Abstrak Pendahuluan/Tujuan Utama : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui wakaf uang dalam pan... more Abstrak Pendahuluan/Tujuan Utama : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui wakaf uang dalam pandangan hukum ekonomi syariah di era revolusi industri 4.0. Latar belakang : pemahaman masyarakat Indonesia terkait Wakaf uang masih minim. Padahal wakaf ini memiliki potensi yang besar guna mensejahterakan masyarakat Indonesia. Kebaruan Penelitian : terkait penelitian perspektif hukum ekonomi syariah tentang wakaf uang di era revolusi industri 4.0 belum ada yang meneliti. Metode Penelitian : Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan, kualitatif, dengan pendekataan perundang-undangan, sejarah, perbandingan dan konseptual serta penelitian ini bersifat normatif.Hasil Temuan : pandangan Ekonomi Syariāh di Indonesia terkait wakaf uang dilakukan sebagaimana UU No.41/2004 tentang wakaf dimana benda bergerak yakni dalam “Wakaf benda bergerak” yang dimanifestasikan berupa uang. Kesimpulan : Wakaf uang di Indonesia di Era revolusi Industri 4.0 dapat mensejahterahkan perekonomian masyarak...
Alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan suatu negara saat ini sangat penting, hal ini bertujuan dalam r... more Alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan suatu negara saat ini sangat penting, hal ini bertujuan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat, namun efisiensi dalam alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan dalam sistem ekonomi kapitalis, berdampak pada ketidakadilan, sehingga perekonomian masyarakat menjadi tidak stabil, dimana ketidakstabilan ekonomi ini dapat menimbulkan konflik dan kemiskinan secara berkelanjutan dan permanen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengungkap tentang: alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan negara dari perspektif Ekonomi Islam serta relevansi alokasi dan distribusi penerimaan negara dari perspektif Ekonomi Islam di era industri 4.0. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan yang sumbernya berupa data kepustakaan berupa berbagai buku, jurnal, internet, dan juga sumber lainnya yang relevan dengan tema alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan Negara dalam islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alokasi dan distribusi pendapata...
The Qawa'id fiqhiyyah al-Masyaqqāh Tajlib al-Taysir is a general foundation in social thinkin... more The Qawa'id fiqhiyyah al-Masyaqqāh Tajlib al-Taysir is a general foundation in social thinking and behavior that provides guidance for all people and nations in Indonesia, especially in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as it is today, to carry out various interactions with each other. The guidance given concerns several aspects of life such as legal, economic, social, political and state aspects, as well as culture to human behavior problems when collided with Islamic economics by understanding the principles contained therein. This research focuses on the study of qawa'id Fiqhiyah al-Masyaqqāh Tajlib al-Taysir, which means Difficulty of Giving Birth to Ease, and its implications for economic thought and behavior in society in the current era, namely the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In this case, the understanding of the difficulty of giving birth to ease is that mutlaq is needed to carry out an ijtihad or renewal of thought. The existence of this fiqh princ...
This study aims to describe local specialties that have the potential to become halal food in ord... more This study aims to describe local specialties that have the potential to become halal food in order to boost the economy of local communities in three areas including Lakbok sub-district, Kedungreja sub-district, and Wangon sub-district. In the halal food sector or halal food in Indonesia, especially in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, as it is now, it has become a necessity. This is because 1) Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim population in the world. 2) traditional regional specialties also need to be developed in order to boost the economy of the local community. 3) Support from the government in an effort to make Indonesia the world's halal center. 4) If the potential of the halal industry is not developed, it will become a threat to the Indonesian economy. This research method uses field studies with data obtained from observations and interviews and documentation. The results showed that halal food in the three sub-districts was able to boost the economy of t...
Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah
The largest state income in Indonesia is tax. So it is necessary to study the allocation and dist... more The largest state income in Indonesia is tax. So it is necessary to study the allocation and distribution of these taxes from the perspective of Islamic economics, this is because Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Indonesian state income from an Islamic economic perspective is very important, this is because the Islamic economy in Indonesia currently has great opportunities in its development aspect. Especially at this time, it has been recorded in the history of the economy in Indonesia as evidence of the development of the Islamic economy in Indonesia, including the existence of the embodiment of the National Money Waqf Movement and the Islamic Economic Brand. The purpose of this study aims to reveal about: the allocation and distribution of state revenues from the perspective of Islamic Economics on Existence (Sharia Economic Brand and Cash Waqf); and its relevance in Indonesia in the current era (4.0). The method used in this research is library research ...
Introduction: Crime and punishment in the 4.0 era are 1) a behavior, 2) a type of social phenomen... more Introduction: Crime and punishment in the 4.0 era are 1) a behavior, 2) a type of social phenomenon in interactions that are built between humans, 3) natural and social phenomena, 4) including interactions between people in social life, 5) considered as a process deterministic mechanics based on the law of causality. So that nowadays the study of crime and punishment in the 4.0 era needs to be developed in order to realize national development.Purposes of the Research: To uncover and explore deterministics based on the law of causality, which causes criminal liability in Era 4.0, which needs to be developed in order to realize national development.Methods of the Research: This research method is a normative research where causal deterministics in era 4.0 are aimed at sentencing and are not only based on the concept of retributive justice alone, but also on the principle of benefits generated in the sense of aiming to prevent the recurrence of similar crimes and thereby create order...
Madrasah Diniyah requires a special strategy in managing their educational institutions, as was d... more Madrasah Diniyah requires a special strategy in managing their educational institutions, as was done by Madrasah Diniyah An Nur Karangkobar Banjarnegara through religious traditions. However, there are still obstacles in its application, so this study aims to determine the role and contribution of Madrasah Diniyah An Nur in developing Islamic education through religious activities and to find out what obstacles are faced in developing it. The type of research used is field resesarch with a qualitative approach. Primary data were obtained from the Head of Madrasah, Ustadz and Ustadzah, Wali Santri, Santri Madrasa Diniyah An Nur Karangkobar. The results showed that the role of Madrasah Diniyah An Nur Karangkobar in developing Islamic education was carried out through religious activities such as; khithabah, barzanzi, qiroah, and muhadharah. Its role in the development of Islamic education is as: (1) an institution that teaches religious knowledge; 2) media for the preservation of Isla...
The impact of changing times is so great, such as the 4.0 era as it is today for children, teenag... more The impact of changing times is so great, such as the 4.0 era as it is today for children, teenagers, and parents, who need to adapt to the current era. And it would be nice for us to provide an overview and understanding to our children in a way that is appropriate for their age in order to be able to grasp what we mean. And we should educate more with tenderness and love, the position of parents in developing children's nature, the implications of which in the 4.0 era are very important because with that we can be closer and easier in providing education. The educational method that we use may be done in realizing a disciplined and independent child's personality which stems from the child's desire to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter. This research method is library research with the object of the verses of the Qur'an using several interpretations from the commentators including: Tafsir Jalalain Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Al-Maraghi to uncover and exp...
The model of higher education in Islamic boarding schools has indeed become something new in the ... more The model of higher education in Islamic boarding schools has indeed become something new in the dynamics of Islamic education. Its existence is even more dynamic in the midst of the 4.0 era, of course there are opportunities and challenges to be faced. This study aims to 1) analyze the model of higher education in the pesantren environment in implementing education in the 4.0 era. 2) analyze the strategies used by Islamic boarding schools to maintain the existence of universities. 3) analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by universities in the pesantren environment. The research method used is library research. The results of the study found that in the 4.0 era through various models offered in maintaining its existence, it was to strengthen management, governance, and human resources without losing the traditions, culture, curriculum in Islamic boarding schools that oversee certain universities. In addition, it can be done by making innovations in order to maintain the qu...
Puji syukur dipanjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT karena berkat Rahmat-Nya penyusunan Bunga Rampai Pan... more Puji syukur dipanjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT karena berkat Rahmat-Nya penyusunan Bunga Rampai Pandemi dengan tema "Pena History di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 : Sepenggal Kenangan Pengabdian Mahasiswa STAIMA Kota Banjar di Lingkungan Masyarakat" ini dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini memuat berbagai info seputar Covid-19, terutama berbagai tips pencegahan dan perawatan mandiri yang dapat dilakukan selama di rumah aja. Buku ini membahas bagaimana upaya-upaya pencegahan Covid-19 dari berbagai aspek yaitu aspek Pendidikan dan Ekonomi di sekitar lingkungan Masyarakat sekitar atau Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), kesehatan mental ranah Psikologis. Diharapkan para sahabat dapat membaca kemudian menerapkan langkah-langkah strategis dalam ranah upaya-upaya pencegahan ini selama melakukan kegiatan KKN DR. Upaya menjaga kesehatan secara mandiri ini bahkan dianjurkan untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tidak hanya dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Buku ini dis...
Era 4.0 (current disruption requires Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in... more Era 4.0 (current disruption requires Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in Schools), especially private schools in Indonesia where in the digital era like now, schools are required to be effective and superior schools. The fundamental thing of the three things (Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership) are the demands of the era in which in the era of 4.0 competitor schools in Indonesia (State and Private) are being incessant. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to determine the extent to which the effectiveness of organizational management, human resources and leadership carried out by school principals in private schools in Indonesia towards this sophisticated era (Era 4.0). The method used in this research is the library research method, with a quantitative approach. The results show that the effectiveness of Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in Private Schools in the Era 4.0 is still far from what was e...
Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Peserta Didik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan... more Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Peserta Didik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan terdapat beberapa kesimpulan yang dapat disampaikan, antaranya: 1. Potensi Dusun Sindangmulya RT 06 RW 10 diantaranya potensi alam, potensi pendidikan, dan potensi pemerintahan dusun sindangmulya cukup menggambarkan sebuah dusun yang dapat berkembang lebih baik kepedannya. 2. Dalam pelaksaan KKN-DR di Dusun Sindangmulya Rt 06 Rw 10 terdapat tiga program pokok yaitu bidang pendidikan, bidang Agama dan bidang sosial. Dan bidang tambahahn yaitu pengajian rutin mingguan. 3. Program yang dilaksanakan dalam program pendidikan adalah mengisis dan membantu KBM di DTA, yang berjalan cukup lancar. Program yang di lakukan dalam bidang agama yaitu oengajian rutin mingguan. 4. Progam yang dilakukan dalam bidang sosial dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, program yang dilaksanakan yaitu salah satunya baksi sosial atau menjaga kesehatan. 5. Program yang dilaksanakan dalam bidang kesehatan yaitu ikut serta da...
Metode Pendidikan Mengaji Pasca Covid-19 yang digunakan pada Santriwan dan Santriwati di Dusun Si... more Metode Pendidikan Mengaji Pasca Covid-19 yang digunakan pada Santriwan dan Santriwati di Dusun Sindang Asih RT 02 RW 05 Desa Kujangsari Kecamatan Langensari, Kota Banjar Jawa Barat, bedasarkan hasil Observasi di Lapangan yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan KKN DR Sisdamas Tahun 2020 Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Huda Al Azhar (STAIMA) Kota Banjar adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Kuliah Kerja Nyata dari Rumah Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN DR Sisdamas ) pasca Covid-19 Sekolah Tinggi Miftahul Huda Al Azhar tahun 2020 di Dusun Sindangasih mendapat tanggapan yang baik dari masyarakat setempat dan berjalan dengan lancar. Dalam rangka memantapkan Program yakni Metode Pendidikan Mengaji Pasca Covid19, Metode Pendidikan ini yang tepat yakni Situation Methode dengan memperhatikan situasi dan kondisi tempat para Peserta didik/ santri tinggal atau berdomisili. Materi yang diajarkan ini, Peneliti sebagai Guru ngaji memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya mematuhi protokol kesehatan, hal ini...
pelaksanaan optimalisasi peran UMKM dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian masyarakat Desa Bojongk... more pelaksanaan optimalisasi peran UMKM dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian masyarakat Desa Bojongkantong yang terdampak akibat Penyebaran Virus Covid-19, maka di dapat kesimpulan sebagai berikut : Terdapat kegiatan UMKM dan industri rumahan di wilayah Kelurahan Bojongkantong terutama di Dusun Margasari RT 008 RW 005. Industri rumahan yang terdapat di daerah tersebut diantaranya adalah industri pembuatan saleh pisang dan aneka jenis makanan ringan. Dengan eksisnya kegiatan UMKM dan industri rumahan tersebut Masih ada sisi kelemahannya diantaranya manajerial dalam UMKM. Dengan demikian untuk mengatasi kelemahan tersebut maka harus dilakukan pelatihan kewirausahaan pada masyarakat para pelaku UMKM tersebut. Adapun kegiatan pelatihan kewirausahaan yang dilakukan di Desa Bojongkantong Kecamatan Langensari Kota Banjar Jawa Barat yang terdampak akibat Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 berjalan dengan lancar.
The complexity of the challenges posed by teaching staff who are not ready and do not understand ... more The complexity of the challenges posed by teaching staff who are not ready and do not understand multicultural education today has become a major obstacle, especially in the 4.0 era as it is today. In addition, materials and resources must be free from biases, such as social class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and urban bias. Thus, authors of sources, materials, need to use the perspective of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Era 4.0 in terms of implementing Islamic education in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the urgency and reflection of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Indonesia, where Islamic education today continues to experience its own complexities of challenges. The results of the study show that multicultural education can be implemented for teachers, leaders, school members and campus communities who have a multicultural attitude and have the ability to properly organize Islamic education in the era 4.0 which...
Introduction / Main Objective : This study aims to reveal the existence of community conceptions ... more Introduction / Main Objective : This study aims to reveal the existence of community conceptions related to profit sharing (Sharia economics), usury, bank interest (conventional), in terms of Islamic economics, where these 3 (three) things are unique and interesting if we discuss in the era of disruption like today. Background: The era of discipline 4.0 as it is now is very interesting and unique regarding the study of the prohibition of usury in Indonesia, what is unique is the Khilafiyah which is the basis for especially Muslims (sharia economic actors), the need for tolerance between the views of schools of thought in Indonesia regarding this usury in sharia economics (muamalah) in order to benefit together in this world and in the hereafter. Research Methods: This study uses the Library Research Method and collects data obtained by means of literature studies from books and journals relevant to studies on usury and bank interest (conventional), profit sharing (Islamic economics)...
This research aims to build the value of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Indonesian economic developm... more This research aims to build the value of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Indonesian economic development at 4.0 era from the perspective of philosophy and shariah economic law. The role of both is considered important regarding with freedom to do any economic activities in Indonesia as the non-Islamic state in the formal term yet at the same time is known as a sharia economic community due to its world’s largest Moslem population. This literature-normative research is qualitative with a statutory, historical, comparative and conceptual approach. It found that first, rahmatan lil 'alamin (sheltering the entire ummah and not exclusive to Moslem only) value enables the philosophy of Islamic law to contribute in developing Indonesian economy. The goal of Islam as a religion to guide its believers toward the happiness of the world and the hereafter and the triangle concept among philosophy of God, human, and nature, for example, make it possible for Islamic economic with its rahmatan li...
Latar belakang masalah dari penelitian ini adalah adanya berbagai Perubahan dari satu huruf kehur... more Latar belakang masalah dari penelitian ini adalah adanya berbagai Perubahan dari satu huruf kehuruf yang lain yang dalam hal ini adalah Fi’il Mu’tal. Fi’il Mu’tal sangatlah urgen mengingat bahwa orang atau anak yang mempelajari bahasa arab terutama bidang sharaf, ini dikarenakan perubahan huruf dalam kata tersebut menjadikan mudahnya pelafadzan/pembacaan dan pema’naan dalam kalimat. Dalam proses belajar mengajar tanpa menggunakan metode, maka tidak akan maju dan berkembang serta akan kesulitan didalam mencapai sebuah tujuan yang diharapkan dari proses belajar mengajar tersebut. Berangkat dari permasalahan inilah penulis berkeinginan memaparkan Fi’il Mu’tal, makna-maknanya dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat. Selain mendeskripsikan tentang makna-maknanya dan penggunaannya didalam kalimat, agar pikiran ilmiah ini tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi anak didik, tapi juga pendidik atau calon guru bahasa arab, penulis juga berkeinginan memaparkan metode pembelajaran bahasa arab dan menganalisa metod...
Abstrak Pendahuluan/Tujuan Utama : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui wakaf uang dalam pan... more Abstrak Pendahuluan/Tujuan Utama : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui wakaf uang dalam pandangan hukum ekonomi syariah di era revolusi industri 4.0. Latar belakang : pemahaman masyarakat Indonesia terkait Wakaf uang masih minim. Padahal wakaf ini memiliki potensi yang besar guna mensejahterakan masyarakat Indonesia. Kebaruan Penelitian : terkait penelitian perspektif hukum ekonomi syariah tentang wakaf uang di era revolusi industri 4.0 belum ada yang meneliti. Metode Penelitian : Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan, kualitatif, dengan pendekataan perundang-undangan, sejarah, perbandingan dan konseptual serta penelitian ini bersifat normatif.Hasil Temuan : pandangan Ekonomi Syariāh di Indonesia terkait wakaf uang dilakukan sebagaimana UU No.41/2004 tentang wakaf dimana benda bergerak yakni dalam “Wakaf benda bergerak” yang dimanifestasikan berupa uang. Kesimpulan : Wakaf uang di Indonesia di Era revolusi Industri 4.0 dapat mensejahterahkan perekonomian masyarak...
Alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan suatu negara saat ini sangat penting, hal ini bertujuan dalam r... more Alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan suatu negara saat ini sangat penting, hal ini bertujuan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat, namun efisiensi dalam alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan dalam sistem ekonomi kapitalis, berdampak pada ketidakadilan, sehingga perekonomian masyarakat menjadi tidak stabil, dimana ketidakstabilan ekonomi ini dapat menimbulkan konflik dan kemiskinan secara berkelanjutan dan permanen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengungkap tentang: alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan negara dari perspektif Ekonomi Islam serta relevansi alokasi dan distribusi penerimaan negara dari perspektif Ekonomi Islam di era industri 4.0. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan yang sumbernya berupa data kepustakaan berupa berbagai buku, jurnal, internet, dan juga sumber lainnya yang relevan dengan tema alokasi dan distribusi pendapatan Negara dalam islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alokasi dan distribusi pendapata...
The Qawa'id fiqhiyyah al-Masyaqqāh Tajlib al-Taysir is a general foundation in social thinkin... more The Qawa'id fiqhiyyah al-Masyaqqāh Tajlib al-Taysir is a general foundation in social thinking and behavior that provides guidance for all people and nations in Indonesia, especially in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as it is today, to carry out various interactions with each other. The guidance given concerns several aspects of life such as legal, economic, social, political and state aspects, as well as culture to human behavior problems when collided with Islamic economics by understanding the principles contained therein. This research focuses on the study of qawa'id Fiqhiyah al-Masyaqqāh Tajlib al-Taysir, which means Difficulty of Giving Birth to Ease, and its implications for economic thought and behavior in society in the current era, namely the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In this case, the understanding of the difficulty of giving birth to ease is that mutlaq is needed to carry out an ijtihad or renewal of thought. The existence of this fiqh princ...
This study aims to describe local specialties that have the potential to become halal food in ord... more This study aims to describe local specialties that have the potential to become halal food in order to boost the economy of local communities in three areas including Lakbok sub-district, Kedungreja sub-district, and Wangon sub-district. In the halal food sector or halal food in Indonesia, especially in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, as it is now, it has become a necessity. This is because 1) Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim population in the world. 2) traditional regional specialties also need to be developed in order to boost the economy of the local community. 3) Support from the government in an effort to make Indonesia the world's halal center. 4) If the potential of the halal industry is not developed, it will become a threat to the Indonesian economy. This research method uses field studies with data obtained from observations and interviews and documentation. The results showed that halal food in the three sub-districts was able to boost the economy of t...
Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah
The largest state income in Indonesia is tax. So it is necessary to study the allocation and dist... more The largest state income in Indonesia is tax. So it is necessary to study the allocation and distribution of these taxes from the perspective of Islamic economics, this is because Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Indonesian state income from an Islamic economic perspective is very important, this is because the Islamic economy in Indonesia currently has great opportunities in its development aspect. Especially at this time, it has been recorded in the history of the economy in Indonesia as evidence of the development of the Islamic economy in Indonesia, including the existence of the embodiment of the National Money Waqf Movement and the Islamic Economic Brand. The purpose of this study aims to reveal about: the allocation and distribution of state revenues from the perspective of Islamic Economics on Existence (Sharia Economic Brand and Cash Waqf); and its relevance in Indonesia in the current era (4.0). The method used in this research is library research ...
Introduction: Crime and punishment in the 4.0 era are 1) a behavior, 2) a type of social phenomen... more Introduction: Crime and punishment in the 4.0 era are 1) a behavior, 2) a type of social phenomenon in interactions that are built between humans, 3) natural and social phenomena, 4) including interactions between people in social life, 5) considered as a process deterministic mechanics based on the law of causality. So that nowadays the study of crime and punishment in the 4.0 era needs to be developed in order to realize national development.Purposes of the Research: To uncover and explore deterministics based on the law of causality, which causes criminal liability in Era 4.0, which needs to be developed in order to realize national development.Methods of the Research: This research method is a normative research where causal deterministics in era 4.0 are aimed at sentencing and are not only based on the concept of retributive justice alone, but also on the principle of benefits generated in the sense of aiming to prevent the recurrence of similar crimes and thereby create order...
Madrasah Diniyah requires a special strategy in managing their educational institutions, as was d... more Madrasah Diniyah requires a special strategy in managing their educational institutions, as was done by Madrasah Diniyah An Nur Karangkobar Banjarnegara through religious traditions. However, there are still obstacles in its application, so this study aims to determine the role and contribution of Madrasah Diniyah An Nur in developing Islamic education through religious activities and to find out what obstacles are faced in developing it. The type of research used is field resesarch with a qualitative approach. Primary data were obtained from the Head of Madrasah, Ustadz and Ustadzah, Wali Santri, Santri Madrasa Diniyah An Nur Karangkobar. The results showed that the role of Madrasah Diniyah An Nur Karangkobar in developing Islamic education was carried out through religious activities such as; khithabah, barzanzi, qiroah, and muhadharah. Its role in the development of Islamic education is as: (1) an institution that teaches religious knowledge; 2) media for the preservation of Isla...
The impact of changing times is so great, such as the 4.0 era as it is today for children, teenag... more The impact of changing times is so great, such as the 4.0 era as it is today for children, teenagers, and parents, who need to adapt to the current era. And it would be nice for us to provide an overview and understanding to our children in a way that is appropriate for their age in order to be able to grasp what we mean. And we should educate more with tenderness and love, the position of parents in developing children's nature, the implications of which in the 4.0 era are very important because with that we can be closer and easier in providing education. The educational method that we use may be done in realizing a disciplined and independent child's personality which stems from the child's desire to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter. This research method is library research with the object of the verses of the Qur'an using several interpretations from the commentators including: Tafsir Jalalain Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Al-Maraghi to uncover and exp...
The model of higher education in Islamic boarding schools has indeed become something new in the ... more The model of higher education in Islamic boarding schools has indeed become something new in the dynamics of Islamic education. Its existence is even more dynamic in the midst of the 4.0 era, of course there are opportunities and challenges to be faced. This study aims to 1) analyze the model of higher education in the pesantren environment in implementing education in the 4.0 era. 2) analyze the strategies used by Islamic boarding schools to maintain the existence of universities. 3) analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by universities in the pesantren environment. The research method used is library research. The results of the study found that in the 4.0 era through various models offered in maintaining its existence, it was to strengthen management, governance, and human resources without losing the traditions, culture, curriculum in Islamic boarding schools that oversee certain universities. In addition, it can be done by making innovations in order to maintain the qu...
Puji syukur dipanjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT karena berkat Rahmat-Nya penyusunan Bunga Rampai Pan... more Puji syukur dipanjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT karena berkat Rahmat-Nya penyusunan Bunga Rampai Pandemi dengan tema "Pena History di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 : Sepenggal Kenangan Pengabdian Mahasiswa STAIMA Kota Banjar di Lingkungan Masyarakat" ini dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini memuat berbagai info seputar Covid-19, terutama berbagai tips pencegahan dan perawatan mandiri yang dapat dilakukan selama di rumah aja. Buku ini membahas bagaimana upaya-upaya pencegahan Covid-19 dari berbagai aspek yaitu aspek Pendidikan dan Ekonomi di sekitar lingkungan Masyarakat sekitar atau Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), kesehatan mental ranah Psikologis. Diharapkan para sahabat dapat membaca kemudian menerapkan langkah-langkah strategis dalam ranah upaya-upaya pencegahan ini selama melakukan kegiatan KKN DR. Upaya menjaga kesehatan secara mandiri ini bahkan dianjurkan untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tidak hanya dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Buku ini dis...
Era 4.0 (current disruption requires Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in... more Era 4.0 (current disruption requires Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in Schools), especially private schools in Indonesia where in the digital era like now, schools are required to be effective and superior schools. The fundamental thing of the three things (Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership) are the demands of the era in which in the era of 4.0 competitor schools in Indonesia (State and Private) are being incessant. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to determine the extent to which the effectiveness of organizational management, human resources and leadership carried out by school principals in private schools in Indonesia towards this sophisticated era (Era 4.0). The method used in this research is the library research method, with a quantitative approach. The results show that the effectiveness of Organizational Management, Human Resources and Leadership in Private Schools in the Era 4.0 is still far from what was e...
Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Peserta Didik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan... more Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Peserta Didik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan terdapat beberapa kesimpulan yang dapat disampaikan, antaranya: 1. Potensi Dusun Sindangmulya RT 06 RW 10 diantaranya potensi alam, potensi pendidikan, dan potensi pemerintahan dusun sindangmulya cukup menggambarkan sebuah dusun yang dapat berkembang lebih baik kepedannya. 2. Dalam pelaksaan KKN-DR di Dusun Sindangmulya Rt 06 Rw 10 terdapat tiga program pokok yaitu bidang pendidikan, bidang Agama dan bidang sosial. Dan bidang tambahahn yaitu pengajian rutin mingguan. 3. Program yang dilaksanakan dalam program pendidikan adalah mengisis dan membantu KBM di DTA, yang berjalan cukup lancar. Program yang di lakukan dalam bidang agama yaitu oengajian rutin mingguan. 4. Progam yang dilakukan dalam bidang sosial dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, program yang dilaksanakan yaitu salah satunya baksi sosial atau menjaga kesehatan. 5. Program yang dilaksanakan dalam bidang kesehatan yaitu ikut serta da...
Metode Pendidikan Mengaji Pasca Covid-19 yang digunakan pada Santriwan dan Santriwati di Dusun Si... more Metode Pendidikan Mengaji Pasca Covid-19 yang digunakan pada Santriwan dan Santriwati di Dusun Sindang Asih RT 02 RW 05 Desa Kujangsari Kecamatan Langensari, Kota Banjar Jawa Barat, bedasarkan hasil Observasi di Lapangan yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan KKN DR Sisdamas Tahun 2020 Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Huda Al Azhar (STAIMA) Kota Banjar adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Kuliah Kerja Nyata dari Rumah Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN DR Sisdamas ) pasca Covid-19 Sekolah Tinggi Miftahul Huda Al Azhar tahun 2020 di Dusun Sindangasih mendapat tanggapan yang baik dari masyarakat setempat dan berjalan dengan lancar. Dalam rangka memantapkan Program yakni Metode Pendidikan Mengaji Pasca Covid19, Metode Pendidikan ini yang tepat yakni Situation Methode dengan memperhatikan situasi dan kondisi tempat para Peserta didik/ santri tinggal atau berdomisili. Materi yang diajarkan ini, Peneliti sebagai Guru ngaji memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya mematuhi protokol kesehatan, hal ini...
pelaksanaan optimalisasi peran UMKM dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian masyarakat Desa Bojongk... more pelaksanaan optimalisasi peran UMKM dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian masyarakat Desa Bojongkantong yang terdampak akibat Penyebaran Virus Covid-19, maka di dapat kesimpulan sebagai berikut : Terdapat kegiatan UMKM dan industri rumahan di wilayah Kelurahan Bojongkantong terutama di Dusun Margasari RT 008 RW 005. Industri rumahan yang terdapat di daerah tersebut diantaranya adalah industri pembuatan saleh pisang dan aneka jenis makanan ringan. Dengan eksisnya kegiatan UMKM dan industri rumahan tersebut Masih ada sisi kelemahannya diantaranya manajerial dalam UMKM. Dengan demikian untuk mengatasi kelemahan tersebut maka harus dilakukan pelatihan kewirausahaan pada masyarakat para pelaku UMKM tersebut. Adapun kegiatan pelatihan kewirausahaan yang dilakukan di Desa Bojongkantong Kecamatan Langensari Kota Banjar Jawa Barat yang terdampak akibat Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 berjalan dengan lancar.
The complexity of the challenges posed by teaching staff who are not ready and do not understand ... more The complexity of the challenges posed by teaching staff who are not ready and do not understand multicultural education today has become a major obstacle, especially in the 4.0 era as it is today. In addition, materials and resources must be free from biases, such as social class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and urban bias. Thus, authors of sources, materials, need to use the perspective of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Era 4.0 in terms of implementing Islamic education in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the urgency and reflection of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Indonesia, where Islamic education today continues to experience its own complexities of challenges. The results of the study show that multicultural education can be implemented for teachers, leaders, school members and campus communities who have a multicultural attitude and have the ability to properly organize Islamic education in the era 4.0 which...
Introduction / Main Objective : This study aims to reveal the existence of community conceptions ... more Introduction / Main Objective : This study aims to reveal the existence of community conceptions related to profit sharing (Sharia economics), usury, bank interest (conventional), in terms of Islamic economics, where these 3 (three) things are unique and interesting if we discuss in the era of disruption like today. Background: The era of discipline 4.0 as it is now is very interesting and unique regarding the study of the prohibition of usury in Indonesia, what is unique is the Khilafiyah which is the basis for especially Muslims (sharia economic actors), the need for tolerance between the views of schools of thought in Indonesia regarding this usury in sharia economics (muamalah) in order to benefit together in this world and in the hereafter. Research Methods: This study uses the Library Research Method and collects data obtained by means of literature studies from books and journals relevant to studies on usury and bank interest (conventional), profit sharing (Islamic economics)...
This research aims to build the value of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Indonesian economic developm... more This research aims to build the value of rahmatan lil 'alamin in Indonesian economic development at 4.0 era from the perspective of philosophy and shariah economic law. The role of both is considered important regarding with freedom to do any economic activities in Indonesia as the non-Islamic state in the formal term yet at the same time is known as a sharia economic community due to its world’s largest Moslem population. This literature-normative research is qualitative with a statutory, historical, comparative and conceptual approach. It found that first, rahmatan lil 'alamin (sheltering the entire ummah and not exclusive to Moslem only) value enables the philosophy of Islamic law to contribute in developing Indonesian economy. The goal of Islam as a religion to guide its believers toward the happiness of the world and the hereafter and the triangle concept among philosophy of God, human, and nature, for example, make it possible for Islamic economic with its rahmatan li...
Latar belakang masalah dari penelitian ini adalah adanya berbagai Perubahan dari satu huruf kehur... more Latar belakang masalah dari penelitian ini adalah adanya berbagai Perubahan dari satu huruf kehuruf yang lain yang dalam hal ini adalah Fi’il Mu’tal. Fi’il Mu’tal sangatlah urgen mengingat bahwa orang atau anak yang mempelajari bahasa arab terutama bidang sharaf, ini dikarenakan perubahan huruf dalam kata tersebut menjadikan mudahnya pelafadzan/pembacaan dan pema’naan dalam kalimat. Dalam proses belajar mengajar tanpa menggunakan metode, maka tidak akan maju dan berkembang serta akan kesulitan didalam mencapai sebuah tujuan yang diharapkan dari proses belajar mengajar tersebut. Berangkat dari permasalahan inilah penulis berkeinginan memaparkan Fi’il Mu’tal, makna-maknanya dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat. Selain mendeskripsikan tentang makna-maknanya dan penggunaannya didalam kalimat, agar pikiran ilmiah ini tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi anak didik, tapi juga pendidik atau calon guru bahasa arab, penulis juga berkeinginan memaparkan metode pembelajaran bahasa arab dan menganalisa metod...
Papers by Hisam Ahyani