Mateusz Kamionka holds a PhD in Social Sciences (2020), specialising in the post-Soviet region and youth in Central and Eastern Europe. He is an Assistant professor at the at the Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies at the Jagiellonian University, and an Associate Professor at the University of Sumy, Ukraine, and also cooperates with the Józef Gołuchowski University of Applied Sciences, Poland. He has lectured at universities in Germany, USA, Turkiye, Albania, Georgia and Bulgaria, among others. He is the author of over 60 scientific and journalistic articles. Dr. Kamionka is also an NGO worker, Vice President of the SIMO Association in Olkusz, and an international election observer with more than 12 missions completed. Email: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7316-145X
The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the approaches, principles, and measures of th... more The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the approaches, principles, and measures of the political and military leadership of the Republic of Poland in the field of military diplomacy, the importance of which increased in 2022-2024, when the Russian Federation carried out a large-scale invasion of Ukraine, which changed the hybrid war into a modern total war. The research methodology is based on objectivity and historicism, within which the principles of generalization, analysis and synthesis, statistical method, as well as retrospective and systemic approaches were applied. The article for the first time comprehensively reflects the main practical approaches and decisions of Polish political, diplomatic, and military leaders against the background of geopolitical, geo-economic, and socio-cultural processes in Eastern Europe at the present stage. Having understood the Russian threat, the Polish political leadership chose the path of resistance in the diplomatic, military, and economic spheres. The diplomacy of official Warsaw operated within the framework of Polish strategic interests, the intentions of leading NATO countries in Central Europe, and Ukrainian national interests. It has been determined that as a result of the influence of the alliance, represented by Washington and Berlin, which is based on an unnatural reaction to the Russian information attack on the use of nuclear weapons and refusal to openly confront the axis of evil (Russia, North Korea, Iran and its proxy, China), Polish politicians are gradually avoiding placing the Ukrainian case in the center of security structures, leaning towards classifying it as peripheral. This change in the approaches of the Polish leadership is caused by the demands of the allies, who fear the transformation of the Russo-Ukrainian War from a local one to a regional one.
After the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, thousands of children – refugees from Ukraine ... more After the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, thousands of children – refugees from Ukraine – appeared in Polish schools. On 1 September 2022, there were about 800,000 school-age children and teenagers from Ukraine in Poland. This caused changes in schools where, previously, the vast majority of students were Poles, especially in small towns and the countryside. Considering the above, the article will present the results of a pilot study from the town of Olkusz which can be called a ‘typical’ medium-sized Polish town. The qualitative research involved 280 young people aged 16–21. In the study, they were asked about their attitudes towards their friends from Ukraine and about their situation at school. The research is a pilot study; according to the author, the relationship between students from Poland and Ukraine in Polish schools has not yet been sufficiently explored. The results show that young people, despite their experience in helping Ukraine, are not particularly interested in contact with their peers from Ukraine and in their culture, but, on the other hand, they would not mind if their friend had a girlfriend or boyfriend from Ukraine. They also see that their Ukrainian friends have language problems, but there is no substantial language barrier between them. Research also shows the need for young people to learn about intercultural issues. Poland, accepting thousands of immigrants, like other Central European countries, must prepare for a gradual change in educational policy
This article addresses the issue of children's care-receiving practices in the context of Ukraini... more This article addresses the issue of children's care-receiving practices in the context of Ukrainian displacement in Czechia and Poland. Single mothers often need to care for their children alone, creating specific family power dynamics, especially in the setting of transnational reconfiguration, as fathers remain in Ukraine. This article aims to adopt the subjective bottom-up perception of connections associated with navigation in the new environment and shows that power dynamics is on the side of children as they are the dominant driver in the living arrange
Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, 2024
The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, em... more The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, emphasises bottom-up self-represented individualistic migration ambitions associated with personal development, incentives and desires. However, the theoretical implications of migration aspirations do not address attitudes towards the aspirations of others from the same migrant community, and this article debates this question by using the notion of deservingness and belonging. This study is based on qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with Ukrainians who have obtained temporary protection in the Czech Republic and Poland since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine (24 February 2022). It shows that participants usually refer to the fear of war and the safety of their children, but others from the same community, from the participants’ point of view, migrated because of non-deserving economic reasons and exploitation of opportunities provided by European countries. Therefore, this research introduces the notion of non-deserving migration aspirations and suggests that the (non-)deservingness of migration aspirations differs in the case of self-represented aspirations and presumed aspirations of the broader community.
Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, 2024
The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, em... more The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, emphasises bottom-up self-represented individualistic migration ambitions associated with personal development, incentives and desires. However, the theoretical implications of migration aspirations do not address attitudes towards the aspirations of others from the same migrant community, and this article debates this question by using the notion of deservingness and belonging. This study is based on qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with Ukrainians who have obtained temporary protection in the Czech Republic and Poland since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine (24 February 2022). It shows that participants usually refer to the fear of war and the safety of their children, but others from the same community, from the participants’ point of view, migrated because of non-deserving economic reasons and exploitation of opportunities provided by European countries. Therefore, this research introduces the notion of non-deserving migration aspirations and suggests that the (non-)deservingness of migration aspirations differs in the case of self-represented aspirations and presumed aspirations of the broader community
The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from t... more The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from their Syrian counterparts in terms of acceptance. Ukrainians were offered temporary protection and this is associated with receiving humanitarian aid, housing, social and health insurance and free entrance on the labor market and all levels of education. They were also widely accepted by public, regional administrations and non-governmental organizations. However, in spite of their dispositions, they still struggle with livelihood in both countries due to weaker integration policies. This article is based on semi-structural interviews with fifty-seven Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland, and it shows that despite their prospective dispositions, educational level and general acceptance, they often work in low-skilled jobs due to weak language proficiency and this hinders their adaptation. Thus they often fall into a precarious position although some of them may still feel satisfied as holders of temporary protection.
Analele ştiinţifice de istorie "Codrul Cosminului", Dec 31, 2022
The events that took place on Kyiv's Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the 'Revolution on Gr... more The events that took place on Kyiv's Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the 'Revolution on Granite'. It was one of the first student performances in the USSR. Over the years, however, the revolution lost part of its name because, as Oles Donii * himself recalls, the full name of the events he helped organise was 'Student Revolution on Granite'. However, the activity of young people was not rewarded, and the opposition, together with the Communists, raised the age for running for election to the Verkhovna Rada, which clearly destroyed the careers of young activists. The authors of the article try to show not only little-known facts from the history of Ukraine's systemic transformation, but also the changes that the revolution brought about in Ukraine's political system. The authors mainly use methods of source analysis, often a little-known position, which undoubtedly positively affects the cognitive value of the article.
The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from t... more The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from their Syrian counterparts in terms of acceptance. Ukrainians were offered temporary protection and this is associated with receiving humanitarian aid, housing, social and health insurance and free entrance on the labor market and all levels of education. They were also widely accepted by public, regional administrations and non-governmental organizations. However, in spite of their dispositions, they still struggle with livelihood in both countries due to weaker integration policies. This article is based on semi-structural interviews with fifty-seven Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland, and it shows that despite their prospective dispositions, educational level and general acceptance, they often work in low-skilled jobs due to weak language proficiency and this hinders their adaptation. Thus they often fall into a precarious position although some of them may still feel satisfied as holders of temporary protection.
Вестник Томского государственного университета, Oct 1, 2020
В политических и общественных дискуссиях разных стран мира часто утверждается, что радикализм обу... more В политических и общественных дискуссиях разных стран мира часто утверждается, что радикализм обусловливается протестными настроениями молодежи. В статье автор пытается ответить на вопрос, влияет ли уровень радикализма украинской университетской молодежи (студентов) на их готовность к участию в длительных протестах. С этой целью в репрезентативной группе были проведены интервью (IDI) и анкетирование (1 043 респондента).
The events that took place on Kyiv’s Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the ‘Revolution on Gr... more The events that took place on Kyiv’s Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the ‘Revolution on Granite’. It was one of the first student performances in the USSR. Over the years, however, the revolution lost part of its name because, as Oles Donii himself recalls, the full name of the events he helped organise was ‘Student Revolution on Granite’. However, the activity of young people was not rewarded, and the opposition, together with the Communists, raised the age for running for election to the Verkhovna Rada, which clearly destroyed the careers of young activists. The authors of the article try to show not only little known facts from the history of Ukraine’s systemic transformation, but also the changes that the revolution brought about in Ukraine’s political system. The authors mainly use methods of source analysis, often a little-known position, which undoubtedly positively affects the cognitive value of the article.
Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej p... more Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej położenie geograficzne na styku wielkich cywilizacji, jak i złożony kontekst historyczny, wpływa na geopolityczne zagrożenie jej niezależności. Jednak od całkowitej utraty niepodległości kosztem wschodniego sąsiada (zarówno pod kątem politycznym, jak i społecznym) Ukrainę ratowały częste protesty studenckie, które zmieniały się w rewolucje, ogarniające całe społeczeństwo. Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie wpływu młodego pokolenia na poszczególne najważniejsze wydarzenia społeczno-polityczne w Ukrainie, które to skutkowały na prozachodni kurs kraju. Autor pragnie przede wszystkim przeanalizować teksty źródłowe i opracowania naukowe, szczególnie pod kątem podkreślenia udziału młodzieży we wspomnianych wydarzeniach. Treść artykułu jednoznacznie pokazuje rolę, jaką odegrała młodzież w różnych okresach rozwoju Ukrainy, jej chęć dołączenia do stylu życia zachodnich rówieśników. To właśnie ukraińska młodzież na przestrzeni ponad 30 lat uchroniła kraj przed powrotem do ojczyzny-"nostalgii" swoich rodziców i dziadków.
The article aims to present everyday life in the Olkusz poviat at the end of the 19th and the beg... more The article aims to present everyday life in the Olkusz poviat at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, especially in terms of relations between the Poles and Russians. In these times, Olkusz belonged to the Kielce Governorate of the Kingdom of Poland, and was one of the most western regions in the vast Russian Empire. Due to its location, relations in the city were influenced not only by Poles' national liberation views, but also by arranging their lives on the border, where, for example, smuggling was an everyday issue. The article, however, particularly analyzed the russification of Poles at that time, thanks to excerpts from unpublished diaries, but also important and interesting social relations between Poles and Russians.
ABSTRACT:The societies of Europe (mostly youth) have long been victims of the Hybrid War declared... more ABSTRACT:The societies of Europe (mostly youth) have long been victims of the Hybrid War declared unofficial by the Russian Federation. It is especially important today when the total war between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for 9 months, and it is the governments of Western countries with the support of their societies that support the Ukrainians. In the article, the author would like to present the mechanism of propaganda narrative on the Internet on the example of the Facebook social networking site. The analysis of the posts will help to define the main propaganda narratives and show how it is supposed to influence the internet users. The results 64can confirm the theses related to the external influence on the collective consciousness of Europeans, and at the same time the analysis is an interesting introduction to future broader research,
Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej p... more Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej położenie geograficzne na styku wielkich cywilizacji, jak i złożony kontekst historyczny, wpływa na geopolityczne zagrożenie jej niezależności. Jednak od całkowitej utraty niepodległości kosztem wschodniego sąsiada (zarówno pod kątem politycznym, jak i społecznym) Ukrainę ratowały częste protesty studenckie, które zmieniały się w rewolucje, ogarniające całe społeczeństwo. Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie wpływu młodego pokolenia na poszczególne najważniejsze wydarzenia społeczno-polityczne w Ukrainie, które to skutkowały na prozachodni kurs kraju. Autor pragnie przede wszystkim przeanalizować teksty źródłowe i opracowania naukowe, szczególnie pod kątem podkreślenia udziału młodzieży we wspomnianych wydarzeniach. Treść artykułu jednoznacznie pokazuje rolę, jaką odegrała młodzież w różnych okresach rozwoju Ukrainy, jej chęć dołączenia do stylu życia zachodnich rówieśników. To właśnie ukraińska młodzież na przestrzeni ponad 30 lat uchroniła kraj przed powrotem do ojczyzny-"nostalgii" swoich rodziców i dziadków.
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne , 2022
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie życia codziennego w powiecie olkuskim na przełomie XIX i XX wi... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie życia codziennego w powiecie olkuskim na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, zwłaszcza w aspekcie relacji między Polakami a Rosjanami. W omawianym okresie Olkusz należał do guberni kieleckiej Królestwa Polskiego i był jednym z najbardziej wysuniętych na zachód regionów rozległego Imperium Rosyjskiego. Ze względu na położenie, na stosunki w mieście wpływ miały nie tylko poglądy narodowowyzwoleńcze Polaków, ale także ich życie na obszarze granicznym, gdzie przemyt był na porządku dziennym. W artykule autor pragnął szczególnie przeanalizować postępującą rusyfikację, dzięki fragmentom niepublikowanych pamiętników, ale także ważne i złożone relacje społeczne między Polakami i Rosjanami. Autor wykorzystał przede wszystkim fragmenty nieopublikowanego do tej pory pamiętnika autorstwa Franciszka Żulichowskiego Historia jednego życia
TikTok obecnie jest jednym z najszybciej rozwijających się portali społecznościowych na świecie. ... more TikTok obecnie jest jednym z najszybciej rozwijających się portali społecznościowych na świecie. Coraz większą popularność zyskuje u najmłodszych użytkowników. Platforma ta dzięki swojej funkcji dodawania krótkich filmów jest narzędziem do tworzenia relacji wojennych przez najmłodszych, ale też właśnie tam możemy znaleźć liczne ślady świadczące o dezinformacji i wpływie wojny hybrydowej. W artykule zostały przeanalizowane najpopularniejsze posty zawierające znacznik (hasztag) #Ukraina w trzech różnych językach (angielskim, ukraińskim i rosyjskim), aby pokazać jaki kontent kryje się za najpopularniejszymi postami.
Ukrainę i Białoruś łączyła wspólna historia, podobna kultura, język i obecnie granica. Mogło się ... more Ukrainę i Białoruś łączyła wspólna historia, podobna kultura, język i obecnie granica. Mogło się wydawać, że kraje te trudno podzielić i nawet mimo rządów autorytarnych Aleksandra Łukaszenki przyjazne stosunki będą trwać latami. Jednak zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę w lutym 2022 r., w tym atak z terytorium Białorusi, jednoznacznie zniszczył – wydawało się – głęboką współpracę budowaną ponad 30 lat. W artykule autor postara się odpowiedzieć, jak doszło do tego ogromnego zwrotu w stosunkach bilateralnych i czy możliwe są odwrotne działania w przyszłości. A relative who has become an enemy. Revision of Ukrainian-Belarusian relations in 2020-2022 Ukraine and Belarus were linked by a common history, similar culture, language and border. It seemed that these countries were difficult to divide, and despite Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian rule, friendly relations would last for years. However, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in February 2...
The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the approaches, principles, and measures of th... more The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the approaches, principles, and measures of the political and military leadership of the Republic of Poland in the field of military diplomacy, the importance of which increased in 2022-2024, when the Russian Federation carried out a large-scale invasion of Ukraine, which changed the hybrid war into a modern total war. The research methodology is based on objectivity and historicism, within which the principles of generalization, analysis and synthesis, statistical method, as well as retrospective and systemic approaches were applied. The article for the first time comprehensively reflects the main practical approaches and decisions of Polish political, diplomatic, and military leaders against the background of geopolitical, geo-economic, and socio-cultural processes in Eastern Europe at the present stage. Having understood the Russian threat, the Polish political leadership chose the path of resistance in the diplomatic, military, and economic spheres. The diplomacy of official Warsaw operated within the framework of Polish strategic interests, the intentions of leading NATO countries in Central Europe, and Ukrainian national interests. It has been determined that as a result of the influence of the alliance, represented by Washington and Berlin, which is based on an unnatural reaction to the Russian information attack on the use of nuclear weapons and refusal to openly confront the axis of evil (Russia, North Korea, Iran and its proxy, China), Polish politicians are gradually avoiding placing the Ukrainian case in the center of security structures, leaning towards classifying it as peripheral. This change in the approaches of the Polish leadership is caused by the demands of the allies, who fear the transformation of the Russo-Ukrainian War from a local one to a regional one.
After the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, thousands of children – refugees from Ukraine ... more After the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, thousands of children – refugees from Ukraine – appeared in Polish schools. On 1 September 2022, there were about 800,000 school-age children and teenagers from Ukraine in Poland. This caused changes in schools where, previously, the vast majority of students were Poles, especially in small towns and the countryside. Considering the above, the article will present the results of a pilot study from the town of Olkusz which can be called a ‘typical’ medium-sized Polish town. The qualitative research involved 280 young people aged 16–21. In the study, they were asked about their attitudes towards their friends from Ukraine and about their situation at school. The research is a pilot study; according to the author, the relationship between students from Poland and Ukraine in Polish schools has not yet been sufficiently explored. The results show that young people, despite their experience in helping Ukraine, are not particularly interested in contact with their peers from Ukraine and in their culture, but, on the other hand, they would not mind if their friend had a girlfriend or boyfriend from Ukraine. They also see that their Ukrainian friends have language problems, but there is no substantial language barrier between them. Research also shows the need for young people to learn about intercultural issues. Poland, accepting thousands of immigrants, like other Central European countries, must prepare for a gradual change in educational policy
This article addresses the issue of children's care-receiving practices in the context of Ukraini... more This article addresses the issue of children's care-receiving practices in the context of Ukrainian displacement in Czechia and Poland. Single mothers often need to care for their children alone, creating specific family power dynamics, especially in the setting of transnational reconfiguration, as fathers remain in Ukraine. This article aims to adopt the subjective bottom-up perception of connections associated with navigation in the new environment and shows that power dynamics is on the side of children as they are the dominant driver in the living arrange
Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, 2024
The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, em... more The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, emphasises bottom-up self-represented individualistic migration ambitions associated with personal development, incentives and desires. However, the theoretical implications of migration aspirations do not address attitudes towards the aspirations of others from the same migrant community, and this article debates this question by using the notion of deservingness and belonging. This study is based on qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with Ukrainians who have obtained temporary protection in the Czech Republic and Poland since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine (24 February 2022). It shows that participants usually refer to the fear of war and the safety of their children, but others from the same community, from the participants’ point of view, migrated because of non-deserving economic reasons and exploitation of opportunities provided by European countries. Therefore, this research introduces the notion of non-deserving migration aspirations and suggests that the (non-)deservingness of migration aspirations differs in the case of self-represented aspirations and presumed aspirations of the broader community.
Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, 2024
The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, em... more The concept of migration aspirations, emerging as criticism of traditional migration theories, emphasises bottom-up self-represented individualistic migration ambitions associated with personal development, incentives and desires. However, the theoretical implications of migration aspirations do not address attitudes towards the aspirations of others from the same migrant community, and this article debates this question by using the notion of deservingness and belonging. This study is based on qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with Ukrainians who have obtained temporary protection in the Czech Republic and Poland since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine (24 February 2022). It shows that participants usually refer to the fear of war and the safety of their children, but others from the same community, from the participants’ point of view, migrated because of non-deserving economic reasons and exploitation of opportunities provided by European countries. Therefore, this research introduces the notion of non-deserving migration aspirations and suggests that the (non-)deservingness of migration aspirations differs in the case of self-represented aspirations and presumed aspirations of the broader community
The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from t... more The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from their Syrian counterparts in terms of acceptance. Ukrainians were offered temporary protection and this is associated with receiving humanitarian aid, housing, social and health insurance and free entrance on the labor market and all levels of education. They were also widely accepted by public, regional administrations and non-governmental organizations. However, in spite of their dispositions, they still struggle with livelihood in both countries due to weaker integration policies. This article is based on semi-structural interviews with fifty-seven Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland, and it shows that despite their prospective dispositions, educational level and general acceptance, they often work in low-skilled jobs due to weak language proficiency and this hinders their adaptation. Thus they often fall into a precarious position although some of them may still feel satisfied as holders of temporary protection.
Analele ştiinţifice de istorie "Codrul Cosminului", Dec 31, 2022
The events that took place on Kyiv's Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the 'Revolution on Gr... more The events that took place on Kyiv's Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the 'Revolution on Granite'. It was one of the first student performances in the USSR. Over the years, however, the revolution lost part of its name because, as Oles Donii * himself recalls, the full name of the events he helped organise was 'Student Revolution on Granite'. However, the activity of young people was not rewarded, and the opposition, together with the Communists, raised the age for running for election to the Verkhovna Rada, which clearly destroyed the careers of young activists. The authors of the article try to show not only little-known facts from the history of Ukraine's systemic transformation, but also the changes that the revolution brought about in Ukraine's political system. The authors mainly use methods of source analysis, often a little-known position, which undoubtedly positively affects the cognitive value of the article.
The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from t... more The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from their Syrian counterparts in terms of acceptance. Ukrainians were offered temporary protection and this is associated with receiving humanitarian aid, housing, social and health insurance and free entrance on the labor market and all levels of education. They were also widely accepted by public, regional administrations and non-governmental organizations. However, in spite of their dispositions, they still struggle with livelihood in both countries due to weaker integration policies. This article is based on semi-structural interviews with fifty-seven Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland, and it shows that despite their prospective dispositions, educational level and general acceptance, they often work in low-skilled jobs due to weak language proficiency and this hinders their adaptation. Thus they often fall into a precarious position although some of them may still feel satisfied as holders of temporary protection.
Вестник Томского государственного университета, Oct 1, 2020
В политических и общественных дискуссиях разных стран мира часто утверждается, что радикализм обу... more В политических и общественных дискуссиях разных стран мира часто утверждается, что радикализм обусловливается протестными настроениями молодежи. В статье автор пытается ответить на вопрос, влияет ли уровень радикализма украинской университетской молодежи (студентов) на их готовность к участию в длительных протестах. С этой целью в репрезентативной группе были проведены интервью (IDI) и анкетирование (1 043 респондента).
The events that took place on Kyiv’s Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the ‘Revolution on Gr... more The events that took place on Kyiv’s Maidan in 1990 went down in history as the ‘Revolution on Granite’. It was one of the first student performances in the USSR. Over the years, however, the revolution lost part of its name because, as Oles Donii himself recalls, the full name of the events he helped organise was ‘Student Revolution on Granite’. However, the activity of young people was not rewarded, and the opposition, together with the Communists, raised the age for running for election to the Verkhovna Rada, which clearly destroyed the careers of young activists. The authors of the article try to show not only little known facts from the history of Ukraine’s systemic transformation, but also the changes that the revolution brought about in Ukraine’s political system. The authors mainly use methods of source analysis, often a little-known position, which undoubtedly positively affects the cognitive value of the article.
Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej p... more Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej położenie geograficzne na styku wielkich cywilizacji, jak i złożony kontekst historyczny, wpływa na geopolityczne zagrożenie jej niezależności. Jednak od całkowitej utraty niepodległości kosztem wschodniego sąsiada (zarówno pod kątem politycznym, jak i społecznym) Ukrainę ratowały częste protesty studenckie, które zmieniały się w rewolucje, ogarniające całe społeczeństwo. Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie wpływu młodego pokolenia na poszczególne najważniejsze wydarzenia społeczno-polityczne w Ukrainie, które to skutkowały na prozachodni kurs kraju. Autor pragnie przede wszystkim przeanalizować teksty źródłowe i opracowania naukowe, szczególnie pod kątem podkreślenia udziału młodzieży we wspomnianych wydarzeniach. Treść artykułu jednoznacznie pokazuje rolę, jaką odegrała młodzież w różnych okresach rozwoju Ukrainy, jej chęć dołączenia do stylu życia zachodnich rówieśników. To właśnie ukraińska młodzież na przestrzeni ponad 30 lat uchroniła kraj przed powrotem do ojczyzny-"nostalgii" swoich rodziców i dziadków.
The article aims to present everyday life in the Olkusz poviat at the end of the 19th and the beg... more The article aims to present everyday life in the Olkusz poviat at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, especially in terms of relations between the Poles and Russians. In these times, Olkusz belonged to the Kielce Governorate of the Kingdom of Poland, and was one of the most western regions in the vast Russian Empire. Due to its location, relations in the city were influenced not only by Poles' national liberation views, but also by arranging their lives on the border, where, for example, smuggling was an everyday issue. The article, however, particularly analyzed the russification of Poles at that time, thanks to excerpts from unpublished diaries, but also important and interesting social relations between Poles and Russians.
ABSTRACT:The societies of Europe (mostly youth) have long been victims of the Hybrid War declared... more ABSTRACT:The societies of Europe (mostly youth) have long been victims of the Hybrid War declared unofficial by the Russian Federation. It is especially important today when the total war between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for 9 months, and it is the governments of Western countries with the support of their societies that support the Ukrainians. In the article, the author would like to present the mechanism of propaganda narrative on the Internet on the example of the Facebook social networking site. The analysis of the posts will help to define the main propaganda narratives and show how it is supposed to influence the internet users. The results 64can confirm the theses related to the external influence on the collective consciousness of Europeans, and at the same time the analysis is an interesting introduction to future broader research,
Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej p... more Ukraina przez ponad 30 lat swojej niezależności skazana jest na nieustanną walkę o wolność. Jej położenie geograficzne na styku wielkich cywilizacji, jak i złożony kontekst historyczny, wpływa na geopolityczne zagrożenie jej niezależności. Jednak od całkowitej utraty niepodległości kosztem wschodniego sąsiada (zarówno pod kątem politycznym, jak i społecznym) Ukrainę ratowały częste protesty studenckie, które zmieniały się w rewolucje, ogarniające całe społeczeństwo. Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie wpływu młodego pokolenia na poszczególne najważniejsze wydarzenia społeczno-polityczne w Ukrainie, które to skutkowały na prozachodni kurs kraju. Autor pragnie przede wszystkim przeanalizować teksty źródłowe i opracowania naukowe, szczególnie pod kątem podkreślenia udziału młodzieży we wspomnianych wydarzeniach. Treść artykułu jednoznacznie pokazuje rolę, jaką odegrała młodzież w różnych okresach rozwoju Ukrainy, jej chęć dołączenia do stylu życia zachodnich rówieśników. To właśnie ukraińska młodzież na przestrzeni ponad 30 lat uchroniła kraj przed powrotem do ojczyzny-"nostalgii" swoich rodziców i dziadków.
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne , 2022
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie życia codziennego w powiecie olkuskim na przełomie XIX i XX wi... more Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie życia codziennego w powiecie olkuskim na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, zwłaszcza w aspekcie relacji między Polakami a Rosjanami. W omawianym okresie Olkusz należał do guberni kieleckiej Królestwa Polskiego i był jednym z najbardziej wysuniętych na zachód regionów rozległego Imperium Rosyjskiego. Ze względu na położenie, na stosunki w mieście wpływ miały nie tylko poglądy narodowowyzwoleńcze Polaków, ale także ich życie na obszarze granicznym, gdzie przemyt był na porządku dziennym. W artykule autor pragnął szczególnie przeanalizować postępującą rusyfikację, dzięki fragmentom niepublikowanych pamiętników, ale także ważne i złożone relacje społeczne między Polakami i Rosjanami. Autor wykorzystał przede wszystkim fragmenty nieopublikowanego do tej pory pamiętnika autorstwa Franciszka Żulichowskiego Historia jednego życia
TikTok obecnie jest jednym z najszybciej rozwijających się portali społecznościowych na świecie. ... more TikTok obecnie jest jednym z najszybciej rozwijających się portali społecznościowych na świecie. Coraz większą popularność zyskuje u najmłodszych użytkowników. Platforma ta dzięki swojej funkcji dodawania krótkich filmów jest narzędziem do tworzenia relacji wojennych przez najmłodszych, ale też właśnie tam możemy znaleźć liczne ślady świadczące o dezinformacji i wpływie wojny hybrydowej. W artykule zostały przeanalizowane najpopularniejsze posty zawierające znacznik (hasztag) #Ukraina w trzech różnych językach (angielskim, ukraińskim i rosyjskim), aby pokazać jaki kontent kryje się za najpopularniejszymi postami.
Ukrainę i Białoruś łączyła wspólna historia, podobna kultura, język i obecnie granica. Mogło się ... more Ukrainę i Białoruś łączyła wspólna historia, podobna kultura, język i obecnie granica. Mogło się wydawać, że kraje te trudno podzielić i nawet mimo rządów autorytarnych Aleksandra Łukaszenki przyjazne stosunki będą trwać latami. Jednak zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę w lutym 2022 r., w tym atak z terytorium Białorusi, jednoznacznie zniszczył – wydawało się – głęboką współpracę budowaną ponad 30 lat. W artykule autor postara się odpowiedzieć, jak doszło do tego ogromnego zwrotu w stosunkach bilateralnych i czy możliwe są odwrotne działania w przyszłości. A relative who has become an enemy. Revision of Ukrainian-Belarusian relations in 2020-2022 Ukraine and Belarus were linked by a common history, similar culture, language and border. It seemed that these countries were difficult to divide, and despite Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian rule, friendly relations would last for years. However, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in February 2...
«Молоде покоління сучасної України: суспільно-політична активність та соціальний капітал»- у цьо... more «Молоде покоління сучасної України: суспільно-політична активність та соціальний капітал»- у цьому звіті детально аналізуються результати соціологічного опитування, що були отримані від студентів міст Суми, Ніжин та Київ на тлі загальноукраїнських тенденцій. Звіт був підготовлений за фінансової підтримки Національного наукового центру за номером проекту програми SONATA: 2016/23 / D / HS5 / 00902. Автори доповіді - троє дослідників з Інституту політичних наук та управління при Педагогічному університеті у Кракові – др.хаб. Радослав Маженський, др. Матеуш Каміонка та др. Лукаш Стах.
Каміонка М. Буренков В. Дніпропетровський клан серед політичних еліт УРСР та СРСР (кінець 1920-х ... more Каміонка М. Буренков В. Дніпропетровський клан серед політичних еліт УРСР та СРСР (кінець 1920-х – початок 1990-х рр. / М. Каміонка // Український історичний журнал. - 2021. - Число 4. - С. 226. - Режим доступу:
Papers by Mateusz Kamionka
introduces the notion of non-deserving migration aspirations and suggests that the (non-)deservingness of migration aspirations differs in the case of self-represented aspirations and presumed aspirations of the broader community.
introduces the notion of non-deserving migration aspirations and suggests that the (non-)deservingness of migration aspirations differs in the case of self-represented aspirations and presumed aspirations of the broader community.