh{ammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab. This analysis is focused on 4 verses, surat al-Rah{ma>n verse 27, Hu>d verse 37, Maidah verse 64, al-Shu>ra> verse 11, and al-Ma>’idah. In addition, the meaning of tawassul Surat al-Ma> 'idah verse 35 and al-Ah{za>b verse 56 was also studied. After research using descriptive analysis method with library research approach model, it was concluded that interpretation Sheikh al-'Uthaimi>n related to the verses of tajsi>m and tashbi>h, whether it is in the work of tafsir or non-tafsirnya. According to him, God has a face, hands, and both eyes. Then was {i> is what is meant by the prophet or saint, according to al-’Uthaimin this is a form of falsehood.
Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks.... more Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks. Sehingga dibutuhkan banyak penafsiran terhadap satu teks, terkhusus yang menyangkut keberagamaan. Dalam artikel ini, pembahasannya lebih mengorientasikan p ada diskursus konsep keselamatan atau soteriologi perspektif Moqsith Ghazali. Dan juga dengan sudut p andang dari beberapa tafsir sebagai penguat argumen. Dari analisis yang sudah dilakukan yakni dengan mengkaji surat Ali Imran: 19, al - Ma’idah: 69, dan al - Baqarah: 62 maka dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada mon o poli surga atas satu agama. S urga adalah milik mereka yang beriman dan beramal saleh, apa pun agamanya. Ini adalah bukti bahwa Ghazali mempunyai pemikiran yang inklusif terhadap soteriologi.
Fatimah Mernissi is a Muslim woman born and raised in a harem environment. Constrained with large... more Fatimah Mernissi is a Muslim woman born and raised in a harem environment. Constrained with large walls and strict guarding. So that Fatimah and other female members in the harem were strictly prohibited from interacting with the outside world. Plus, some statements about women he got in school, which he said were an "insult" to women. This is what made the female members, especially Fatimah herself, want to fight for freedom against women. There are no more restrictions and oppression of women. So Fatimah initiated a "Feminism" movement, with the aim of reviving women's ranks. Fatimah also made some criticisms of the Hadith, which according to her lacked respect for the position and role of women. Fatimah also confirmed that "Feminism" is not taking ideas from the West, but Islam also has its own concept regarding this matter.
Abu Hayyan merupakan seorang ulama yang memiliki khazanah keintelektualan yang tinggi. Hal ini te... more Abu Hayyan merupakan seorang ulama yang memiliki khazanah keintelektualan yang tinggi. Hal ini terbukti dengan catatan sejarah perjalanan keintelektualannya dari kota ke kota lain, dari negara ke negara lain. Bahkan tercatat guru dari Abu Hayyan sekitar 450, belum yang memberinya ijazah bahkan ribuan guru. Sehingga tidak heran jika ia menguasai beberapa bidang keilmuan. Kitab al-Bah{r al-Muh{i>t merupakan salah bukti keluasan ilmu yang dimiliki oleh Abu Hayyan al-Andalusy. Kentalnya pembahasan Alquran dari segi hukum nahwu menunjukkan kemahiran Abu Hayyan dalam kaidah kebahasaan Arab. Bahkan ada yang berpendapat ini bukanlah kitab tafsir, akan tetapi ini adalah kitab perihal hukum nahwu (tata bahasa). Al-Bah{r al-Muhi>{t{ merupakan salah satu kitab bi al-ra’yi yang termasyhur.
Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks.... more Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks. Sehingga dibutuhkan banyak penafsiran terhadap satu teks, terkhusus yang menyangkut keberagamaan. Dalam artikel ini, pembahasannya lebih mengorientasikan p ada diskursus konsep keselamatan atau soteriologi perspektif Moqsith Ghazali. Dan juga dengan sudut p andang dari beberapa tafsir sebagai penguat argumen. Dari analisis yang sudah dilakukan yakni dengan mengkaji surat Ali Imran: 19, al - Ma>’idah: 69, dan al - Baqarah: 62 maka dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada mon o poli surga atas satu agama. S urga adalah milik mereka yang beriman dan beramal saleh, apa pun agamanya. Ini adalah bukti bahwa Ghazali mempunyai pemikiran yang inklusif terhadap soteriologi.
The problem of the practice of riba and bank interest among Qur’anic reviewers, especially those ... more The problem of the practice of riba and bank interest among Qur’anic reviewers, especially those with contextualist views, has never ended. Even there are different opinions among contextualists. This study focuses on analyzing the thoughts and interpretation between Abdullah Saeed and Ziauddin Sardar in addressing riba in Q.S Al-Baqarah: 275-281. This research is qualitative research with a literature research footing. The research method is analytical descriptive. The content analysis uses the muqaran approach from Abdul Mustaqim’s perspective, which aims to further elaborate on how to interpret riba in the series of verses and how the concepts of riba and bank interest according to them. Used in the analysis, the practice of riba which forbidden according to Saeed is, occurred pre-Islamic because it resulted in injustice, pressure, and economic exploitation. Hile bank interest is not included in riba because there is an agreement between the two parties regarding interest rates, ...
The study of the Koran from a contextual point of view continues to grow. One of the offers that ... more The study of the Koran from a contextual point of view continues to grow. One of the offers that has been continuously studied and applied is the double movement theory initiated by Fazlur Rahman and developed by Abdullah Saeed. The double movement theory emphasizes the socio-historical context of the Koran and the present. To bridge the two periods, a researcher must sensitively take the meaning of the verse being studied or what is called the moral ideal. Thus, the meaning of the purpose of the revelation of the Qur'anic verse will continue to be conveyed at any time. The object of the application of the double movement is indeed law verses, so as to produce a moral ideal that is real or concrete. However, in this study, the researcher found that double movement not only produces concrete moral ideals, but also transcendental ones. The verse studied is the verse of war, surah al-Anfāl verse 17. So that, the result is that the moral ideal which is concrete from this verse is th...
Salah satu cabang Ulum Alquran adalah munasabah. Keberadaan munasabah ini memang punya latar bela... more Salah satu cabang Ulum Alquran adalah munasabah. Keberadaan munasabah ini memang punya latar belakang pro dan kontra. Tapi di samping itu semua, pasti ada sisi positif yang justru banyak di dapat. Salah satu mufassir kontemporer yang kembali menghadirkan cara berpikir dengan dasar munasabah adalah Hamiduddin al-Farahi. Ia mengembangkan teori munasabah menjadi sebuah metodologi yang berhasil menarik perhatian kalangan pengkaji Alquran. Nizam adalah metodologi yang ia gagas dan langsung diterapkan pada penafsirannya, sekalipun tidak semua surat dalam Alquran. Selain itu, juga ada konsep ‘amud, yakni tema sentral yang ada pada surat. Keberadaan ‘amud menjadi latar belakang penulisan dalam penelitian ini. Orientasi permasalahannya terletak pada pernyataan al-Farahi bahwa setiap surat pasti mempunyai ‘amud. Namun pada penafsirannya, ada empat surat yang tidak disebutkan ‘amud nya oleh al-Farahi. Apakah al-Farahi tidak konsisten dalam menerapkan konsep yang sudah ia tetapkan, ini menjadi ...
Muslim society’s acceptance of a hadith is manifested in many behaviors, one of which is the use ... more Muslim society’s acceptance of a hadith is manifested in many behaviors, one of which is the use of the hadith sentences as a prayer and dhikr that manifests in a ḥizb. The hadith used as part of the ḥizb is a hadith containing prayers taught by Allah to the Prophet during the battle of Uhud. This hadith is known as the Jawshân Hadith, so the ḥizb born from the act of interpreting the hadith is called the ḥizb Ḥirz al-Jawshân. This study aims to find motives that encourage the community, especially students at Pesantren Hidayatul Mubtadi-aat, in the reception of the hadith in the form of ḥizb reading. To achieve this purpose, this study uses a field study method using Marx Weber’s charismatic authority approach. This research found that the reading, which was done by santri Hidayatul Mubtadi-aat, was a form of performative effort on Jawshân hadith. This is based on a shift in the understanding of the hadith from the informative function to the performative function in the time of al...
Abstra ct : Hermeneutic as interpretation knowledge can be classified into three categories: obje... more Abstra ct : Hermeneutic as interpretation knowledge can be classified into three categories: objective, subjective, and liberation. 1). Objective hermeneutic means an effort to interpret and to understand the meaning of text as the author means. 2). Subjective hermeneutic means an effort to interpret and to understand the meaning of text based on the social context at this time without any consideration to the author thought. 3). Liberation hermeneutic means an effort to interpret and to understand the meaning of text based on the spirit of circumstance and try to make the result of interpretation as the spirit to change the life and the circumstance of the interpreter and the reader. In Islamic perspective, objective hermeneutic can be compared with tafsir bi al-ma’tsur, and subjective hermeneutic can be compared with tafsir bi al-ra’y. However, hermeneutical discourse has been giving much contribution for the development of interpretation knowledge, so it can appear hermeneutic of...
This study aims to analyze the forms of tajsi> m and tashbi> h in the interpretation of She... more This study aims to analyze the forms of tajsi> m and tashbi> h in the interpretation of Sheikh al-’Uthaimin. Although this statement was strongly rejected by Sheikh al-’Uthaimin himself and Muh{ammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab. This analysis is focused on 4 verses, surat al-Rah{ma>n verse 27, Hu>d verse 37, Maidah verse 64, al-Shu>ra> verse 11, and al-Ma>’idah. In addition, the meaning of tawassul Surat al-Ma> 'idah verse 35 and al-Ah{za>b verse 56 was also studied. After research using descriptive analysis method with library research approach model, it was concluded that interpretation Sheikh al-'Uthaimi>n related to the verses of tajsi>m and tashbi>h, whether it is in the work of tafsir or non-tafsirnya. According to him, God has a face, hands, and both eyes. Then was {i> is what is meant by the prophet or saint, according to al-’Uthaimin this is a form of falsehood.
Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks.... more Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks. Sehingga dibutuhkan banyak penafsiran terhadap satu teks, terkhusus yang menyangkut keberagamaan. Dalam artikel ini, pembahasannya lebih mengorientasikan p ada diskursus konsep keselamatan atau soteriologi perspektif Moqsith Ghazali. Dan juga dengan sudut p andang dari beberapa tafsir sebagai penguat argumen. Dari analisis yang sudah dilakukan yakni dengan mengkaji surat Ali Imran: 19, al - Ma’idah: 69, dan al - Baqarah: 62 maka dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada mon o poli surga atas satu agama. S urga adalah milik mereka yang beriman dan beramal saleh, apa pun agamanya. Ini adalah bukti bahwa Ghazali mempunyai pemikiran yang inklusif terhadap soteriologi.
Fatimah Mernissi is a Muslim woman born and raised in a harem environment. Constrained with large... more Fatimah Mernissi is a Muslim woman born and raised in a harem environment. Constrained with large walls and strict guarding. So that Fatimah and other female members in the harem were strictly prohibited from interacting with the outside world. Plus, some statements about women he got in school, which he said were an "insult" to women. This is what made the female members, especially Fatimah herself, want to fight for freedom against women. There are no more restrictions and oppression of women. So Fatimah initiated a "Feminism" movement, with the aim of reviving women's ranks. Fatimah also made some criticisms of the Hadith, which according to her lacked respect for the position and role of women. Fatimah also confirmed that "Feminism" is not taking ideas from the West, but Islam also has its own concept regarding this matter.
Abu Hayyan merupakan seorang ulama yang memiliki khazanah keintelektualan yang tinggi. Hal ini te... more Abu Hayyan merupakan seorang ulama yang memiliki khazanah keintelektualan yang tinggi. Hal ini terbukti dengan catatan sejarah perjalanan keintelektualannya dari kota ke kota lain, dari negara ke negara lain. Bahkan tercatat guru dari Abu Hayyan sekitar 450, belum yang memberinya ijazah bahkan ribuan guru. Sehingga tidak heran jika ia menguasai beberapa bidang keilmuan. Kitab al-Bah{r al-Muh{i>t merupakan salah bukti keluasan ilmu yang dimiliki oleh Abu Hayyan al-Andalusy. Kentalnya pembahasan Alquran dari segi hukum nahwu menunjukkan kemahiran Abu Hayyan dalam kaidah kebahasaan Arab. Bahkan ada yang berpendapat ini bukanlah kitab tafsir, akan tetapi ini adalah kitab perihal hukum nahwu (tata bahasa). Al-Bah{r al-Muhi>{t{ merupakan salah satu kitab bi al-ra’yi yang termasyhur.
Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks.... more Problematik kehidupan manusia dari sisi religius nya adalah hal yang begitu dinamis dan kompleks. Sehingga dibutuhkan banyak penafsiran terhadap satu teks, terkhusus yang menyangkut keberagamaan. Dalam artikel ini, pembahasannya lebih mengorientasikan p ada diskursus konsep keselamatan atau soteriologi perspektif Moqsith Ghazali. Dan juga dengan sudut p andang dari beberapa tafsir sebagai penguat argumen. Dari analisis yang sudah dilakukan yakni dengan mengkaji surat Ali Imran: 19, al - Ma>’idah: 69, dan al - Baqarah: 62 maka dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa tidak ada mon o poli surga atas satu agama. S urga adalah milik mereka yang beriman dan beramal saleh, apa pun agamanya. Ini adalah bukti bahwa Ghazali mempunyai pemikiran yang inklusif terhadap soteriologi.
Papers by miatul qudsia
This is what made the female members, especially Fatimah herself, want to fight for freedom against women. There are no more restrictions and oppression of women. So Fatimah initiated a "Feminism" movement, with the aim of reviving women's ranks. Fatimah also made some criticisms of the Hadith, which according to her lacked respect for the position and role of women. Fatimah also confirmed that "Feminism" is not taking ideas from the West, but Islam also has its own concept regarding this matter.
Conference Presentations by miatul qudsia
This is what made the female members, especially Fatimah herself, want to fight for freedom against women. There are no more restrictions and oppression of women. So Fatimah initiated a "Feminism" movement, with the aim of reviving women's ranks. Fatimah also made some criticisms of the Hadith, which according to her lacked respect for the position and role of women. Fatimah also confirmed that "Feminism" is not taking ideas from the West, but Islam also has its own concept regarding this matter.