2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES)
This paper introduces an aggregated demand short-medium-term forecasting methodology based on cal... more This paper introduces an aggregated demand short-medium-term forecasting methodology based on calendar and temperature corrections that returns a very low relative error prediction when tested against actual demand values in the Iberian Electricity Market. The work introduces the market structure and the revealed importance of the demand on the electricity price, according to past correlations. Then, it introduces some of the most extended metrics in the literature being used for comparison among methodologies, as well as the databases consulted to obtain the required information. The performance of the proposed forecasting method is analysed against real data and compared with other simple proposal providing good results.
12th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2016), 2016
A continuous drive to reduce offshore wind levelized cost of energy (LCoE) is paramount in order ... more A continuous drive to reduce offshore wind levelized cost of energy (LCoE) is paramount in order to reduce subsidies to offshore wind energy, driving it closer to market prices. The use of Diode Rectifier units for the connection of off-shore wind power plants has been proposed as a technical alternative to reduce both installation and operating costs. Adequate management of the harmonics introduced by the use of the Diode Rectifier is of paramount importance for a robust operation of the complete system. This paper studies a comparison between two different alternatives for harmonic mitigation in large off-shore wind farms connected by HVDC Diode Rectifiers, namely, the use of a 12-pulse rectifier with capacitor and filter banks and the use of 24-pulse rectifier without capacitor or filter banks. The technical feasibility study of the use of a 24-pulse rectifier is included, together with its influence on overall losses and wind turbine converter and transformer ratings.
Energy efficiency has become one of the basic pillars with which to tackle climate change in the ... more Energy efficiency has become one of the basic pillars with which to tackle climate change in the European Union where households accounted for 27% of final energy consumption in the year 2016, the second largest sector after transport. This paper describes and draws conclusions from a series of economic experiments developed with the objective of analyzing the effectiveness of various methods for improving energy efficiency in the domestic sector. A distinction is made between informational methods, consisting in providing continuous information to the consumer about their energy performance, and economic methods which are based on an economic incentive calculated on the basis of the energy savings achieved with respect to a known reference. The experiments have been carried out both in the experimental economics laboratory and in the field (real dwellings) and have also made it possible to evaluate the applicability of experimental economics to this type of analysis, in which the economic behavior of the subjects is influenced by psychological and social aspects. Final results show that informational methods on their own are not sufficient to achieve and maintain substantial energy savings and should be accompanied by economic incentives.
A multilevel modular DC-DC power conversion topology based on cascaded H-Bridge converters in a d... more A multilevel modular DC-DC power conversion topology based on cascaded H-Bridge converters in a double П configuration is presented. The topology is intended to interconnect large power DC networks. A two level control hierarchy is used to regulate the DC voltage of each H-bridge module. At the top level, DC and circulating AC currents are used to control the total energy converter in all branches (both parallels and series) of each П arrange. At bottom level, the voltage balance of a converter branch, which comprises N H-bridge modules, is carried out by balancing (N-1) capacitor voltage deviations, with respect to the average capacitor voltage. The entire topology and control strategies are simulated in a PSIM environment. Simulation results with three H-bridge converters per branch are shown and preliminary experimental results with a low power prototype are also included.
Several treatments that could be implemented in the home environment are evaluated with the objec... more Several treatments that could be implemented in the home environment are evaluated with the objective of reaching a more rational and efficient use of energy. We feel that detailed knowledge of energy-consuming behavior is paramount for the development and implementation of new technologies, services, and even policies that could result in more rational energy use. The proposed evaluation methodology is based on the development of economic experiments implemented in an experimental economics laboratory, where the behavior of individuals when making decisions related to energy use in the domestic environment can be tested.
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2012
This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-conne... more This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-connected PV plants. It performs a systematic analysis on both the operation improvement obtained by a PV+ES power plant and the ageing experienced by the Li-ion batteries used as Energy Storage (ES) system when operating under different energy management strategies (EMS). In this paper, the PV+ES power plant structure is presented and the selection of Li-on batteries as ES system (ESS) is justified. Moreover, the simulation model used for studying the Li-ion battery ageing is explained and tested for the different EMS. All the analyses conducted in this paper are based on actual data recorded from an operative PV power plant and using verified real models.
El proyecto del dise\~{n}o real de una m\'{a}quina involucra usualmente a un equipo multidisc... more El proyecto del dise\~{n}o real de una m\'{a}quina involucra usualmente a un equipo multidisciplinar de ingenieros, estando \'{\i}ntimamente relacionado el \'{e}xito del proyecto con el nivel de colaboraci\'{o}n y coordinaci\'{o}n entre los distintos grupos participantes y con la calidad del trabajo realizado por cada uno de ellos. Los alumnos que estudian el dise\~{n}o de m\'{a}quinas deben aprender a trabajar de
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2018
The connection of large off-shore wind farms using diode rectifier (DR) units presents important ... more The connection of large off-shore wind farms using diode rectifier (DR) units presents important advantages due to the simplicity of the diode rectifier converter, its robustness and weight and loss reduction. Moreover, series connected diode rectifier units allow for increased reliability as the system is capable of reduced power operation in the case of the failure of one unit. However, a DR unit outage requires a reduced DC voltage, consequently, the use of full bridge MML power converters at the on-shore station. Such converters allow for reduced HVDC-link voltage operation when one diode rectifier unit is faulty and also help to improve transient response during faults. However, the full bridge MML is more complex than its half bridge counterpart and has higher losses. In this paper a study has been carried out to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of using a mixed full-bridge half-bridge MML power converter for the diode rectifier connection of off-shore wind farms, hi...
A new control scheme for the operation of offshore wind farms connected through a VSC-HVDC link t... more A new control scheme for the operation of offshore wind farms connected through a VSC-HVDC link to the main onshore grid is presented in the paper. The control strategy has been developed to allow the islanded operation and blackstart of the wind farm as these requirements will probably be of great interest in the future due to the progressive increase of distributed generation. A complete model of the offshore wind farm with a VSC-HVDC link and its control scheme has been developed and analyzed through PSCAD simulations. Results show that the proposed control scheme is able to operate the plant under different steady-state and transient conditions.
This paper introduces the use of a diode-based HVdc rectifier for the integration of a large off-... more This paper introduces the use of a diode-based HVdc rectifier for the integration of a large off-shore wind power plant into an existing HVdc voltage source converter-based grid. The proposed control system allows for the wind power plant to energize the complete HVdc grid, in order to contribute to service restoration in the case of a black-out. The system exhibits good response to wind power plant black-start operation, rectifier breaker trip and reclosure, and short-circuit ride through at the on-shore ac-grid. The technical feasibility of the proposed topology has been validated by means of detailed PSCAD simulations using frequency dependent parameters for cable modeling.
The article deals with the voltage quality problems that wind generation in distribution networks... more The article deals with the voltage quality problems that wind generation in distribution networks can produce to the loads supplied from the same grid. In order to evaluate and quantify these problems, simulations with the PSCAD/EMTDC software package have been carried out in a simplified model of a distribution network with squirrel cage induction wind turbine generators. The results show that the presence of the wind generators increases the voltage drop and prolongs the duration of a voltage dip.
In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators tha... more In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators that use a doubly fed induction generator are addressed. The wind generator model and control strategies most widely used are first presented, including strategies used to punctually increase the power generation in order to respond to power demands derived from power system frequency deviations. A new on-line prediction strategy is addressed based on a wind observer plus the use of the different norms that the dynamic model presents from the inputs (the wind or the power demand) to the outputs (rotor speed, accelerations, and power generation). For that purpose, the wind observer and the computational derivation of the different input-output performances are developed via optimization over polynomials techniques. The developed analysis and predicting strategies are applied to a wind generator model and controller proposed in the literature, showing the effectiveness of the presented approach.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connectio... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connection inverters of the distributed energy resources as active power filters in LV distribution networks. The use of the future fuel cell inverters to compensate zero sequence currents, arising from unbalances among phases, can improve the efficiency of the distribution networks by means of reducing the total amount of losses. A common unbalanced load connected to a LV feeder where a FC inverter is present has been simulated. The reductions in the distribution power losses and compensation of zero sequence currents have been analyzed.
The growing of wind generation in Spain has forced its Transmission System Operator (TSO) to rele... more The growing of wind generation in Spain has forced its Transmission System Operator (TSO) to release new requirements that establish the amount of reactive power that a wind turbine has to supply to the grid during a voltage dip. Wind turbines equipped with doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) can regulate easily the reactive power generated in steady state. However, difficulties appear when reactive power has to be generated during voltage dips. Simulations have been carried out in order to check whether DFIG wind turbines can fulfill the reactive power requirements. Protection system commonly employed with DFIG in order to achieve ride-through capabilities including crowbar plays an important role to meet the requirements together with grid-side converter. Resistance associated with the crowbar and its connection duration are crucial at the beginning of the fault. Grid-side converter acting as STATCOM helps to improve the voltage profile sufficiently to permit rotor-side converter reconnection.
2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2008
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connectio... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connection inverters of the distributed energy resources as active power filters in LV distribution networks. The use of photovoltaic inverters to compensate zero sequence currents, arising from unbalances among phases, can improve the efficiency of the distributed system by means of reducing the total amount of losses. For that purpose, a typical load in parallel with a distribution network where a photovoltaic inverter is connected has been simulated. The reductions in the distribution power losses and compensation of zero sequence currents have been demonstrated.
2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2007
... Network E. Belenguer, H. Beltrán, N. Aparicio UNIVERSITAT JAUME I Campus de Riu Sec Castellón... more ... Network E. Belenguer, H. Beltrán, N. Aparicio UNIVERSITAT JAUME I Campus de Riu Sec Castellón, Spain Tel.: +34 / 964728176 Fax: +34 / 964728170 E-Mail: efbeleng@esid.uji.es Keywords «Shunt Active Power Filters». ...
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2012
This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-conne... more This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-connected PV plants. It performs a systematic analysis on both the operation improvement obtained by a PV+ES power plant and the ageing experienced by the Li-ion batteries used as Energy Storage (ES) system when operating under different energy management strategies (EMS). In this paper, the PV+ES power plant structure is presented and the selection of Li-on batteries as ES system (ESS) is justified. Moreover, the simulation model used for studying the Li-ion battery ageing is explained and tested for the different EMS. All the analyses conducted in this paper are based on actual data recorded from an operative PV power plant and using verified real models.
The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the power losses reduction that can be achieved in... more The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the power losses reduction that can be achieved in a low voltage distribution network when the inverters associated to the distributed generation are used as active power filters to compensate the non active currents produced by inductive and unbalanced loads. For that purpose, a hysteresis current control has been proposed and implemented. A real distribution threephase four-wire network has been simulated considering a large penetration of distributed generation. Power losses and the efficiency of the network have been quantified for different compensation cases.
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 2012
In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators tha... more In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators that use a doubly fed induction generator are addressed. The wind generator model and control strategies most widely used are first presented, including strategies used to punctually increase the power generation in order to respond to power demands derived from power system frequency deviations. A new on-line prediction strategy is addressed based on a wind observer plus the use of the different norms that the dynamic model presents from the inputs (the wind or the power demand) to the outputs (rotor speed, accelerations, and power generation). For that purpose, the wind observer and the computational derivation of the different input-output performances are developed via optimization over polynomials techniques. The developed analysis and predicting strategies are applied to a wind generator model and controller proposed in the literature, showing the effectiveness of the presented approach.
2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 2013
ABSTRACT New regulations require wind power plants to contribute to grid frequency control. Wind ... more ABSTRACT New regulations require wind power plants to contribute to grid frequency control. Wind turbine droop control, inertia emulation and the use of a washout filter are compared in this paper in order to ascertain the influence of such methods on the mechanical components of the wind turbine. When wind generators operate below rated power, these methods use the stored kinetic energy to provide extra energy during a short period of time and hence enhance overall system frequency response. This paper includes the evaluation of the impact on the wind turbines of the aforementioned technologies, in a variety of scenarios, with a detailed model of the wind turbine. It is concluded that techniques that include a washout filter have similar performance to inertia emulation, but with without exciting lightly damped drive train modes.
2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES)
This paper introduces an aggregated demand short-medium-term forecasting methodology based on cal... more This paper introduces an aggregated demand short-medium-term forecasting methodology based on calendar and temperature corrections that returns a very low relative error prediction when tested against actual demand values in the Iberian Electricity Market. The work introduces the market structure and the revealed importance of the demand on the electricity price, according to past correlations. Then, it introduces some of the most extended metrics in the literature being used for comparison among methodologies, as well as the databases consulted to obtain the required information. The performance of the proposed forecasting method is analysed against real data and compared with other simple proposal providing good results.
12th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2016), 2016
A continuous drive to reduce offshore wind levelized cost of energy (LCoE) is paramount in order ... more A continuous drive to reduce offshore wind levelized cost of energy (LCoE) is paramount in order to reduce subsidies to offshore wind energy, driving it closer to market prices. The use of Diode Rectifier units for the connection of off-shore wind power plants has been proposed as a technical alternative to reduce both installation and operating costs. Adequate management of the harmonics introduced by the use of the Diode Rectifier is of paramount importance for a robust operation of the complete system. This paper studies a comparison between two different alternatives for harmonic mitigation in large off-shore wind farms connected by HVDC Diode Rectifiers, namely, the use of a 12-pulse rectifier with capacitor and filter banks and the use of 24-pulse rectifier without capacitor or filter banks. The technical feasibility study of the use of a 24-pulse rectifier is included, together with its influence on overall losses and wind turbine converter and transformer ratings.
Energy efficiency has become one of the basic pillars with which to tackle climate change in the ... more Energy efficiency has become one of the basic pillars with which to tackle climate change in the European Union where households accounted for 27% of final energy consumption in the year 2016, the second largest sector after transport. This paper describes and draws conclusions from a series of economic experiments developed with the objective of analyzing the effectiveness of various methods for improving energy efficiency in the domestic sector. A distinction is made between informational methods, consisting in providing continuous information to the consumer about their energy performance, and economic methods which are based on an economic incentive calculated on the basis of the energy savings achieved with respect to a known reference. The experiments have been carried out both in the experimental economics laboratory and in the field (real dwellings) and have also made it possible to evaluate the applicability of experimental economics to this type of analysis, in which the economic behavior of the subjects is influenced by psychological and social aspects. Final results show that informational methods on their own are not sufficient to achieve and maintain substantial energy savings and should be accompanied by economic incentives.
A multilevel modular DC-DC power conversion topology based on cascaded H-Bridge converters in a d... more A multilevel modular DC-DC power conversion topology based on cascaded H-Bridge converters in a double П configuration is presented. The topology is intended to interconnect large power DC networks. A two level control hierarchy is used to regulate the DC voltage of each H-bridge module. At the top level, DC and circulating AC currents are used to control the total energy converter in all branches (both parallels and series) of each П arrange. At bottom level, the voltage balance of a converter branch, which comprises N H-bridge modules, is carried out by balancing (N-1) capacitor voltage deviations, with respect to the average capacitor voltage. The entire topology and control strategies are simulated in a PSIM environment. Simulation results with three H-bridge converters per branch are shown and preliminary experimental results with a low power prototype are also included.
Several treatments that could be implemented in the home environment are evaluated with the objec... more Several treatments that could be implemented in the home environment are evaluated with the objective of reaching a more rational and efficient use of energy. We feel that detailed knowledge of energy-consuming behavior is paramount for the development and implementation of new technologies, services, and even policies that could result in more rational energy use. The proposed evaluation methodology is based on the development of economic experiments implemented in an experimental economics laboratory, where the behavior of individuals when making decisions related to energy use in the domestic environment can be tested.
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2012
This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-conne... more This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-connected PV plants. It performs a systematic analysis on both the operation improvement obtained by a PV+ES power plant and the ageing experienced by the Li-ion batteries used as Energy Storage (ES) system when operating under different energy management strategies (EMS). In this paper, the PV+ES power plant structure is presented and the selection of Li-on batteries as ES system (ESS) is justified. Moreover, the simulation model used for studying the Li-ion battery ageing is explained and tested for the different EMS. All the analyses conducted in this paper are based on actual data recorded from an operative PV power plant and using verified real models.
El proyecto del dise\~{n}o real de una m\'{a}quina involucra usualmente a un equipo multidisc... more El proyecto del dise\~{n}o real de una m\'{a}quina involucra usualmente a un equipo multidisciplinar de ingenieros, estando \'{\i}ntimamente relacionado el \'{e}xito del proyecto con el nivel de colaboraci\'{o}n y coordinaci\'{o}n entre los distintos grupos participantes y con la calidad del trabajo realizado por cada uno de ellos. Los alumnos que estudian el dise\~{n}o de m\'{a}quinas deben aprender a trabajar de
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2018
The connection of large off-shore wind farms using diode rectifier (DR) units presents important ... more The connection of large off-shore wind farms using diode rectifier (DR) units presents important advantages due to the simplicity of the diode rectifier converter, its robustness and weight and loss reduction. Moreover, series connected diode rectifier units allow for increased reliability as the system is capable of reduced power operation in the case of the failure of one unit. However, a DR unit outage requires a reduced DC voltage, consequently, the use of full bridge MML power converters at the on-shore station. Such converters allow for reduced HVDC-link voltage operation when one diode rectifier unit is faulty and also help to improve transient response during faults. However, the full bridge MML is more complex than its half bridge counterpart and has higher losses. In this paper a study has been carried out to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of using a mixed full-bridge half-bridge MML power converter for the diode rectifier connection of off-shore wind farms, hi...
A new control scheme for the operation of offshore wind farms connected through a VSC-HVDC link t... more A new control scheme for the operation of offshore wind farms connected through a VSC-HVDC link to the main onshore grid is presented in the paper. The control strategy has been developed to allow the islanded operation and blackstart of the wind farm as these requirements will probably be of great interest in the future due to the progressive increase of distributed generation. A complete model of the offshore wind farm with a VSC-HVDC link and its control scheme has been developed and analyzed through PSCAD simulations. Results show that the proposed control scheme is able to operate the plant under different steady-state and transient conditions.
This paper introduces the use of a diode-based HVdc rectifier for the integration of a large off-... more This paper introduces the use of a diode-based HVdc rectifier for the integration of a large off-shore wind power plant into an existing HVdc voltage source converter-based grid. The proposed control system allows for the wind power plant to energize the complete HVdc grid, in order to contribute to service restoration in the case of a black-out. The system exhibits good response to wind power plant black-start operation, rectifier breaker trip and reclosure, and short-circuit ride through at the on-shore ac-grid. The technical feasibility of the proposed topology has been validated by means of detailed PSCAD simulations using frequency dependent parameters for cable modeling.
The article deals with the voltage quality problems that wind generation in distribution networks... more The article deals with the voltage quality problems that wind generation in distribution networks can produce to the loads supplied from the same grid. In order to evaluate and quantify these problems, simulations with the PSCAD/EMTDC software package have been carried out in a simplified model of a distribution network with squirrel cage induction wind turbine generators. The results show that the presence of the wind generators increases the voltage drop and prolongs the duration of a voltage dip.
In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators tha... more In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators that use a doubly fed induction generator are addressed. The wind generator model and control strategies most widely used are first presented, including strategies used to punctually increase the power generation in order to respond to power demands derived from power system frequency deviations. A new on-line prediction strategy is addressed based on a wind observer plus the use of the different norms that the dynamic model presents from the inputs (the wind or the power demand) to the outputs (rotor speed, accelerations, and power generation). For that purpose, the wind observer and the computational derivation of the different input-output performances are developed via optimization over polynomials techniques. The developed analysis and predicting strategies are applied to a wind generator model and controller proposed in the literature, showing the effectiveness of the presented approach.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connectio... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connection inverters of the distributed energy resources as active power filters in LV distribution networks. The use of the future fuel cell inverters to compensate zero sequence currents, arising from unbalances among phases, can improve the efficiency of the distribution networks by means of reducing the total amount of losses. A common unbalanced load connected to a LV feeder where a FC inverter is present has been simulated. The reductions in the distribution power losses and compensation of zero sequence currents have been analyzed.
The growing of wind generation in Spain has forced its Transmission System Operator (TSO) to rele... more The growing of wind generation in Spain has forced its Transmission System Operator (TSO) to release new requirements that establish the amount of reactive power that a wind turbine has to supply to the grid during a voltage dip. Wind turbines equipped with doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) can regulate easily the reactive power generated in steady state. However, difficulties appear when reactive power has to be generated during voltage dips. Simulations have been carried out in order to check whether DFIG wind turbines can fulfill the reactive power requirements. Protection system commonly employed with DFIG in order to achieve ride-through capabilities including crowbar plays an important role to meet the requirements together with grid-side converter. Resistance associated with the crowbar and its connection duration are crucial at the beginning of the fault. Grid-side converter acting as STATCOM helps to improve the voltage profile sufficiently to permit rotor-side converter reconnection.
2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2008
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connectio... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits that can be achieved by operating the connection inverters of the distributed energy resources as active power filters in LV distribution networks. The use of photovoltaic inverters to compensate zero sequence currents, arising from unbalances among phases, can improve the efficiency of the distributed system by means of reducing the total amount of losses. For that purpose, a typical load in parallel with a distribution network where a photovoltaic inverter is connected has been simulated. The reductions in the distribution power losses and compensation of zero sequence currents have been demonstrated.
2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2007
... Network E. Belenguer, H. Beltrán, N. Aparicio UNIVERSITAT JAUME I Campus de Riu Sec Castellón... more ... Network E. Belenguer, H. Beltrán, N. Aparicio UNIVERSITAT JAUME I Campus de Riu Sec Castellón, Spain Tel.: +34 / 964728176 Fax: +34 / 964728170 E-Mail: efbeleng@esid.uji.es Keywords «Shunt Active Power Filters». ...
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2012
This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-conne... more This paper analyzes the integration of lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries into large scale grid-connected PV plants. It performs a systematic analysis on both the operation improvement obtained by a PV+ES power plant and the ageing experienced by the Li-ion batteries used as Energy Storage (ES) system when operating under different energy management strategies (EMS). In this paper, the PV+ES power plant structure is presented and the selection of Li-on batteries as ES system (ESS) is justified. Moreover, the simulation model used for studying the Li-ion battery ageing is explained and tested for the different EMS. All the analyses conducted in this paper are based on actual data recorded from an operative PV power plant and using verified real models.
The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the power losses reduction that can be achieved in... more The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the power losses reduction that can be achieved in a low voltage distribution network when the inverters associated to the distributed generation are used as active power filters to compensate the non active currents produced by inductive and unbalanced loads. For that purpose, a hysteresis current control has been proposed and implemented. A real distribution threephase four-wire network has been simulated considering a large penetration of distributed generation. Power losses and the efficiency of the network have been quantified for different compensation cases.
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 2012
In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators tha... more In this work, new analysis and prediction strategies for the power control in wind generators that use a doubly fed induction generator are addressed. The wind generator model and control strategies most widely used are first presented, including strategies used to punctually increase the power generation in order to respond to power demands derived from power system frequency deviations. A new on-line prediction strategy is addressed based on a wind observer plus the use of the different norms that the dynamic model presents from the inputs (the wind or the power demand) to the outputs (rotor speed, accelerations, and power generation). For that purpose, the wind observer and the computational derivation of the different input-output performances are developed via optimization over polynomials techniques. The developed analysis and predicting strategies are applied to a wind generator model and controller proposed in the literature, showing the effectiveness of the presented approach.
2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 2013
ABSTRACT New regulations require wind power plants to contribute to grid frequency control. Wind ... more ABSTRACT New regulations require wind power plants to contribute to grid frequency control. Wind turbine droop control, inertia emulation and the use of a washout filter are compared in this paper in order to ascertain the influence of such methods on the mechanical components of the wind turbine. When wind generators operate below rated power, these methods use the stored kinetic energy to provide extra energy during a short period of time and hence enhance overall system frequency response. This paper includes the evaluation of the impact on the wind turbines of the aforementioned technologies, in a variety of scenarios, with a detailed model of the wind turbine. It is concluded that techniques that include a washout filter have similar performance to inertia emulation, but with without exciting lightly damped drive train modes.
Papers by E. Belenguer