Phone: 085713543835 Address: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Lt III, Ruang Dosen PBA UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Jalan Marsda Adisucipto Telp. (0274) 513056 Yogyakarta 55281
This article discusses the elements of language and language skills, specifically the e... more Abstract
This article discusses the elements of language and language skills, specifically the elements of mufradat and qowā’id as well as the skill in writing Arabic (al-maharah al-kitabah). The present study aims to prove the theory of the importance of language element in language skill, i.e. the correlational relationship of the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id with the ability to write in Arabic of grade X students of MAN 1 Sleman Yogyakarta majoring in Religion in the academic year of 2016/2017. This is a quantitative descriptive study that uses the said students as the subjects. There are 27 students involved in this study who show that: 1) The average score of mufradat mastery of the students is 75.74. This score is including in the category of average. 2) The average score of qowā’id ability of the students is 42.74 which is including in the category of average. 3) The average score of the kitabah ability of the students is 64.81 which is including in the average category. 4) The result of r calculation referring to the Correlation Coefficient (R) regression formula shows the value of 0.800. The value significance obtained is (0.000). Thus, it could be interpreted that between the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id simultaneously with the ability to write Arabic of the students shows a positive and significant correlational relationship.
Keywords: Correlational, Mastery of Mufradat, Qawaid, and Kitabah
Using media in language teaching has various weaknesses in terms of design, material aspects, and... more Using media in language teaching has various weaknesses in terms of design, material aspects, and in terms of language. Based on this, the problem of this research "How is the development, feasibility, response of students to the power point learning media ispring the presenter on vocabulary material?" The research aims to: develop power point learning media, ispring presenters in vocabulary material and knowing the feasibility, effectiveness, and response of students to the ispring presenter's power point learning media. This research was conducted using the Research and Development (R & D) method which adopted the development of Borg & Gall. Instruments for data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the development of the powerpoint ispring presenter included three main points, design, material and language. The feasibility of the validation results of the media expert team obtained an average percentage of 84%. The results of the validation of the material expert team obtained an average percentage of 89%. And the results of the validation of the linguist team gained an average percentage of 92%. The response of students to the attractiveness of learning media based on small-scale trials obtained an average score of 86.5% with interpretation criteria "Very Interesting", and in large-scale trials obtained an average score of 95.7% with interpretation criteria "Very Interesting". While the average score of a teacher as users is 86% with "Very Worth" interpretation criteria.
Learning in a simple way is an effort to influence emotional, intellectual and spiritual to learn... more Learning in a simple way is an effort to influence emotional, intellectual and spiritual to learn at their own volition. There are many elements can influence some of these things and become the obligation to the teacher as facilitators in learning, he has to prepare and apply them. Language learning is related to applied linguistics that discusses language acquisition. one of the materials in learning Arabic related to linguistics is shorof. The research aims to find out how shorof learning with language acquisition models. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, and the conclusions in this study are in the form of various kinds of shorof learning difficulties experienced by teachers and students and need the development of shorof learning with language acquisition models so learning process not become difficult material for students to learn. Abstrak Pembelajaran secara sederhana adalah sebuah usaha mempengaruhi emosi, intelektual dan spritual seseorang agar mau belajar dengan kehendaknya sendiri. Terdapat banyak unsur yang dapat mempempengaruhi beberapa hal tersebut dan menjadi kewajiban dari pendidik sebagai fasilitator dalam pembelajaran untuk menyiapkan dan mengaplikasikannya. Pembelajaran bahasa sangat erat kaitannya dengan linguistik terapan yang membahas bagaimana sebuah bahasa tersebut dapat diperoleh. salah satu materi materi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang erat kaitannya dengan linguistik adalah pemebalajran shorof. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana
This research aims to determine the type of evaluation, evaluation techniques, and the q... more Abstract This research aims to determine the type of evaluation, evaluation techniques, and the quality of the instrument for evaluating reading skills in the textbook " Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". The type this research is library research whose object is textbook "Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". Meanwhile, the authors analyzed data using content analysis were conducted using the observation of data sources both primary and secondary. The results of this research to show that this type of reading skills evaluation in textbook Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah is a type of formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation. Reading skills evaluation techniques in this book include test technique and non-test technique. The quality of the reading skills evaluation instrument in this book in terms of the material contained multiple-choice items and descriptions that do not match the indicator. In terms of construction, there are some components that are not fulfilled clause study on item true-false, stuffing or short-answer and multiple choice. in terms of language, the overall quality of the evaluation instruments is good.
Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar yang ... more Abstrak
Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas control belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian control group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas D sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Hal tersebut terlihat pada uji “t” nilai pretest dan posttest kelas eksperimen menunjukkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 (Ha diterima). Peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen mencapai 38.75 point, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya mengalami peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 3.12 point. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode mind map dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab.
Many experts about Arabic argue about the nature of language which will have an impact on the pat... more Many experts about Arabic argue about the nature of language which will have an impact on the pattern of learning Arabic, including that ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷﺳﺎﺱ , ﻫﻲ "ﺍﻟﻜﻼﻡ According to Mahmud Kamil al-Nâqah the urgency of speaking skills in the context of learning foreign languages is found in the oral aspects of the language itself. The speaking aspect is the main aspect in the foreign language learning curriculum. This opinion clearly indicates that speaking skills (kalām) indicate a person's success in speaking and knowing the language. Because this proficiency is very much related to pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, listening skills, etc. This research uses descriptive analysis method, and the conclusions obtained based on this research are curriculum design for learning Arabic based on mahārat al-kalām learning theory according to Rusdy Ahmad Thu'aimah and Mahmud Kamil al-Nâqah. Then the use of methods and strategies or techniques based on the right approach will influence the results of language learning goals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning of mahārat al-kalām according to Rusdy Ahmad Thu'aimah and Mahmud Kamil al-Nâqah. Abstrak Banyak para ahli tentang bahasa Arab berpendapat tentang hakikat berbahasa yang akan berdampak pada pola pembelajaran bahasa Arab,
Bahasa Arab yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh penutur lain tidaklah mudah. Siswa mungki... more Abstrak
Bahasa Arab yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh penutur lain tidaklah mudah. Siswa mungkin mengalami kesulitan belajar sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Dan beberapa dari mereka terdapat kesalahan selama penerapan bahasa ini, dan kesalahan-kesalahan ini baik secara tertulis maupun dalam pidato.Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan analisis kesalahan linguistik dalam penulisan konstruksi siswa di kelas dua, putri sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim,Yokayakarta dan penyebab dan solusinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Peneliti mengkelompokkan kesalahan dan menginterpretasikan pendapat Corder. Berdasarkan hasil tes, ditemukan bahwa kesalahan umum dalam makalah konstruksi siswa kelas dua putri di sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim Yogyakarta adalah 109 kesalahan. Kemudian mengklasifikasikannya berdasarkan linguistik menjadi empat bagian: 1) Kesalahan pengejaan (44 kesalahan), 2) Kesalahan shorfiyah (12 kesalahan), 3) Kesalahan tata bahasa (29 kesalahan), 4) Kesalahan semantik dan kata.
Abstrak: Jurnal ini membahas Ushul Nahwu yang mencakup Qiyas, Illat, dan Ta'wil dengan menggunaka... more Abstrak: Jurnal ini membahas Ushul Nahwu yang mencakup Qiyas, Illat, dan Ta'wil dengan menggunakan metode Kajian Pustaka dengan pendekatan Kualitatif Historis Deskriftif. Adapun yang menjadi sumber utama dalam penulisan Jurnal ini adalah kitab-kitab yang memuat pembahasan Qiyas, Illat, dan Ta'wil dan keterkaitannya dengan pemikiran Filsafat Yunani. Penulis berkesimpulan bahwa Ilmu Nahwu lahir akibat adanya kesalahan dalam membaca al-Qur'an karena terjadinya lahn dikalangan penutur bahasa Arab, bukan karena pengaruh Filsafat Yunani, hanya saja tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa ada tema-tema tertentu dipengaruhi oleh Ilmu-ilmu lain, seperti metode pembentukan kaidah-kaidah bahasa
The problem of students who feel difficulties in writing learning is caused by the absence of lea... more The problem of students who feel difficulties in writing learning is caused by the absence of learning media thereby reducing student creativity. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an educational media as a medium that can motivate students to learn Arabic. This study aims to find out how the results of the analysis of the needs of teachers and students towards 3D Aurora-based interactive multimedia learning media Presentation is carried out by collecting data through the questionnaire needs. This study uses Research and Development (R & D) Design. The research data was obtained by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results of this study are that teachers and students want the development of 3D interactive multimedia-based learning media Aurora Presentation for Arabic writing skills in class V MI. We can know that the value of the overall aspects of media feasibility is 91.5, which means that the overall value of the aspect of media feasibility is in the range of scores of 86-100 reaching a scale of 4 with a very decent category (very suitable). Thus it can be concluded that the 3D Aurora Presentation-based interactive multimedia that the researchers developed is very feasible to be used by fifth grade students. Abstrak Permasalahan siswa yang merasa kesulitan dalam pembelajaran menulis yang disebabkan oleh tidak adanya media pembelajaran sehingga mengurangi kreatifitas siswa. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sebuah media edukasi sebagai media yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam belajar
The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse ... more The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has appeared in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Abstrak Isu responsif gender menjadi bahan kajian yang ramai diperbincangkaan. Diskursus tentang kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan banyak menuai pro dan kontra dari berbagai kalangan, sebagai buah dari perbedaan konstruksi sosial yang mempengaruhi perspektif pola pikir. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan nilai responsif gender yang terdapat pada sajian materi pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Dimana materi yang disajikan meliputi penggunaan kosakata mudzakar dan muannats. Dimana Keduanya memiliki status yang equal, tanpa adanya steriotype dan subordinat dari salah satunya. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan library research, penulis menganalisis penggunaan kosakata mudzakkar dan muannats secara seimbang, serta berbagai diskriminasi gender dalam bentuk gender stereotype maupun kekerasan berbasis gender yang
Language is the main characteristic that distinguishes humans from other creatures, with that lan... more Language is the main characteristic that distinguishes humans from other creatures, with that language interacting and communicating. One theory of language acquisition and learning regarding language as a human trait is the generative transformative theory Noam Chomsky states that language is the innate potential possessed by humans from birth. Based on the theory, this study aims to analyze the innate potential of human language as a reference in the development of Arabic language learning, taking into account the innate potential of the language that is already possessed by students. It is expected that the potential of the language can be utilized and developed optimally in the process of learning Arabic. his study uses descriptive analysis method, and the conclusions obtained based on this research are curriculum design in Arabic language learning based on Chomsky Innate theory, namely students do not have to be given intensive training, students are given a broad opportunity to create speeches, the rules are given as long as it is needed, students are deployed into real situations in the communication process. Abstrak Bahasa merupakan ciri utama yang membedakan manusia dengan makhluk lainnya, dengan bahasa manusia berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi. Salah satu teori pemerolehan dan pembelajaran bahasa yang berkenaan bahasa sebagai ciri bawaan manusia adalah teori transformatif generatifnya Noam Chomsky yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa merupakan potensi bawaan yang dimiliki manusia sejak lahir. Berdasarkan teori tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi bawaan bahasa manusia sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Arab, dengan memperhatikan potensi bawaan bahasa yang sudah dimiliki oleh peserta didik diharapkan potensi bahasa tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan secara optimal dalam
Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu materi pelajaran yang dipelajari anak
yang belajar di Raudlatul ... more Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu materi pelajaran yang dipelajari anak yang belajar di Raudlatul Athfal di Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan orang Indonesia memiliki perhatian yang besar terhadap bahasa Arab meskipun pemerintah tidak memiliki kebijakan terkait dengannya. Kajian ini menfokus pada studi kebijakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di dua Raudlatul Athfal di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riyadus Salihin Tumut Sumbersari Moyudan Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan kualitatif. Ini juga merupakan penelitian kebijakan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian adalah pertama, pemerintah Indonesia belum memiliki kebijakan tentang pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Raudlatul Athfal. Kedua, Raudlatul Athfal DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riadlus Salihin Tumut melaksanakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan model yang berbeda. Bahasa Arab di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dilaksanakan sekali dalam seminggu dengan pengulangan materi setiap hari, dan materinya berupa kosa kata Arab beserta artinya. Sedangkan RA Riyadus Salihin bahasa Arab berlangsung dengan nyanyian dan permainan.
Sedikitnya mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan menulis skripsi dalam
bahasa Arab dan minimnya kemam... more Sedikitnya mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan menulis skripsi dalam bahasa Arab dan minimnya kemampuan mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Arab secara komprehensif menjadi sebuah PR besar bagi jurusan PBA. Manajemen pengetahuan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk mengurangi kesenjangan kemampuan mahasiswa dapat diimplementasikan dengan cara melakukan kerjasama yang baik antara fasilitator (dosen) dan mahasiswa untuk berbagi pengetahuan di kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengetahuan dosen di jurusan PBA sudah terjadi walaupun masih harus melakukan perbaikan untuk proses kombinasi. Adapun impelementasi manajemen pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab belum terjadi secara maksimal karena kurangnya kesadaran untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan antar mahasiswa.
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan yang
terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurik... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan yang terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa Arab Madrasah Aliyah dari aspek tujuan, materi dan metode. Serta mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dari kedua kurikulum tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis datanya menggunakan analisi isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam KTSP dan Kurikulum 2013 Bahasa Arab untuk Madrasah Aliyah, memiliki banyak persamaan dari aspek tujuan, materi maupun metode. Hanya saja Kurikulum 2013 berusaha melengkapi kekurangan yang ada dalam KTSP seperti dalam materi pelajaran, kurikulum 2013 lebih rinci dalam menjabarkan cakupan materi dalam bentuk KI dan KD, selain itu kurikulum 2013 tidak hanya menekankan aspek kognitif saja, akan tetapi aspek kognitif, psikomotorik dan afektif diseimbangkan dan diintegralkan ke dalam semua mata pelajaran. Selain itu, jika dalam KTSP pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan beragam, maka Kurikulum 2013 memakai pendekatan saintifik.
The translation of Arabic books in Indonesia can’t be separated from some
motives. At least, ther... more The translation of Arabic books in Indonesia can’t be separated from some motives. At least, there are five motives of the translation, i.e. religious, educational, economical, ideological, and prevocational motives. Religious motive can be seen in translator’s statements that his/her works is aimed to get blessing from Allah. Educational motive can be seen in the fact that these works are aimed to give Islamic knowledges to muslim community. Economical advantages are the most powerfull motivations that publishers try to get by publishing Arabic translations books. In other hand, ideological motive is one of factors that the translators or publishers want to propagate their Islamic ideological among Indonesian muslim community by mean of their translation works. Prevocational motive can be seen in translator intention to stimulate critical Islamic discourse in Indonesia by mean of translating Arabic books written by some Middle East critical writers.
Ilmu Nahwu sebagaimana yang kita kenal sekarang ini yang sarat
dengan berbagai aturan dan teori m... more Ilmu Nahwu sebagaimana yang kita kenal sekarang ini yang sarat dengan berbagai aturan dan teori merupakan hasil dari sebuah proses yang cukup panjang dalam sejarah linguistik Arab. Salah kajian dalam ilmu Nahwu misalnya tentang konsep I’rab. Dalam hal I’rab yang sering dianggap sebagai keistimewaan yang menyulitkan kemudian berusaha untuk dihindari dengan berbagai metode yang dianjurkan dalam Ta’līm al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah lī Ghair an-Nāthiqīn bihā, maka sebetulnya itu adalah penyelesaian manipulasi. Masalah itu akan selalu muncul selama inti permasalahan belum diselesaikan dengan tuntas. Konsep tentang I’rab harus diluruskan. I’rab selama ini masih didefinisikan sebagai taghyîr (pengubahan) atau taghayyur (perubahan) atau atsar (gejala alamat I’rab).
The historical development of Arabic language in Indonesia can not be
separated from the spread o... more The historical development of Arabic language in Indonesia can not be separated from the spread of Islam which is the most dominant followed by Indonesian society itself. This has an impact on the development of Arabic learning today, that look is still far from the expected. It seems that view of the cultural and religious patterns of Indonesia in the early 19th century that are still at the level of mythic and theological, less positive effect on the future of Arabic learning in today’s contemporary world. How is the relationship between religion and its influence on the development of the Arabic language, especially in Indonesia will be described in this paper. By using the theory of van Peursen culture and Comte as theoretical analysis, author tries to find a possible alternative solutions of some negative effects in the mythic dimensions of the such view, by emphasizing the positive aspects.
The Habituation in learning “language” is anessen tial and substan tial
in terms of mast... more Abctract The Habituation in learning “language” is anessen tial and substan tial in terms of mastery and language skills including mastery and Arabic language skills. Because the habituation is a basic requirement in the learning “language” itself. For language learners tobe able to masterthe language being studied or taught in the learning needs of habituation and repetition continuously. On the other side of habituation language will have a positive influence on the development of language learners themselves. Therefore,the relation of the habituation in learning language as an integral part of self-development for language learners. In this paper self-development approach used humanistic approach. This approach is seen to have compatibility with habituation in language learning
The discovery of the theory of Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gagner
has changed the paradigm of... more The discovery of the theory of Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gagner has changed the paradigm of education and learning. If the old paradig m view that intelligence is a single learner who is only measured by IQ tests, then the paradigm of Multiple Intelligence view that intelligence is plural learners. Each individual has the advantage of certain intelligence that may be different with advantages that others have. That fact has implications for the importance of changing patterns of education and learning, including learning Arabic, from the pattern that is only oriented to the development of intellectual intelligence (IQ) to the pattern of intelligence that takes into account the diversity of learners.This paper describe show the development of Arabic language instruction model based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence. The model in question is a model of the development of Arabic language learning component which includes the development of Arabic language learning goals, teachers’ roles, attitudes and treatment of students, and the development of materials, methods, media, and evaluating the results of learning Arabic, all of which were based on intelligence insight plural (Multiple Intelligence).
This article discusses the elements of language and language skills, specifically the e... more Abstract
This article discusses the elements of language and language skills, specifically the elements of mufradat and qowā’id as well as the skill in writing Arabic (al-maharah al-kitabah). The present study aims to prove the theory of the importance of language element in language skill, i.e. the correlational relationship of the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id with the ability to write in Arabic of grade X students of MAN 1 Sleman Yogyakarta majoring in Religion in the academic year of 2016/2017. This is a quantitative descriptive study that uses the said students as the subjects. There are 27 students involved in this study who show that: 1) The average score of mufradat mastery of the students is 75.74. This score is including in the category of average. 2) The average score of qowā’id ability of the students is 42.74 which is including in the category of average. 3) The average score of the kitabah ability of the students is 64.81 which is including in the average category. 4) The result of r calculation referring to the Correlation Coefficient (R) regression formula shows the value of 0.800. The value significance obtained is (0.000). Thus, it could be interpreted that between the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id simultaneously with the ability to write Arabic of the students shows a positive and significant correlational relationship.
Keywords: Correlational, Mastery of Mufradat, Qawaid, and Kitabah
Using media in language teaching has various weaknesses in terms of design, material aspects, and... more Using media in language teaching has various weaknesses in terms of design, material aspects, and in terms of language. Based on this, the problem of this research "How is the development, feasibility, response of students to the power point learning media ispring the presenter on vocabulary material?" The research aims to: develop power point learning media, ispring presenters in vocabulary material and knowing the feasibility, effectiveness, and response of students to the ispring presenter's power point learning media. This research was conducted using the Research and Development (R & D) method which adopted the development of Borg & Gall. Instruments for data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the development of the powerpoint ispring presenter included three main points, design, material and language. The feasibility of the validation results of the media expert team obtained an average percentage of 84%. The results of the validation of the material expert team obtained an average percentage of 89%. And the results of the validation of the linguist team gained an average percentage of 92%. The response of students to the attractiveness of learning media based on small-scale trials obtained an average score of 86.5% with interpretation criteria "Very Interesting", and in large-scale trials obtained an average score of 95.7% with interpretation criteria "Very Interesting". While the average score of a teacher as users is 86% with "Very Worth" interpretation criteria.
Learning in a simple way is an effort to influence emotional, intellectual and spiritual to learn... more Learning in a simple way is an effort to influence emotional, intellectual and spiritual to learn at their own volition. There are many elements can influence some of these things and become the obligation to the teacher as facilitators in learning, he has to prepare and apply them. Language learning is related to applied linguistics that discusses language acquisition. one of the materials in learning Arabic related to linguistics is shorof. The research aims to find out how shorof learning with language acquisition models. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, and the conclusions in this study are in the form of various kinds of shorof learning difficulties experienced by teachers and students and need the development of shorof learning with language acquisition models so learning process not become difficult material for students to learn. Abstrak Pembelajaran secara sederhana adalah sebuah usaha mempengaruhi emosi, intelektual dan spritual seseorang agar mau belajar dengan kehendaknya sendiri. Terdapat banyak unsur yang dapat mempempengaruhi beberapa hal tersebut dan menjadi kewajiban dari pendidik sebagai fasilitator dalam pembelajaran untuk menyiapkan dan mengaplikasikannya. Pembelajaran bahasa sangat erat kaitannya dengan linguistik terapan yang membahas bagaimana sebuah bahasa tersebut dapat diperoleh. salah satu materi materi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang erat kaitannya dengan linguistik adalah pemebalajran shorof. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana
This research aims to determine the type of evaluation, evaluation techniques, and the q... more Abstract This research aims to determine the type of evaluation, evaluation techniques, and the quality of the instrument for evaluating reading skills in the textbook " Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". The type this research is library research whose object is textbook "Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". Meanwhile, the authors analyzed data using content analysis were conducted using the observation of data sources both primary and secondary. The results of this research to show that this type of reading skills evaluation in textbook Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah is a type of formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation. Reading skills evaluation techniques in this book include test technique and non-test technique. The quality of the reading skills evaluation instrument in this book in terms of the material contained multiple-choice items and descriptions that do not match the indicator. In terms of construction, there are some components that are not fulfilled clause study on item true-false, stuffing or short-answer and multiple choice. in terms of language, the overall quality of the evaluation instruments is good.
Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar yang ... more Abstrak
Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas control belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian control group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas D sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Hal tersebut terlihat pada uji “t” nilai pretest dan posttest kelas eksperimen menunjukkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 (Ha diterima). Peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen mencapai 38.75 point, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya mengalami peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 3.12 point. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode mind map dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab.
Many experts about Arabic argue about the nature of language which will have an impact on the pat... more Many experts about Arabic argue about the nature of language which will have an impact on the pattern of learning Arabic, including that ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷﺳﺎﺱ , ﻫﻲ "ﺍﻟﻜﻼﻡ According to Mahmud Kamil al-Nâqah the urgency of speaking skills in the context of learning foreign languages is found in the oral aspects of the language itself. The speaking aspect is the main aspect in the foreign language learning curriculum. This opinion clearly indicates that speaking skills (kalām) indicate a person's success in speaking and knowing the language. Because this proficiency is very much related to pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, listening skills, etc. This research uses descriptive analysis method, and the conclusions obtained based on this research are curriculum design for learning Arabic based on mahārat al-kalām learning theory according to Rusdy Ahmad Thu'aimah and Mahmud Kamil al-Nâqah. Then the use of methods and strategies or techniques based on the right approach will influence the results of language learning goals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning of mahārat al-kalām according to Rusdy Ahmad Thu'aimah and Mahmud Kamil al-Nâqah. Abstrak Banyak para ahli tentang bahasa Arab berpendapat tentang hakikat berbahasa yang akan berdampak pada pola pembelajaran bahasa Arab,
Bahasa Arab yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh penutur lain tidaklah mudah. Siswa mungki... more Abstrak
Bahasa Arab yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh penutur lain tidaklah mudah. Siswa mungkin mengalami kesulitan belajar sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Dan beberapa dari mereka terdapat kesalahan selama penerapan bahasa ini, dan kesalahan-kesalahan ini baik secara tertulis maupun dalam pidato.Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan analisis kesalahan linguistik dalam penulisan konstruksi siswa di kelas dua, putri sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim,Yokayakarta dan penyebab dan solusinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Peneliti mengkelompokkan kesalahan dan menginterpretasikan pendapat Corder. Berdasarkan hasil tes, ditemukan bahwa kesalahan umum dalam makalah konstruksi siswa kelas dua putri di sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim Yogyakarta adalah 109 kesalahan. Kemudian mengklasifikasikannya berdasarkan linguistik menjadi empat bagian: 1) Kesalahan pengejaan (44 kesalahan), 2) Kesalahan shorfiyah (12 kesalahan), 3) Kesalahan tata bahasa (29 kesalahan), 4) Kesalahan semantik dan kata.
Abstrak: Jurnal ini membahas Ushul Nahwu yang mencakup Qiyas, Illat, dan Ta'wil dengan menggunaka... more Abstrak: Jurnal ini membahas Ushul Nahwu yang mencakup Qiyas, Illat, dan Ta'wil dengan menggunakan metode Kajian Pustaka dengan pendekatan Kualitatif Historis Deskriftif. Adapun yang menjadi sumber utama dalam penulisan Jurnal ini adalah kitab-kitab yang memuat pembahasan Qiyas, Illat, dan Ta'wil dan keterkaitannya dengan pemikiran Filsafat Yunani. Penulis berkesimpulan bahwa Ilmu Nahwu lahir akibat adanya kesalahan dalam membaca al-Qur'an karena terjadinya lahn dikalangan penutur bahasa Arab, bukan karena pengaruh Filsafat Yunani, hanya saja tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa ada tema-tema tertentu dipengaruhi oleh Ilmu-ilmu lain, seperti metode pembentukan kaidah-kaidah bahasa
The problem of students who feel difficulties in writing learning is caused by the absence of lea... more The problem of students who feel difficulties in writing learning is caused by the absence of learning media thereby reducing student creativity. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an educational media as a medium that can motivate students to learn Arabic. This study aims to find out how the results of the analysis of the needs of teachers and students towards 3D Aurora-based interactive multimedia learning media Presentation is carried out by collecting data through the questionnaire needs. This study uses Research and Development (R & D) Design. The research data was obtained by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results of this study are that teachers and students want the development of 3D interactive multimedia-based learning media Aurora Presentation for Arabic writing skills in class V MI. We can know that the value of the overall aspects of media feasibility is 91.5, which means that the overall value of the aspect of media feasibility is in the range of scores of 86-100 reaching a scale of 4 with a very decent category (very suitable). Thus it can be concluded that the 3D Aurora Presentation-based interactive multimedia that the researchers developed is very feasible to be used by fifth grade students. Abstrak Permasalahan siswa yang merasa kesulitan dalam pembelajaran menulis yang disebabkan oleh tidak adanya media pembelajaran sehingga mengurangi kreatifitas siswa. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sebuah media edukasi sebagai media yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam belajar
The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse ... more The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has appeared in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Abstrak Isu responsif gender menjadi bahan kajian yang ramai diperbincangkaan. Diskursus tentang kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan banyak menuai pro dan kontra dari berbagai kalangan, sebagai buah dari perbedaan konstruksi sosial yang mempengaruhi perspektif pola pikir. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan nilai responsif gender yang terdapat pada sajian materi pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Dimana materi yang disajikan meliputi penggunaan kosakata mudzakar dan muannats. Dimana Keduanya memiliki status yang equal, tanpa adanya steriotype dan subordinat dari salah satunya. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan library research, penulis menganalisis penggunaan kosakata mudzakkar dan muannats secara seimbang, serta berbagai diskriminasi gender dalam bentuk gender stereotype maupun kekerasan berbasis gender yang
Language is the main characteristic that distinguishes humans from other creatures, with that lan... more Language is the main characteristic that distinguishes humans from other creatures, with that language interacting and communicating. One theory of language acquisition and learning regarding language as a human trait is the generative transformative theory Noam Chomsky states that language is the innate potential possessed by humans from birth. Based on the theory, this study aims to analyze the innate potential of human language as a reference in the development of Arabic language learning, taking into account the innate potential of the language that is already possessed by students. It is expected that the potential of the language can be utilized and developed optimally in the process of learning Arabic. his study uses descriptive analysis method, and the conclusions obtained based on this research are curriculum design in Arabic language learning based on Chomsky Innate theory, namely students do not have to be given intensive training, students are given a broad opportunity to create speeches, the rules are given as long as it is needed, students are deployed into real situations in the communication process. Abstrak Bahasa merupakan ciri utama yang membedakan manusia dengan makhluk lainnya, dengan bahasa manusia berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi. Salah satu teori pemerolehan dan pembelajaran bahasa yang berkenaan bahasa sebagai ciri bawaan manusia adalah teori transformatif generatifnya Noam Chomsky yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa merupakan potensi bawaan yang dimiliki manusia sejak lahir. Berdasarkan teori tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi bawaan bahasa manusia sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Arab, dengan memperhatikan potensi bawaan bahasa yang sudah dimiliki oleh peserta didik diharapkan potensi bahasa tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan secara optimal dalam
Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu materi pelajaran yang dipelajari anak
yang belajar di Raudlatul ... more Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu materi pelajaran yang dipelajari anak yang belajar di Raudlatul Athfal di Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan orang Indonesia memiliki perhatian yang besar terhadap bahasa Arab meskipun pemerintah tidak memiliki kebijakan terkait dengannya. Kajian ini menfokus pada studi kebijakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di dua Raudlatul Athfal di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riyadus Salihin Tumut Sumbersari Moyudan Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan kualitatif. Ini juga merupakan penelitian kebijakan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian adalah pertama, pemerintah Indonesia belum memiliki kebijakan tentang pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Raudlatul Athfal. Kedua, Raudlatul Athfal DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riadlus Salihin Tumut melaksanakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan model yang berbeda. Bahasa Arab di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dilaksanakan sekali dalam seminggu dengan pengulangan materi setiap hari, dan materinya berupa kosa kata Arab beserta artinya. Sedangkan RA Riyadus Salihin bahasa Arab berlangsung dengan nyanyian dan permainan.
Sedikitnya mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan menulis skripsi dalam
bahasa Arab dan minimnya kemam... more Sedikitnya mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan menulis skripsi dalam bahasa Arab dan minimnya kemampuan mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Arab secara komprehensif menjadi sebuah PR besar bagi jurusan PBA. Manajemen pengetahuan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk mengurangi kesenjangan kemampuan mahasiswa dapat diimplementasikan dengan cara melakukan kerjasama yang baik antara fasilitator (dosen) dan mahasiswa untuk berbagi pengetahuan di kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengetahuan dosen di jurusan PBA sudah terjadi walaupun masih harus melakukan perbaikan untuk proses kombinasi. Adapun impelementasi manajemen pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab belum terjadi secara maksimal karena kurangnya kesadaran untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan antar mahasiswa.
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan yang
terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurik... more Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan yang terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa Arab Madrasah Aliyah dari aspek tujuan, materi dan metode. Serta mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dari kedua kurikulum tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis datanya menggunakan analisi isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam KTSP dan Kurikulum 2013 Bahasa Arab untuk Madrasah Aliyah, memiliki banyak persamaan dari aspek tujuan, materi maupun metode. Hanya saja Kurikulum 2013 berusaha melengkapi kekurangan yang ada dalam KTSP seperti dalam materi pelajaran, kurikulum 2013 lebih rinci dalam menjabarkan cakupan materi dalam bentuk KI dan KD, selain itu kurikulum 2013 tidak hanya menekankan aspek kognitif saja, akan tetapi aspek kognitif, psikomotorik dan afektif diseimbangkan dan diintegralkan ke dalam semua mata pelajaran. Selain itu, jika dalam KTSP pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan beragam, maka Kurikulum 2013 memakai pendekatan saintifik.
The translation of Arabic books in Indonesia can’t be separated from some
motives. At least, ther... more The translation of Arabic books in Indonesia can’t be separated from some motives. At least, there are five motives of the translation, i.e. religious, educational, economical, ideological, and prevocational motives. Religious motive can be seen in translator’s statements that his/her works is aimed to get blessing from Allah. Educational motive can be seen in the fact that these works are aimed to give Islamic knowledges to muslim community. Economical advantages are the most powerfull motivations that publishers try to get by publishing Arabic translations books. In other hand, ideological motive is one of factors that the translators or publishers want to propagate their Islamic ideological among Indonesian muslim community by mean of their translation works. Prevocational motive can be seen in translator intention to stimulate critical Islamic discourse in Indonesia by mean of translating Arabic books written by some Middle East critical writers.
Ilmu Nahwu sebagaimana yang kita kenal sekarang ini yang sarat
dengan berbagai aturan dan teori m... more Ilmu Nahwu sebagaimana yang kita kenal sekarang ini yang sarat dengan berbagai aturan dan teori merupakan hasil dari sebuah proses yang cukup panjang dalam sejarah linguistik Arab. Salah kajian dalam ilmu Nahwu misalnya tentang konsep I’rab. Dalam hal I’rab yang sering dianggap sebagai keistimewaan yang menyulitkan kemudian berusaha untuk dihindari dengan berbagai metode yang dianjurkan dalam Ta’līm al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah lī Ghair an-Nāthiqīn bihā, maka sebetulnya itu adalah penyelesaian manipulasi. Masalah itu akan selalu muncul selama inti permasalahan belum diselesaikan dengan tuntas. Konsep tentang I’rab harus diluruskan. I’rab selama ini masih didefinisikan sebagai taghyîr (pengubahan) atau taghayyur (perubahan) atau atsar (gejala alamat I’rab).
The historical development of Arabic language in Indonesia can not be
separated from the spread o... more The historical development of Arabic language in Indonesia can not be separated from the spread of Islam which is the most dominant followed by Indonesian society itself. This has an impact on the development of Arabic learning today, that look is still far from the expected. It seems that view of the cultural and religious patterns of Indonesia in the early 19th century that are still at the level of mythic and theological, less positive effect on the future of Arabic learning in today’s contemporary world. How is the relationship between religion and its influence on the development of the Arabic language, especially in Indonesia will be described in this paper. By using the theory of van Peursen culture and Comte as theoretical analysis, author tries to find a possible alternative solutions of some negative effects in the mythic dimensions of the such view, by emphasizing the positive aspects.
The Habituation in learning “language” is anessen tial and substan tial
in terms of mast... more Abctract The Habituation in learning “language” is anessen tial and substan tial in terms of mastery and language skills including mastery and Arabic language skills. Because the habituation is a basic requirement in the learning “language” itself. For language learners tobe able to masterthe language being studied or taught in the learning needs of habituation and repetition continuously. On the other side of habituation language will have a positive influence on the development of language learners themselves. Therefore,the relation of the habituation in learning language as an integral part of self-development for language learners. In this paper self-development approach used humanistic approach. This approach is seen to have compatibility with habituation in language learning
The discovery of the theory of Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gagner
has changed the paradigm of... more The discovery of the theory of Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gagner has changed the paradigm of education and learning. If the old paradig m view that intelligence is a single learner who is only measured by IQ tests, then the paradigm of Multiple Intelligence view that intelligence is plural learners. Each individual has the advantage of certain intelligence that may be different with advantages that others have. That fact has implications for the importance of changing patterns of education and learning, including learning Arabic, from the pattern that is only oriented to the development of intellectual intelligence (IQ) to the pattern of intelligence that takes into account the diversity of learners.This paper describe show the development of Arabic language instruction model based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence. The model in question is a model of the development of Arabic language learning component which includes the development of Arabic language learning goals, teachers’ roles, attitudes and treatment of students, and the development of materials, methods, media, and evaluating the results of learning Arabic, all of which were based on intelligence insight plural (Multiple Intelligence).
Papers by al Mahāra Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
This article discusses the elements of language and language skills, specifically the elements of mufradat and qowā’id as well as the skill in writing Arabic (al-maharah al-kitabah). The present study aims to prove the theory of the importance of language element in language skill, i.e. the correlational relationship of the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id with the ability to write in Arabic of grade X students of MAN 1 Sleman Yogyakarta majoring in Religion in the academic year of 2016/2017. This is a quantitative descriptive study that uses the said students as the subjects. There are 27 students involved in this study who show that: 1) The average score of mufradat mastery of the students is 75.74. This score is including in the category of average. 2) The average score of qowā’id ability of the students is 42.74 which is including in the category of average. 3) The average score of the kitabah ability of the students is 64.81 which is including in the average category. 4) The result of r calculation referring to the Correlation Coefficient (R) regression formula shows the value of 0.800. The value significance obtained is (0.000). Thus, it could be interpreted that between the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id simultaneously with the ability to write Arabic of the students shows a positive and significant correlational relationship.
Keywords: Correlational, Mastery of Mufradat, Qawaid, and Kitabah
This research aims to determine the type of evaluation, evaluation techniques, and the quality of the instrument for evaluating reading skills in the textbook " Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". The type this research is library research whose object is textbook "Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". Meanwhile, the authors analyzed data using content analysis were conducted using the observation of data sources both primary and secondary. The results of this research to show that this type of reading skills evaluation in textbook Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah is a type of formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation. Reading skills evaluation techniques in this book include test technique and non-test technique. The quality of the reading skills evaluation instrument in this book in terms of the material contained multiple-choice items and descriptions that do not match the indicator. In terms of construction, there are some components that are not fulfilled clause study on item true-false, stuffing or short-answer and multiple choice. in terms of language, the overall quality of the evaluation instruments is good.
Keywords: Evaluation, reading skill, textbook
Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas control belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian control group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas D sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Hal tersebut terlihat pada uji “t” nilai pretest dan posttest kelas eksperimen menunjukkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 (Ha diterima). Peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen mencapai 38.75 point, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya mengalami peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 3.12 point. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode mind map dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab.
Kata Kunci: Metode Mind Map, Nahwu, Hasil Belajar
Bahasa Arab yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh penutur lain tidaklah mudah. Siswa mungkin mengalami kesulitan belajar sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Dan beberapa dari mereka terdapat kesalahan selama penerapan bahasa ini, dan kesalahan-kesalahan ini baik secara tertulis maupun dalam pidato.Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan analisis kesalahan linguistik dalam penulisan konstruksi siswa di kelas dua, putri sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim,Yokayakarta dan penyebab dan solusinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Peneliti mengkelompokkan kesalahan dan menginterpretasikan pendapat Corder. Berdasarkan hasil tes, ditemukan bahwa kesalahan umum dalam makalah konstruksi siswa kelas dua putri di sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim Yogyakarta adalah 109 kesalahan. Kemudian mengklasifikasikannya berdasarkan linguistik menjadi empat bagian: 1) Kesalahan pengejaan (44 kesalahan), 2) Kesalahan shorfiyah (12 kesalahan), 3) Kesalahan tata bahasa (29 kesalahan), 4) Kesalahan semantik dan kata.
Kata kunci: Analisis kesalahan linguistik, Insya’
yang belajar di Raudlatul Athfal di Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan
orang Indonesia memiliki perhatian yang besar terhadap bahasa Arab
meskipun pemerintah tidak memiliki kebijakan terkait dengannya. Kajian
ini menfokus pada studi kebijakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di dua
Raudlatul Athfal di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riyadus
Salihin Tumut Sumbersari Moyudan Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian lapangan kualitatif. Ini juga merupakan penelitian kebijakan.
Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian adalah pertama, pemerintah Indonesia belum memiliki
kebijakan tentang pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Raudlatul Athfal. Kedua,
Raudlatul Athfal DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riadlus Salihin
Tumut melaksanakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan model yang
berbeda. Bahasa Arab di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dilaksanakan
sekali dalam seminggu dengan pengulangan materi setiap hari, dan
materinya berupa kosa kata Arab beserta artinya. Sedangkan RA Riyadus
Salihin bahasa Arab berlangsung dengan nyanyian dan permainan.
bahasa Arab dan minimnya kemampuan mahasiswa yang memiliki
kemampuan bahasa Arab secara komprehensif menjadi sebuah PR
besar bagi jurusan PBA. Manajemen pengetahuan sebagai salah satu
alternatif untuk mengurangi kesenjangan kemampuan mahasiswa dapat
diimplementasikan dengan cara melakukan kerjasama yang baik antara
fasilitator (dosen) dan mahasiswa untuk berbagi pengetahuan di kelas. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengetahuan dosen di jurusan
PBA sudah terjadi walaupun masih harus melakukan perbaikan untuk
proses kombinasi. Adapun impelementasi manajemen pengetahuan dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Arab belum terjadi secara maksimal karena kurangnya
kesadaran untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan antar mahasiswa.
terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa Arab
Madrasah Aliyah dari aspek tujuan, materi dan metode. Serta mengetahui
kelebihan dan kekurangan dari kedua kurikulum tersebut. Jenis penelitian
ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis
datanya menggunakan analisi isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan analisis
diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam KTSP dan Kurikulum 2013 Bahasa Arab
untuk Madrasah Aliyah, memiliki banyak persamaan dari aspek tujuan,
materi maupun metode. Hanya saja Kurikulum 2013 berusaha melengkapi
kekurangan yang ada dalam KTSP seperti dalam materi pelajaran,
kurikulum 2013 lebih rinci dalam menjabarkan cakupan materi dalam
bentuk KI dan KD, selain itu kurikulum 2013 tidak hanya menekankan
aspek kognitif saja, akan tetapi aspek kognitif, psikomotorik dan afektif
diseimbangkan dan diintegralkan ke dalam semua mata pelajaran. Selain
itu, jika dalam KTSP pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan beragam,
maka Kurikulum 2013 memakai pendekatan saintifik.
motives. At least, there are five motives of the translation, i.e. religious,
educational, economical, ideological, and prevocational motives. Religious
motive can be seen in translator’s statements that his/her works is aimed
to get blessing from Allah. Educational motive can be seen in the fact that
these works are aimed to give Islamic knowledges to muslim community.
Economical advantages are the most powerfull motivations that publishers
try to get by publishing Arabic translations books. In other hand, ideological
motive is one of factors that the translators or publishers want to propagate
their Islamic ideological among Indonesian muslim community by mean
of their translation works. Prevocational motive can be seen in translator
intention to stimulate critical Islamic discourse in Indonesia by mean of
translating Arabic books written by some Middle East critical writers.
dengan berbagai aturan dan teori merupakan hasil dari sebuah proses
yang cukup panjang dalam sejarah linguistik Arab. Salah kajian dalam
ilmu Nahwu misalnya tentang konsep I’rab. Dalam hal I’rab yang sering
dianggap sebagai keistimewaan yang menyulitkan kemudian berusaha
untuk dihindari dengan berbagai metode yang dianjurkan dalam Ta’līm
al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah lī Ghair an-Nāthiqīn bihā, maka sebetulnya itu
adalah penyelesaian manipulasi. Masalah itu akan selalu muncul selama
inti permasalahan belum diselesaikan dengan tuntas. Konsep tentang I’rab
harus diluruskan. I’rab selama ini masih didefinisikan sebagai taghyîr
(pengubahan) atau taghayyur (perubahan) atau atsar (gejala alamat
separated from the spread of Islam which is the most dominant followed by
Indonesian society itself. This has an impact on the development of Arabic
learning today, that look is still far from the expected. It seems that view of
the cultural and religious patterns of Indonesia in the early 19th century
that are still at the level of mythic and theological, less positive effect on
the future of Arabic learning in today’s contemporary world. How is the
relationship between religion and its influence on the development of the
Arabic language, especially in Indonesia will be described in this paper. By
using the theory of van Peursen culture and Comte as theoretical analysis,
author tries to find a possible alternative solutions of some negative effects
in the mythic dimensions of the such view, by emphasizing the positive
The Habituation in learning “language” is anessen tial and substan tial
in terms of mastery and language skills including mastery and Arabic
language skills. Because the habituation is a basic requirement in the
learning “language” itself. For language learners tobe able to masterthe
language being studied or taught in the learning needs of habituation
and repetition continuously. On the other side of habituation language
will have a positive influence on the development of language learners
themselves. Therefore,the relation of the habituation in learning language
as an integral part of self-development for language learners. In this paper
self-development approach used humanistic approach. This approach is
seen to have compatibility with habituation in language learning
has changed the paradigm of education and learning. If the old paradig
m view that intelligence is a single learner who is only measured by IQ
tests, then the paradigm of Multiple Intelligence view that intelligence
is plural learners. Each individual has the advantage of certain
intelligence that may be different with advantages that others have.
That fact has implications for the importance of changing patterns of
education and learning, including learning Arabic, from the pattern
that is only oriented to the development of intellectual intelligence (IQ)
to the pattern of intelligence that takes into account the diversity of
learners.This paper describe show the development of Arabic language
instruction model based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence. The
model in question is a model of the development of Arabic language
learning component which includes the development of Arabic language
learning goals, teachers’ roles, attitudes and treatment of students, and
the development of materials, methods, media, and evaluating the results
of learning Arabic, all of which were based on intelligence insight plural
(Multiple Intelligence).
This article discusses the elements of language and language skills, specifically the elements of mufradat and qowā’id as well as the skill in writing Arabic (al-maharah al-kitabah). The present study aims to prove the theory of the importance of language element in language skill, i.e. the correlational relationship of the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id with the ability to write in Arabic of grade X students of MAN 1 Sleman Yogyakarta majoring in Religion in the academic year of 2016/2017. This is a quantitative descriptive study that uses the said students as the subjects. There are 27 students involved in this study who show that: 1) The average score of mufradat mastery of the students is 75.74. This score is including in the category of average. 2) The average score of qowā’id ability of the students is 42.74 which is including in the category of average. 3) The average score of the kitabah ability of the students is 64.81 which is including in the average category. 4) The result of r calculation referring to the Correlation Coefficient (R) regression formula shows the value of 0.800. The value significance obtained is (0.000). Thus, it could be interpreted that between the mastery of mufradat and qowā’id simultaneously with the ability to write Arabic of the students shows a positive and significant correlational relationship.
Keywords: Correlational, Mastery of Mufradat, Qawaid, and Kitabah
This research aims to determine the type of evaluation, evaluation techniques, and the quality of the instrument for evaluating reading skills in the textbook " Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". The type this research is library research whose object is textbook "Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah". Meanwhile, the authors analyzed data using content analysis were conducted using the observation of data sources both primary and secondary. The results of this research to show that this type of reading skills evaluation in textbook Durūs Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah Buku Siswa Bahasa Arab Pendekatan Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah is a type of formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation. Reading skills evaluation techniques in this book include test technique and non-test technique. The quality of the reading skills evaluation instrument in this book in terms of the material contained multiple-choice items and descriptions that do not match the indicator. In terms of construction, there are some components that are not fulfilled clause study on item true-false, stuffing or short-answer and multiple choice. in terms of language, the overall quality of the evaluation instruments is good.
Keywords: Evaluation, reading skill, textbook
Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas control belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian control group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas D sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab yang menggunakan metode mind map dengan yang tidak menggunakan metode mind map. Hal tersebut terlihat pada uji “t” nilai pretest dan posttest kelas eksperimen menunjukkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 (Ha diterima). Peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen mencapai 38.75 point, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya mengalami peningkatan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 3.12 point. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode mind map dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar nahwu bahasa Arab.
Kata Kunci: Metode Mind Map, Nahwu, Hasil Belajar
Bahasa Arab yang diajarkan dan dipelajari oleh penutur lain tidaklah mudah. Siswa mungkin mengalami kesulitan belajar sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Dan beberapa dari mereka terdapat kesalahan selama penerapan bahasa ini, dan kesalahan-kesalahan ini baik secara tertulis maupun dalam pidato.Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan analisis kesalahan linguistik dalam penulisan konstruksi siswa di kelas dua, putri sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim,Yokayakarta dan penyebab dan solusinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Peneliti mengkelompokkan kesalahan dan menginterpretasikan pendapat Corder. Berdasarkan hasil tes, ditemukan bahwa kesalahan umum dalam makalah konstruksi siswa kelas dua putri di sekolah menengah Islam Ibnu al-Qayyim Yogyakarta adalah 109 kesalahan. Kemudian mengklasifikasikannya berdasarkan linguistik menjadi empat bagian: 1) Kesalahan pengejaan (44 kesalahan), 2) Kesalahan shorfiyah (12 kesalahan), 3) Kesalahan tata bahasa (29 kesalahan), 4) Kesalahan semantik dan kata.
Kata kunci: Analisis kesalahan linguistik, Insya’
yang belajar di Raudlatul Athfal di Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan
orang Indonesia memiliki perhatian yang besar terhadap bahasa Arab
meskipun pemerintah tidak memiliki kebijakan terkait dengannya. Kajian
ini menfokus pada studi kebijakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di dua
Raudlatul Athfal di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riyadus
Salihin Tumut Sumbersari Moyudan Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian lapangan kualitatif. Ini juga merupakan penelitian kebijakan.
Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian adalah pertama, pemerintah Indonesia belum memiliki
kebijakan tentang pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Raudlatul Athfal. Kedua,
Raudlatul Athfal DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan RA Riadlus Salihin
Tumut melaksanakan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan model yang
berbeda. Bahasa Arab di RA DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga dilaksanakan
sekali dalam seminggu dengan pengulangan materi setiap hari, dan
materinya berupa kosa kata Arab beserta artinya. Sedangkan RA Riyadus
Salihin bahasa Arab berlangsung dengan nyanyian dan permainan.
bahasa Arab dan minimnya kemampuan mahasiswa yang memiliki
kemampuan bahasa Arab secara komprehensif menjadi sebuah PR
besar bagi jurusan PBA. Manajemen pengetahuan sebagai salah satu
alternatif untuk mengurangi kesenjangan kemampuan mahasiswa dapat
diimplementasikan dengan cara melakukan kerjasama yang baik antara
fasilitator (dosen) dan mahasiswa untuk berbagi pengetahuan di kelas. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengetahuan dosen di jurusan
PBA sudah terjadi walaupun masih harus melakukan perbaikan untuk
proses kombinasi. Adapun impelementasi manajemen pengetahuan dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Arab belum terjadi secara maksimal karena kurangnya
kesadaran untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan antar mahasiswa.
terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa Arab
Madrasah Aliyah dari aspek tujuan, materi dan metode. Serta mengetahui
kelebihan dan kekurangan dari kedua kurikulum tersebut. Jenis penelitian
ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis
datanya menggunakan analisi isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan analisis
diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam KTSP dan Kurikulum 2013 Bahasa Arab
untuk Madrasah Aliyah, memiliki banyak persamaan dari aspek tujuan,
materi maupun metode. Hanya saja Kurikulum 2013 berusaha melengkapi
kekurangan yang ada dalam KTSP seperti dalam materi pelajaran,
kurikulum 2013 lebih rinci dalam menjabarkan cakupan materi dalam
bentuk KI dan KD, selain itu kurikulum 2013 tidak hanya menekankan
aspek kognitif saja, akan tetapi aspek kognitif, psikomotorik dan afektif
diseimbangkan dan diintegralkan ke dalam semua mata pelajaran. Selain
itu, jika dalam KTSP pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan beragam,
maka Kurikulum 2013 memakai pendekatan saintifik.
motives. At least, there are five motives of the translation, i.e. religious,
educational, economical, ideological, and prevocational motives. Religious
motive can be seen in translator’s statements that his/her works is aimed
to get blessing from Allah. Educational motive can be seen in the fact that
these works are aimed to give Islamic knowledges to muslim community.
Economical advantages are the most powerfull motivations that publishers
try to get by publishing Arabic translations books. In other hand, ideological
motive is one of factors that the translators or publishers want to propagate
their Islamic ideological among Indonesian muslim community by mean
of their translation works. Prevocational motive can be seen in translator
intention to stimulate critical Islamic discourse in Indonesia by mean of
translating Arabic books written by some Middle East critical writers.
dengan berbagai aturan dan teori merupakan hasil dari sebuah proses
yang cukup panjang dalam sejarah linguistik Arab. Salah kajian dalam
ilmu Nahwu misalnya tentang konsep I’rab. Dalam hal I’rab yang sering
dianggap sebagai keistimewaan yang menyulitkan kemudian berusaha
untuk dihindari dengan berbagai metode yang dianjurkan dalam Ta’līm
al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah lī Ghair an-Nāthiqīn bihā, maka sebetulnya itu
adalah penyelesaian manipulasi. Masalah itu akan selalu muncul selama
inti permasalahan belum diselesaikan dengan tuntas. Konsep tentang I’rab
harus diluruskan. I’rab selama ini masih didefinisikan sebagai taghyîr
(pengubahan) atau taghayyur (perubahan) atau atsar (gejala alamat
separated from the spread of Islam which is the most dominant followed by
Indonesian society itself. This has an impact on the development of Arabic
learning today, that look is still far from the expected. It seems that view of
the cultural and religious patterns of Indonesia in the early 19th century
that are still at the level of mythic and theological, less positive effect on
the future of Arabic learning in today’s contemporary world. How is the
relationship between religion and its influence on the development of the
Arabic language, especially in Indonesia will be described in this paper. By
using the theory of van Peursen culture and Comte as theoretical analysis,
author tries to find a possible alternative solutions of some negative effects
in the mythic dimensions of the such view, by emphasizing the positive
The Habituation in learning “language” is anessen tial and substan tial
in terms of mastery and language skills including mastery and Arabic
language skills. Because the habituation is a basic requirement in the
learning “language” itself. For language learners tobe able to masterthe
language being studied or taught in the learning needs of habituation
and repetition continuously. On the other side of habituation language
will have a positive influence on the development of language learners
themselves. Therefore,the relation of the habituation in learning language
as an integral part of self-development for language learners. In this paper
self-development approach used humanistic approach. This approach is
seen to have compatibility with habituation in language learning
has changed the paradigm of education and learning. If the old paradig
m view that intelligence is a single learner who is only measured by IQ
tests, then the paradigm of Multiple Intelligence view that intelligence
is plural learners. Each individual has the advantage of certain
intelligence that may be different with advantages that others have.
That fact has implications for the importance of changing patterns of
education and learning, including learning Arabic, from the pattern
that is only oriented to the development of intellectual intelligence (IQ)
to the pattern of intelligence that takes into account the diversity of
learners.This paper describe show the development of Arabic language
instruction model based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence. The
model in question is a model of the development of Arabic language
learning component which includes the development of Arabic language
learning goals, teachers’ roles, attitudes and treatment of students, and
the development of materials, methods, media, and evaluating the results
of learning Arabic, all of which were based on intelligence insight plural
(Multiple Intelligence).